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Fantasy March To The Beat (WW1 Fantasy RP): In Character (Open!)

-Amiens, France-
-20 March 1918-
-Airfield Liberte-
-Pvt.Nicollas Wright, American Army-

After the colonel left, Nick fell back landing on his bed as he let out a sigh of relief; the colonel certainly was very intimidating, he thought to himself. He quickly got up, the chatter being too loud for him to sleep.
Nick left the barracks and wandered around the base, with nothing in mind, he just stared at the stars. As he left a building, he heard shells exploding and saw from the corner of his eye two light tanks and a bunch of men all with terrified and exhausted looks on their faces.
He decided to approach the newcomers, which now consisted of a group of a werewolf, a minotaur and two humans.
Nick raised his hand to welcome the group.
"Greetings." He started, only hoping that they weren't higher ranks than him "So uh, can I know what's going on ?"
Raku Raku Nova Squid Nova Squid Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii
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-Amiens, France-
-20 March 1918-
-Airfield Liberte-
-Pvt.Nicollas Wright, American Army-

After the colonel left, Nick fell back landing on his bed as he let out a sigh of relief; the colonel certainly was very intimidating, he thought to himself. He quickly got up, the chatter being too loud for him to sleep.
Nick left the barracks and wandered around the base, with nothing in mind, he just stared at the stars. As he left a building, he heard shells exploding and saw from the corner of his eye two cars and a bunch of men all with terrified and exhausted looks on their faces.
He decided to approach the newcomers, which now consisted of a group of a werewolf, a minotaur and two humans.
Nick raised his hand to welcome the group.
"Greetings." He started, only hoping that they weren't higher ranks than him "So uh, can I know what's going on ?"
Raku Raku Nova Squid Nova Squid Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii

- Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Pvt. Alexander Stewart, 92nd Mixed Infantry, British Army -

As the hustle and bustle of preparations went on around, Stewart and the small group of soldiers about him were approached by a large, intimidating minotaur decked out in steel plating, carrying a Hotchkiss machine gun with a nasty poleaxe's head strapped to the barrel. The beast saluted the French officer that was at the head of the group, and around them several French heavy troopers pulled themselves off of their impromptu carriers; two Renault FT light tanks, engines burbling as the machines sat at idle.

At that point, a pilot- American, judging by the patches- stepped out and asked what was going on. Stewart grimaced for a split second- bloody pilots, he thought, always safe and sound until the war was right on top of them- but concealed the thought.

"Well." Stewart began. "We're getting the life shelled out of us here, that's what. They're targeting the shop streets." At that, he slung his Lee-Enfield off his back and gripped it, lowering the barrel. "What I want to know is when the hell we'll move out; nowhere's safe with those Hun bastards dropping shells like this."

Stewart stepped back and elected to let others finish with anything else important to say. He did a quick scan of the crowd to see if anyone he knew was injured or dead; fortunately, nothing of note, though the American shotgunner he had spoken to previously had shifted forms in the mad sprint to the airfield.

Raku Raku Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii Ribbit Ribbit

Note: I saw that some previous posts concerning the two Renault FTs at the French encampment referred to them as "cars"- they're actually light tanks. Unless you were referring to other motorized vehicles, please edit your posts to reflect these.
- Le Porcelet, Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Cpt. Charles Charisme, 23rd French Assault Grenadier Company, French Army -

As his company got into the airfield, Charles turned around, his men were tired, but not that much, they were stormtroopers afterall, they were trained to do shuch things. He looked over the troops and noticed that a few men were lost in the shelling, but no big casualities. He then found a small group of turned over crates and climbed them, so he could look to his whole company at once.
"Gentlemen!" He shouted, raising his hand up to call the attention of his soldiers, and once they were all turned and looking at them, some even a little bit relieved to see that their commander was safe and sound. "I am glad to see that you all here made it! It was surelly a hell of a run, and I am proud to see that you've trained enought to run this whole time!" He said, with an uplifting voice and pose, but then turned into a more confident one, and got his back straight and looked at them with a more serious pose. "But I urge that you all understand that this was just the tip of the iceberg, the Huns are getting closer to Paris as we speak, and you all have been trained to halt their advance and push them back!" Then he paused for a moment and took off his hat "I would trust my life to any of you, and I am sure that you are all responsable soldiers and will fight to the end, but for now, I must urge you all to keep control of your emotions, we've lost a lot of friends today, but such is the reality of war... I hope you all understand the seriousness of this situation, so I would like to ask a moment of silence for Philip DeLahavre, Hugo Volagieuer..." And then he proceded to call all the names of those who had fallen during the run, and all the soldiers took their helmets off and closed their eyes, in respect to the fallen.

"Ok! Now gentlemen, Please follow your NCOs to those woods and take shelter in there, make sure to find nice holes and keep track of your surroudings" He said, while putting his hat back on and turning away and shouted "DISMISSED!" As the troops started walking away, he turned to his second in command and told him "Make sure they don't create twisted feelings and a revenge desire just yet... The battle has just begun" The Lieutenant looked at him and noded, quite unsure what to do and strolled to the men who were walking away to the woods, shouting some orders to some NCOs.

Charles then proceded to talk to the men who brought him there, the british was there but the american was nowhere to be found, instead, there was a wolf there, looking at him, there was something odd about him, Charles looked a bit confused and then aproached the british soldier and pated him on the back, "Thank you for your service, I will sure remember to commend you for your actions, and please do tell that american friend of yours that he had better not ran off and hide in a hole somewhere, otherwise I don't want to see him anywhere close my men anymore ok?", And then he turned to the Minotaur who had just arrived with 2 armored cars and was saluting him again, Charles looked at him confused and put his hand on his chin "Hm... Yes I think I did met you before, weren't you the one I threatened to blow up with a AT gun?" Then he shifted his face to a more pleasant one "Oh! Oui! Thats you!" He said, opening his arms and smiling, pleased to see him. "I am sorry for what I said to you sooner, I was stressed and my men were dying in the streets, I hope you didn't took that too personally didnt you?" And then laughed.

As he finished speaking, a soldier came to them, looking confused and quite tired, he asked what was happening and the british soldier explained their situation, and as he finished speaking, Charles stepped up to the soldier and landed his hand on his left shoulder and with a smile said "Listen soldier, my men are over there in the trees" He said, pointing to the frenchmen hidding on the trees"Thaiting till I call them, and they need shelter, and they need it fast. To that end, I need you to take me to your commanding officer, can you do that for me?"

Nova Squid Nova Squid Raku Raku Ribbit Ribbit Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo
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Carson Garret
American Army 21st Recruit Battalion
3/20/1918 - Airfield Liberte - Amiens, France
Current Form - Wolf
Werewolf in the Woods.jpg

While he had the chance, Carson had fixed his bayonet onto his weapon. He knew that it wouldn't be long before they would be fighting. Alexander had been asked by one of the residents of the airfield what was going on. The minotaur from before, Hieremias, had show up as well, but this time he was in armor. The officer had also made it as he began ordering his men to the forest to take position. Carson was glad to see that their little party made it. Shortly after the French officer was done, he came over to Alex and Carson. As expected, he didn't recognize Carson, but he did bring him up in his statement to Alexander. This has happened to Carson in the past, even in boot camp. His sergeant's reaction was somewhat comical. As the officer went on to apologize to the minotaur, Carson looked towards the direction they came from. He could see the rising smoke stacks from the fires caused by the bombardment. He couldn't help but think What if my brothers were there?

His focus returned to the airfield and turned around to face the officer. He let him finish speaking with the other soldier before tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. "Excuse me, sir, but the American you're looking for is me. In case you couldn't tell earlier, I'm a werewolf" he told the officer. Carson thought that since they'd probably be working together, the man should know, and he thought having his actions commended by a French officer would be pretty neat.

Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii Nova Squid Nova Squid Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo Ribbit Ribbit
"I am sorry for what I said to you sooner, I was stressed and my men were dying in the streets, I hope you didn't took that too personally didnt you?" And then laughed.
Amiens, France
20 March 1918
Pvt Hieremias Αθραυστος,5th Trainee Heavy Infantry Regiment
Smiling at the officer, clearly not taking his remarks to heart, nodded to notify the man. He then proceeded to turn to the squad of the 5 and then order them;
"Lads, take one of the armored cars and accompany the attachment in the forest, make sure to stay near to the group and not to stray too far away.Once you get into a position fortify the area and you are allowed to use the car as cover, I will use the other armored car and accompany the others including the officer, dismissed." then the men proceeded o mount their car and follow the attachment in the car near the flank until they were out of sight.
He then turned towards the officer to begin accompanying him but before he came close to him he saw a little grass patch near a boardwalk. He proceeded to bend down while slinging the machine gun behind his back and then took out a small knife and cut his finger and proceeded to wash the grass with it, he then said something in what seemed like a greek incantation;
"Ω, απογόνους του δάσους, παρακαλώ ακούστε τους λόγους μου και πείτε μου τις γνώσεις που αναζητώ." as the incantation finished a gust of wind blew over the Minotaur's ear and then he put his knife back and then approached the officer and addressed him;
"Sir, I may be wrong but the grass is telling me of a large gathering of "the walking ones" over the German border, but they aren't moving nor can I get an appropriate measure on their number though it is rather large. I hope you do not mind me accompanying you and your retinue if you want we can use the other armored vehicle." as he took out his machine gun once more and awaited the officer's response.

Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii Nova Squid Nova Squid Ribbit Ribbit Raku Raku
- Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Pvt. Alexander Stewart, 92nd Mixed Infantry, British Army -

The airfield was abuzz with activity throughout the afternoon as troops sought to organize and prepare themselves. In a matter of hours, couriers arrived from farther-back bases of operation, bearing messages from Entente high command. Quickly, the orders came through.

Elements of Entente foot infantry to move to forward sectors and reinforce reserve trenches in preparation for anticipated German mass offensive. Pilots to begin flying reconnaissance and combat missions effective immediately. All units to be on full alert.

The hours passed and the infantry moved. Stewart found himself separated from the American and French soldiers he had met; as the units moved into their respective marching columns, moving toward the front lines, Stewart found himself thinking of the coming attack. He looked around himself and saw rumbling Mark IV landships, orderly columns of marching British infantry, and in the far distances the French and American advance elements as well. A smile crept up on his face.

With friends like these, Stewart thought to himself, the Hun will never get through.

- German Staging Area -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Forward Outpost 12 -


The seasoned officer turned. The leutnant, a younger man of around twenty, had come from the marshaling grounds further away in the muddy fields between the

"Well?" spoke the officer.

"All units are prepared and ready to move on your command, as you ordered." Oberst Lange nodded, approving of the typical Prussian way in which his men had prepared to move. It was in fact ahead of time; there was several hours left before the planned start of the great offensive.

"Very well." Lange replied. "Return to your unit. Ensure it remains prepared to move at an instant's notice." The lesser officer about-faced and did so without having needed to be told twice.

As he returned to his command tent and sat down, Lange thought of the coming battle. The surrender of the Russians had freed up 50 divisions of brave soldiers from the brutal Eastern Front; that left the Central Powers in a temporary numerical advantage. What troubled him was the Americans- they had not fully pushed their entire military might into the war yet, but their massive, untouchable industry could overpower anyone if it had the chance to gather speed.

Certainly, that had been what General Ludendorff had believed. Hence the planned battle; what had been designated "Kaiserschacht". Kaiser's Battle. All or nothing- they had the power now, and all were resolute that God was with them. If they could push a lightning offense now, they could swat away the British and force the French to surrender- these two, in combination, would render the American participation meaningless.

Victory was within their grasp, after so many years of war. Lange adjusted his glasses and stood up.

Soon he would address the troops. Soon after that, they would march.

Hopefully, by his reckoning, victory- the final victory- would come shortly after.

Raku Raku Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii Ribbit Ribbit Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo
- Le Porcelet, Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Cpt. Charles Charisme, 23rd French Assault Grenadier Company, French Army -

When the werewolf told him that he was the american soldier, Charles looked a little bit surprised but then turned to him and smiled in a joking manner "Hell, if you are indeed a werewolf then I hope you can control when to turn yourself back in, I don't really want to have to use my troops to feed you, if you can catch my drift" he winked and then laughed, obviously joking. Charles was ok with the other races, as long was they didn't bothered him too much, it was ok to have such creatures with him. Heck! Charles could even use a werewolf to recon if needed, and that made them trully a + to any side who had them.

As he finished laughing, the minotaur came and talked with him about 'The walking ones', Obviously, Charles had no clue whatsoever what that meant, but it seemed to be quite urgent, so he then shifted from a laughing and open posture to a more serious and autoritative pose. The minotaur seemed a little bit surprised with the sudden change, but Charles proceded to lock eye contact with him and said "The Walking Ones?" He said, incredulous, but then looked down to his right and grabed his chin with the right hand while putting the left on his back, Charles had heard about the magical abilities that the minotaurs had, so the report was legit, he wouldn't question that, but 'the walking ones'? maybe he was reffering to the massive relocation of the german troops from the eastern front, but what if he was talking about some other kind of creature? He hadn't really ever heard of them, so they could be anything. Charles then turned back to him and said, "You say they aren't moving, and seriously, I don't know who they are and what kind of threat they pose, but the strategic decisions aren't up to me in the moment" He then stopped and a frowned "However... My orders where to head to the frontlines, and to do so fast" He then turned to the werefold and snaped his fingers as to call his attention "Both of you, the big minotaur here and the werewolf, both of you are under my direct command now, so just stick with me for the moment".

Charles then proceded to turn back to the little confused soldier that was still trying to process what was happening "And you, tell your commander that we will build a temporary camp over there and we will head out tommorow" he said, pointing at the woods "If he needs me, I will be on the central tend" And then proceded to walk past both the minotaur and the werewolf, but after walking a little bit further, he turned back and said with a more relaxed tone "I want both of you at my tent in 4 hours (at night), we need to talk" and pointed to the minotaur "About the "walking ones"" then pointed to the werewolf "And about this whole werewolf thing, and please bring the human flesh yes?" And laughed about the last one.

Then he proceded to leave and started giving orders to his men to build up a camp in the woods, the whole company then started moving around, with some frenchmen shouting and being shouted at, just a regular day in the army.

Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo Nova Squid Nova Squid Raku Raku Ribbit Ribbit
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-Amiens, France-
-20 March 1918-
-Airfield Liberte-
-Pvt.Nicollas Wright, American Army-

After the man finished giving him the orders, Nick left and walked to the sargeant's office, where he gave the news to the minotaur, still quite intimidated by the man.
As Nick left, he sighed in relief as he walked back to the barracks as it was almost 10pm, he laid down on his bed reflecting on the day.
Sure, the real thing would only start tomorrow, but he already quite liked it.

Carson Garret
American Army 21st Recruit Battalion
3/20/1918 - Airfield Liberte - Amiens, France
Current Form - Wolf
Werewolf in the Woods.jpg

Carson chuckled a little after the officers comment regarding how werewolves were seen way back then. Eating people isn't something werewolves have done for a long time, hell, Carson wondered if they ever have. Maybe those legends of man-eating wolves were just of regular wolves. Carson was glad that people still had a sense of humor out here. The officer proceeded to speak to the minotaur regarding the "Walking Ones". It seemed both Carson and the officer had no idea who these "Walking Ones" were. His best bet would have to be German infantry. After that, the Frenchman turned back to Carson, telling him that he and the minotaur were now under his command. Carson just gave the officer a raised eyebrow. He knew his orders, go to the front. He was also American, so if this officer wanted to take control of Carson he'd have to talk to his CO's. He let him finish speaking before giving him the "bad news". Carson followed the officer for a moment as he'd explain why he can't take orders from him. "Unfortunately, I can't take orders from you yet. My orders are to move to the front with the rest of the American forces. If you want to take control of me you'll have to speak with my commanding officers" he said before jogging off. Carson then stopped himself and turned around quickly. How were his CO's to know who the officer wanted? "Oh yeah, and if they ask whom you wish to take control of, tell them Carson Garret of the American 21st Recruit Battalion" he finished.

Now, it was off to the front. He joined up with the rest of his American troops as they marched towards the trenches. Their job; defend the the front from the German assault. It was surely going to be a hell of a fight. Heeding Alex's warnings, Carson did snag a pair of earplugs. As they neared the battlefield, he put them in. A little uncomfortable, but they'd keep his hearing intact. This should be fun.
Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii
Then he proceded to leave and started giving orders to his men to build up a camp in the woods, the whole company then started moving around, with some frenchmen shouting and being shouted at, just a regular day in the army.
Amiens, France
20 March 1918
Pvt Hieremias Αθραυστος,5th Trainee Heavy Infantry Regiment
Hieremias not really surprised by the officer's inability to comprehend the message of the plants, after all, they cannot describe the world the same way living beings can describe them, so he sighed and then the man announced the fact that he was under his command for now.
Clearly a bit skeptic by the authority of this order but at the same time it's the only higher authority he has laid his eyes upon since coming upon the camp so the most logical outcome is to follow this guy, so he went inside the truck.
He drove back to the tavern looking at the horrible manner the shelling left the city, he once again sighed. He has been sighing for quite a long time now but it was just the nature of war, he couldn't do anything about it, right? No. I am just another soldier, the best I can do is to make sure others remember the Minotaur thought to himself.
By the time he finished this small monologue on his subjective on the war effort he reached the tavern and went inside, after the customary courtesy with the keeper, he got his back his cart and threw it in the back of the truck, he then proceeded to drive back.
After getting back he got in touch with the heavy trooper squad, he ordered them to dig in and get ready for an early wake-up call due to the rather perilous nature of the situation, they started taking the wheels of the truck and digging in the truck inside of the ground to make a makeshift bunker. After giving them orders to make people watch every few hours he looked at the time and he still had time to the meeting.
He went to some remote place from the entire group in a darker area of the forest and he took off his armor and laid it against a tree, he then drew a circle on the ground and then took some of the dirt from within the circle and he drew a similar circle on his forehead. He then sat cross-legged inside of the circle, closed his eyes and laid his hands upon the ground and started some form of incantation;
"Μεγάλη δύναμη της γης, προφήτης της ζωής, προστάτης των θεραπευτών. Παρακαλώ ακούστε το αίτημα αυτού του ατόμου και δείξτε μου τι άκρη του άπειρου οράματός σας." and then a few seconds passed then some roots came out of from the ground and strapped him to the ground, then a few seconds passed and then Hieremias breathed out heavily like he did something very tiring, the roots went back into the ground. After resting for a few good minutes he wiped off the circle put on his armor and strapped the gun on his back.
He walked up to the main tent and saw at it was rather busy and went to sit in a corner, leaning with his head against the wall awaiting his audience with the officer who ordered him.
Nova Squid Nova Squid Raku Raku Azantis_Valerii Azantis_Valerii Ribbit Ribbit
Amiens, France
March 20, 1918
Conor Culaan, British Army

As soon as he and the other men got everything set up in their makeshift camp, Conor slumped down to the ground with a sigh and lay there staring up into the clouds. It had been a long day, even though it was still light yet, and he was grateful for the chance to get some rest. His feet were numb, his shoulders burned, and he was pretty sure a stone had worked its way under the arch of his left foot. With an effort, he pushed himself up and dumped out the offending object. It fell in his palm with a soft plomp and he considered it for a moment before hurling it as far away from him as he could throw. It bounced off somebody’s helmet with a clink, but the soldier didn’t appear to notice.

After a moment, a nagging thought reminded him that he still had work to do, it wouldn’t do to keep sitting around like a knot on a log. He scowled darkly at his still-full pack, mentally willing it to take care of itself and leave him be. It sat there in obstinate stillness, returning his glare with passive oblivion. Finally, he forced himself to pull it over to him and began carefully removing and sorting his things.

It took a while, but eventually he had everything set out and ready. He surveyed them with an uneasy eye, wondering which, if any, would see use soon. He certainly hoped for the latter, that there would be no need of his services anytime soon, but he knew that was highly unlikely. Battle was expected any day now, if the rumors spreading like wildfire were anything to go by. There were thousands of Germans headed their way now, as he’d been told. Others said that they were stuck somewhere, and the Allied armies would soon trap them in their holes. Still others, sitting around fires with dark and baleful eyes, predicted their slaughter before the end of the week, abandoned by unfeeling comrades and ignorant commanders.

Conor didn’t know whether any of these tales were true, but he didn’t like the sound of them. Impulsively, he began to check his supplies again and mentally reviewed the lessons he’d learned about treating the wounded. But there was one thing that he couldn’t prepare for… Treating a real, live, person. He’d practiced on dummies and actors before, of course, but never somebody actually in need of help. What if he didn’t know what to do? What if they died because he did something wrong? He shuddered and cleaned his instruments again.

After rearranging his equipment for the fourth time in a row, the young man pushed himself away from them with a grimace, rubbing his hands over his face. He was tired from walking, stressed from apprehension, anxious from his maddening thoughts… He needed a rest from himself, he needed to find some company. There were many soldiers milling around the campsite in various states of dress; some still in their full uniform, others in more relaxed garb. Unconsciously, he avoided many of the soldiers wearing his own uniform, save for a few that he recognised as friends. After a time, he spotted a tall, furry figure standing around with a group of men.

As he searched his memory for a face to connect with the voice, Conor thought of an American soldier he’d caught a glimpse of shortly after they’d arrived. The young man looked normal enough, but Conor thought he had somewhat unusual features and had smelled vaguely of wet dog. Seeing the stranger’s muzzle split his face at the ears, Conor felt a grin of his own spread across his own face. His guess had been right; he had found a werewolf!

While not completely unheard of, the wolf-blood was mostly a legend in his own country, only occasionally showing itself in reality. His Granda had been the first in several generations, even in a family line known for being uncommonly feral. The chance of getting to meet another one was exciting, so the young man began to edge his way over to where the assembled group was talking. He considered mentioning his Granda to the soldier, but decided against it with a mischievous grin. He’d wait and see if the other man noticed, see what he would make of the unusual hybrid.

Raku Raku
(Care if I come chat with you?)
OK OK I AM BACK, NO NEED TO FLIP YOUR SHIT OVEEERRR Now lets get the party started ye?

- Le Porcelet, Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Cpt. Charles Charisme, 23rd French Assault Grenadier Company, French Army -

Charles was destroyed when he entered the main tent, and his men were no different than he was, as they finished mounting the tents he just dismissed them and they went to sleep, as he did that, a mensager came running to his presence with an "URGENT ORDER" of a day ago.

"Take your men to the Amiens sector frontline and get ready for the imminent attack, your men are to be set 800 meters behind the frontline, remain hidden till the germans are beaten back and charger their positions, a the 134th Infantary Division is to follow your men into battle, do what you were meant to be doing, be a hero."

Charles coudn't believe what he just read, his very own HC was basically ordering him to kill himself "Fair enough" Charles said to himself enraged while tearing the letter in front of the mensager "Next thing they are going to tell me to do is to suck their shaggy cocks for "WINNING" this battle, I bet 100 francs on it!" the mensager, who had the face "Are you kidding?" stamped across his face was just standing there, tired for running around the whole day delivering letters of all sorts, then Charles faced him and pointed a finger at his face "Now you, go back, and tell them that they better prepare the graves, because that whole division is coming in black bags in 2 days", Shocking the mensager, who was speechless, Charles then just waved him off "Go! Get out of my face!".

Charles then proceded to get into the main tent, where his lieutenants and the minotaur were already waiting for him, he looked around and the werewolf was nowhere to be found "Heck, where is that werewolf?" his lieutenants looked at eachother confused, but charles just waved it off "Forget about it" He said, while closing in into the table with a large map of the area on top of it, quite outdated as it was from 1917, but some of his soldiers sneaked up into the british barracks and managed to take a rought copy of their updated maps, so it would have to do. "Gentleman" He said, putting his hand on the table, "I called you all here because I have absolutelly no idea what we are going to do tommorow, and by the looks of it, neither the HC knows, which is perfect, we can do anything!" He said, laughing, "Very well, before we begin planning, I'd like to invite our friend Minotaur over here" He said, pointing to the big Minotaur sitting on a corner "To come to the table and tell us what 'the plants' told him about some kind of 'walking ones'. My best bet is that it is about some german infantry formation behind the frontlines, and I do hope thats the case because we can deal with some fleshy mamals like we've always been doing since the start of this war" The he gave a hard look at the Minotaur "But if they aren't... You do better explain us how we can kill it, even if it takes the whole night to do so. So if you don't mind, show us where it is, and how big it is" He said tapping on the german side of the map, where it was mostly blank space, since they had no intel on what they had over on their side. Then he grabed a red pen and trew it at the minotaur for him to catch and stepped aside making room for the Minotaur to close on the table.

Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo

Since the rest of you are on the frontlines, then I will just mark the minotaur, y'all just keep roleplaying the rest of the day till aprox midday the next RP day, because thats when my company will be arriving at the front ~
Nova Squid Nova Squid Ribbit Ribbit Raku Raku AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath

"But if they aren't... You do better explain us how we can kill it, even if it takes the whole night to do so. So if you don't mind, show us where it is, and how big it is" He said tapping on the german side of the map, where it was mostly blank space, since they had no intel on what they had over on their side. Then he grabed a red pen and trew it at the minotaur for him to catch and stepped aside making room for the Minotaur to close on the table.
Amiens, France
20 March 1918
Pvt Hieremias Αθραυστος,5th Trainee Heavy Infantry Regiment
Hieremias proceeded to catch the pen and walked up to the table, he looked around and saw many different men dressed in similar uniform eyeing him, clearly slightly unbelieving towards the fact that he knew what he was doing and he was most likely a goddamn madman. Nonetheless, he looked at the map and started drawing dots all over the German army line in a spearhead way and he then proceeded to draw some squares along the front of the formation and then after that, he drew a triangle. After that he put the cap upon the men and then stood back up and coughed to try and to make his voice more smooth to the ear;
"The dots are "walking ones" meaning humans or something looking human, the squares are the ones that are out of the norm, most likely heavy troopers and war-machines, finally the triangle is the root of all of it, the command. This is all the plants were able to tell me, quite hard to get accurate information without eyes, nonetheless, they were certainly able to tell of the fact that they are ready and they seem hostile." he then saluted the French officer and proceeded to excuse himself and wait outside the tent for further instruction while taking out some wheat from his pocket and starting to munch on it.
- Le Porcelet, Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Cpt. Charles Charisme, 23rd French Assault Grenadier Company, French Army -

As the Minotaur left the tent, Charles shouted at him "Come back here!, you've not been dismissed yet!" He said, with a serious voice, "You are under my command for this battle and you have 2 tanks that might be of use, and we WILL use them"

He then turned to the officers on the table and looked for a place where the "squares" where less frequent, then pointed to a little forest on the northern side of the sector "Here, we will attack here, on their left wing" Then he grabed a pen and proced to make a line all the way from the left to the triangle, on the center of their lines "Then our company will strike down the enemy HQ while the rest of the french division just wreak havoc and secures the little hole we are going to make... If everything goes on well, we will be able to conquer more land with this attack then we've managed to get the past 5 months" Then he looked at the Minotaur "Your tanks will be our walking sandbags, make sure they are pointed and supressing the enemy MGs, I the infantry is going to deal with their cannons" Then he looked uptook his cap off and placed it on the table and crossed his arms, turned to the lieutenants and said with a serious voice "Gents, we've been for this since last year, our men have already lost some of their friends and tommorow they will probably lose some more... make sure they eat something good today before going to sleep, and get ready, the battle tommorow isn't going to be an easy one" Then he took off his belt and just turned his back to the table "I want everyone ready to march tommorow at 6 a.m, Dismissed!" And they all left the tent and Charles proceeded to sleep.

Daunting_Doggo Daunting_Doggo
- Countryside near Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -

- Reserve Trenches -
- Pvt. Alexander Stewart, 92nd Mixed Infantry, British Army -

Pvt. Stewart sat on a bench in the sprawling reserve trenches. A makeshift camp of sorts had been set up by a joint effort between the local British and American infantry; now the troops were mingling inside a medium-sized web of canvas tents, narrow trenches and branch trenches, and dugouts.

Their new orders had come in after they had arrived. Quite simply, they had to hold. Whatever German offensive was coming, they had to keep this line in the sand intact at all costs. A multi-faceted, deep network of trenches lay ahead and behind them; up front, machine-gunners nervously oiled their Vickers posts. Forward observers near telegraphs lay dotted throughout the trenchline; far back lay an impressive battery of artillery pieces of all sizes and shapes. In sandbag-lined dugouts, tanks and field guns lay in prepared positions.

Would it be enough? It was certainly an impressive assortment of defenses, but the German Army was well-trained and the Russian surrender had relieved them of a great deal of pressure. As the sporadic pop of shells landing far away sounded, Stewart decided to brush the thought off- after all, he reckoned, panicking was a poor way of eliminating stress- and elected to go speak to some of the other troops.

The crowd was a varied, motley one, composed of various French, British, and American troops from the reserve trench and those ahead and behind it. There were few faces that Stewart could recognize; about the only one he actually knew by name was Garret, the American shotgunner. Stewart maneuvered through the crowd.

"Hey, did you manage to scrounge up some ear plugs? The shelling's only going to get worse." he chuckled.

Raku Raku AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath
- Amiens, France-
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Pvt.Nicollas Wright, American Army -

He had gotten up a little before the Sargeant came in shouting orders, which were to leave the airfield and help the infantry down below. They were to start their engines and take flight at his signal.
"Sounds simple enough" Nick thought, completely forgetting that the Germans would likely also have aircrafts, as that thought invaded his head he started trying to remember everything the ace pilot from before had told him.
The squad was on the airfield, all ready to take flight. Nick put his hand on the front of the plane with a mixture of fear and adrenaline, awaiting orders.
Amiens, France
20 March 1918
Pvt Hieremias Αθραυστος,5th Trainee Heavy Infantry Regiment
The minotaur sightly annoyed that he was interrupted through his snack decided to sigh instead of acting in other much more inappropriate ways of showing contempt, nonetheless, he listened to the orders and after they were dismissed he gave the appropriate salutes and left the tent, he walked up to the place where the heavy trooper squad was dug in.

As he approached the camp he saw the men around a campfire eating and doing their daily equipment maintaining, as they saw Hieremias they stood up and saluted him expecting him to react like the rest of the officers they had to experience throughout this campaign, much to their disbelief Hieremias just sat around the fire and took off his cuirass and helmet and lay them off to the side as he unstrapped the machine gun by the belt and also laid it down on the ground. He then took out a bundle of grass tied together and shoved into his mouth and started munching on it.

The men clearly content with the approach to life of their current squad leader also sat down around the fire and then as they were continuing with their business Hieremias started speaking;
"Have you lads ever heard the legend of the minotaur of Crete, heh most likely not, but would you like to listen to it to waste the time?" he looked around the campfire and saw the men either not outrightly saying no or nodding.

Hieremias then proceeded to put his face closer to the fire, his bull features more exposed and enunciated than ever under the blistering fire, he then breathed out making a bend in the fire and creating some smoke and then he started the story;
"There was once a prince who was unlikely to become the king, so he prayed to the god of the sea, Poseidon to give him the support for him to become the king, Poseidon did so by sending a snow-white bull, the bull of Crete... " then Hieremias gave another look around the campfire and he saw the men were more attentive now, " The only thing Poseidon wanted in return for the favour was just the sacrifice of the bull. But the bull was so mesmerizing to the King that he tried to trick Poseidon by sacrificing one of his one bulls. To punish the impudent king Poseidon decided to make the wife of the king fall in love with the Bull, so in an act of lusting sacrilege of the natural way of nature the minotaur was born. Due to it being an apostatic and caricature of life the being wasn't able to be feed through normal ways and it got its nourishment by feasting on humans, to get rid of the menace the King had a labyrinth built under the island to host the minotaur and he would periodically throw humans as sacrifices. One day though, a hero came and killed the minotaur once that happened the world was safe again" then a trooper looking rather confused asks how there are other minotaurs, to which Hieremias let's out a laugh and then says;

"Well there is a myth going around on the island of Crete, after the death of the minotaur the offspring of the king felt so much sorrow for the atrocity they have brung upon the world they offered their humanity to atone for their progenitor's sins, so the gods answered their calls by making them into minotaurs ever to carry on the curse of their ancestor." He then looks at the watch on his hand and then sighs as he stands up. "Lads come get ready, we're going to go be the "walking sandbags", mount the cars and let's head to the area. Quick please"

Sometime later...

Hieremias is sitting on one of the vehicles eating some more herbs looking into the distance into the no man's land, awaiting the impending assault.

Carson Garret
American Army 21st Recruit Battalion
3/20/1918 - Reserve Trenches - Amiens, France
Current Form - Wolf
Werewolf in the Woods.jpg

Carson had been resting against the wall of the trench in the little encampment the Entente had set up. American, British, and some French troops were all conversing in the trenches. Some of them seemed to be taking the fact that they were so close to the enemy rather well, others not so much. If he had a pencil he'd be writing a letter to everyone back home. His mother, his father, his brothers, and his girlfriend Denise. Unfortunately, he didn't. So for now, he sat and waited for when they needed to hold the line.

Carson couldn't hear much with the earplugs in, but he just barely heard a familiar voice speak to him. As he looked around, he found the familiar face. It was Alexander, the Brit from earlier that day. Carson pulled the earplugs out of his lupine ears and held them between his fingers. "I did manage to grab a pair," he said before a shell went off in the not-so-distant distance, then continuing, "and thankfully I did". Carson then leaned back against the wooden wall and looked at the muddy floor of the trench. His mind went through all the faces of his loved ones back at home. "You got folks back home don't ya Alex?" he asked him with a sincere tone as he looked to Alex.
Nova Squid Nova Squid AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath
- Countryside near Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -

- Reserve Trenches -
- Pvt. Alexander Stewart, 92nd Mixed Infantry, British Army -

"Yeah." responded Stewart. "My mum, dad, a pair of brothers in the Flying Corps." Stewart grimaced as he thought back to his attempts to enlist there. "I'd've joined them there if it wasn't for my problems with flying sickness. Course, family's always had the tradition to serve the Crown when needed- so I had to go somewhere, and infantry was welcoming."

Those thoughts on home brought Stewart to a realization.

"Damn. I need to get some paper sooner or later. My mother'll be worried if I don't write home regularly. Poor woman's already worked herself to the bone, don't need her getting heart troubles on top of that."

Raku Raku AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath
Amiens, France
March 20, 1918
Conor Culaan, British Army

Conor reached the group without anybody taking notice of him, so he took the opportunity to just stay there quietly and observe what was going on. It was a mixed group that gathered around, mostly American and British soldiers. At the stranger’s comment, he noticed the earplugs stuffed incongruously into his furry ears, which made Conor chuckle at the sight and the image of his old grandfather wearing a similar pair, looking very indignant.

As the newcomer spoke again, the young man felt himself tense slightly and steal a wary glance at him, trying to gauge his character. He suspected that he they were assigned to the same group, but wasn’t entirely sure, and wondered if he’d heard anything about the row he’d been involved in when he first arrived for training. The lads had had it coming, of course. He’d tried his best to avoid trouble, but a man had to stand up at some point, hadn’t he? But that hadn’t stopped the lot of them getting into some pretty hot water, and he wondered if this newcomer would hold a grudge against him for getting his countrymen into trouble, though he’d not escaped it himself. Even if he didn’t hold a grudge for that, there were other things for him to feel resentful about…

But, that was all in the past, and Conor was concerned more about the future. He could offer friendship for his part, at least. What the strangers did with it was their decision.
“I’ve a few extra sheets in my pack, if you’d like to borrow them. Both of you. You can trade some me coffee or something.” He added the last comment with a mischievous grin, remembering how so many proud men he knew would refuse charity unless they thought they could pay it back in some way. Stubborn as mules, they were, and the Culaan’s had been no exception. Glancing around at the group, he extended a hand and introduced himself.
“M’name’s Conor Culaan. Good to meet you. I’ll be your medic this fine day. Hopefully you’ll not have to see me!”
There was a laugh at this, and Conor’s eyes passed over the others’ faces as they greeted him, then stopped on Alex’s, where they rested for a moment without malice, but without flinching. The next decision was his.

Raku Raku Nova Squid Nova Squid
- Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -

The courier from the main command building came down on the pilots in a hurry.

"Word from Command!" said the young man, clutching a small satchel to his chest. "We've been getting reports of Hun movements in the air from some of our forward observers. We've been ordered to start flying recon effective immediately."

The man unfolded his satchel and retrieved a piece of paper. His eyes scanned down the list as he started to read off names.

"Byron, Johnson, Jones, Smith, Davis- and Wright. You're on Squadron I. Command orders are to prepare your SPADs and get up there. Find if any German aircraft are behind our lines, and take them down if so. Then go a few kilometers over the enemy lines and see if you can't find anyone out there. If engaged, fall back."

The courier finished his statement and looked over the men. The reactions were varied in their eyes. The courier took a deep breath.

"Good luck." Then he hurried out of the room, somewhat disturbed by the notion that the list he had just named was likely to come back smaller.

Ribbit Ribbit

- Countryside near Amiens, France -
- 20 March 1918 -

- Reserve Trenches -
- Pvt. Alexander Stewart, 92nd Mixed Infantry, British Army -

"Aye. Name's Stewart. Good making acquaintances- and if you care, I can give you a few bandage rolls I swiped from the field tent for one of those rolls." Stewart replied.

AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath Raku Raku
Carson Garret
American Army 21st Recruit Battalion
3/20/1918 - Reserve Trenches - Amiens, France
Current Form - Wolf
Werewolf in the Woods.jpg

Before Carson could respond to Alex, another man made his presence known by offering some paper. The man introduced himself as Conor Culaan, the team's medic. Alex was the first to offer a trade, but not for paper as Carson thought. It was a sensible trade nonetheless. Surely the medic would have higher quality rolls than the field tent. Carson would offer some kind of trade, but he had nothing but his battle essentials and a folded picture of his family. As Alex spoke to Conor however, Carson noticed something about their medic. His eyes resembled that of Carson's, a werewolf's. But why wasn't he in wolf form? He'd have to ask to find out. "Wait, are you a werewolf too?" he asked Conor.

AlbaGuBrath AlbaGuBrath Nova Squid Nova Squid
- Amiens, France-
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Pvt.Nicollas Wright, American Army -

Nick was caught completely offguard by the courier, as he was lost in thought about what was going to happen in the next few hours.
When he heard his name he turned to the man and listened. As soon as he left Nick hopped onto the seat of his plane, and not a few minutes later he was in the air along with 5 other pilots.

The two most experienced had stayed behind to attack a recon aircraft that was scouting above the field while the rest went on over the enemy's heads.
They split up to cover more ground, and they were to go back to base and report in a few hours.

Nick flew over the Germans, looking all around him trying to spot anything of interest(Also because he couldn't sit still in his seat due to anxiousness, but that's besides the point !).
- Over the French Countryside -
- 20 March 1918 -

Arnold Davis adjusted his yoke for what felt like the millionth time, his SPAD quivering below him as the biplane cut through the air.

Recon. That'd been the mission. Command was getting fidgety over German air movements and they'd sent up this wing as a sacrificial lion. Maybe if they got shot up a little they'd know where the Huns were coming from.

It wasn't so hard, mused Davis. They had their trenches, wasn't it easy enough to know in which general direction an attack would come? And with the impressive assortment of anti-aircraft emplacements that Amiens bristled with, anything the Fliegertruppe could do didn't seem so bad.

But then again, the Germans had the advantage in the air. Their machines were as good as the Entente's, they had the advantage of better pilots- and they had machines which the Entente could only dream of.

Zeppelins. Enormous airships, machine-guns and bomb bays laid out all over. Able to fly far above the stupid little biplanes both sides threw at each other, and able to level whole blocks with sustained bombardment. At first, they'd had a little success with incendiary ammunition; but one day, the fighters had come back with a whole load of holes in them and reports that the fires simply petered out. Was it some sort of new coating? Was it a whole load of magic spread over the envelopes of the things? The Germans certainly weren't averse to trying the latter.

On the subject of threatening German machines, Davis's attention smoothly transferred to a dark shape moving in the distance, far below the cloud layer. His eyes strained as he sought to identify what it was; putting his SPAD into a climb, he approached the machine, which currently flew a straight and level flight, apparently unaware of him. The distinct rear end of a German two-seater made itself apparent, as did the large cross painted on its rear. Davis smiled and waved to the rookie- that guy Wright, wasn't it?- flying a short distance away.

Ribbit Ribbit
- Amiens, France-
- 20 March 1918 -
- Airfield Liberte -
- Pvt.Nicollas Wright, American Army -

He turned to see another pilot, and infront of him a German plane.
The odds were against the enemy, Nick thought, they should definately attack it. Though his orders were only to gather information..

Nick's young spirit got the best of him, and he started firing at the side of the aircraft, damaging it's left wing.
As the Colonel himself said, "Every German fighter we send down in flames is one that is not strafing our men".
Nova Squid Nova Squid

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