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Fandom World Submersion (Multi Fandom rp) (OOC available, RP about to launch))

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because they're different. USH Paps has a race car bed that turns into a race car and sans is taken. Plus, both are Papyrus, which is cool.

But are they, though?

Or are they just a Papyrus-shaped version of other characters you like?

(Oh, and I forgot to post some F-Zero music a while back, so here you go)
@BeebeTheWarrior, i hope you arent serious with that CS. that is far too OP.

and are still immobile. and a character who can destroy the multiverse when they get killed is still a character who can destroy the multiverse. all that means is that your character is essentially immortal, and cannot be killed making it incredibly boring to RP with.


It's actually a fairly inaccurate highballing of Undertale's universe, too. Undertale, in retrospect, isn't actually that strong of a universe. It's likely that Chara isn't this supposed "destroyer of multiverses" like she's claimed to be, especially considering the vague attack on the player's screen at the end. When Undertale stops being a self-manipulating, fourth-wall breaking game (which is what happens if it goes up against other universes), it loses pretty much all of its power. All of its power is essentially tied inside its own universe, and when the gimmicks like save-scumming, determination, and vague attacks on the game's own mechanics are removed, it's left in a pretty weak state. Pretty much every monster without determination is one-shot by any character who can throw a punch, and Chara is just a kid with a knife. This only leaves the arguably more powerful characters (Genocide Undyne, Omega Flowey, and Ascended Asriel) as characters who are considerably stronger than anyone else in Undertale.  G. Undyne is probably a city-block destroyer at best, and Omega Flowey is at most town-destroying level. Ascended Asriel is a bit harder to estimate, but he probably isn't as tough as he's made out to be, either.

@The Fabulous Emerald
the cs was still op though. i dont particularly care how you defend it. an op character is an op character, end of.

But she actually isn't that OP. I'm not saying that in an defensive way, but as a way to show that Undertale isn't as strong as it's claimed to be, making the CS pretty inaccurate.
Last edited by a moderator:
But she actually isn't that OP. I'm not saying that in an defensive way, but as a way to show that Undertale isn't as strong as it's claimed to be, making the CS pretty inaccurate.

In an RP with Goku, Vegeta, Arceus  and maybe Divaolo and some Touhou?

Yeah, they probably aren't the stronkest in the RP.
Name: Godzilla

Universe : Godzilla (Largely the Legendary incarnation with elements of the other incarnations sprinkled throughout.

Gender: Assumedly male 

Alingment: Chaotic Neutral (In some timelines he only attacks after being provoked though perhaps you could call him Chaotic Evil) 

Race (Their species) Godzilla

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed) : At least 70

Appearance https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=638&q=godzilla&oq=godzilla&gs_l=img.3..0l10.327.1371.0.1498. 

Height : 108m (355 feet)

Weight (if confirmed) Est. 90,000 tons

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)

Godzilla size alone makes him a deadly threat, as most of his opponents he can simply step on. For scale, he once caused a 36 foot tsunami by swimming. 

Atomic Breath: 

Godzilla can be compared to a dragon. Most dragons breathe fire. But that's too mainstream, so Godzilla has his atomic breath. He charges the radiation within his body and fires it in a focused beam-like attack. As Godzilla's strength grows, either by absorbing radiation or power, the beam goes from blue to red to the rare spiral mode. The latter has been seen only once in history, but it was able to with relative accuracy engage orbital targets. 

Godzilla is a behemoth, and this shows in his endurance. All modern conventional military weapons have been shown to, unless concentrated for an extended period of time, only piss Godzilla off. Godziilla was created in the Castle Bravo nuclear tests, proving his immense durability. However it's said that over the years he's weakened and now a nuclear weapon could be considered to kill him. However if the blast failed to kill him outright he'd only feed on the radiation and get stronger (though let's be honest some if not most of these characters can hit with the force of a nuke) 

Godzilla is no mere animal and he is seen to possess human-level intelligence.

Toxic blood:

Godzilla is a Kaiju. In the film Pacific Rim Kaiju are shown to have toxic blood, known as "kaiju blue" (I may be removing this)


Martial Ability:
Godzilla is a very powerful fighter. He can frequently fight and defeat monsters of his own size. He incorporates human and animal fighting styles and has perfomed some truly impressive feats.

Godzilla is a skilled strategist and tactician. He has proven to be able to incorporate his atomic breath into his  hand to hand fighting styles and can think up complex battle plans.


Grail Godzilla IS the Grail.

Time of Gate awakening: Some random point after the alternate story I give below (a mix of the 2014 and 1954 films)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki): 

An ancient alpha predator that thrived during the Permian period, Godzilla retreated to the ocean depths as the Earth's surface radiation levels declined, instead feeding on the planet's natural geothermal radiation. Godzilla remained dormant underwater for hundreds of millions of years, appearing occasionally at various points in human history, inspiring the mythologies of several cultures. In 1954, an American nuclear submarine unwittingly awakened Godzilla when it reached the lower depths of the ocean, drawing him to the surface in search of new sources of radiation. Godzilla attacked and fed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the South Pacific Ocean, with each nation believing the other was responsible for the attacks.

When Godzilla's existence became known, the American military began detonating a series of nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands to try and kill him, under the guise of nuclear testing. On March 1, 1954, Godzilla was lured ashore at Bikini Atoll, where the American military detonated their first-ever dry-fuel hydrogen bomb, codenamed Castle Bravo, in an attempt to kill him. Godzilla vanished following the detonation, and the United States covered up all evidence of his existence. A scientific organization known as Monarch had been formed to study Godzilla and any gigantic creatures like him, and continued to search for him in the following decades.

The monster began attacking various ships in the waters off Japan, prompting a search party to be sent to Odo Island, where some of the survivors had washed ashore. The islanders believed the shipwrecks were caused by Godzilla, a giant sea monster from their folklore which they believed would come ashore to feed on humanity. One night, a typhoon struck the island, leaving it devastated. However, it was apparent most of the damage was caused by something other than a typhoon, as houses in the village appeared to have been crushed from above. A research team headed by Kyohei Yamane was sent to the island, and discovered a giant radioactive footprint on the island, with a Trilobite embedded in it. Suddenly, the monster that was responsible for the shipwrecks and the damage on the island appeared over a hill on the island.

The J.S.D.F. sent battleships to destroy Godzilla with depth charges, declaring him dead. However, Godzilla soon surfaced in Tokyo Bay completely unharmed, plunging Japan and the international community into a state of emergency. One night, Godzilla came ashore in Tokyo, destroying the outskirts of the city before returning to the bay. In response, the J.S.D.F. erected a barrier of power lines around the heart of Tokyo, with 300,000 volts of electricity passing through them, in the hopes they would halt Godzilla. When Godzilla came ashore again one night, he tore through the power lines and melted them with a beam of radioactive heat fired from his mouth. The J.S.D.F. fired on Godzilla with artillery, but their weapons had no effect. Godzilla proceeded into downtown Tokyo, transforming the Japanese capital into a sea of flame overnight. With his rampage concluded, Godzilla returned to the bay, where he was attacked by F86F Sabre fighter jets before finally disappearing beneath the waves. (more coming)

This may not be a finished product im willing to nerf him more.
Name: Godzilla

Universe : Godzilla (Largely the Legendary incarnation with elements of the other incarnations sprinkled throughout.

Gender: Assumedly male 

Alingment: Chaotic Neutral (In some timelines he only attacks after being provoked though perhaps you could call him Chaotic Evil) 

Race (Their species) Godzilla

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed) : At least 70

Appearance https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=638&q=godzilla&oq=godzilla&gs_l=img.3..0l10.327.1371.0.1498. 

Height : 108m (355 feet)

Weight (if confirmed) Est. 90,000 tons

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)

Godzilla size alone makes him a deadly threat, as most of his opponents he can simply step on. For scale, he once caused a 36 foot tsunami by swimming. 

Atomic Breath: 

Godzilla can be compared to a dragon. Most dragons breathe fire. But that's too mainstream, so Godzilla has his atomic breath. He charges the radiation within his body and fires it in a focused beam-like attack. As Godzilla's strength grows, either by absorbing radiation or power, the beam goes from blue to red to the rare spiral mode. The latter has been seen only once in history, but it was able to with relative accuracy engage orbital targets. 

Godzilla is a behemoth, and this shows in his endurance. All modern conventional military weapons have been shown to, unless concentrated for an extended period of time, only piss Godzilla off. Godziilla was created in the Castle Bravo nuclear tests, proving his immense durability. However it's said that over the years he's weakened and now a nuclear weapon could be considered to kill him. However if the blast failed to kill him outright he'd only feed on the radiation and get stronger (though let's be honest some if not most of these characters can hit with the force of a nuke) 

Godzilla is no mere animal and he is seen to possess human-level intelligence.

Toxic blood:

Godzilla is a Kaiju. In the film Pacific Rim Kaiju are shown to have toxic blood, known as "kaiju blue" (I may be removing this)


Martial Ability:
Godzilla is a very powerful fighter. He can frequently fight and defeat monsters of his own size. He incorporates human and animal fighting styles and has perfomed some truly impressive feats.

Godzilla is a skilled strategist and tactician. He has proven to be able to incorporate his atomic breath into his  hand to hand fighting styles and can think up complex battle plans.


Grail Godzilla IS the Grail.

Time of Gate awakening: Some random point after the alternate story I give below (a mix of the 2014 and 1954 films)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki): 

An ancient alpha predator that thrived during the Permian period, Godzilla retreated to the ocean depths as the Earth's surface radiation levels declined, instead feeding on the planet's natural geothermal radiation. Godzilla remained dormant underwater for hundreds of millions of years, appearing occasionally at various points in human history, inspiring the mythologies of several cultures. In 1954, an American nuclear submarine unwittingly awakened Godzilla when it reached the lower depths of the ocean, drawing him to the surface in search of new sources of radiation. Godzilla attacked and fed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the South Pacific Ocean, with each nation believing the other was responsible for the attacks.

When Godzilla's existence became known, the American military began detonating a series of nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands to try and kill him, under the guise of nuclear testing. On March 1, 1954, Godzilla was lured ashore at Bikini Atoll, where the American military detonated their first-ever dry-fuel hydrogen bomb, codenamed Castle Bravo, in an attempt to kill him. Godzilla vanished following the detonation, and the United States covered up all evidence of his existence. A scientific organization known as Monarch had been formed to study Godzilla and any gigantic creatures like him, and continued to search for him in the following decades.

The monster began attacking various ships in the waters off Japan, prompting a search party to be sent to Odo Island, where some of the survivors had washed ashore. The islanders believed the shipwrecks were caused by Godzilla, a giant sea monster from their folklore which they believed would come ashore to feed on humanity. One night, a typhoon struck the island, leaving it devastated. However, it was apparent most of the damage was caused by something other than a typhoon, as houses in the village appeared to have been crushed from above. A research team headed by Kyohei Yamane was sent to the island, and discovered a giant radioactive footprint on the island, with a Trilobite embedded in it. Suddenly, the monster that was responsible for the shipwrecks and the damage on the island appeared over a hill on the island.

The J.S.D.F. sent battleships to destroy Godzilla with depth charges, declaring him dead. However, Godzilla soon surfaced in Tokyo Bay completely unharmed, plunging Japan and the international community into a state of emergency. One night, Godzilla came ashore in Tokyo, destroying the outskirts of the city before returning to the bay. In response, the J.S.D.F. erected a barrier of power lines around the heart of Tokyo, with 300,000 volts of electricity passing through them, in the hopes they would halt Godzilla. When Godzilla came ashore again one night, he tore through the power lines and melted them with a beam of radioactive heat fired from his mouth. The J.S.D.F. fired on Godzilla with artillery, but their weapons had no effect. Godzilla proceeded into downtown Tokyo, transforming the Japanese capital into a sea of flame overnight. With his rampage concluded, Godzilla returned to the bay, where he was attacked by F86F Sabre fighter jets before finally disappearing beneath the waves. (more coming)

This may not be a finished product im willing to nerf him more.

Save me...
In an RP with Goku, Vegeta, Arceus  and maybe Divaolo and some Touhou?

Yeah, they probably aren't the stronkest in the RP.

Diavolo would be reserved for fighting really powerful enemies like Goku for instance, otherwise he'd just kind of be on standby.  Plus there are quite a few characters in this rp that in my opinion could probably take him out somewhat easily (looking mainly at dbz and other godly, op characters).
Diavolo would be reserved for fighting really powerful enemies like Goku for instance, otherwise he'd just kind of be on standby.  Plus there are quite a few characters in this rp that in my opinion could probably take him out somewhat easily (looking mainly at dbz and other godly, op characters).

Characters with high-concept jojo-y powers also apply on this front, yes?
Name: Godzilla

Universe : Godzilla (Largely the Legendary incarnation with elements of the other incarnations sprinkled throughout.

Gender: Assumedly male 

Alingment: Chaotic Neutral (In some timelines he only attacks after being provoked though perhaps you could call him Chaotic Evil) 

Race (Their species) Godzilla

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed) : At least 70

Appearance https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=638&q=godzilla&oq=godzilla&gs_l=img.3..0l10.327.1371.0.1498. 

Height : 108m (355 feet)

Weight (if confirmed) Est. 90,000 tons

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)

Godzilla size alone makes him a deadly threat, as most of his opponents he can simply step on. For scale, he once caused a 36 foot tsunami by swimming. 

Atomic Breath: 

Godzilla can be compared to a dragon. Most dragons breathe fire. But that's too mainstream, so Godzilla has his atomic breath. He charges the radiation within his body and fires it in a focused beam-like attack. As Godzilla's strength grows, either by absorbing radiation or power, the beam goes from blue to red to the rare spiral mode. The latter has been seen only once in history, but it was able to with relative accuracy engage orbital targets. 

Godzilla is a behemoth, and this shows in his endurance. All modern conventional military weapons have been shown to, unless concentrated for an extended period of time, only piss Godzilla off. Godziilla was created in the Castle Bravo nuclear tests, proving his immense durability. However it's said that over the years he's weakened and now a nuclear weapon could be considered to kill him. However if the blast failed to kill him outright he'd only feed on the radiation and get stronger (though let's be honest some if not most of these characters can hit with the force of a nuke) 

Godzilla is no mere animal and he is seen to possess human-level intelligence.

Toxic blood:

Godzilla is a Kaiju. In the film Pacific Rim Kaiju are shown to have toxic blood, known as "kaiju blue" (I may be removing this)


Martial Ability:
Godzilla is a very powerful fighter. He can frequently fight and defeat monsters of his own size. He incorporates human and animal fighting styles and has perfomed some truly impressive feats.

Godzilla is a skilled strategist and tactician. He has proven to be able to incorporate his atomic breath into his  hand to hand fighting styles and can think up complex battle plans.


Grail Godzilla IS the Grail.

Time of Gate awakening: Some random point after the alternate story I give below (a mix of the 2014 and 1954 films)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki): 

An ancient alpha predator that thrived during the Permian period, Godzilla retreated to the ocean depths as the Earth's surface radiation levels declined, instead feeding on the planet's natural geothermal radiation. Godzilla remained dormant underwater for hundreds of millions of years, appearing occasionally at various points in human history, inspiring the mythologies of several cultures. In 1954, an American nuclear submarine unwittingly awakened Godzilla when it reached the lower depths of the ocean, drawing him to the surface in search of new sources of radiation. Godzilla attacked and fed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the South Pacific Ocean, with each nation believing the other was responsible for the attacks.

When Godzilla's existence became known, the American military began detonating a series of nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands to try and kill him, under the guise of nuclear testing. On March 1, 1954, Godzilla was lured ashore at Bikini Atoll, where the American military detonated their first-ever dry-fuel hydrogen bomb, codenamed Castle Bravo, in an attempt to kill him. Godzilla vanished following the detonation, and the United States covered up all evidence of his existence. A scientific organization known as Monarch had been formed to study Godzilla and any gigantic creatures like him, and continued to search for him in the following decades.

The monster began attacking various ships in the waters off Japan, prompting a search party to be sent to Odo Island, where some of the survivors had washed ashore. The islanders believed the shipwrecks were caused by Godzilla, a giant sea monster from their folklore which they believed would come ashore to feed on humanity. One night, a typhoon struck the island, leaving it devastated. However, it was apparent most of the damage was caused by something other than a typhoon, as houses in the village appeared to have been crushed from above. A research team headed by Kyohei Yamane was sent to the island, and discovered a giant radioactive footprint on the island, with a Trilobite embedded in it. Suddenly, the monster that was responsible for the shipwrecks and the damage on the island appeared over a hill on the island.

The J.S.D.F. sent battleships to destroy Godzilla with depth charges, declaring him dead. However, Godzilla soon surfaced in Tokyo Bay completely unharmed, plunging Japan and the international community into a state of emergency. One night, Godzilla came ashore in Tokyo, destroying the outskirts of the city before returning to the bay. In response, the J.S.D.F. erected a barrier of power lines around the heart of Tokyo, with 300,000 volts of electricity passing through them, in the hopes they would halt Godzilla. When Godzilla came ashore again one night, he tore through the power lines and melted them with a beam of radioactive heat fired from his mouth. The J.S.D.F. fired on Godzilla with artillery, but their weapons had no effect. Godzilla proceeded into downtown Tokyo, transforming the Japanese capital into a sea of flame overnight. With his rampage concluded, Godzilla returned to the bay, where he was attacked by F86F Sabre fighter jets before finally disappearing beneath the waves. (more coming)

This may not be a finished product im willing to nerf him more.

Hello and welcome to sudden death by giant lizard.

R.I.P everyone
Name: Godzilla

Universe : Godzilla (Largely the Legendary incarnation with elements of the other incarnations sprinkled throughout.

Gender: Assumedly male 

Alingment: Chaotic Neutral (In some timelines he only attacks after being provoked though perhaps you could call him Chaotic Evil) 

Race (Their species) Godzilla

Age (type unknown if unconfirmed) : At least 70

Appearance https://www.google.com/search?site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=638&q=godzilla&oq=godzilla&gs_l=img.3..0l10.327.1371.0.1498. 

Height : 108m (355 feet)

Weight (if confirmed) Est. 90,000 tons

Powers (If they are extremely powerful, please nerf them)

Godzilla size alone makes him a deadly threat, as most of his opponents he can simply step on. For scale, he once caused a 36 foot tsunami by swimming. 

Atomic Breath: 

Godzilla can be compared to a dragon. Most dragons breathe fire. But that's too mainstream, so Godzilla has his atomic breath. He charges the radiation within his body and fires it in a focused beam-like attack. As Godzilla's strength grows, either by absorbing radiation or power, the beam goes from blue to red to the rare spiral mode. The latter has been seen only once in history, but it was able to with relative accuracy engage orbital targets. 

Godzilla is a behemoth, and this shows in his endurance. All modern conventional military weapons have been shown to, unless concentrated for an extended period of time, only piss Godzilla off. Godziilla was created in the Castle Bravo nuclear tests, proving his immense durability. However it's said that over the years he's weakened and now a nuclear weapon could be considered to kill him. However if the blast failed to kill him outright he'd only feed on the radiation and get stronger (though let's be honest some if not most of these characters can hit with the force of a nuke) 

Godzilla is no mere animal and he is seen to possess human-level intelligence.

Toxic blood:

Godzilla is a Kaiju. In the film Pacific Rim Kaiju are shown to have toxic blood, known as "kaiju blue" (I may be removing this)


Martial Ability:
Godzilla is a very powerful fighter. He can frequently fight and defeat monsters of his own size. He incorporates human and animal fighting styles and has perfomed some truly impressive feats.

Godzilla is a skilled strategist and tactician. He has proven to be able to incorporate his atomic breath into his  hand to hand fighting styles and can think up complex battle plans.


Grail Godzilla IS the Grail.

Time of Gate awakening: Some random point after the alternate story I give below (a mix of the 2014 and 1954 films)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki): 

An ancient alpha predator that thrived during the Permian period, Godzilla retreated to the ocean depths as the Earth's surface radiation levels declined, instead feeding on the planet's natural geothermal radiation. Godzilla remained dormant underwater for hundreds of millions of years, appearing occasionally at various points in human history, inspiring the mythologies of several cultures. In 1954, an American nuclear submarine unwittingly awakened Godzilla when it reached the lower depths of the ocean, drawing him to the surface in search of new sources of radiation. Godzilla attacked and fed on American and Soviet nuclear submarines in the South Pacific Ocean, with each nation believing the other was responsible for the attacks.

When Godzilla's existence became known, the American military began detonating a series of nuclear bombs in the Marshall Islands to try and kill him, under the guise of nuclear testing. On March 1, 1954, Godzilla was lured ashore at Bikini Atoll, where the American military detonated their first-ever dry-fuel hydrogen bomb, codenamed Castle Bravo, in an attempt to kill him. Godzilla vanished following the detonation, and the United States covered up all evidence of his existence. A scientific organization known as Monarch had been formed to study Godzilla and any gigantic creatures like him, and continued to search for him in the following decades.

The monster began attacking various ships in the waters off Japan, prompting a search party to be sent to Odo Island, where some of the survivors had washed ashore. The islanders believed the shipwrecks were caused by Godzilla, a giant sea monster from their folklore which they believed would come ashore to feed on humanity. One night, a typhoon struck the island, leaving it devastated. However, it was apparent most of the damage was caused by something other than a typhoon, as houses in the village appeared to have been crushed from above. A research team headed by Kyohei Yamane was sent to the island, and discovered a giant radioactive footprint on the island, with a Trilobite embedded in it. Suddenly, the monster that was responsible for the shipwrecks and the damage on the island appeared over a hill on the island.

The J.S.D.F. sent battleships to destroy Godzilla with depth charges, declaring him dead. However, Godzilla soon surfaced in Tokyo Bay completely unharmed, plunging Japan and the international community into a state of emergency. One night, Godzilla came ashore in Tokyo, destroying the outskirts of the city before returning to the bay. In response, the J.S.D.F. erected a barrier of power lines around the heart of Tokyo, with 300,000 volts of electricity passing through them, in the hopes they would halt Godzilla. When Godzilla came ashore again one night, he tore through the power lines and melted them with a beam of radioactive heat fired from his mouth. The J.S.D.F. fired on Godzilla with artillery, but their weapons had no effect. Godzilla proceeded into downtown Tokyo, transforming the Japanese capital into a sea of flame overnight. With his rampage concluded, Godzilla returned to the bay, where he was attacked by F86F Sabre fighter jets before finally disappearing beneath the waves. (more coming)

This may not be a finished product im willing to nerf him more.

@GinkyGotBack Is this the sort of high-power character you were talking about?
Yyyyyyeaaaaahhhh, kindaaaaaaaa.  

Yeah, I don't think diavolo would be able to even touch godzilla.  Then again it might be the same in reverse assuming diavolo erases time before he gets stepped on.

I plan to save Godzilla until I can kind something of at least SOMEWHAT comparable size to him for him to fight. Preferably in an urban environment with a lot of tanks and shit firing uselessly at him. At that, if anyone wants to run another Kaiju as a co-op character im down.
Name: James Bond

Universe: James Bond

Gender: Male

Alingment: Neutral Good

Race Human

Age 36 is a largely agreed upon figure 


Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 200 lbs


Bond has a supernatural amount of luck. He has survived things that no mere man would survive. He was left on an island surrounded by alligators, and he ran out on their backs. I mean, DAMN



James Bond is considered to be one of the best shots in MI6, and that's saying something. He can pull off impressively long shots with a pistol and with a longer weapon can make incredible shots.

Hand to Hand Combat:
Bond can fight. He is a master of many different combat styles and can beat the hell out of just about any man he comes across.


Walter P99:
Bond has his signature pistol, with which he is a master of the battlefield.

Strange Watch:
After Bond is sent through the Gate, he wakes up with a strange new watch on his wrist. This watch enables him to summon any of the gadgets from his various adventures over the years.

Grail The Watch

Time of Gate awakening After Spectre (In an alternate timeline where all the bond films occured in the same order as they were produced)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):

Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, of Glencoe, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, of the Canton de Vaud.[36] The young James Bond spends much of his early life abroad, becoming multilingual in German and French because of his father's work as a Vickers armaments company representative. Bond is orphaned at the age of 11 when his parents are killed in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges near Chamonix.[37]

After the death of his parents, Bond goes to live with his aunt, Miss Charmian Bond, in the village of Pett Bottom, where he completes his early education. Later, he briefly attends Eton College at "12 or thereabouts", but is removed after two halves because of girl trouble with a maid.[34]After being sent down from Eton, Bond was sent to Fettes College in Scotland, his father's school.

ond alluding to briefly attending the University of Geneva[39] (as did Fleming), before being taught to ski in Kitzbühel (as was Fleming) by Hannes Oberhauser, who is later killed in "Octopussy".[40][38]

In 1941 Bond joins a branch of what was to become the Ministry of Defence and becomes a lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, ending the war as a commander. Bond applies to M for a position within the "Secret Service", part of the Civil Service, and rises to the rank of principal officer.[41]

Name: James Bond

Universe: James Bond

Gender: Male

Alingment: Neutral Good

Race Human

Age 36 is a largely agreed upon figure 


Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 200 lbs


Bond has a supernatural amount of luck. He has survived things that no mere man would survive. He was left on an island surrounded by alligators, and he ran out on their backs. I mean, DAMN



James Bond is considered to be one of the best shots in MI6, and that's saying something. He can pull off impressively long shots with a pistol and with a longer weapon can make incredible shots.

Hand to Hand Combat:
Bond can fight. He is a master of many different combat styles and can beat the hell out of just about any man he comes across.


Walter P99:
Bond has his signature pistol, with which he is a master of the battlefield.

Strange Watch:
After Bond is sent through the Gate, he wakes up with a strange new watch on his wrist. This watch enables him to summon any of the gadgets from his various adventures over the years.

Grail The Watch

Time of Gate awakening After Spectre (In an alternate timeline where all the bond films occured in the same order as they were produced)

Backstory (You may copy and paste from a wiki):

Bond is the son of a Scottish father, Andrew Bond, of Glencoe, and a Swiss mother, Monique Delacroix, of the Canton de Vaud.[36] The young James Bond spends much of his early life abroad, becoming multilingual in German and French because of his father's work as a Vickers armaments company representative. Bond is orphaned at the age of 11 when his parents are killed in a mountain climbing accident in the Aiguilles Rouges near Chamonix.[37]

After the death of his parents, Bond goes to live with his aunt, Miss Charmian Bond, in the village of Pett Bottom, where he completes his early education. Later, he briefly attends Eton College at "12 or thereabouts", but is removed after two halves because of girl trouble with a maid.[34]After being sent down from Eton, Bond was sent to Fettes College in Scotland, his father's school.

ond alluding to briefly attending the University of Geneva[39] (as did Fleming), before being taught to ski in Kitzbühel (as was Fleming) by Hannes Oberhauser, who is later killed in "Octopussy".[40][38]

In 1941 Bond joins a branch of what was to become the Ministry of Defence and becomes a lieutenant in the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, ending the war as a commander. Bond applies to M for a position within the "Secret Service", part of the Civil Service, and rises to the rank of principal officer.[41]


Dang. When I hear "James Bond," I always think Daniel Craig, lol.
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