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Fandom Creepypasta Hunters

At that Remi grinned. Was this guy looking out for him? he couldn't tell if he was or had ulterior motives, not that he was suspicious looking. In Fact he looked rather normal... for a guy walking out of a sketchy gun shop.

"Weeeeeeell i know you'd advise against it, i know the people attending this.... thing... clearly aren't normal..."
he said looking the guy up and down for a second "And c'mon now... hunting creepypastas, i don't think you could make something sound more fun if you tried" He said all this in a joking manner, he wasn't quite sure who this guy was but he didn't really want to get on anyone's bad side.... which is ironic because that's usually the only available side for him.

He realized slightly after he had said it that he'd accidentally told the guy what he was here for.. fuuuuuuu.. he thought trying to think of a reason for why'd he know the place was for creepypastas.

MattieLee MattieLee

Clockwork listened to what Spider said and it took her awhile to fully process it, after Slendy?, really?, what in the world do they think they are going to accomplish?

"Well they have to be a group of fools if they seriously think that they can take him on with gunpower alone, they should know better than that"

She sort of doubted Slender even had a weakness, as she thought that she noticed that EJ had just arrived.

"Spider here says these so called hunters think they stand a chance against Slender himself, what do you think?"
raven flame raven flame FluffyBuns FluffyBuns

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He couldn't help but laugh at this guy, but then he got an idea... maybe he could have some fun with this one, maybe.

"So you do realize the kind of people that walk in here right?"

He adjusted his glasses with his index finger and then was sure to say the rest as seriously as possible.

"A real shame I couldn't convince you... we all know what happened to the last one, poor guy didn't even last a day he left the scene after wetting his pants never to be seen again, I guess they all learn somehow"
JayBlue JayBlue

"Oh really?" he asked inquisitively. It was obvious what the guy was trying to do, he wanted to scare Remi, so Remi asked on... partially to see how fast the guy could think in the middle of a lie and partially to see if he wasn't lying in the first place "What was it that made em run?" Remi shoved his hands in the pocket of his jacket, thumb out. Like hell i'm dropping this because of a tall tale, He thought to himself

MattieLee MattieLee
"Ohhhh...So that's why..." Plutia turned the pistol to it's side, and pushed the safety switch down. She extended her arm, aimed down the sights, and fired her gun consecutively. Her shots were all over the paper target, some of her shots missed the silhouette man, while the ones that did only hit the chest. An empty click could be heard from her gun. She had spent her entire magazine.

"That was, really loud..." Plutia commented.
Magadude Magadude
Jackal came to only to hear about the Slender, she had a feeling but couldn't really say. She knew where to look for him and his brothers if needed, before standing up and walks over to CLockwork "If they are after Slender than I know where to look for him" she spoke in a cold way that seemed monotone MattieLee MattieLee FluffyBuns FluffyBuns
"Yeah. Usually a gun range would give headphone so the gun fire wouldn't be that loud, but the guy who gave me this shop forgot to give me those." he says with a shrug. "To be honest, I think this is better since headphones would restrict hearing and that might not be the smartest of moves when hunting Creepypastas." He feels like he is rambling and stops. "Just don't fire it next to your ear and you should be find." Plutia Plutia
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He looked at the kid wondering if he was catching on to him but without giving it much more thought continued his story.

"He saw his first pasta that's what happened, have you ever heard of the rake?, it was only for a moment but the mere sight of it was enough to scare him that bad, everyone else was lucky to escape"
JayBlue JayBlue


Natalie saw another pasta walk in unannounced, she had never seen her before but if she really knew how to find Slender and his brothers than she supposed she was of value to her.

"Really?, you know where he's been lurking then?"
FluffyBuns FluffyBuns angelbim10 angelbim10 raven flame raven flame
Jackal nods, "Yes I have seen them and I do keep in touch with them, after all they were the ones who helped me when Slender recruited me...might as well help him and his brothers." She replies, though twitching a bit. She knew hyde wanted to come out, but she wouldn't allow it

FluffyBuns FluffyBuns MattieLee MattieLee
"Aight guys, I'm here. What's up?" He speaks up, a little out of breath and pretty tired. "..When did we get new recruits?" Bad Memory.
"More like a close friend.." She looks over at Jack, he seemed familiar to her but she plays it off "My name is Jackal...if you suddenly hear a deep angry type male voice at some point. Thats hyde"

MattieLee MattieLee FluffyBuns FluffyBuns

"Jackal and Hyde?, they seem like appropriate names"

She wasn't yet sure if this was a case of split personality or simply there were two souls encompassing one body or what her situation was but in either of those two scenarios those names were a bit convenient.

"Well if your close friends do you think you should let him know of these hunters or whatever?"

The only connection she knew of to Slender before now was Toby so she didn't know too much about him.
angelbim10 angelbim10
"I was actually gonna do that before I heard you...." she thinks "We must go to him now but....we can't risk the fact that we might get caught by the hunters...I can draw a distraction and split my body so hyde can lead you away...." She replies
"That's the creepster with the claws... right? I know a little" he said with a look that gave the impression he knew a little more than a little "I always thought he was one of the tamer pastas." He was lying of course... that one gave him constant nightmares when he'd first found out about it. Nowadays he'd just get ancy. "Look, i appreciate the warning but i've been around the block a few times." God, can i lie or what? nevertheless he patted the guy's shoulder and walked past him. "And the name's Remi... you'll be seeing a lot of me so i'd try and remember it!" he called behind him, deciding to go back into the gun shop. In a way he was thankful for the stranger's presence, if he hadn't spoken to him, Remi would have gone home.

MattieLee MattieLee

She still didn't see these hunters as such a big threat but she understood her concern nonetheless.

"Well if we travel together it should be safer, I doubt they could take us all on at once"

Besides this was her chance to meet the guy all the other cp's respected (for the most part). She sort of wanted to see what he was really like in person.
raven flame raven flame

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He sighed as the kid decided to enter the shop and followed him back inside, he guessed his little story did the exact opposite of deter him. Not exactly his intention, he didn't want to be the reason the kid ended up seriously hurt or worse out there so he decided that he would take some of that responsibility by watching over him for now.

"I guess if your that determined kid, but don't do anything stupid I really shouldn't have to remind you of that... I hope your smart enough not to get yourself killed right away"
JayBlue JayBlue
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Spider eyes looked at them as she waited for them to finish talking as she watched the woman in suspension Ashe frowned (ooc sorry I will be very slow in reply's for the next week or so)
"Yeah, It would be terrible...If I couldn't hear someone sneaking on me..." Plutia pointed her gun at the target and pulled the trigger, only to hear a click. "It's empty...How do I, reload it?" She turned her head to face him.
Magadude Magadude
"You have to replace the magazine." He says scratching the back of his head. "I guess that's one thing I didn't think of. Give me a moment, I'll go get a new magazine." He exists and goes into the the main room and sees a new guy. "Who's the kid?" he says going into the storage behind the counter where you would normally buy guns and looks for a pistol magazine. He finally finds one and says "I wish I could chat, but currently I'm teaching someone how to use a gun." He walks back to the gun range, using the same maneuvers he used before to turn backwards. MattieLee MattieLee JayBlue JayBlue
"Alright. I'm back." he says to Plutia while giving her the new magazine. "To get the old one out, there's a button on the grip to release it. Then just put the new one in and pull the top of it back, then release." Plutia Plutia
Remi opened the door and walked inside, he was right, this place was sketchy as hell. "Are those loaded?" he asked to nobody in particular. He noticed a man coming from the back of the shop and grab a magazine. He stayed quiet since the question wasn't really directed to him even though it was about him. "Who's he?" he asked after the man had disappeared again

MattieLee MattieLee Magadude Magadude
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He watched Nate grab the magazine and ask who the new kid was but before he could give a response he had already left to help Plutia.

"He's the group leader, and also no, at least I don't think any of the ones on the shelves or behind the counter are loaded"
JayBlue JayBlue
Plutia used her index finger to press the button on the grip. An empty magazine fell out of the pistol, and landed on the floor with a small clank. She then inserted the new magazine inside the gun, and used the same hand to slide the top of the weapon, and released it. Plutia couldn't help, but smile after doing everything he told her to do correctly. "Reloading is, kinda fun...Cause when I inserted a new magazine, it felt really satisfying...For some reason..."
Magadude Magadude
"You don't think??" he repeated, cocking an eyebrow. Remi shook his head dismissing it and hopping over the counter to get a look at the guns, he wasn't fond of first person shooter... or guns in general, so he had no idea what he was looking at. "Oooh, shiny" he said lifting one of the more... heavier... guns off of the shelf with little to no hesitation or concern for if it was ok or not.

MattieLee MattieLee
Nathan shrugs and says "Just keep track of how many bullets you have. The last thing you want to happen is running out of ammo when trying to hunt a Creepypasta." he says while trying to think of other things to warn her about. "That should be it, other than the obvious. Don't take it out in public, don't take it to schools, etcetera." Plutia Plutia
Spider eyes sighed "I will be acting as a spy and be reporting to all of you what Is going on where they will be looking, possible locations they will be around and so on if there is any news on one of you being spotted I will tell you though my spiders is that alright with everyone?" She asked them
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Oliver kept an eye on the boy and sighed when he took the weapon that looked way too big for him to handle.

"Your gonna shoot your eye out kid"

Wait a minute hadn't he heard that somewhere before?, oh yeah it was that cheesy Christmas movie wasn't it, oh well he should still get the point.
JayBlue JayBlue



"Wouldn't that put you under too much physical stress due to that amulet?, it wouldn't be good if you suddenly couldn't keep up the disguise and you got found out"

She just didn't understand why she would put herself through all of that for a group of hunters that didn't even sound all that threatening in her opinion.

"You know I sort of want to see these idiots in person"

All she would have to do is get a glass eye and she would probably be fine, her stitches could be hidden with enough makeup, after that she would be able to pass as a normal person.
raven flame raven flame

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