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Fantasy The Euphorian Highschool for Empowereds

"Weeeelll... if I were to think.. I love swimming, I love hanging out with my frieends... as well as cooking. But what I absolutely hate is when someone is speaking either too loud, or too quick for my liking.. as well as alcohol, I despise this piece of.... junk" Lena exclaimed, looking at you.She did kinda get angry halfway through her sentence, but that was a non issue.
"And well, you? What do you like and dislike" The girl replied back, wondering whether or not they shared the same things or did not.
Zero nodded, agreeing with some of what she was saying. "I like hanging out with my friends as well, though I can't cook. I don't hate alcohol but I don't prefer it either, I try to stay away from it unless it's a celebration. Though, even then I don't have enough to get drunk. I like working out, strangely enough, it's like a stress reliever, much better than the other ways people relieve stress." He said and nodded. He didn't have anything on his mind except for what he was doing with working out, which he loved, it was like he was free from his problems during that time.
Zero nodded, agreeing with some of what she was saying. "I like hanging out with my friends as well, though I can't cook. I don't hate alcohol but I don't prefer it either, I try to stay away from it unless it's a celebration. Though, even then I don't have enough to get drunk. I like working out, strangely enough, it's like a stress reliever, much better than the other ways people relieve stress." He said and nodded. He didn't have anything on his mind except for what he was doing with working out, which he loved, it was like he was free from his problems during that time.
"Well, I do like to work our myself, but... I don't really need to... Here, let me show you" Lena slowly stood up, and looked at Zero in a sly way.
"I am gifted with a neat little power, that allows me to not be tired at all, and have my speed while running, swimming, and pretty much anything increased. I can do whatever I want, how quick I want, without even tiring myself out" With that said, she... nearly disappeared... the girl just ran off, and in a few seconds, she was on the other side of the school yard. Then she ran back, without even breaking a sweat.
"See?" She asked, not even exausted, as she sat down by Zero, flashing a sly grin at him
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Oh, OK. Is there anywhere in particular you wish to go?”

Vito had a nice juice bar in mind, but he didn’t want to be rude. As a result, he decided it to be best to ask first. Besides, he didn’t really care – he was just being friendly.

As he says this, he picks up the chained naginata, putting it on his back. He didn’t want to leave his weapon behind, after all. Someone might unchain it when he is gone, and use it to hurt someone. The naginata is relatively plain in appearance – the shaft made of a black wood, with the sheath being a similar colour. However on the sheath, written in gold, is the Tibetan words for Air, Water, Fire, Earth (Iris might know it, which is why I said it).
Lumina Lumina
Luke smiled and chuckled. "Yea your right" he said smiling over at her. "And you wouldn't be forcing me to, I think cleaning your house would be fun, especially if we do it together, it can't be that bad" he said with a small shrug.

• Kairassi Ikeda •

She grinned sheepishly at him when he said it couldn't be that bad "I dunno Luke, I can be a preeeeeetty messy person" she paused for a brief moment "But you already know that I guess~" she giggled a little, leaning her head on his shoulder. She stayed there for a moment before speaking again "Nah, I'm kidding, it's mostly books and video game boxes laying everwhere. Cleaning means we get to hang out though, right?" She asked happily as she looked up at him "If you really don't mind helping out..." She said her eyes drifting off to the side as she sat up straight again.

Ah, yes. Lumina managed to even make him cover his face from the embarrassment! Ah it was such a cute look on him, it made her wish she was a bit more confident so she could do it to him more often. So this was why he always liked to embarrass her. This feeling of affection toward his embarrassed state was probably not dissimilar to how Kenji felt when she got embarrassed. Seeing that she got what she wanted, Lumina figured it was probably a good idea to stop and give him a break, as she also knew that she wouldn't be able to keep up her own facade for long before acting just like he was. It was quite embarrassing acting like this as well. "But you're so cute, I can't help myself, Kenji-sama!~" Lumina remarked, poking his red cheeks before bursting out laughing, a blush finding her cheeks as well. "Alright, alright, I'm done~" she managed out once her laughter about his embarrassment died down, opting to snuggle against his chest with her unclothed body. She didn't think anything of it other than wanting to be close to him, showing that she was done teasing him, though she couldn't help but think that he wouldn't just stop being embarrassed so quickly. Speaking softer and more like her normal self, she raised her head from the crook in his shoulder that it found itself in, looking up at him with a soft, endearing gaze. "I'm sorry, it's just... seeing you like that really is cute though. It just makes me happy that I can get you like that at all. Makes me feel special to be the only one to see that side of you." She kissed his cheek, the same spot where she had poked not moments before, before returning to her spot nestled in his shoulder against his side, sighing contently as her body settled still.



...ΨKenji's blush remained ever present as Lumina spoke about about him being cute. It was probably the first time he'd ever been called that, as he was usually the one who said it. Regardless, the new use of the word caught him by surprise, and his cheeks flared up once more. Upon hearing Lumina announce that she was done teasing him, he began to relax, laying his back against the pillows stack behind him and his head against the backrest. Exhaling, Kenji watched and listened as Lumina lay her head onto his neck, a smile forming on his face as it happened. He wrapped one of his arms around Lumina's shoulders and placing his hand onto his chest, ensuring he had Lumina held close to him. He closed his eyes and replied to Lumina, his smile becoming even more apparentΨ...

It's fine~ I'm just not used to it as all, you being the dominant one that is.

Character Information

His Bedroom.

Slightly Embarrassed, Calm.

Laying with Lumina.


Interacting With: Lumina.
Tags: Lumina Lumina .

EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Oh, OK. Is there anywhere in particular you wish to go?”

Vito had a nice juice bar in mind, but he didn’t want to be rude. As a result, he decided it to be best to ask first. Besides, he didn’t really care – he was just being friendly.

As he says this, he picks up the chained naginata, putting it on his back. He didn’t want to leave his weapon behind, after all. Someone might unchain it when he is gone, and use it to hurt someone. The naginata is relatively plain in appearance – the shaft made of a black wood, with the sheath being a similar colour. However on the sheath, written in gold, is the Tibetan words for Air, Water, Fire, Earth (Iris might know it, which is why I said it).
Lumina Lumina
Iris shrugged and shook her head as he asked if she had anywhere in mind that they could go. Thinking about food and drinks, there were a few places that she usually found herself at, but in truth she was nowhere near being a picky eater. She could find something to eat or drink anywhere she went.

"No, not particularly," she answered after a moment. "I'm not picky, so I'm down with pretty much whatever, if you've got something in mind."

Iris flashed a smile before watching as he slung his chained weapon on his back. It was interesting seeing a sword chained shut, but Iris had seen her fair share of interesting things and knew better than to pry. Maybe if they became better friends or something. She didn't recognize the words, but considering who the sword belonged to it wasn't a hard guess of what it said.



...ΨKenji's blush remained ever present as Lumina spoke about about him being cute. It was probably the first time he'd ever been called that, as he was usually the one who said it. Regardless, the new use of the word caught him by surprise, and his cheeks flared up once more. Upon hearing Lumina announce that she was done teasing him, he began to relax, laying his back against the pillows stack behind him and his head against the backrest. Exhaling, Kenji watched and listened as Lumina lay her head onto his neck, a smile forming on his face as it happened. He wrapped one of his arms around Lumina's shoulders and placing his hand onto his chest, ensuring he had Lumina held close to him. He closed his eyes and replied to Lumina, his smile becoming even more apparentΨ...

It's fine~ I'm just not used to it as all, you being the dominant one that is.

Character Information

His Bedroom.

Slightly Embarrassed, Calm.

Laying with Lumina.


Interacting With: Lumina.
Tags: Lumina Lumina .


The blush at being called cute did not escape Luminas attention. 1, because she liked the sight of him blushing so she was always watching for it to happen, and 2, she could feel the rush of heat through his body as she snuggled into him. She knew his heat better than anyone, and the rush of heat to his cheeks after being called cute was no exception. Feeling him relax against the headboard (which looked like it had sustained some damage from the previous nights activities), Lumina did as well, closing her eyes as she nuzzled against his bare chest. "Well, I don't know if I'd get used to it, that was embarrassing enough to last for a month." She laughed, a slight blush finding her own cheeks. This was her happy place - snuggled against her pair, just the two of them, no cares in the world. It was nice. Normally her mind was racing with insecurities and worries and self doubts, so to have peaceful moments like this was well appreciated. Now that her playfulness from last night had receded, her normal frame of mind came back, reminding her of the things they had talked about last night. Including trying to find out about where she might, biologically, come from. Opening her eyes, Lumina craned her neck out of the position it was in against his chest so she could look at him. It was easier to talk this way. "Hey, Kenji..?" Ah yes, and here came the embarrassment about asking for help. Yeah, she was definitely back to normal. "So, you said we could look through those books today? If that's okay with you, of course."
Lilliana continued eating, hoping that what she said would be good enough for their dad. In truth, she did actually know how to read, she had just panicked about what to say. Maybe it was not wanting to admit that she had slacked on trying to better her own personal exceed abilities, or maybe just genuine panic in general, but she knew that it wasn't exactly the truth about what she said. But even still, Ayen spoke as if it was, instructing Len to help her out until she was at a sufficient level or something. The siblings knew she didn't need the help, and that he'd tease her for it later, but that was something to be dealt with later. "Yes papa." Lilliana agreed, going back to the task at hand of eating. She glanced at Len to see if he had caught on to her lie, desperately hoping he wouldn't say something about it.

Tobi Naefaerne Tobi Naefaerne
Truthfully, neither of the Fae at the table had bought Lilliana's lie. However, a glance that took half a moment was all the more it took for father and son to formulate a plan. Indeed, lying was one of Ayen's big no-no's, but the punishment was never straight forward. After all, the weight of deceit can only be understood through experiencing deceit as well. Just as one could only understand pain through feeling it themselves. So even though Ayen normally would've been watching after that point, he finished his stew and went over to wash his bowl. While he did this, Len aimed an amused stare at his younger sister. Truthfully, it was more amused looking that if he was just going to mess with her. Though, he looked away from Lilliana as Ayen spoke "Well, I'm going to head in early tonight. Tomorrow I have some dealings in the city, so decide by morning if you two will stay here, or take a day trip into town." Ayen said softly. After that, he walked off to his bedroom, leaving Len and Lilliana at the table.
Isuzu couldn't help but marvel over just how much food Fenris had in his cart. She had quite a bit herself, but not nearly as much as him, and her wallet weeped a bit at the thought of how much it would all cost. Hell, it wept at the thought of how much her own cart full of goodies would cost, but that wasn't the point. She did remember he was a bartender, and she vaguely recalled him mentioning owning the place or something like that. Did that place serve food? Well, it's not like she had gone to that bar to eat anyways. Another glance at the carts revealed more food items to be purchased. Did bars serve salmon and ribeye steak? Shaking her head, she knew she was getting distracted from the other fine piece of meat in front of her. Bringing her gaze back to Fenris, she gave a smile at the sight, genuinely happy to see him again. "I hope things have been going well for you. Nothing much has happened with me, got a letter home from mom and met a neighbor of mine, nice boy. Yknow, normal stuff." She waved her popsicle whimsically before taking a bite of it. Part of her wondered if the comment about meeting a male neighbor would get to him any, considering how they had last met, though she highly doubted it. Isuzu snuck another glance back at the contents of the carts (mmm, cognac) before looking him in the eyes and speaking. "So, what's the occasion? Planning a dinner party for your monthly book club meeting?" She jeered, leaning a bit against the handle of her own cart. Not so much to where it'd roll out from underneath her, but enough to show that she was relaxing in his presence.

Wicked Jester Wicked Jester
Fenris grinned as he listened to Isuzu and smirked before speaking sarcastically. “Well it certainly seems like you get around now don’t you? And here I was thinking I was special.” Fenris of course knew that he wasn’t special. No girl was that good on their first time… well maybe succubi, but they were rather hard to find as virgins so he couldn’t say for sure. Then looking back and forth between his cart and Isuzu as he shrugged. “Nah, I haven’t picked up a book in about two hundred years. Rather one of those ungrateful gutter rats I picked up a few decades ago forgot to show gratitude and forgot to order the stock for one of my restaurants for this week, so I had to pick up a few days’ worth of inventory until our whole sellers can deliver a load for me. All this is coming out of his next pay check. He better just be happy I don’t fire his ass.” Walking towards a step or two Fenris grinned as he looked into Isuzu’s eyes. “So what are you doing today? Maybe we could spend a little time and catch up huh?”
Truthfully, neither of the Fae at the table had bought Lilliana's lie. However, a glance that took half a moment was all the more it took for father and son to formulate a plan. Indeed, lying was one of Ayen's big no-no's, but the punishment was never straight forward. After all, the weight of deceit can only be understood through experiencing deceit as well. Just as one could only understand pain through feeling it themselves. So even though Ayen normally would've been watching after that point, he finished his stew and went over to wash his bowl. While he did this, Len aimed an amused stare at his younger sister. Truthfully, it was more amused looking that if he was just going to mess with her. Though, he looked away from Lilliana as Ayen spoke "Well, I'm going to head in early tonight. Tomorrow I have some dealings in the city, so decide by morning if you two will stay here, or take a day trip into town." Ayen said softly. After that, he walked off to his bedroom, leaving Len and Lilliana at the table.
There was a bit of an awkward tension, mainly shrouded around the non- Fae in the room. The occasional glances up at her father raised the suspicion in her mind that he didn't believe her. Well, in her defense, it wasn't a malicious lie. More of a.. panic-fueled one. She hadn't meant to lie but accidentally had done so out of embarrassment. So she kept her head down as she finished her meal when Ayen got up to clear his bowl, her interest piquing as he told them to decide if they wanted to go into town with him or not. Lilliana was interested of course, but she couldn't help but wonder if there would be something waiting for her if she did, considering it didn't seem like he had bought her little white lie. Staying silent, Lilliana watched as he left to go to bed, her gaze falling over to her brother and his amused expression toward her. In annoyance, Lilliana's eyes narrowed for a moment before she too stood up, a little too loud and fast to be normal. "I panicked, I'm sorry!" She whined in annoyance, taking her bowl to the sink to be washed. "I didn't mean to lie, I was just embarrassed." The last part was mumbled and a little drowned out by the water in the sink. Once that was done, the exceed dried the bowl with a towel and put it away, glancing back over at her brother as she did. "So, did you want to go into town with papa or no?"
The blush at being called cute did not escape Luminas attention. 1, because she liked the sight of him blushing so she was always watching for it to happen, and 2, she could feel the rush of heat through his body as she snuggled into him. She knew his heat better than anyone, and the rush of heat to his cheeks after being called cute was no exception. Feeling him relax against the headboard (which looked like it had sustained some damage from the previous nights activities), Lumina did as well, closing her eyes as she nuzzled against his bare chest. "Well, I don't know if I'd get used to it, that was embarrassing enough to last for a month." She laughed, a slight blush finding her own cheeks. This was her happy place - snuggled against her pair, just the two of them, no cares in the world. It was nice. Normally her mind was racing with insecurities and worries and self doubts, so to have peaceful moments like this was well appreciated. Now that her playfulness from last night had receded, her normal frame of mind came back, reminding her of the things they had talked about last night. Including trying to find out about where she might, biologically, come from. Opening her eyes, Lumina craned her neck out of the position it was in against his chest so she could look at him. It was easier to talk this way. "Hey, Kenji..?" Ah yes, and here came the embarrassment about asking for help. Yeah, she was definitely back to normal. "So, you said we could look through those books today? If that's okay with you, of course."



...ΨKenji took the moment to fully relax his body, the stiffness that had arrived due to the previous night's antics began to loosen up. The quietness that echoed throughout the estate was a great change of pace from the moans of pleasure that his ears had grown accustomed to over the hours. The silence caressed his skin like a warm summer breeze, smoothing his soul, taking away his jagged edges. It had been one hell of a rough night. The rise and fall of his chest signified steady, long breaths as Kenji continued to regain his breath. He felt like he needed to crack every bone in his body due to the lingering stiffness, and when Lumina moved her head, Kenji followed suit, his neck cracking as he moved his head to face his pair. Listening to her talk, he quickly remembered that they were going to go the the study to read up on phoenix lore in hopes of finding Lumina's family. Nodding lightly, Kenji replied to Lumina with the same smile plastered on his faceΨ...

Yeah, I'm fine with it~ Should we go now, or do you want to snuggle some more? After all, we've still to actually sleep~

Character Information

His Bedroom.


Talking with Lumina.


Interacting With: Lumina.
Tags: Lumina Lumina .

Dante sighed as he unlocked the door to his dorm. He had been out of the country for the past few days in another realm and had left his dorm unkempt for, so upon opening the door he wasn’t shocked by the thick layer of dust that had built up on all the exposed surfaces walking over and flinging open his windows in the attempt to air out the room, Dante sighed when it had little effect. Sighing Dante’s large black wings tore two holes through the back of his shirt, springing forth from him back. Flapping his wings a few times, all the dust was stirred and forced towards one of the now many exits to the room. Coughing from the sudden explosion of dust Dante staggered out the door to his room and away from the dorms. He would come back later when the dust had hopefully settled. Walking away from the dorm building Dante shook out his wings and pulled them back in before realizing that he had already torn two large holes in the back of his shirt. Groaning at the fact he had for gotten to grab an extra shirt while he was in his room Dante sighed and decided that the easiest thing to do would be to just take off his shirt and hope no one called him out on it. Pulling off his shirt Dante’s toned body was revealed. Honestly he didn’t look to bad however a few rather large scars crisscrossed his skin marring what would be considered an otherwise perfect body. rewards for his and Lucifer’s attempted rebellion against god of course. Walking across the school grounds while shirtless he decided he was slightly thirst and walked towards one of the vending machines scattered around the campus. Putting in his change Dante pressed the buttons for a can of orange soda, only to have it get stuck halfway to the ejection spot. “SONOFABITCH!” Angrily punching the front of the machine Dante froze as he realized what would happen if he punched the machine with this level of force however it was too late to stop his fist. On contact with his fist the machines glass front shattered and flew everywhere a few shards cutting through Dante’s skin but they healed instantly. His fist still traveling forwards, the metal of the machine crumpled like paper and the whole unit was blasted around 10 meters away causing a deep scar on the grass grounds. Looking around frantically Dante hopped no one had seen him punching the machine as it was getting later in the evening and began to try and slink away.

(you have no obligation to write this much btw, I just haven’t used Dante in a while and wanted to give him a bit longer post. You can write however much you choose to. It doesn’t bother me if it’s a one liner or three paragraphs.)
Lotte Lotte
Fenris grinned as he listened to Isuzu and smirked before speaking sarcastically. “Well it certainly seems like you get around now don’t you? And here I was thinking I was special.” Fenris of course knew that he wasn’t special. No girl was that good on their first time… well maybe succubi, but they were rather hard to find as virgins so he couldn’t say for sure. Then looking back and forth between his cart and Isuzu as he shrugged. “Nah, I haven’t picked up a book in about two hundred years. Rather one of those ungrateful gutter rats I picked up a few decades ago forgot to show gratitude and forgot to order the stock for one of my restaurants for this week, so I had to pick up a few days’ worth of inventory until our whole sellers can deliver a load for me. All this is coming out of his next pay check. He better just be happy I don’t fire his ass.” Walking towards a step or two Fenris grinned as he looked into Isuzu’s eyes. “So what are you doing today? Maybe we could spend a little time and catch up huh?”
Isuzu couldnt help but give a smirk in return. This chemistry they seemed to have between them was exactly what made their interaction back at the bar so so good. There was just something about this man that kinda drew her in, but what that something was, she didn't know. All she knew was that she liked it. isuzu narrowed her eyes a bit but kept the smirk, to show she was right on his level. "Do I detect a bit of jealousy? Never took you for the type." Fenris guessed that she wasnt new to the horizontal tango, and his guess was right. She was no beginner, by any means, because she was the type to do what (and who) she wanted. Isuzu wouldn't deny that Fenris was probably one of the best, if not the best she'd ever had. Maybe that had a bit to do with her fascination with the man in front of her, but it was mainly fascination and intrigue over anything deeper than that. "So you took it upon yourself to be the errand boy. Can't complain about it, since it meant I met you again." Isuzu winked, smiling a bit more as he stepped toward her. As he asked what she was doing for the rest of the day, she bit into her popsicle as she thought about how to answer. "Honestly? Probably go home, get drunk and binge watch something on Netflix. But I'd say catching up sounds a bit more...entertaining." She bit her lip, partly to get a stray bit of popsicle off, partly to see how he'd react."



...ΨKenji took the moment to fully relax his body, the stiffness that had arrived due to the previous night's antics began to loosen up. The quietness that echoed throughout the estate was a great change of pace from the moans of pleasure that his ears had grown accustomed to over the hours. The silence caressed his skin like a warm summer breeze, smoothing his soul, taking away his jagged edges. It had been one hell of a rough night. The rise and fall of his chest signified steady, long breaths as Kenji continued to regain his breath. He felt like he needed to crack every bone in his body due to the lingering stiffness, and when Lumina moved her head, Kenji followed suit, his neck cracking as he moved his head to face his pair. Listening to her talk, he quickly remembered that they were going to go the the study to read up on phoenix lore in hopes of finding Lumina's family. Nodding lightly, Kenji replied to Lumina with the same smile plastered on his faceΨ...

Yeah, I'm fine with it~ Should we go now, or do you want to snuggle some more? After all, we've still to actually sleep~

Character Information

His Bedroom.


Talking with Lumina.


Interacting With: Lumina.
Tags: Lumina Lumina .


The longer they laid there, the more the exhaustion from the night before set in. They had gone at it for literal hours, and Lumina knew she'd feel it the next day after she woke up, but considering that they hadn't even gone to sleep yet, she wasn't feeling it yet. Though with how hard they went at it, Lumina guessed that she probably wouldn't be able to walk right now even if she tried. And laying here next to Kenji, she had no desire to get up and try. A small yawn escaped her lips, both coming as a surprise and not a surprise. The tiredness seemed to hit her quickly, like a tidal wave on a calm sea. When Kenji asked if she wanted to go now or sleep, her impatientness initially told her to go now, but the lack of energy in her body said to sleep. Another yawn sealed the deal, and Lumina brought her head down into the crook of his shoulder where she fit perfectly, bringing her wings up against her back as she closed her eyes. "I guess we can snuggle more."
Scarlet took a bit of her hair and looked at it. She was glad he liked it, she sometimes disliked her hair because she felt like she stood out, which can be a bad thing if she wasn't careful. "Then I'll do the same! A pink dragon... that'd be adorable~" She smiled.

Logan Ignis

~ Flame Brain


Logan smiled when he saw, Scarlet take a few strands of her hair. He knew what she was thinking when she did. She told him before that she wasn't too fond of her hair, but the moment they met, and became friends, he liked her hair. Everything about it. The color, length, etc. Mainly because of how it complimented her looks and fit her really well. "Adorable? A pink dragon?" Logan chuckled a little and rubbed his head. "It'd be different... I never seen one before, but I guess with phone cases, anything is possible."

Dante sighed as he unlocked the door to his dorm. He had been out of the country for the past few days in another realm and had left his dorm unkempt for, so upon opening the door he wasn’t shocked by the thick layer of dust that had built up on all the exposed surfaces walking over and flinging open his windows in the attempt to air out the room, Dante sighed when it had little effect. Sighing Dante’s large black wings tore two holes through the back of his shirt, springing forth from him back. Flapping his wings a few times, all the dust was stirred and forced towards one of the now many exits to the room. Coughing from the sudden explosion of dust Dante staggered out the door to his room and away from the dorms. He would come back later when the dust had hopefully settled. Walking away from the dorm building Dante shook out his wings and pulled them back in before realizing that he had already torn two large holes in the back of his shirt. Groaning at the fact he had for gotten to grab an extra shirt while he was in his room Dante sighed and decided that the easiest thing to do would be to just take off his shirt and hope no one called him out on it. Pulling off his shirt Dante’s toned body was revealed. Honestly he didn’t look to bad however a few rather large scars crisscrossed his skin marring what would be considered an otherwise perfect body. rewards for his and Lucifer’s attempted rebellion against god of course. Walking across the school grounds while shirtless he decided he was slightly thirst and walked towards one of the vending machines scattered around the campus. Putting in his change Dante pressed the buttons for a can of orange soda, only to have it get stuck halfway to the ejection spot. “SONOFABITCH!” Angrily punching the front of the machine Dante froze as he realized what would happen if he punched the machine with this level of force however it was too late to stop his fist. On contact with his fist the machines glass front shattered and flew everywhere a few shards cutting through Dante’s skin but they healed instantly. His fist still traveling forwards, the metal of the machine crumpled like paper and the whole unit was blasted around 10 meters away causing a deep scar on the grass grounds. Looking around frantically Dante hopped no one had seen him punching the machine as it was getting later in the evening and began to try and slink away.

(you have no obligation to write this much btw, I just haven’t used Dante in a while and wanted to give him a bit longer post. You can write however much you choose to. It doesn’t bother me if it’s a one liner or three paragraphs.)
Lotte Lotte
It had been a long day for Rose. She kept getting distracted and got almost no cleaning done, even though she promised herself that she would stop procrastinating and clean the main building of the shrine today. Time flew by and suddenly her alarm had gone off, telling her to go to school. She gave up on the cleaning and decided it would be best to hurry up so she wouldn't make a bad first impression by being late on her first day. In the end she got to her classroom about twenty seconds before the bell rang, because she got lost on her way to school. She had no idea how to get to the campus because she never actually had a look at the town map. The town itself wasn't something extraordinary, but it was still pretty. It was buzzing with energy here and there, and Rose absolutely loved the view from her residence. The old shrine was made up of a few buildings and a garden with a nice view of the city. Some of the view was blocked by the forest, but it was pretty nonetheless.
A part of why she was late was the fact that she stopped multiple times to stare at the stores that sold traditional and unusual items. There was a group of teens that Rose immediately marked as annoying for loitering in front of a bookshop and shouting insults at nearby women, but the rest of the people seemed interesting enough. She didn't manage to have a good look at her classmates, though, because she was too focused on the lessons. Her favorite class was biology, where the teacher was particularly beautiful and interesting. The day was coming to an end and Rose realized that she hadn't eaten or drunk anything since that morning, so she walked over to the nearest vending machine.There was someone already in front of the machine, so Rose took her time walking towards it and looked through her wallet for some change. She pulled out a coin victoriously just when the man swung his fist at the vending machine, sending it flying across the grass.
Rose stood still, blinking a few times to process what just happened. It was sudden and over in a flash, and her senses were tingling, looking for any signs of danger. She gave an inaudible sigh and looked at the man, her hands still in the air, holding the coin and wallet. She calmly looked from the vending machine back to the man. "So... Are there any other vending machines nearby?"
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EmeraldGail, the forever young.

“Oh, I don’t mind the night-time. I enjoy it, in fact. How everything is calm and peaceful…it’s nice. That, and I glow in the dark.”

She says with a slight chuckle as she floated around him. When it came to the front door that led to the corridor, however, she simply waves her hand the lock as she passes through the door allowing an audible click to be heard as the door swung open (I believe Ren locked that door, but I don’t remember. Basically, as she passes through the door she possesses the lock to unlock the door). Gail waits on the other side with a cheeky smile, her hands behind her back.

“You don’t have to hold the door open for a ghost, you know.”

Roman Roman

Ren Yamada


"Well that's convenient. The glowing part that is, but won't you sort of be like outshined by the city lights?" Ren asked as he stood by the door. He was waiting for Gail, knowing she could go through the walls and anything she pleased at that. When she came and unlocked the door, going through at the same time. When it opened, he stood with his hands in his pockets and a smile on his face. "I may not have to hold it open for you, but I do have to hold it open for myself." He said in response, laughing a little. Ren then walked out of the dorm, turning around and closing it, locking it right after. "Well Gail, off to the park we go. Enjoy the rest of this day together, my friend. Also, if you want, since I know so much about you and you know little to nothing about me, ask anything you want. Any question that comes to mind, feel free to ask. I'm willing to answer." He said, smiling as he began walking in the direction the park was in.

"Well... I didn't really think it should look nice.." She said before she giggled.

Ramona Ishida

~ The Demon Vampiress

Ramona looked around a bit more, before turning to Himeragi, "No judgement from me. I feel the same way, but with magic, it's easy to keep things neat for me... Easy to do a lot of things."

EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Well, I know of a nice juice bar relatively close to here. It’s quite nice, I think. They do a lovely one of orange, ginger and ginseng, so I go there a lot.”

He says, tapping his pocket as he checks for his wallet. He couldn’t very well invite Iris out for a drink then expect her to pay, now can he? It wouldn’t exactly be gentlemanly of him. Satisfied that his wallet felt hefty enough, he smiles back at her.

“We can go now, if you want?”

Vito prepares himself to leave, deciding to attune to Air to help with transport. He doesn’t expect her to fly, either, but it is more force of habit at this point.
Lumina Lumina

Ramona Ishida

~ The Demon Vampiress

Ramona looked around a bit more, before turning to Himeragi, "No judgement from me. I feel the same way, but with magic, it's easy to keep things neat for me... Easy to do a lot of things."

"Ah. I can't do that with magic. But I like a little messy look. I'm not the type to have everything perfect." She said as she smiled and sat on the bed. "So that's all the rooms right?"
EmeraldVito, the humble monk.

“Well, I know of a nice juice bar relatively close to here. It’s quite nice, I think. They do a lovely one of orange, ginger and ginseng, so I go there a lot.”

He says, tapping his pocket as he checks for his wallet. He couldn’t very well invite Iris out for a drink then expect her to pay, now can he? It wouldn’t exactly be gentlemanly of him. Satisfied that his wallet felt hefty enough, he smiles back at her.

“We can go now, if you want?”

Vito prepares himself to leave, deciding to attune to Air to help with transport. He doesn’t expect her to fly, either, but it is more force of habit at this point.
Lumina Lumina
Hearing his choice of venue, Iris nodded. Regardless of his praise of the orange and gingseng drink (which did sound wonderful though), she did say she was down for anything, so the juice bar was where they were to go. After a day of being in school and expending some energy in attunement with a stranger, a drink was much needed. "Well, I'll believe it when I see it." Iris jested, even though she already believed him. She noticed he was attuning to air, which meant he probably wanted to fly. Well, that wasn't a problem, and she did find it easy to get around. Bending the air around her, the wings that she had crafted earlier found themselves attached to her once more, and she flapped them to make sure they were good to go. "Ready when you are."
The suuy paused as it heard Perfect's voice before looking back at him curiously as if surprised to find him still alive. then suddenly his figure flashed once more and a handgun was roughly shoved under Perfect's chin as the Suuy appeared in front of perfect, completely and uncharacteristically silent for him. Then squeezing the trigger roughly and rapidly Suuy fired a number of shots through Perfect's head, completely destroying the skull. then stepping backwards suuy spun the scythe, striking the blade against the ground a number of times, causing the blade to heat up, very quickly becoming a glowing hot red as it was super heated. spinning the weapon one last time Suuy stabbed the blade into the stumpy neck of Perfect's body and released it, leaving it there. Very soon the flesh around the blade to ignite and burn, spreading to the rest of Perfect's body. Turning around once more Suuy began to again walk away from the arena, speaking as he went. "This time just stay dead. You can die with a much better appearance than you ever did while you were alive."


~ God of Perfection

Perfect smiled as he looked down at Suuy, who had a pistol pointed at his head. Before he fired, Perfect spoke, "Do your worst..." Then the shots were fired. Perfect had quote on quote 'died' upon the impact of the bullet to his brain. As the attacks continued coming, Perfect's body continued to heal the areas that weren't being hit. When the Suuy with the scythe came back, Perfect smiled at him as he was revived at the time. He made no attempts to attack back, but instead allowed for his head to be cut off. When Suuy left him there, he stood back up, his head forming once again. "Unlike you, I don't need copies of myself to survive death. I make it look like a novelty toy available at the local pharmacy." He then stretched his muscles before turning his back on Suuy once more. "Now, you can try again to kill me, but this time I'll actually fight back... Or you can leave and realize that there's nothing you can do... And no way in hell can you beat me. Make up your mind quickly. I don't need you wandering around my arena if you aren't doing anything."

EmeraldGail, the forever young.

“Ok, let’s go have fun!”

She says with almost a girlish giggle that echoes slightly through the air. As she listens to him further, however, she stops to think. What could she ask him? She can ask a god anything, but what? What did she want to know? Did she truly wish to know it?

“Erm…how did you come into existence? I can’t imagine gods are just born, right?”

She says, curiously. She was interested in how gods come into existence, for that was something that not even the greatest scholar could work out.
Roman Roman
Gregory smiled back at Ariel, as she laid back in the bed, him joining her right next to her. For a while, he was really happy with this current situation... but then his love went silent... which was odd for her. Listening to Ariel's words made Greg frown as well, looking her in the eyes. Of course he wasn't going to leave again. He was safe... no one was chasing him.
He slowly reached out and took her hand in both of his, his jokiness gone, replaced with pure seriousness.
"Ariel... this was the only time I was forced to run away... to leave... I won't need to get up and leave suddenly... ever again... if someone threatens to come over and do harm to you... because of me..." His expression went blank for a while, as he looked away, letting out a heavy sigh. The atmosphere around them was heavy, and he knew this. But he had to adress the point
"I will make sure... that he will not be able to do this again... saying it lightly" He said quietly, looking back at his girlfriend, opening his eyes slowly.
"I promise you this.. with every ounce of seriousness that is in me..."

• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel watched him quietly as he frowned at her, her own expression looking quite upset. When he took her hand in his she glanced down at their hands briefly before looking back up at him as he began to speak. His expression looked so serious, something she rarely saw from her light-hearted boyfriend.She let out a breath she didn't even realise she was holding in after he was done speaking. Hearing that he wouldn't have to leave again certainly calmed her thoughts. The promise he just made was a very important one to her. She had already decided in her own thoughts that if he ever had to leave again, she'd come with him regardless of any protests involving her safety he might have. She didn't want to spend such a long time away from him again nor did she want him having to backpack around the place all along with no-one to talk to. She studied his expression for a moment before smiling softly, moving herself closer to him to hug onto him and rest her head on his chest "I'm glad to hear that." She answered softly before letting a happy sigh and closing her eyes.


• Ariel Reaver •
Ariel watched him quietly as he frowned at her, her own expression looking quite upset. When he took her hand in his she glanced down at their hands briefly before looking back up at him as he began to speak. His expression looked so serious, something she rarely saw from her light-hearted boyfriend.She let out a breath she didn't even realise she was holding in after he was done speaking. Hearing that he wouldn't have to leave again certainly calmed her thoughts. The promise he just made was a very important one to her. She had already decided in her own thoughts that if he ever had to leave again, she'd come with him regardless of any protests involving her safety he might have. She didn't want to spend such a long time away from him again nor did she want him having to backpack around the place all along with no-one to talk to. She studied his expression for a moment before smiling softly, moving herself closer to him to hug onto him and rest her head on his chest "I'm glad to hear that." She answered softly before letting a happy sigh and closing her eyes.

Greg would smile lightly, feeling Ariel's hands wrap around him, as well as her had resting on her chest. He rolled gently so that he was under her, letting her be on top and relax.
He even lightly began to tickle the girl's sides, but stopped relatively quickly.
"Say... how are you feeling, huh? Anything is on your kind?" His hand protectively wrapped around his girlfriend's waist.

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