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Fantasy Welcome To Olympus CS

Safety Hammer

A walking piece of shit in a stupid looking jacket

Name: (Can be a custom god)
Dominion: (What they are a god of)
Appearance: (Drawing or anime, please)
Relationship: (Please adjust as time goes on)
Crush: (Please adjust as time goes on)
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Name: Dionysus (Dio for short)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Dominion: Alcohol, drugs, parties, sex, and homosexuality

Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, and he was the only god with a mortal parent. Zeus went to Semele in the night, unseen by human eyes, but could be felt as a divine presence. Semele was pleased to be the lover of a god, even though she did not know which one. Word soon got around and Hera quickly assumed who was responsible. She went to Semele in disguise and convinced her she should see her lover as he really was. When Zeus visited her again, she made him promise to grant her one wish. She went so far as to make him swear on the River Styx that he would grant her request. Zeus was madly in love and agreed. She then asked him to show her his true form. Zeus was unhappy knowing what was about to happen, but bound by his oath, he had no choice. He appeared in his true form and Semele was instantly burnt to a crisp by the sight of his glory. Zeus managed to rescue the fetal Dionysus and stitched him into his thigh until he would be ready to be born. His birth from Zeus conferred immortality upon him.
Hera, still jealous of Zeus' infidelity and the fact that Dionysus was alive, arranged for the Titans to kill him. The Titans ripped him to pieces; however, Rhea brought him back to life. After this, Zeus arranged for his protection and gave him to the mountain nymphs to be raised.
Dionysus wandered the world actively spreading his cult. He was accompanied by the Maenads, wild women, flush with wine, shoulders draped with a fawn skin, carrying rods tipped with pine cones. While other gods had temples to be worshipped at, the followers of Dionysus worshipped him in the woods. There, they might go into a state of ecstasy and madness, ripping apart and eating raw any animal they might come upon.
Dionysus was also one of the very few characters able to bring a dead person back from the underworld. Even though he had never seen Semele, he was concerned for her. Eventually, he journeyed into the underworld to find her. He faced down Thanatos and brought her back to Mount Olympus
Personality: TBR
Red wine (Makes me feel so fine)
All alcohol in general
Rock music
It rough (*wink*)
Getting high
Zeus (Daddy issues)
Mean people
Party poopers
Bailey - Best bud
Ventra - Other best bud
Del - Wife
Demmy - Boyfriend

Extra: Dio has the power to shape-shift and change gender.​
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Luck, Fortune, Stealth, Rouges (including pretty much every sub category that falls under rouges) , Beast, and Beauty


Fuck if she knows. You'll find out later

Calm and collected, yet a bit snarky, sarcastic, and bitchy. She's also a very private person, good at hiding her emotions and true goals.

Beefy men
Pretty ladies

Nosy people
Being woken up

Dio - Her little drinking buddy!


To be added
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Volcanos/fire and Life/Nature


Ventra was born when the Titan goddess Rhea planted a seed in the ashy remains of a volcano and watered with the blood of Cronus, causing the seed to grow into a large bud, in which Ventra immerged, half burnt by the Volcano's heat yet kept alive by the flowers leaves which blackened and became her hair. Stepping from the great dying flower, Ventra urshered the volcano to erupt, coating the flower in ash. When the ash cloud settled, the flower was shown to have blossomed into a tree of ash with fiery roots that dug into the volcano which was later named Olympus.

Ventra takes a motherly approach to many of her siblings as one of the oldest Olympians and closest in relation to the Titans aside from the main 12. Ventra can see the beauty in everything even death. She sorrows for humans and their struggles and often aids them in crisis, even if she was the one who caused the disaster. Ventra lends her volcanoes to Hephaestus and her forests to Artemis and Apollo.



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Name: Aisha
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Tsundere bisexual
Dominion: Wind, journeys, adventurers
Bio: Aisha was born to the god of storms and his wife, a succubus. (Explains the horns...) She was sent to the mortal realm and spent a good chunk of her lifetime serving as the Imperator of her father's paladins. Upon her death, she was put in charge of the wind, because nepotism. She had a brief stint with the previous Imperator, before she was killed in battle.
Personality: Her mood reflects the weather, or vice versa..? Mostly positive and upbeat, but prone to melancholy moods should something terrible or sad happen. Anger in uncommon, but never fun to be on the receiving end of.
Likes: Singing (or humming), open spaces, exploring (precious little of that these days. She's taken to looking for inhabitable planets now).
Dislikes: Most human news, excessive structure, arrogance, and cooked zucchini.
Relationship: (Please adjust as time goes on)
Crush: Currently dead. Not that she couldn't be replaced, though.

(I should make Kek later. Probably the god of storms, too. Need a better picture, though)
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Love, Fertility, War, Sex and Power



Ishtar is not exactly known well for her humility and kind heart since she possesses neither one of those traits in the first place. Her ego is the size of a entire planet and you don't even have to know her personally to know that much about her since it's pretty obvious from the way she speaks to others and the way she acts in general. Ishtar is also known to have a undeniably short fuse, a strong sense of self-entitlement, and a fickle way of acting. When angered this goddess is definitely a force to be reckon with though since her wrath and spite have no limits (just ask her lovers and anybody that has insulted/disrespected her).

Any of her current lovers (most of the time anyway)
Getting her way
Her worshipers (though she barely has any these days)
Most people who recognize her greatness

Being insulted by anyone in any shape or form
Some guy in her past named Gilgamesh and his friend
When she is refused something


(Honestly, you probably don't want her affection since you'll either end up miserable or in ''deadly'' situations)

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Name: Aster

Preferred names: Uncle (and all variations of the word, this includes the other nicknames), Uncle U, Uncle Universe, Uncle Star, Uncle T, Uncle Titan, Knightly Bright
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Dominion: Space, Stars, distant celestial bodies and Distant lights of the night (off planet obviously)
Appearance: Practically a primordial being himself, Aster isn’t restrained to one less-than-godlike form and tends to switch on a whim, though always male.
Aster.png Aster torso.jpg

Bio: The son of the primordial beings Erebus and Nox. Aster is the older brother of Aether (Light, Upper Air) and Hemera (Day). He is the light that shines in night, the distant fire whose warmth is but a dream to your eyes. He is the stars that write their stories upon the darkest canvas and sing their songs for all who wish to listen. Many would claim that space is his domain, but in truth it is merely the earth upon which he plants and plans his garden. For the darkness of space is the body of his father, and the night he shines through, his mother. He tends to them both as he seeks to fill their greatness with the glory that is rightfully theirs.

Ok, listen, my name's Aster but if you call me that, I may smite you. Hey, I'm like super old and just about all the gods you know of are my nieces, nephews, or much younger cousins. I try to stay current, but sometimes I talk about when I used to play with Grandpa-ma, and I get the weirdest looks now. Just because Chaos has been off the radar the last couple of hundred millennia, doesn't mean I'm crazy. I mean, I can still draw matter out of It, so It's gotta still be there, somewhere. Anyway, I've been spending my time making stars and setting big plans into motion to watch them unfold. You see the Magellanic Clouds? That, was not on purpose, OK? I sneezed, my hands slipped during molding, and things went wonky, so I just decided to leave it and see what would happen. Never knew you kids would end up liking it so much. I’m kinda please that mortals, on several planets, have reached the point that they can look up at my children in detail. Feels nice to cause wonder just like I used to do in the old days. Look at me, I'm rambling. Anyway, stay tuned kiddos, there's a whole universe to marvel at, and after all these countless centuries, I'm only just getting started.

Personality: Ultimately kind and caring, he can be vitriolic and facetious on occasion. Always willing to give one the benefit of a doubt, but will not allow himself to be fooled twice. Though the company of others does not bother him, he is used to being alone. He is the universe's first fun uncle, and loves to show you something new. Generally, he is a laid-back dude with a great sense of humor, but ask him about one of his trigger topics, and he's like Bill Nye overdosed on Ambrosia.

Likes: all things space, aliens, life, science, magic
being called Aster
being called old (he knows it, you know it, and so does everyone else; do something better with you time than state the obvious)
dying stars
dying planets
every other nuisance is just too small for him to bother disliking

Relationship: None
Crush: None. That'd be weird for him, but I guess it could happen. He's the forth eldest being in the universe behind Chaos, and Erebus and Nyx, who were born at the same time.
Theme: I feel like both sounds of music capture who Aster is.

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Name: Tyrian (Tyr for short)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Dominion: Sailors, fishermen, the sea, lakes, fjords, boats, strength

Bio: TBR
Personality: TBR
Pretty women
Rowdy music
Bird watching
Rainy days
People who mistake him for Posidon
Hot days
Whiney music
Being stuck indoors
Relationship: To Be Determined
Crush: To Be Determined
Name: Ananke (is real just not a major goddess)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pan
Dominion: The goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity

Bio: said to be from the beginning of time and surrounded the cosmos with Kronos, they broke up recently, and now she hangs out on Mount Olympus. Not really much to say about her, she just meddles in the little things. In mythology, her parents are Hydros and Gaia and offspring are Khaos, Aither, Phanes, and Erebos with Kronos.
Personality: Simply has no self-control. She is the god of fate and likes to watch it unfold but truly enjoys causing it to unfold. She takes no responsibility for her actions, saying it was inevitable. She does most things on the spur of the moment and cares little about what others think of her.
Likes: meddling and chatting
Dislikes: does not take any responsibility or care about consequences
Relationship: None
Crush: None
Name: Kek
Gender: Androgenous, usually male
Sexuality: Unknown. He's been too busy with meme magic to focus on such trivial things as sex
Dominion: Chaos, repeating digits, darkness, frogs
Appearance: IMG_1190.PNG
Bio: Thought to be dead for thousands of years, he has been revived by the collective will of 4chan shitposters, and is responsible for the disappearance of Ted Cruz's delegates, the election of Donald J. Trump, Brexit, the death of Carrie Fisher, Shia LeBouf's HWNDU triggerings, and many more recent events.
Personality: Tends to have a somber outlook on life, but devolves into childish screeching should something pleasurable or infuriating happen. It seems the method of his resurrection has affected his mind.
Likes: Repeating numerals, chicken tendies, causing chaos
Dislikes: Democrats, feminism, anyone messing with his machinations, and slutty females
Relationship: (Please adjust as time goes on)
Crush: (Please adjust as time goes on)
(This is a meme character. If you take it seriously prepare for the triggering. Even if you don't take it seriously you should still prepare for the triggering)
Edit: he just killed David Rockefeller.
Edit2: If Boogie2988 dies, praise Kek.
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  • Name: Nekros (Usually goes by Mikhalio or Micky)
    Gender: Male
    Sexuality: Bisexual
    Dominion: Death, Decay, Necromancy, Darkness , Shadows
    Appearance: (Drawing or anime, please)

    Bio: Nekros is the son of Thanatos: the god of death and Hecate: goddess of magic. His life hasn't been an easy one since he inherited his fathers powers over death and decay. Most people are afraid and steer clear of him while others attempt to fight him in hopes of beating the god of Death but none have managed to defeat him. Despite his oh so happy appearance, Nekros is actually a ruthless god when he wants to be, Decaying things with a single look and raising the dead with a snap of his fingers. Some say he acts more like Hades than he does Thanatos. Long ago before Nekros became the god of Decay. He was a god of order, the tipping point between life and death. Nekros was the one who told his father who's soul to take and who to give extra time. Thanatos saw the hidden untapped power within his son, Nekros being the point between life and death, he could bring people back to life that his father had killed. Thanatos could not have this so he killed his son and had another god shove his spirit into his decaying body. His godly spirit healed his body but his control over the power of life was forever lost. Now he could on control death and decay.
    Personality: Nekros is usually happy and care free....unless you make him angry. Lets just say someone will not leave with their head attached to their shoulders. although he tries his hardest to keep his anger in check, he can loose control at anytime and take his anger out on any living (or non living) thing.
    Likes: Ice cream, Pizza, the Underworld
    Dislikes: When people say he is like Hades, His uncle, Bright lights, his Brother (Twin)
    Relationship: None
    Crush: none

Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
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A Lost God

Hair Color: Blank White
Eye Color: Light Blue
Modifications: Ear piercings

Personality: WIP
Bio: WIP

: Life, Death, Chaos, Order, Madness, Time, Space(Slightly), Balance,

Type: Primordial

God or Goddess: God

Other: He is technically an Entity, but became Devine through Time (Get it?)


Aeres Dae Cronus
Alias: The Entity
Age: ???
Height: 6'2"
Weight: (Changes)
Gender: Time and Order has no Gender, but he chooses to appear Male
Sexual Preference: Omni-Sexual

The Staff of Time: A long Staff with a circle at the end, of which he uses to manipulate and watch over time. It can ONLY be used by him, and no one else.Anyone else would die from trying.
(There are more, which will be added later)

Relationship: Currently Single

Crush: None Yet


◾Calm and cool
◾Strong Ability
◾Smart as hell
◾Skilled in Hand to Hand combat
◾Pleasant Dreams
◾Warm places

◾Being Hungry
◾Exerting too much energy to exhaustion
◾Her weaknesses

Other: He can turn into a girl if he wants.
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Prefers to go by Vulcan
The Maimed God
The Cripple
Lord of Iron
Guardian of the Maimed



Metallurgy, Metal, Craftsmen, Artisans, The Weak


Vulcan is the crippled god. His left leg is horribly mangled beyond reason and no amount of godly power can seem to heal it nor the rest of the deity. As such, he has to 'hobble' along with assistance in the form of a staff or cane. His spine is crooked and, as such, when he does stand, it tends to be at an angle and looks misshapen, which is not far from the truth. As Vulcan often muses, he looks like what happens when spare parts are thrown together. If he stood straight, or had the capability to, he would be a rather tall and imposing god standing over seven feet tall and bound with more muscles then even the more aggressive gods for Vulcan is, after all, the God of the Forge and one builds mighty muscles swinging a hammer around and beating metal to his will. While his face is likely just as misshapen as the rest of him, something he admits readily, Vulcan always wears a mask. No god nor mortal save his mother and the mortal woman that took him in has ever seen his face. The mask, as his clothes, will change on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis and are always things he creates himself, as such, are master crafted and tend to be rather beautiful or beautifully simple depending on his mood.

A secret. It is well known that before he resided on Olympus, he lived among the mortals.


Humorous/Sardonic || Kind/Pacifist || Artistic/Perfectionist || Protective/Vengeful || Giving/Distant

Despite his physical form, Vulcan does not weep and cry, he does not hide in the corner hoping not to be seen, instead, Vulcan laughs hard and long. He can find humor in even the cruelest of events and is always willing to share his keen observations and help induce a decent chuckle from another as, Gods, no matter how powerful, can always find time to lean back and laugh at the world around them for no one, not even the Gods, get out of it alive. He is not above mocking himself or others, although he doesn't often mock others, not because he is afraid of them, but more that Vulcan feels that he should be able to make everyone laugh and happy, rather then single out one person.. unless that person is himself. But, it is important to note that sometimes he will, especially if he doesn't like the other person, and it is not uncommon for him to come off as incredibly sardonic as he makes light of harsh experiences in the lives of others, with a dry, almost uncaring, bite to his tongue.

Vulcan is known as one of the kinder deities. He defends and watches out for the weak and helpless. The cripples and maimed that are often left behind by society. Unlike the others, he does not do this in obvious means, instead he will help in small, subtle ways and most of the time the beings he help will never know it was him. They will praise the names of other deities, and he will simply smile behind his mask for when something is done right, truly done right, it will be like he had done nothing at all. In his life span, he has never 'forced' himself upon a mortal woman, never tricked or deceived any mortal that did not deserve it, he did not abuse his station or power in life, and he truly loves humanity for all its flaws and wonder... and this kindness carries on to other deities as he will often give out gifts and creations to others, just because he made it and felt they should have it and is almost always willing to make something on demand or request.... But he is also a pacifist and doesn't enjoy fighting. He hates making weapons and tools of war, but he will.. because he has a hard time telling people no. He is.. as they say, a bit of a push over. He doesn't like to harm others as such, hates when they are disappointed or hurt, especially, by him or his actions. If someone 'attacks' him, he often will not defend himself... mostly because mortals cannot harm him and he cannot harm another deity, his misshapen and broken body wouldn't stand much of a chance.

Being the God of artisan and craft, Vulcan is extremely artistic. He, as they say, has a beautiful soul. He is able to create wonders from metal, rock, paper... He can take the most mundane of objects and bring them to new heights of glory, showing off potential no one but he saw in it and he loves nothing more then to just tinker and create. To sit in his workshop alone for days on end as he creates new things of beauty, things that make the soul weep or the heart leap with joy and excitement. Along with this, however, Vulcan is very much a perfectionist. Everything he creates, molds with his hands has to be 'perfect', perfect to his ideal image of what it is. If not, he will start over. Again and again until it is done. He once spent four centuries on a single carving of a goddess because he could not get her eyes 'just right'. It is important to note that he doesn't just 'create', he.. invest himself into every creation he does. A small 'piece' of him is put into everything his hands and mind create which is a large reason why he hates forging weapons of war for he feels it. The hatred.. the fear... the panic... the sorrow.. feels the blood passing over the blade, feels the life drain out of the victim... He feels it all. When such a weapon is made by him and brought into battle... alone, in his workshop, away from the world and unknown to the others, he weeps for the defilement and destruction that is being done because of him and will often attempt to play music to soothe what little of his soul remains.

As the God of the Maimed, Vulcan is incredibly protective of those who are in need. He will go out of his way to guard even small mortals that are beneath the watch of the other gods for Vulcan... is a god of details, able to notice the 'unimportant' pieces the the other gods would never give a second glance to. This protective nature also goes to his creations, and he will not gift his greatest creations on beings he feels do not deserve or will value them as they should be. He would rather be beaten into a blood heap then see an unworthy touch a creation of his... But.. while beating him into a bloody heap is doable by nearly any deity, one must beware, for Vulcan is vengeful and holds a grudge like no other. While he will not physically harm another god, he will craft creations to punish the wicked and those who wrong him, from unbreakable nets, to a chair one cannot get out of, to a box that causes those that look inside to cry tears of blood for eternity... Vulcan is not a god to be crossed by divine or mundane.

Vulcan loves to give out small trinkets and gifts to deities and mortals, often as little surprises. This coupled with his, fairly easy going and friendly nature, make him an easy being to get along with.. however that is it. Vulcan is a distant god, no one enters his workshop unless he allows it and usually not for long. No one may see him when he is weak or know more about him then he allows. He prefers it this way. Safer for them and himself. He is just the crippled god of the forge who can be moderately amusing.

Beauty, in all its forms.
Love (Enjoys watching it blossom in others)
The Stars
Being Cared For (Although he will never admit to such)

Making Tools of Death
The Misuse of Strength





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A Lost God

Hair Color: Blank White
Eye Color: Light Blue
Modifications: Ear piercings

Personality: WIP
Bio: WIP

: Life, Death, Chaos, Order, Madness, Time, Space(Slightly), Balance,

Type: Primordial

God or Goddess: God

Other: He is technically an Entity, but became Devine through Time (Get it?)


Aeres Dae Cronus
Alias: The Entity
Age: ???
Height: 6'2"
Weight: (Changes)
Gender: Time and Order has no Gender, but he chooses to appear Male
Sexual Preference: Omni-Sexual

The Staff of Time: A long Staff with a circle at the end, of which he uses to manipulate and watch over time. It can ONLY be used by him, and no one else.Anyone else would die from trying.
(There are more, which will be added later)

Relationship: Currently Single

Crush: None Yet


◾Calm and cool
◾Strong Ability
◾Smart as hell
◾Skilled in Hand to Hand combat
◾Pleasant Dreams
◾Warm places

◾Being Hungry
◾Exerting too much energy to exhaustion
◾Her weaknesses

Other: He can turn into a girl if he wants.
Alright. Since Death is already taken, and 'life' in general is too vague and powerful, I'm basically giving you the option of one or the other.
  1. He can be like Chronos, and be a time and space-ish god
  2. Or he can be a god of law (Chaos and Order)



Prefers to go by Vulcan
The Maimed God
The Cripple
Lord of Iron
Guardian of the Maimed



Metallurgy, Metal, Craftsmen, Artisans, The Weak


Vulcan is the crippled god. His left leg is horribly mangled beyond reason and no amount of godly power can seem to heal it nor the rest of the deity. As such, he has to 'hobble' along with assistance in the form of a staff or cane. His spine is crooked and, as such, when he does stand, it tends to be at an angle and looks misshapen, which is not far from the truth. As Vulcan often muses, he looks like what happens when spare parts are thrown together. If he stood straight, or had the capability to, he would be a rather tall and imposing god standing over seven feet tall and bound with more muscles then even the more aggressive gods for Vulcan is, after all, the God of the Forge and one builds mighty muscles swinging a hammer around and beating metal to his will. While his face is likely just as misshapen as the rest of him, something he admits readily, Vulcan always wears a mask. No god nor mortal save his mother and the mortal woman that took him in has ever seen his face. The mask, as his clothes, will change on a daily, sometimes hourly, basis and are always things he creates himself, as such, are master crafted and tend to be rather beautiful or beautifully simple depending on his mood.

A secret. It is well known that before he resided on Olympus, he lived among the mortals.


Humorous/Sardonic || Kind/Pacifist || Artistic/Perfectionist || Protective/Vengeful || Giving/Distant

Despite his physical form, Vulcan does not weep and cry, he does not hide in the corner hoping not to be seen, instead, Vulcan laughs hard and long. He can find humor in even the cruelest of events and is always willing to share his keen observations and help induce a decent chuckle from another as, Gods, no matter how powerful, can always find time to lean back and laugh at the world around them for no one, not even the Gods, get out of it alive. He is not above mocking himself or others, although he doesn't often mock others, not because he is afraid of them, but more that Vulcan feels that he should be able to make everyone laugh and happy, rather then single out one person.. unless that person is himself. But, it is important to note that sometimes he will, especially if he doesn't like the other person, and it is not uncommon for him to come off as incredibly sardonic as he makes light of harsh experiences in the lives of others, with a dry, almost uncaring, bite to his tongue.

Vulcan is known as one of the kinder deities. He defends and watches out for the weak and helpless. The cripples and maimed that are often left behind by society. Unlike the others, he does not do this in obvious means, instead he will help in small, subtle ways and most of the time the beings he help will never know it was him. They will praise the names of other deities, and he will simply smile behind his mask for when something is done right, truly done right, it will be like he had done nothing at all. In his life span, he has never 'forced' himself upon a mortal woman, never tricked or deceived any mortal that did not deserve it, he did not abuse his station or power in life, and he truly loves humanity for all its flaws and wonder... and this kindness carries on to other deities as he will often give out gifts and creations to others, just because he made it and felt they should have it and is almost always willing to make something on demand or request.... But he is also a pacifist and doesn't enjoy fighting. He hates making weapons and tools of war, but he will.. because he has a hard time telling people no. He is.. as they say, a bit of a push over. He doesn't like to harm others as such, hates when they are disappointed or hurt, especially, by him or his actions. If someone 'attacks' him, he often will not defend himself... mostly because mortals cannot harm him and he cannot harm another deity, his misshapen and broken body wouldn't stand much of a chance.

Being the God of artisan and craft, Vulcan is extremely artistic. He, as they say, has a beautiful soul. He is able to create wonders from metal, rock, paper... He can take the most mundane of objects and bring them to new heights of glory, showing off potential no one but he saw in it and he loves nothing more then to just tinker and create. To sit in his workshop alone for days on end as he creates new things of beauty, things that make the soul weep or the heart leap with joy and excitement. Along with this, however, Vulcan is very much a perfectionist. Everything he creates, molds with his hands has to be 'perfect', perfect to his ideal image of what it is. If not, he will start over. Again and again until it is done. He once spent four centuries on a single carving of a goddess because he could not get her eyes 'just right'. It is important to note that he doesn't just 'create', he.. invest himself into every creation he does. A small 'piece' of him is put into everything his hands and mind create which is a large reason why he hates forging weapons of war for he feels it. The hatred.. the fear... the panic... the sorrow.. feels the blood passing over the blade, feels the life drain out of the victim... He feels it all. When such a weapon is made by him and brought into battle... alone, in his workshop, away from the world and unknown to the others, he weeps for the defilement and destruction that is being done because of him and will often attempt to play music to soothe what little of his soul remains.

As the God of the Maimed, Vulcan is incredibly protective of those who are in need. He will go out of his way to guard even small mortals that are beneath the watch of the other gods for Vulcan... is a god of details, able to notice the 'unimportant' pieces the the other gods would never give a second glance to. This protective nature also goes to his creations, and he will not gift his greatest creations on beings he feels do not deserve or will value them as they should be. He would rather be beaten into a blood heap then see an unworthy touch a creation of his... But.. while beating him into a bloody heap is doable by nearly any deity, one must beware, for Vulcan is vengeful and holds a grudge like no other. While he will not physically harm another god, he will craft creations to punish the wicked and those who wrong him, from unbreakable nets, to a chair one cannot get out of, to a box that causes those that look inside to cry tears of blood for eternity... Vulcan is not a god to be crossed by divine or mundane.

Vulcan loves to give out small trinkets and gifts to deities and mortals, often as little surprises. This coupled with his, fairly easy going and friendly nature, make him an easy being to get along with.. however that is it. Vulcan is a distant god, no one enters his workshop unless he allows it and usually not for long. No one may see him when he is weak or know more about him then he allows. He prefers it this way. Safer for them and himself. He is just the crippled god of the forge who can be moderately amusing.

Beauty, in all its forms.
Love (Enjoys watching it blossom in others)
The Stars
Being Cared For (Although he will never admit to such)

Making Tools of Death
The Misuse of Strength






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