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Fantasy [Closed] Phoenix Academy: School for the gifted

Kane groaned before standing up and stretching. He let out a long yawn before going to get ready. After a few minutes he came out with a smile. "Alright, let's go." 



Layla smiled and she grabbed her bookbag and phone before going outside and looking at the room that had Caleb and Liam in it. "Do you want to see if they are coming or no?" She leaned against the wall opposite of the doors and waited for Kane to follow her out into the hallway. "And for someone so keen on staying in bed, you sure did get up pretty fast, I'm honestly surprised that I managed to even get you up."
Layla smiled and she grabbed her bookbag and phone before going outside and looking at the room that had Caleb and Liam in it. "Do you want to see if they are coming or no?" She leaned against the wall opposite of the doors and waited for Kane to follow her out into the hallway. "And for someone so keen on staying in bed, you sure did get up pretty fast, I'm honestly surprised that I managed to even get you up."

Liam sighed but nodded, returning the cuddle as he closed his eyes once more. "Well... Sorry in advance if y' miss out on anything."

Kane shut the door behind him as he kept his attention on Layla. "That's because I had an a girl nagging my ear and playing with my weaknesses." He snickered before teleporting into Caleb and Liam's room, opening the door for Layla if she wanted to come in. Caleb groaned as the blinds opened and Kane grabbed his brother's feet, dragging him out of bed and into the bathroom. The younger one, Caleb blindly tried to grab at something as he whined before the bathroom door shut behind the twins. 
Kane shut the door behind him as he kept his attention on Layla. "That's because I had an a girl nagging my ear and playing with my weaknesses." He snickered before teleporting into Caleb and Liam's room, opening the door for Layla if she wanted to come in. Caleb groaned as the blinds opened and Kane grabbed his brother's feet, dragging him out of bed and into the bathroom. The younger one, Caleb blindly tried to grab at something as he whined before the bathroom door shut behind the twins. 

Liam groaned, as well. His head having dropped onto the bed the moment Caleb had been dragged away. And, with a tired sigh, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. And, with his wolf ears and tail still visible, he'd flick an ear before leaning forward and rubbing his face as he tried to wake himself up. "Eeehhhh..."

Kane shut the door behind him as he kept his attention on Layla. "That's because I had an a girl nagging my ear and playing with my weaknesses." He snickered before teleporting into Caleb and Liam's room, opening the door for Layla if she wanted to come in. Caleb groaned as the blinds opened and Kane grabbed his brother's feet, dragging him out of bed and into the bathroom. The younger one, Caleb blindly tried to grab at something as he whined before the bathroom door shut behind the twins. 

Liam groaned, as well. His head having dropped onto the bed the moment Caleb had been dragged away. And, with a tired sigh, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. And, with his wolf ears and tail still visible, he'd flick an ear before leaning forward and rubbing his face as he tried to wake himself up. "Eeehhhh..."


Layla laughed as Caleb got dragged off and she stood at the doorframe before looking at Liam and his wolf ears and tail. So cute, ugh, how old are you Layla, five?  "And he was complaining about the way I woke him up, well, I guess you should get ready Liam." Layla then leaned against the frame and she looked down at the floor, waiting patiently for them to finish.
Liam groaned, as well. His head having dropped onto the bed the moment Caleb had been dragged away. And, with a tired sigh, he sat up and rubbed his eyes. And, with his wolf ears and tail still visible, he'd flick an ear before leaning forward and rubbing his face as he tried to wake himself up. "Eeehhhh..."


Layla laughed as Caleb got dragged off and she stood at the doorframe before looking at Liam and his wolf ears and tail. So cute, ugh, how old are you Layla, five?  "And he was complaining about the way I woke him up, well, I guess you should get ready Liam." Layla then leaned against the frame and she looked down at the floor, waiting patiently for them to finish.

The door opened and Caleb was pushed out of the bathroom. He was laughing at something his brother said as he looked to Layla and Liam. "So you're my brother's roommate now, eh, Layla? Good luck with that." Kane flicked his ear. "That's my line. Come on, Liam. Your turn." He pointed to the bathroom before groaning at Caleb's hug. "Don't make him do anything! Look how cute he is! Let's just let him slee-." Kane's hand covered Caleb's mouth as he screamed and licked into Kane's palm. "Come on, Liam. You have to go to school. Even if you don't like the idea." He hissed as his brother bit him. He then whacked him on the head. "Oww! Meanie!" Kane snickered and kissed the top of Caleb's head. Caleb pouted and stayed quiet afterwards.

Layla laughed as Caleb got dragged off and she stood at the doorframe before looking at Liam and his wolf ears and tail. So cute, ugh, how old are you Layla, five?  "And he was complaining about the way I woke him up, well, I guess you should get ready Liam." Layla then leaned against the frame and she looked down at the floor, waiting patiently for them to finish.

The door opened and Caleb was pushed out of the bathroom. He was laughing at something his brother said as he looked to Layla and Liam. "So you're my brother's roommate now, eh, Layla? Good luck with that." Kane flicked his ear. "That's my line. Come on, Liam. Your turn." He pointed to the bathroom before groaning at Caleb's hug. "Don't make him do anything! Look how cute he is! Let's just let him slee-." Kane's hand covered Caleb's mouth as he screamed and licked into Kane's palm. "Come on, Liam. You have to go to school. Even if you don't like the idea." He hissed as his brother bit him. He then whacked him on the head. "Oww! Meanie!" Kane snickered and kissed the top of Caleb's head. Caleb pouted and stayed quiet afterwards.


"Fine. Fiiiine..." Liam softly huffed before pushing himself to his feet. His eyes remaining closed as he made his way into the bathroom after he'd grab some clothes, shutting the door behind him. Within a few moments, he emerged from the bathroom. "I can't tell ya how hard it is t' get dressed when you have a tail." he'd tsk, shaking his head as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand.

The door opened and Caleb was pushed out of the bathroom. He was laughing at something his brother said as he looked to Layla and Liam. "So you're my brother's roommate now, eh, Layla? Good luck with that." Kane flicked his ear. "That's my line. Come on, Liam. Your turn." He pointed to the bathroom before groaning at Caleb's hug. "Don't make him do anything! Look how cute he is! Let's just let him slee-." Kane's hand covered Caleb's mouth as he screamed and licked into Kane's palm. "Come on, Liam. You have to go to school. Even if you don't like the idea." He hissed as his brother bit him. He then whacked him on the head. "Oww! Meanie!" Kane snickered and kissed the top of Caleb's head. Caleb pouted and stayed quiet afterwards.


"Fine. Fiiiine..." Liam softly huffed before pushing himself to his feet. His eyes remaining closed as he made his way into the bathroom after he'd grab some clothes, shutting the door behind him. Within a few moments, he emerged from the bathroom. "I can't tell ya how hard it is t' get dressed when you have a tail." he'd tsk, shaking his head as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand.

"Well, I got him out of bed so I think that I am doing a pretty good job Caleb." Layla listened to Kane tell Liam to get ready, who did as he was asked, and Layla got an exasperated look before shaking her head. "I mean, that wasn't the point you had before Kane, I think you wanted to lay around and do nothing as much as they did."
"Fine. Fiiiine..." Liam softly huffed before pushing himself to his feet. His eyes remaining closed as he made his way into the bathroom after he'd grab some clothes, shutting the door behind him. Within a few moments, he emerged from the bathroom. "I can't tell ya how hard it is t' get dressed when you have a tail." he'd tsk, shaking his head as he grabbed his phone off the nightstand.

"Well, I got him out of bed so I think that I am doing a pretty good job Caleb." Layla listened to Kane tell Liam to get ready, who did as he was asked, and Layla got an exasperated look before shaking her head. "I mean, that wasn't the point you had before Kane, I think you wanted to lay around and do nothing as much as they did."

"You're right, but if i have to get up, then he has to get up. Unless if he was terribly ill, which he's not, Miss Sass." Kane moved his weight to one leg and gave a single snap with his fingers. Caleb laughed, jumping onto his brother's back. "Guuuuuuuuurl~. You in a looooooong run. Mhmmmmm~." Kane slapped Caleb's palm as they snickered. Caleb looked over to Liam. "God, can you get any sexier?" He said as he tried to move even more onto Kane's back.
"Well, I got him out of bed so I think that I am doing a pretty good job Caleb." Layla listened to Kane tell Liam to get ready, who did as he was asked, and Layla got an exasperated look before shaking her head. "I mean, that wasn't the point you had before Kane, I think you wanted to lay around and do nothing as much as they did."

"You're right, but if i have to get up, then he has to get up. Unless if he was terribly ill, which he's not, Miss Sass." Kane moved his weight to one leg and gave a single snap with his fingers. Caleb laughed, jumping onto his brother's back. "Guuuuuuuuurl~. You in a looooooong run. Mhmmmmm~." Kane slapped Caleb's palm as they snickered. Caleb looked over to Liam. "God, can you get any sexier?" He said as he tried to move even more onto Kane's back.

Liam pocketed his hands, looking back and forth between the others as he quietly drew in air for a sigh. Though, he'd then blink and glance to Caleb with a snicker as he'd playfully shrug. "Probably, if I had a bit more time to get ready."
"You're right, but if i have to get up, then he has to get up. Unless if he was terribly ill, which he's not, Miss Sass." Kane moved his weight to one leg and gave a single snap with his fingers. Caleb laughed, jumping onto his brother's back. "Guuuuuuuuurl~. You in a looooooong run. Mhmmmmm~." Kane slapped Caleb's palm as they snickered. Caleb looked over to Liam. "God, can you get any sexier?" He said as he tried to move even more onto Kane's back.

"You did not just call me that, trust me when I say I have a lot less sass than some girls out there." Layla smirked and she stopped until she was just about into the twin's personal bubble with the same scary smile that shouldn't look scary considering that she wasn't the scary type. "Like I said before Kane, I play all of the dirty tricks." Her smile then turned to a more pleasant one and she giggled before heading back to the door. "Well I'm hungry, who wants breakfast and I just thought of this, when we go shopping later today we can buy things to make breakfast so that we don't HAVE to wake up so early and go through this whole ordeal again."
Liam pocketed his hands, looking back and forth between the others as he quietly drew in air for a sigh. Though, he'd then blink and glance to Caleb with a snicker as he'd playfully shrug. "Probably, if I had a bit more time to get ready."

"You did not just call me that, trust me when I say I have a lot less sass than some girls out there." Layla smirked and she stopped until she was just about into the twin's personal bubble with the same scary smile that shouldn't look scary considering that she wasn't the scary type. "Like I said before Kane, I play all of the dirty tricks." Her smile then turned to a more pleasant one and she giggled before heading back to the door. "Well I'm hungry, who wants breakfast and I just thought of this, when we go shopping later today we can buy things to make breakfast so that we don't HAVE to wake up so early and go through this whole ordeal again."

Caleb looked to Liam and smiled, nodding before clutching tighter to his brother's form as Layla came closer with that smile. "Kane, call the priest. I think she needs an exorcism. She's going to kill us. Don't worry, Kane! You can sleep in my bed tonight. What scares of demonic girls? Bad fashion? Quick grab your old clothes, Kane." Kane squinted at the small insult. He flicked his brother's forehead. "Come on, let's get going." Kane moved outside and into the hallway with Caleb still clutching onto him.
"You did not just call me that, trust me when I say I have a lot less sass than some girls out there." Layla smirked and she stopped until she was just about into the twin's personal bubble with the same scary smile that shouldn't look scary considering that she wasn't the scary type. "Like I said before Kane, I play all of the dirty tricks." Her smile then turned to a more pleasant one and she giggled before heading back to the door. "Well I'm hungry, who wants breakfast and I just thought of this, when we go shopping later today we can buy things to make breakfast so that we don't HAVE to wake up so early and go through this whole ordeal again."

Caleb looked to Liam and smiled, nodding before clutching tighter to his brother's form as Layla came closer with that smile. "Kane, call the priest. I think she needs an exorcism. She's going to kill us. Don't worry, Kane! You can sleep in my bed tonight. What scares of demonic girls? Bad fashion? Quick grab your old clothes, Kane." Kane squinted at the small insult. He flicked his brother's forehead. "Come on, let's get going." Kane moved outside and into the hallway with Caleb still clutching onto him.

Liam returned Caleb's smile before blinking as he'd watch Layla and that scary, off-putting smile. Lowering an ear a bit, he'd then watch her make an exit before following after Kane and Caleb as he tried his best not to laugh in response to the shade that had been tossed. Before he was even able to resist, he asked; "How bad was it?"
Caleb looked to Liam and smiled, nodding before clutching tighter to his brother's form as Layla came closer with that smile. "Kane, call the priest. I think she needs an exorcism. She's going to kill us. Don't worry, Kane! You can sleep in my bed tonight. What scares of demonic girls? Bad fashion? Quick grab your old clothes, Kane." Kane squinted at the small insult. He flicked his brother's forehead. "Come on, let's get going." Kane moved outside and into the hallway with Caleb still clutching onto him.

"Bad fashion, talk to my first ex-boyfriend because he had a pretty bad wardrobe with colors and patterns that should have gone together well but just didn't."  Layla shuddered at that thought and she turned around to look at the rest of the group. "But I'm glad he didn't rub off on me because I look cute!"  She did a little cutesy type thing while she was walking and she giggled before looking back ahead, glad she didn't run into anything or anyone while she wasn't paying attention to what was ahead of her.
"Bad fashion, talk to my first ex-boyfriend because he had a pretty bad wardrobe with colors and patterns that should have gone together well but just didn't."  Layla shuddered at that thought and she turned around to look at the rest of the group. "But I'm glad he didn't rub off on me because I look cute!"  She did a little cutesy type thing while she was walking and she giggled before looking back ahead, glad she didn't run into anything or anyone while she wasn't paying attention to what was ahead of her.

Liam returned Caleb's smile before blinking as he'd watch Layla and that scary, off-putting smile. Lowering an ear a bit, he'd then watch her make an exit before following after Kane and Caleb as he tried his best not to laugh in response to the shade that had been tossed. Before he was even able to resist, he asked; "How bad was it?"

"Just like Layla's ex-boyfriend apparently. I looked like a sad clown threw up on me. Though, i only had those clothes because i gave them to either our sisters, our mama or Mr. likes-to-get-into-fights-alot-and-tear-his-clothes." Caleb hopped off of Kane' back and shrugged. "You win some, you loose some. No one talks shit about our mama and gets away with it without a few missing teeth and a broken nose."

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