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He's walking in behind him, goes into the living room, and I quote "Alright! Take the playing outside! It's beautiful for 7 in the morning!"
If you turn on rotate on your mobile device, you can see it all ^^
Or you can request desktop site :p

But, i can send you the post without the coding if thats easier ^3^
I tried that, and it didn't work.): Just on if to me please so I can get my reply in.xD
I tried that, and it didn't work.): Just on if to me please so I can get my reply in.xD

Oh dear ;c
Will send shortly. Im sorry about the inconvenience :/

I don't want to change my code, so i will simply put the included version in a spoiler box. ^^
Hey guys! I'll be on this weekend but not too much. I'm on my phone so posts will be a little choppy.
affected by silver? I don't think either wolves or sabers are affected by silver.

I was just basing it off the lore that's why I asked before I said anything. Plus, if the wolves can't touch silver but the sabers can then what is their weakness? If not then I'm assuming regular weapons if wounded severely enough be their weakness?
I was just basing it off the lore that's why I asked before I said anything. Plus, if the wolves can't touch silver but the sabers can then what is their weakness? If not then I'm assuming regular weapons if wounded severely enough be their weakness?
They're not werewolves...
They're not werewolves...

I know that humans turning into sabers aren't werewolves. I was talking about humans turning into wolves which are werewolves. People have different preferences as how they perceive them. I've seen them able to communicate telepathically, some who communicate only by body language as a wolf, and others they have to be a human in order to communicate. As far as weakness I've seen them not able to touch silver and/or die by a stake to the heart and others where they're like any other human and wolf where they get hurt and/or die by how real life wolves and humans do. That's why I asked. People perceive them differently. As for the sabers, I wasn't sure if the GM was making them to have the same weaknesses if that were the case.

Thank you for the compliment! ^_^
I know that humans turning into sabers aren't werewolves. I was talking about humans turning into wolves which are werewolves. People have different preferences as how they perceive them. I've seen them able to communicate telepathically, some who communicate only by body language as a wolf, and others they have to be a human in order to communicate. As far as weakness I've seen them not able to touch silver and/or die by a stake to the heart and others where they're like any other human and wolf where they get hurt and/or die by how real life wolves and humans do. That's why I asked. People perceive them differently. As for the sabers, I wasn't sure if the GM was making them to have the same weaknesses if that were the case.
No no, I know that you obviously didn't mean the sabers. I'm saying the wolves aren't necessarily werewolves either.

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