Glowworms' OCs


I don't really know what I'm doing so I'm going to post all character profiles/sheets here that I plan to use for stuff. It's gonna get updated over time, but right now, its just this. Concrit is always appreciated.

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full name | Maris Koe
nickname | 'ris
archetype | Blunt Stubborn Honesty
species | Human
age | 18 (April 30, Taurus)
gender | Girl (She/Her)
sexuality | Lesbian
job | High School Student

ethnicity | Mixed Asian/European
default expression | Tired/Serious
height | 5′6″
weight | 138 lbs
blood type | AB+
build | Sturdy and squarish, seems grounded and hard to knock over
posture | Upright and generally good
style | Tends to wear faded or dark colors, with brown or black leather boots and heavy jackets.
voice | Gravely and a bit deeper than one would expect

She's stubborn and focused. She finds it easy to lose herself in tasks and likes having control over her surroundings. She tries to support the people around her, but prioritizes her own well being and is pretty selfish in the end. A lot of her social problems involve her getting into arguments very easily and her need to always be "right." She struggles against this and as a result, doesn't talk much. She's quite blunt and rude as her criticisms, both of herself and of others, tend to be harsh. While she is always completely sincere with every compliment she gives, but this isn't something that's instinctive for her. She's quite smart and good at picking up new information fast, but sucks at asking questions or for help on anything. She believes rules are important to follow, as there are usually reasons, and has taken on most of the opinions from her parents. As she's never really lived in a rural area, she idealizes the idea of the small town quite a bit and has fairly moderate views. Her main goals are to be ultimately be a productive member of society and do more good than harm. She doesn't want to live as a burden to her parents and its important to her that she is seen as helpful and intelligent.
big five | Closed, Conscientious, Introverted, Disagreeable, Stable
best trait | Focused and hardworking
phobias | Homelessness, fire, hitting deadlines
biggest flaw | Stubborn, Rude, Overexerts herself to the point of breakdown
mbti | INTJ
temperament | Choleric-Melancholic
alignment | Lawful Neutral
main sin/virtue | Pride/Diligence

She grew up in a suburban town and has lasted though the public school system. She was friends with most of her neighbors around her age while she was younger, but has slowly grown apart from them since entering middle school. She's had a fairly stable upbringing, save the loss of opa(her grandfather) when she was 13. Opa died in a house fire and oma(her grandmother) moved into her house. Adjusting to this change was difficult for her, especially with the constant reminder of opa's death, her grandmother's grieving and the shift in family roles. She was quite close to her grandfather, and found him fun to talk to when they visited. Her grandmother was harder to talk to as she could feel oma's judgments and expectations pressing down on her. When she was younger, Maris learned how to knit, crochet and sew from her oma, but this has leveled off as Maris worked more independently on her projects and her Oma's feelings about her changed. Her Oma wants her to be more "normal," socially popular and outgoing, and to become more interested in fashion and make up, to look nice so she gets asked out by boys. Maris can feel part of herself wanting to live up to these things, but at the same time, knows that they are things she finds exhausting or uninteresting. Nevertheless, she feels like a bit of a disappointment for failing to live up to these things. She's closer to her mother and, although they are also quite different, she feels like her mother is safer to talk to and can be trusted with her problems. She's only out to her mother, who's been accepting but "worried" for her, which is about as good as she expects in terms of responses. Her father works long hours and spends most of his time at home, in his office, so she doesn't see him much and as a result, doesn't have much of an opinion about her father besides "scary when mad." She sometimes remembers her old cat, "Fermie," who died when she was 7, and currently has two cats, brother and sister, named "Libby" and "Lacie" respectively, by her mother.
hobbies | Handicrafts, Piano, Video Games and Fencing
dream job | Author, Novelist
best subject | English/Writing
interests | Short Stories, Ancient Rome, Scifi/Fantasy
likes | Food (Baozi), Animals, “Interesting” things
dislikes | Liars, Small Talk, Unfamiliar Places, Cold
family | Mother, Father, Grandmother; Oma, Grandfather; Opa (Deceased), Cats; "Fermie"(deceased), "Lacie," "Libby."
hometown: | Midwest, USA
socioeconomic level | Upper Middle
religion | Non Practicing Protestant. She believes in and prays to God, but she doesn't regularly attend service.

name meaning | Maris means "From the Sea" and Koe means "Bull." The cats were named Fermat, Lovelace and Leibniz, originally, but have acquired nicknames.
rpg class | Monk
classical element | Earth
superpower | "Blacksmith" She has increased strength in her arms and can generate incredible heat from her hands, enough to melt and mold steel. While her arms are impervious to the heat, the rest of her is still partly affected by it, but to a much lesser extent than a normal person. At increasing temperatures, her arms will blacken and white flakes will start to peel off. She does have a temperature limit (~1600C) that will cause her arms to crack and crumble.
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Some question that you might wanna answer to bring more depth to the character :

Why is she Lesbian ? How did she discover she was ? How did that influenciated his family's attitude toward her ?

Where did she get her powers ? What does she do with them ?
Some question that you might wanna answer to bring more depth to the character :

Why is she Lesbian ? How did she discover she was ? How did that influenciated his family's attitude toward her ?

Where did she get her powers ? What does she do with them ?

There isn't an in-universe reason for her to be a lesbian. There isn't a point of discovery as much as a tendency for her to find girls attractive, and want to be with them. I've added in a bit where she's only come out to her mother.

The superpowers bit is only there for if I use her in a superpower rp, in which case, I will be adapting that bit to fit the constraints of however superpowers occur in that rp. The things she does with her superpowers amount to pretty much nothing except in very stressful/life threatening situations, because of her phobia of fire.
First off, I like her. : 3
She seems well-rounded and like you've put a lot of effort into developing her.

Now for the criticism: the selfish, abrasive lone wolf type is interesting enough on its own, but I see that personality type played out so often that it's kind of droll. It's gonna be a bit difficult for her to stand out among other characters. It can also be difficult to play out introverted characters; you have to take extra care to make sure they're integrating well with the group rather than standing off to the side.

What exactly are her oma's expectations for her? Is she expected to take on some old-fashioned family roles? How does she clash with her oma?

In a roleplay, I would throw in something that challenges her need to cling to the rules: for example, she could find herself in a situation where following the rules seems less moral than breaking them. I'd also put her through a situation where she's forced to ask for help in order to undermine her sense of pride and need to do things on her own.
Now for the criticism: the selfish, abrasive lone wolf type is interesting enough on its own, but I see that personality type played out so often that it's kind of droll. It's gonna be a bit difficult for her to stand out among other characters. It can also be difficult to play out introverted characters; you have to take extra care to make sure they're integrating well with the group rather than standing off to the side.

What exactly are her oma's expectations for her? Is she expected to take on some old-fashioned family roles? How does she clash with her oma?

In a roleplay, I would throw in something that challenges her need to cling to the rules: for example, she could find herself in a situation where following the rules seems less moral than breaking them. I'd also put her through a situation where she's forced to ask for help in order to undermine her sense of pride and need to do things on her own.

Yeah, she's probably not very fun to be around, as a person, but I'm hoping for her to develop over the course of an RP and have her learn how to become better at interacting with people. I want to put her in situations where she's forced to be around others and thus become more considerate in order to get things done.

While she's an introvert, she isn't really shy. Even passively hanging out with people is tiring for her, so she often takes charge in situations where she feels like she's capable of getting things done faster or in a more organized way.

And, yeah, I fleshed out her relationship with her oma a bit more, so its her oma wanting her to be more feminine, popular and straight, and how Maris is conflicted between wanting to live up to those expectations, but not being the kind of person that is capable of doing that (and feeling like she's a disappointment because of it).
full name | Samuel Feng
archetype | Curious Messenger
species | Human
age | 19
gender | Guy
sexuality | Gay
job | Delivery Boy
nationality | American

ethnicity | Chinese
default expression | Cheerful Grin
height | 5'11
weight | 170lbs
blood type | A+
build | Stretched out and skinny
posture | Upright but relaxed
style | Tends to layer clothing, contrasting dark with vibrant colors. Tends to go for longer shirts and will often sew extra pockets in the insides of his jackets.
voice | Warm and friendly. There is a lot of vibrancy and variation in pitch when he talks.

He's very honest about his emotions and doesn't care much for pretending to be something other than he is. He's aware of himself enough to know when he's being unfair or irrational about something but he cannot stop the intensity of his feelings and cries easily. While he will go along with what other people want to do, its very difficult to change his first impressions. He generally is a warm and welcoming person, and likes pretty much everyone. He's sometimes annoyingly optimistic about situations he finds himself in. He is honest, but tries to phrase things in the least hurtful way that he can and not be needlessly cruel about it. He's curious about other people and wants to learn everything about them, although usually goes about this through straight up asking them, and is kind of nosy that way. He wants to be liked by others and has a good memory for people. He occasionally gets caught up in gossip, but he tries not to spread information that could be harmful to someone he cares about.
big five | Open, Laid Back, Extroverted, Agreeable, Neurotic
best trait | Honesty, Resilience
phobias | Large bugs, small dark spaces, losing his friends
biggest flaw | Stubbornness, Insecurity
mbti | ENFJ
temperament | Sanguine-Phlegmatic
alignment | Chaotic Good
main sin/virtue | Envy/Patience

As a kid, he was let loose to run around in the surrounding nature, and spent a lot of time climbing trees and other stuff. His enjoyment of climbing things hasn't decreased but he has gotten more self conscious about it. Both of his parents work and have focused their spare energy to his younger sister, who is 14 and just starting high school. Samuel understands his younger sister is much better at school and smarter than he is, and thus is going to probably go to university and change the world and all that. He does love his younger sister and does his best to be a good brother to her, but nevertheless he feels like he's been discarded by their parents for not being good enough. He was bullied quite a bit when he went through the school system and refuses to forgive these people. He feels like his current life is pretty basic as he works a minimum wage job and continues to live with his parents. He's quite attached to the friend's he's made throughout high school as he feels like they're the only people he can rely on and is willing to sacrifice quite a bit for them.
hobbies | Running, Climbing Things
dream job | Anything that gives him enough time to hang out with his friends
best subject | Gym
languages | English
interests | Learning stuff about people
likes | Being outside, Warm drinks, Cats
dislikes | Bullies, Being cold/wet, Suburbia
family | Mom, Dad, Younger Sister; Melissa
hometown: | Midwest, USA
socioeconomic level | Lower Middle
religion | Non Observant Buddhist

rpg class | Rogue
classical element | Air
hogwarts house | Hufflepuff
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