Advice/Help Free To Use Characters

White Masquerade

QuirkyAngel's Red Oni
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello. Just as the title says. Does anyone make characters that are free to use? If you could let me know here, or point me to threads where they do, I would appreciate it.
I don't have anything written out but I could probably look thru my google docs. Or if your looking for something specific I can help.

As most of my characters are made for specific stories so I'm not sure how much good they would do out of their genres or even particular story.

But I got tons of ideas and I'm not really super precious about any of them.
i don't believe their are any workshops for character. no one really makes characters for other people to use.
I don't have anything written out but I could probably look thru my google docs. Or if your looking for something specific I can help.

As most of my characters are made for specific stories so I'm not sure how much good they would do out of their genres or even particular story.

But I got tons of ideas and I'm not really super precious about any of them.
That would be excellent and much appreciated! I'm not looking for anything specific. Anything that doesn't fit I can edit relevant info in. How should we do this? You have a gallery? Or a document? Something like that?

i don't believe their are any workshops for character. no one really makes characters for other people to use.
Hey Fettuccine. That's crazy right? We have free BBcode and RP plots, but not free characters?
That would be excellent and much appreciated! I'm not looking for anything specific. Anything that doesn't fit I can edit relevant info in. How should we do this? You have a gallery? Or a document? Something like that?

Hey Fettuccine. That's crazy right? We have free BBcode and RP plots, but not free characters?

Not yet but I'll look and see if I can't find some of my old characters and put them in a thread sometime later.
i agree, but people prefer to make their own, and not give them away. i guess i'm the same way.
Really? You wouldn't be interested in seeing how someone else handles your character? They are that special to you?

Not yet but I'll look and see if I can't find some of my old characters and put them in a thread sometime later.
Thank you very much. I look forward to it.
Really? You wouldn't be interested in seeing how someone else handles your character? They are that special to you?
well, it would be interesting, but they'd have to give credit to me (of course); just like my bbcode shop. i don't know, they're like my children, i guess.
well, it would be interesting, but they'd have to give credit to me (of course); just like my bbcode shop. i don't know, they're like my children, i guess.
Credit of course! It's something to consider! There are a lot of people out there that can't make children of their own, so they're looking to adopt :kissclosedeyes:.
Definitely an interesting idea, I have to admit my gut reaction was pretty much.

"HISSS! Stay away from my babies!" as well.

My approach is always to design a character with a specific setting in mind, so the thought of sending one out into the void as it were is very strange to me.

Like, if someone was somehow familiar with the original rp one of my characters was in wanted to do their own spin on them from there I think it'd be fascinating but absent that context I'm not sure it'd be interesting to me and who the hell is gonna read through my old rps so they can use some character they've never heard of?
These are some characters I sadly never got to do much with, the RP's they were used in generally falling flat rather fast. Do with them whatever the hell you want. They're some years old but have plentiful detail so should leave enough to work with.

Name: Bushin Hokusai

Nicknames: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 27, apparent age is “Holy fuck what help me”

Race: Human, though it may take you awhile to get that at first sight.

Personality: Hokusai has a rather abrasive, frank personality. He has only just just started trying to emulate standard human thinking and mannerisms, so he is clumsy with his words and manners. Raised in purely fighting, he lacks other kinds of training. His mind is strong in a purely martial sense, from thinking for years on the manner of war. He isn't afraid to voice his opinion. His temper is like that of a hawk, seeking opponents when at their weakest. He confronts his problems directly and bluntly. He is unfamiliar with emotions, as one of the codes the Bushin follow is that sentimental emotions are not needed for those who seek strength and the Bushin commit themselves fully to the "martial path" in order to purge themselves of unwanted emotions. His free time is spent meditating to hone his mind in fighting or training. He has been known to fight wild animals and cut down trees with swings of his glaive. He has no form of tactical thinking or conversational skills, as his childhood had none of it. When fighting in a battle, he enters a deep trance taught to all of the Bushin. They blank their thoughts and synchronise their breath their body, becoming aware of their surroundings and the energy around it. While some Bushin flow with the energy and dance in this trance, Hokusai fights it with pure destructive force. His speed and skill with the glaive are powerful from his constant training with it. His raw strength in hand to hand is also high due to his training, however he has no experience with any other weapon.

Hair: Messy long black hair
Eyes: Piercing red eyes
Height: 7ft
Clothes: Generally wears his cloak over him.
Body Type: Built like a giant brick wall. Makes the Great Wall of China envious. He is scarred all over, though most prominent is the large one across his face.

Strengths & Weaknesses

Powers/Strong Points:
  • Extreme Strength. His mixture of natural ability and pure training and dedication to fighting makes him a terror in combat. Also thus rather resistant, though obviously is still rather human and not a god.
  • Bushin: He has no magic, though something close to it gained from simply being awesome. When fighting in a battle, he enters a deep trance taught to all of the Bushin. The blank their thoughts and synchronise their breathing with the rest of their body, becoming aware of their surroundings and the energy around it. While some Bushin flow with the energy and dance in this trance, Hokusai fights it with pure destructive force. His speed and skill with the glaive are powerful from his constant training with it. His raw strength in hand to hand is also high due to his training, however he has no experience with any other weapon. He’ll swing whatever he's given with tremendous force, though it may not be usable after a battle.
  • No Magic: He has absolutely zero talent for manipulating the elements. He won’t even be able to light a candle and his talent in wind magic is him blowing out of air out of his mouth like literally any person can.
  • Dunce: In anything that isn’t combat, he really just does not have the know how. The only reason he isn’t a complete utter madman from the get go was due to the lecturing the woman gave him, such that he has some level of morality. Don’t expect anything particularly insightful out of him.
Hokusai was born with no name. A war orphan in times of strife, he has no knowledge of his parents. All he knows is that he was as a child picked up by a small secretive group of Draconians known as The Bushin (God of Military Arts). A Bushin is someone who secludes themselves from society and dedicates their life to achieving the pinnacle of a "path". All their warriors were nameless and known as Bushin by name. As they are all seeking different "paths", some do so alone while others do so as a group living together. As Bushin apply themselves to continuously honing and refining a "martial path", the Bushin here learnt to fight after becoming old enough to train alone. As a Bushin, fighting was all he did. He fought for his food by attacking convoys and would attack armies to hone his skills. He became renowned as a skilled killer known for his powerful sweeping attacks and keen instincts. Within time, he was feared in his area. Known as a Bushin, that was his name. Currently he is on his path which in his case, is alone. Almost like a warrior pilgrimage, he seeks challenges of the world. The only sentimental feeling he once had was one time when he took down an entire mini army and while recovering from it, was cared for by a shrine maiden at a a lonesome temple at the edge of the mountains. This woman cleaned the man's wounds and healed him from his injuries. In the month it took for him to heal fully, she would engage in discussion with him about near everything. At first, the Bushin did not respond at all, merely listening. After time, he would question various things she said. As a man only in war, he knew nothing about how to live in any other way. During this month period in healing, this woman taught him the principle of humans, valuing life and not mindlessly killing. She explained to him foreign concepts such as justice and simply not fighting. The Bushin would try to grasp these concepts, attempting to learn them. In one sense, he was like a very old child, where a large part of the world was unknown to him. It was also this woman that gave him the name of Hokusai. After he healed, the Bushin began training again. This included meditation to hone his thoughts taught by the woman and cutting trees with simple swings, which she said scared her. Fear was an unknown concept to the Bushin, so he couldn't understand this. By 3 months he was in his full dangerous self again, though with some human knowledge. Once again he set out, though now with the changed course to explore, to see what was out there.

He carries a Glaive/Guan Dao, as shown in the pictures. Inherited by the Bushin he grew up with. Forged from some unknown dragon forged material close to a strong metal, it remains constantly sharp and is ridiculously hard to break. Quite ominous, almost as if seeking for blood.

Teru 'raven' Anzai
Who needs guns? All you want is bullets.

General Information
Name: Teru 'Raven' Anzai. Sexuality: Heterosexual


Known as the Raven, Teru is seen as cold-hearted and emotionless. He is cynical, with the little words he says usually sarcasm or small sentences. He wears a passive face with little emotion. In reality he lost his previous lover from a crime gang, who kidnapped, defiled and their body dumped in a forest. Before then he was a cheerful and extremely nice person, but he had his life ripped apart when he found her dead body in the forest in the rain, the blood draining away from the floor. While in anguish, screaming in mental agony, he ended up firing bullets everywhere, ripping the area to shreds except for those resistant to it, discovering his ability. At the moment he has just moved to Bellua, since the last school, a 'normal' one, he was tremendously close of someone finding out his ability. He now is still a nice person, just displays little outside emotion, a broken vessel. He still has nightmares in his sleep. He will still do positive things through action though. He can never find the right wording for anything though, his emotions clamped down.

Shots Fired: Teru generates shots as if fired from a gun levitating in the air. However, there is no gun in the air. Therefore all that is visibly seen is a sort of muzzle flash with the appropriate sound along with a bullet exiting. Empty cartridges where he fired also appear and fall to the ground. The area from where the bullets can be fired is a 2m sphere around him. The only types of bullets he can fire can be from no larger calibre than a 20mm round, typically seen fired from the Solothurn S-18/1000. He can only fire one type of bullet at a time. So he cannot simultaneously have machine gun fire while firing sniper or pistol rounds. To fire the bullets drains is energy, so maintained high caliber fire at a high frequency drains him very quickly. To fire beyond what he can do would put him into a coma, as though he had exerted himself too much. The more accurate a shot is, the more it drains him too. So concentrated fire to an area is less tolling than to one small point, say a bullseye on a target. The bullets fired can only be of standard military variety. There are no special made up ones you would not see in real life. So the only way he can hit something bulletproof is with AM 20mm with his power. Or just pelt it enough until it breaks.

His weapon is his magic and his fists.

Shinmei Munemori

General Information

  • Character Name: Shinmei Munemori
  • Occupation: Ronin (Wandering warrior)
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 6ft 2
  • Weight: 13 st
  • Marks: Scarring across all over their body, except for their face.
  • Hair: Scarlet red hair which flows to the base of the neck, refer to the images. It flows with reasonable ease and while of a form of entropy, does not look unsightly by any means.
  • Eyes: He has bright blue eyes which almost seen to shine in the dark, though that's just because they reflect the light well.
  • Skin: He has pale skin, accentuated with the scars of a darker shade.
  • Clothing: Shinmei wears sandals and a well-worn previously white, now grey from use, haori with the relevant complimentary clothing. Owns no other clothing.
  • Talents: He is an expert swordsman, especially in Iaido (quick-draw and sheatche) and Niten Ichi-Ryu (dual wielding swords, set up by Miyamoto Musashi).
  • Inabilities: His cooking and academic skills are pretty poor. He also is prone to making mistakes when fighting from not concentrating.
  • Fears: He fears the idea of being a leader with responsibilities and losing people close to him.
  • Wants: Shinmei wants to calmly enjoy his life and protect the people close to him when he has them.
  • Loves: They currently have no love interests, however does not object the concept of it. There may come a point where he falls in love, however he would be unlikely to admit it.
  • General Personality: He is by no means against being with people, however is generally one of few words. Definitely more a listener than a talker. This is mostly because he suffers from Dysarthria, a condition he has had since birth. It has affected him in such a manner that he cannot speak loudly, sounding at the loudest like a person talking softly. As such talking for him takes him quite some effort, so usually chooses not to. He will vehemently protect people precious to him, having a personal code of honour to give himself for the people he chooses to.
  • Inner Personality: He is what he shows to the outside world, being shameless in that sense. Obviously because of his speech impediment, he will think responses a lot more than he says them.
  • Secret: They have no secrets they keep to themselves.


Arms of Tobatsu Bishamonten: Shinmei's arms move at much higher speeds than typically feasibly possible. They travel at a maximum at the speed of sound from the furthest point of his arm. He is able to flexibly move it as so in this speed, including drawing and swinging a sword especially. This encompasses the Iaido draw-slash technique and otherwise common form of sword movement. To an external observer it appears though his arms move in a flash, which could have them questioned whether they even drew, slashed and then sheathed the sword. The faster he moves, the more burdening it is on his stamina. He can maintain at most an hour of constant use at max speed until he falls into a coma from lack of stamina to expend.


His weapons are a nodachi and a katana. The first picture shows the size of a nodachi, while the second demonstrates how they are both bound to his hip. He primarily uses in his right hand the nodachi while his left the katana. Because of his speed, there is no decipherable difference in speed in slashing with his nodachi and his katana. These weapons are smithied in a high quality, however otherwise there is nothing extraordinary about these weapons. They have no flashy engravings and simple but durable black sheaths.


Acronomicon Shadowstalker


Acronomicon (Acro) Shadowstalker


Appearance Picture:

[tab=exclusively face][tab=exclusively face]

Appearance Details:
An imposing man at 6ft, he has broad shoulders and a build suited for a balance between movement and strength. Raised with nature, his body is rough and not used to comfort or luxury. His black hair is dread-locked with braids, slightly greying already from the burden of dark magic. Has tattoos and scars as seen in the image, including a runic scar made on his shoulder to show him as a shaman. His eye pupils have greyed and have no black, becoming almost translucent. He wears a thick black leather cloak with a large hood and feathers, which is neatly designed, along with a staff that he uses to store dark magic inside and release in bursts for ease. To complement his large frame, he has a deep voice which is firm but not unnecessarily loud, speaking only as loud as necessary to be heard.

Acronomicon thinks not quite as most do. Secluded in the wasteland of the East, his contact with other humans is little to none. As such, he thinks almost on a primal level, that of how nature would function over emotion, in practicality. His mind is rigorous and fully capable, just not in that of typical human mannerism or connotations.

As such, he can come across as also emotionally blind and cold to others, having little regard for their feelings. In the end though, he values the true cycle nature as and when it should happen. Thus the corruption of dark magic struck him differently to most people, who would have thoughts based on the desires forged by their more normal lives. The darkness robbed him of most facial expression change, not being able to show a great array of facial emotions. It also robbed of what he held most dear, his early past and origin and of any desire to find out himself. As such he walks alone, willingly unknowing of himself, serving nature as one of its legislators.

Defining Personality Traits:
  • Ruthless, will enact what he deems necessary when need be.
  • Sees things from an outside perspective.
  • Absent of seen emotion. Incredibly hard to read due to the lack of anything he shows.
Born in the small clan villages of the East where there are only wastelands since as long anyone could remember, it was one of the regions of Valia mostly unchanged by the destruction by the Shadow King since well...there was nothing much to destroy at a wasteland. The clan he grew up in were from times from even the Dark Days, practising magic in hiding. Most of these were versed in earth magic based on their habitat, so were incredibly difficult to track.

Acronomicon was born in a clan somewhat differing to others, even an outsider to the outlying clans of the region. They embraced the concept that darkness accompanied the natural balance of the world and that expunging all dark magic was not how to go about with things.

Thus, since as of a small age Acronomicon was raised in the ways of dark. An incredibly harsh, almost Spartan, approach to childhood, he went through rigorous training in both strengthening his own body to become someone who could deal with the darkness, along with training in dark magic and survival in fighting. He knew nothing of 'love' and such, as that had no focus at all in their clan.

At the age of 30, he was put into a cave as a final test of his training, a do or die. Closed into the cave by a giant boulder, he would have to survive in the pitch black caverns he was placed in and become one with the darkness. And that it did.

As he infused himself with darkness, along with in darkness for so long, he lost all visual sensories. The darkness also consumed all of his past of his childhood, not knowing even the warmth of his mother or his own birth name. Feeding only what lived inside the cave and killing it with dark magic, he was crash coursed into an adept at the magic, which kills many in the clan due to the harshness of it. Some survived but were driven mad, others came out very changed people.

Acronomicon came out as the man he is still is now, given the name of Acronomicon Shadowstalker, along with given by the village craftsman a staff to use to help him attune his magic in concentration and the weapons he carries to survive in the outer worlds. Deemed suitably strong enough to leave and deal the justice of nature rather than stay in hid home village, Acronomicon wanders the great plains of the East Valia to this day, enforcing the will of nature.


As seen in the picture, a decorated dagger and short rapier for melee combat. Standard high quality steel weapons with nothing particular about them. He also has a staff as seen in the Appearance picture, however this serves for use with his dark magic.


An adept and in training of dark magic since a young child, Acronomicon is incredibly flexible in his manipulation of the dark. He generally does not 'create', but manipulates existing darkness in the form of umbrakinesis. He will use nearby shadow to move the darkness and create a semi-viscous darkness that he can manipulate freely. In itself it is about as durable (and acts awfully like) something like custard, however attempting to break a thick of barrier of even that would see one struggle. It can also be also be changed in any form by varying levels of complexity, from the powerful force that is a gelatinous mass hitting as a blunt force, to brittle but sharp needle-like tendrils.

He can also fire simple bursts of dark magic, though while these are powerful they cost also a lot of energy to fire, since they cause both intense physical and emotional pain to a target.

Due to the corruption of the dark magic that cost him his vision, he sees the darkness of everything. This ranges from shadows cast in a half mile radius of him, to any sort of darkness where lighting changes. He will not generally take great attention to any of it though, much like one wouldn't unless they saw or heard a great change Thus focusing on an area has him 'see' in more detail. Also as any magician is aware of magic in the close natural area, he is more attuned to 'seeing' it due to his blindness avoiding him from drawing an image based on appearance.

Battle Strengths/Weaknesses:
  • Powerful.. Dark magic is known as one of the most dangerous of magic, hurting in more ways than one.
  • Flexible. He can bend his magic to his will for a variety of roles.
  • Subject to time of day and conditions. The more darkness there is, the more he can use his magic. Conversely, in daylight he is limited to the shadows cast by objects. Worst at midday, where the shadows cast are rather small and thus lacking in use.
  • Blind. While he can guess to a great extent the movement of objects based on the change of their movement in correlation to darkness or various other multiple hints, he outright cannot see and thus cannot read or see things that his other senses cannot compensate for. Don't give him a book.
To restore the natural balance of the elements, currently being torn asunder by the Shadow King.

Seriously, don't give him a book.[/tab][/tab]
[tab=exclusively face][/tab]
Definitely an interesting idea, I have to admit my gut reaction was pretty much.

"HISSS! Stay away from my babies!" as well.

My approach is always to design a character with a specific setting in mind, so the thought of sending one out into the void as it were is very strange to me.

Like, if someone was somehow familiar with the original rp one of my characters was in wanted to do their own spin on them from there I think it'd be fascinating but absent that context I'm not sure it'd be interesting to me and who the hell is gonna read through my old rps so they can use some character they've never heard of?
Haha. I accept how you feel, but I just can't understand. It always struck me as weird everything but characters are given as freebies. Even free drawings in the creativity section! As for your characters, they should have personality sections though right? And a biography hopefully. Maybe with a few tweaks they'd be a villain in another RP or suddenly gain fantasy powers if they were originally part of a realistic roleplay. I'm not sure. I'm only guessing but I have the feel some characters don't really see the light of day in some RPs. Why not reuse and recycle? Give makeovers?

PicaPirate PicaPirate
Dang Pica, LOL. How the heck are you? Thank you very much for these. Yeah, before I saw what you typed, that's what I was getting at. I will see what I can fit into my workshop!
When I create characters I almost always start with a concept and then write the character around that. For example, I start with "disgraced physicist" and start asking myself questions to complete the character. What made them disgraced? What made them a physicist? What they look like? What are they like?

Starting from a way to build characters like that, you could create a list of loosely-described characters that can be free to use. That way, the person that is going to use them has creative liberty over them without falling on the ground of "Out of Character" deturpation.

Maybe we could set up a little pool of characters with that scheme in mind for people to use as they want, be it take them for roleplays or use them as inspiration for their own.
Anything I ever create is free to use: roleplays, characters, video, ect. I don't even desire credit, just go and play.
When I create characters I almost always start with a concept and then write the character around that. For example, I start with "disgraced physicist" and start asking myself questions to complete the character. What made them disgraced? What made them a physicist? What they look like? What are they like?

Starting from a way to build characters like that, you could create a list of loosely-described characters that can be free to use. That way, the person that is going to use them has creative liberty over them without falling on the ground of "Out of Character" deturpation.

Maybe we could set up a little pool of characters with that scheme in mind for people to use as they want, be it take them for roleplays or use them as inspiration for their own.
That would be spectacular. I see no problem with the process you describe. That would mean less editing info out, which is good! If a "Character Dump" thread was created, would that be enough for you to post your "throwaway" characters there?

I'm alreet, always here to PM to chat with :) and no worries, the characters were doing nothing anyway.
Do you know how to turn your post into a code? Would you be able to do that?

Anything I ever create is free to use: roleplays, characters, video, ect. I don't even desire credit, just go and play.
:bishiesparklesl: Is there a single thread you put everything? This is about characters but I have no problem rebooting/tweaking roleplay ideas either!
That would be spectacular. I see no problem with the process you describe. That would mean less editing info out, which is good! If a "Character Dump" thread was created, would that be enough for you to post your "throwaway" characters there?

I'd be interested in helping on a communitary character dump thread. Like, periodically the OP would update it with the various contributions to the thread. I could even start it if you think it's good.
I'd be interested in helping on a communitary character dump thread. Like, periodically the OP would update it with the various contributions to the thread. I could even start it if you think it's good.

I do think it's good and would be appreciated! Would it be alright to wait a day?

If you mean you want a dump of the raw code when you convert to code editor, I can do that. Though that might require me having to put them in a pastebin or such.
I might be confused by what you said. Did you mean it would take a long time to paste the code into a post using the </>code tag?

White Masquerade White Masquerade Unfortunately no, my characters and roleplays are spread out across the site. But if you ever stumble across anything of mine you like feel free to use it.
Okay. Not a problem. I know you had good stuff in the past before, don't mind if I do! Hopefully site search picks them up.

you can use my character if you want
Where would it be?
I do think it's good and would be appreciated! Would it be alright to wait a day?

Sure! It's quite late where I live at the moment, and tomorrow I have college by the morning. I should be setting the character dump post up tomorrow afternoon, if that's fine for you. Until then it'll give me time to actually list up the character archetypes I have and organize them for the thread.

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