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Realistic or Modern Last Summer Together - OOC

Okay, I hit 10 but it also says 10+ and I have no idea what the + is supposed to be... so I'll just wait and see!
I am not sure what the plus means either. I've been on this site for a long while and most of the changes I am not familiar with. :/
Quest Quest Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha anne w. anne w. Eldarkon Eldarkon Ravenclaw Ravenclaw
What do you guys think is a good starting point? I was thinking of starting either when they're getting ready to board the plane and they all meet at the airport or they're just now landing at Miami's International Airport or something.

But I'd really like your guys input here. :)
Quest Quest Shadow Alpha Shadow Alpha anne w. anne w. Eldarkon Eldarkon Ravenclaw Ravenclaw
Just to give everyone a heads up, I will definitely be starting this roleplay tomorrow night, which is Wednesday and the starting point will be everyone meeting at the airport just mere minutes before boarding the plane. :)

I am so excited to get this started with you all!!

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