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Fandom RWBY: A new story (OOC)

Okay, tldr of my character for you Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
-He's a lion faunus
-His personality is that he's a hotheaded but warm mannered individual that enjoys challenging himself and the world around him. He's protective of those he cares about and can be rather stubborn or bull headed at times.
-Wields adamastos which is a chainsaw great sword and a recoilless rifle, sword form can function with chainsaw teeth exposed or retracted and is able to use dust to augment its abilities. The recoilless rifle uses large ammunition which limits the number of shots Samson can use but allows considerable ranged firepower to be brought into a fight.
-His semblance allows him to manipulate fire so long as there's a source.
-He's from vale and wants to become a hunter due to his parents being such themselves, got scars on his left shoulder blade from trying to follow them on an assignment one day

Obviously there's more info on my char, but I compressed what I could. More than likely I've left out some info.
I do want to ask you, is there a limit to how detailed one can be when the RP starts? Is one to two paragraphs too much then?
Okay, tldr of my character for you Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
-He's a lion faunus
-His personality is that he's a hotheaded but warm mannered individual that enjoys challenging himself and the world around him. He's protective of those he cares about and can be rather stubborn or bull headed at times.
-Wields adamastos which is a chainsaw great sword and a recoilless rifle, sword form can function with chainsaw teeth exposed or retracted and is able to use dust to augment its abilities. The recoilless rifle uses large ammunition which limits the number of shots Samson can use but allows considerable ranged firepower to be brought into a fight.
-His semblance allows him to manipulate fire so long as there's a source.
-He's from vale and wants to become a hunter due to his parents being such themselves, got scars on his left shoulder blade from trying to follow them on an assignment one day

Obviously there's more info on my char, but I compressed what I could. More than likely I've left out some info.
I do want to ask you, is there a limit to how detailed one can be when the RP starts? Is one to two paragraphs too much then?
When it comes to posting, that should be fine.
I just don't write as much as that.

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