Video Games Most disturbing moments in Video games you have played.

Many said spec ops the line, many are so fucking right. My brain never was fucked so hard before or since finishing that game.

Spec ops would be one , that refugee camp you do have a decision however......plot wise its one of the few games where your able to ..... well play in that role that sorta makes sense.... I'll just say its decently written . Brought a new type plot ( from a different POV) to a genre that's already fairly stale . No offense to those who play BF and/or COD, but those plot lines are literally the same thing rehashed ( elements and all ) over and over. its like the RPG's in some aspects unfortunately :/    .

But in terms of screwed up games....there is this game called.... " Hatred "  ..... you know its screwed up when that game's banned in a bunch of countries for.........and there's no way i'd be able to show any screenshots here about it ...... >.> .
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Haven't actually played it, but definitely in Fire Emblem Fates., where you run into Camilla's breasts in FIRST PERSON. Never want to play Conquest outdoors.


this entire 30 min. section of the last episode of life is strange. trippy sequences like this don't necessarily disturb me as much as they just kind of unnerve me. there's also this indie game that came out a few years ago called "the cat lady" that was a little unsettling.


In Morrowind, when you first start the game and have to escape the jail cell, you have to go through a basement which houses critters you have to fight. 


I had a really bad unintentional jumpscare. I screamed and turned the console off for the rest of that night. 
The Dead Space series is full of these.

There's a part in the second game where you have to go through a nursery where a mom and her baby are trapped.

You watch through the window as the already-infected baby crawls to its mom, who is delusional and doesn't realize her baby's infected.

The baby explodes and the window is covered in blood.
I wouldn't really say this was disturbing as much as it was a revelation to how much of an asshole I was throughout the game. In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, there's a boss called The Sorrow. The Sorrow is a ghost that you can't kill and all you can do is trudge through a stream forward until you reach the end of it. The thing is, all the spirits of everybody and everything you've killed throughout the game up t this point are walking towards you screaming and moaning and asking you why and hurting you whenever they touch you. My first play through all I did was run around killing everything and only when I got to this point did I realize the cost of all my actions. The second time, however, I didn't kill anyone and this fight was a breeze.
The Dead Space series is full of these.

There's a part in the second game where you have to go through a nursery where a mom and her baby are trapped.

You watch through the window as the already-infected baby crawls to its mom, who is delusional and doesn't realize her baby's infected.

The baby explodes and the window is covered in blood.

Everyone says this is a disturbing scene, but I don't really see it. However, I think the whole damn nursery level is a nope. 
So, any of you ever here of a game called Saya no Uta, or The Song of Saya?

Don't. Please do not look this up, please do not play this game. It has legitimately been described as the single most fucked up game ever made. Considering that it was made by Gen Urobuchi, the man who brought us Madoka Magica, Fate Zero, and Psycho Pass, yeah. Please just take my word on this one.
So, any of you ever here of a game called Saya no Uta, or The Song of Saya?

Don't. Please do not look this up, please do not play this game. It has legitimately been described as the single most fucked up game ever made. Considering that it was made by Gen Urobuchi, the man who brought us Madoka Magica, Fate Zero, and Psycho Pass, yeah. Please just take my word on this one.

Yep, that's one visual novel you don't want to touch.
Isn't that the one where

The protagonist's sense of vision gets totally fucked and so he sees everything but this one qt3.14 girl as horrible masses of viscera, but it's revealed that the one girl is actually a spooky eldritch abomination?

If so, yeah, I never heard of it.
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As I said, please do not play this game. It is hauntingly beautiful and extremely well crafted, but it slowly strips away everything that is good in the world until you're a broken person for reading it.

Please do not play this game.
As I said, please do not play this game. It is hauntingly beautiful and extremely well crafted, but it slowly strips away everything that is good in the world until you're a broken person for reading it.

Please do not play this game.

it's always japan on that crazy shit
The entirety of the subway section in Condemned and Silent Hill 3. 
Honestly, just fuck subways in video games that have any element of horror because they scare the heck out of me. Haunting Grounds had a lot of disturbing bits as well... mainly when you're killed.
As I said, please do not play this game. It is hauntingly beautiful and extremely well crafted, but it slowly strips away everything that is good in the world until you're a broken person for reading it.

Please do not play this game.


Oh man, Saya No Uta was something else. I enjoyed it, though. It was fucked up in a beautiful way. I read a lot of Junji Ito's stuff (probably the only mangas I read anymore are horror mangas), so it fit my alley. If you choose to play it make sure you, uh, look some things up about it because it is most certainly...yep.
The soundtrack is GORGEOUS though. I get emotional every time I hear The Song of Saya.
Isn't that the one where

The protagonist's sense of vision gets totally fucked and so he sees everything but this one qt3.14 girl as horrible masses of viscera, but it's revealed that the one girl is actually a spooky eldritch abomination?

If so, yeah, I never heard of it.


I would have enjoyed the game more if it weren't for that obligatory UA factor. Kinda made me uncomfortable. 
i stayed up most of last night watching a youtube playthrough of saya no uta because i'm too much of a coward to play it myself. not finished watching it yet but i have a few comments so far;

  • the soundtrack is phenomal, everything is so discordant and grating when you're seeing the world from fuminori's perspective... and how eerily calm the music is when you're seeing it from his friends' perspective. not to mention saya's song. i woke up this morning and the first thing i did was download the ost in its entirety. my favorite song so far is the very first one because damn if it isn't unsettling.
  • the most disturbing thing in the game to me, personally, is the fact that saya is AT MOST ten years old. cannibalism, murder, rape, and all of that other stuff doesn't hold a candle to the pedo aspect.
  • the way this game is set up makes it really hard for me not to sympathize with fuminori no matter how depraved he gets. and that's a feat.
  • overall i'd give it a serious rating of about 4/5 so far.
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