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Fantasy Snow-Fire Academy for the Gifted

He'd jump back, before thrusting the blade as you Lunged "I have a reason to apologize!" His horn grew once more, but in Anger, his Demonic Nature almost gripping him completely. The blade began to twist before Leonardo threw it at him like a Spear, Exploding (By releasing the Charge, Not destroying the weapon) upon Contact with the Teacher. His happiness slowly turned into anger and a little bit of Sadness.
Elch tanked the hit and grabbed the weapon. He stabbed it into the ground and waited for the demon to make a move. This was ending in the next move, so he wanted to see everything Leo had to offer.
Jaya, for once, stops, turning back to look at the blonde vampire. "Y'said your name's Mikage, didn't ya? Just thought it was a nice lil' shortenin' of it. Never been great with rememberin' most names, so I shorten 'em." Her face dawns with an expression of realization. "Is that bad? Y'don't mind that name do ya?" She genuinely looks concerned, looking deep into Mikage's eyes.
noirfox5 noirfox5
"Is surrendering an option, sir?"
Elch chuckled and nodded. He pulled up the spear and walked towards his student. He had his natural warm smile on and handed the spear over to the demon.
"You know I figured demons to be cowards, terrible in battle and manipulators getting others to fight for them. Thank you for proving me wrong." Elch said in his kindest voice. He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.
"Two quick words sir?" He sounded a little emotional, almost completely unlike a demon. He needed to address what he needed to be trained in, before he spilled the beans.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
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Asura was taken by surprise not so much by the strike he was given ,as it barely made a scratch due to the durability of his body, but more by what the whip was made of. "Well that's....different" he mumbled to himself. "Well if you say so" he spoke after hearing her warning him not to go easy on her. Not like he had planned on it anyway. Asura, instead of rushing her decided to stick to range for a bit and raised his left hand. The center began to glow and a flurry of red plasma launched toward Lucia at an incredible speed. He started to run around her at a fairly quick pace for his size and continued to shoot the plasma in an attempt to force her into defending.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
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Lucia, needless to say, really had not expected this at all. She was no way she could dodge them all...but she didn't need to anyway. She avoided as many of them as she could, making sure that none of them hit her head. A few of the shots managed to just slightly graze her arms, which did practically nothing as any damage just healed itself right away, so basically she was pretty much completely unharmed. She could tell, however, that this wasn't going to go well if she kept it up. She needed a way out of this, but, he was just barely out of range for her to trip him easily without it being rather risky. It was hard for her to think up an escape plan while she was playing on the defensive... Wait, that was it! He was trying to force her on the defensive! He was trying to tire her out, or had something else planned for once she was going on the defensive. She just needed to find a way to go on the offensive without taking too many major blows... That was not going to be easy, but she thought she had a plan. She'd keep dodging the plasma shots, and try to goad Asura into going for an actual blow with his fists, instead of all these plasma shots, hoping that he'd end up at the very least knocking her quite a bit away with a tough blow, and then she'd take the advantage by keeping him from just circling her again...somehow. She hadn't planned that far ahead. This was probably going to fail, but, it was the only thing she could think of under pressure like this. "Is this really all you've got? What, are you, afraid to hit a girl? That'd explain your cowardly buzzard like circling. If this is all you can do, then consider me unimpressed." This was an admittedly bad attempt to goad him into coming at her head on, but, it was an attempt nonetheless.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura chuckled at her goading but decided to give her what he was asking for. He stopped His circle maneuver for a split second then completely disappeared in a flash of speed. Before she could notice he was literally right under her nose and gave her a strong upwards open palmed strike to the chin to knock her up and back effectively sending her off her feet. Afterwards he quickly delivered a forceful blow to her stomach forcing her back down and creating a small Lucia shaped indent in the ground.
"Oops?" He spoke as he put himself back at a distance. It was hard to control your strength when you didn't fight much.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia's head had popped off after the blow to the stomach that had forced her back down onto the ground. She had a feeling she could easily use this to her advantage. She kept her eyes shut, acting like she was unconscious or dead for a moment or two, before having her body stagger back to it's feet and start wildly flailing its arms in the general direction she'd last seen Asura in, attempting to at least cause him to back up a bit out of surprise or something. Granted she was pretty sure she wouldn't succeed, but, it was worth a shot. The flame coming out of her neck suddenly seemed to consume her entire body, giving off the impression that she'd been completely consumed by blue flames. This was pretty much nothing more than a trick meant to shock Asura as well, just a bit of an extra thing that she thought might help make it slightly freakier.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura seeing that Lucia's head had come of was extremely distressed. Had he just killed his first actual friend? Upon seeing her body stand and flail for a bit before catching fire he assumed that she was not dead and his shock quickly faded into a small fit of laughter as he stepped around her flailing and flaming body picked it up from behind ignoring the flame and tossed it over his shoulder like a knap sack. He then proceeded to her head and picked it up gently by her hair. After staring at it for a few seconds he flicked her forehead.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia didn't flinch or move after being flicked. After all, she still had to keep up the illusion of being dead- wait was he laughing? That was...not what she'd expected. Her body stopped flailing around and went limp, the flames slowly dying out. Maybe this would trick him into thinking that she was dead? She had a feeling that this ploy had failed completely.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura sighed and decided to let a little of his other side show through. One that was a little less normal "...if you don't open your eyes I'll use your head as a soccer ball." He extended the last word in a taunting manner "or..or maybe I'll mount you to the wall above my bed?".suddenly he had an idea and he slowly set her head down. He began to tickle her body to see if it would solicit a reaction in her head. When it came to strange situations Asuras even stranger side came out at its fullest.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia's body started struggling, repeatedly hitting the back of Asura's head and trying to get away from Asura. Lucia quickly opened her eyes, glaring at Asura. "Hey, cut that out! It's not funny. And besides, isn't this supposed to be combat training? This doesn't seem like combat, so how about you cut this out and we get back to the matter at hand."
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura smiled "in combat those at mercy have no say " as he spoke he set her body down beside her head and took a step back "or could it be your embarrassed?" Asura couldn't help himself taunting Lucia was surprisingly fun but he knew that having fun at others expense wasn't the nicest thing to do. "You up for another round? I kinda wanna test this sword now" Asura swung the sword twice slicing through the air. While the blade being almost 5 feet alone did make it awkward to swing he managed quiet well.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Elch looked at his student before turning towards another pair of students. One of them seemed to be tickling the other. He shook his head before taking a long drag of his cigarette. He turned towards Leo and smiled again sensing his students despair.
"Go on. If its something private its safe with me." Elch said comfortingly.
Esper Alucard Esper Alucard
Lucia snatched up her head, firmly attaching it to her neck and glaring angrily at Asura. She didn't seem embarrassed, she just seemed really, really angry, to say the least."Fine, we'll go another round. And this time, I won't let you get the advantage." She definitely did not sound happy. "And you know what? This time I'll get serious about it instead of just letting you do what you can. Last time was simply so I could get a glimpse of what you could do."
zenreaper zenreaper
Lucia's way of speaking was getting Asura fired up. Although he couldn't get completely serious unless necessary he could give her a good fight "then come at me" he spoke crouching low and putting the blade of the sword in his left hand as if his hand itself was the sheath. A barely noticeable red glow was coming from his hand.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia had a feeling that rushing him head on would be absolutely stupid, but, she had a plan. Sure, she couldn't beat him in a fair fight easily, but she could try and wear him down. She planned out what she was going to do in a matter of seconds before rushing straight at Asura at a pace that most people would consider a full sprint. She had a plan that would, at the very least, definitely have at least a chance of working, but she needed to make sure she did things right. She needed to make sure that Asura at least went for the first strike.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asuras plan was simple and Lucia rushing at him was just what he needed. He waited till she was close enough then drew the sword from his left hand. The red glow was carried by the blade and as he slashed sideways a wave of fast moving plasma was flung from the blade which he quickly put back into its starting position in his hand.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia managed to barely dodge the plasma while still rushing straight at him without even halting for a moment, quickly reaching Asura and leaping right over his head, unleashing a rapid onslaught of lashes from her whip, striking Asura's back quite a few times before he could react and before she even landed after less than three seconds of being mid-air. She took off running again, this time running away from Asura. She needed him to follow her to get this plan to work, and she needed to avoid being cut clean in half. Easier said than done now that she thought of it. She was starting to wonder if this was how bullfighters feel.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura, needles to say didn't expect her to jump over him. As a result he now had quite a few lashes on his back. Although they stung they were no more than a minor inconvenience. His back looked like someone had been trying to carve stone with a broken chisel. As Lucia got farther away from home he considered 2 options. To use his speed and catch up to her or to keep his distance and keep firing plasma. Seeing as firing plasma would tier him out faster he decided to go after her. As he turned he disappeared once again the only evidence that he hadn't blinked out of existence was a heavily imprinted footprint facing in Lucia's direction. Coming out of his bindingly fast dash he placed himself in front of her and face the dull side of his blade twords her at the ready. Like a batter waiting for the pitch to reach him. If there was one thing he wouldn't lose at it was a contest of speed.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
Lucia was not in a good situation. She could take pretty much anything Asura could hit her with, but, he could outspeed and overpower her pretty easily. So, the logical thing to do would be to take advantage of that. But in order to do that, she'd need to let Asura hit her, or at least take a swing from close range at her. She knew she could dodge it easily, and even if she didn't she knew it wouldn't be enough to keep her down, so she kept running straight at Asura, suddenly doubling her pace in order to at least throw the timing of his attack off a little bit.
zenreaper zenreaper
Asura was confused as to why Lucia had sped up into his strike but it was too late for him to think as he was already mid swing. The blow hit Lucia square in the chest and resounded with a strong cracking sound. Enough to knock the wind out of pretty much anyone. Lucia was stronger than he had anticipated and he was quite happy with this fact resulting a wide spread smile across his face during this entire endeavor.
SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird
"I can use my Weapons just fine, the real issue is getting the Imbuement Abilities right. The one i have the most trouble with is an Ice Wall, so i must see if you are able to teach me how to control my Magic..."
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss
Smoke had hurt Fallon, even when she teleported away to not get the full force of the blast. She lay on the edge of the crater in one piece, but bloodied and bruised and not moving. She sat up slowly, embarrassed to have been beaten twice in less than an hour. "One thing, Smoke. You don't show affection for the opponent during a match. That is... well... showing your opponent mercy. I know that much about battle. I've fought family."
She got up slowly, and healed. "You've won." She offered her hand in a truce handshake.
ZappiestAbyss ZappiestAbyss

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