Luxor Academy: Begining of Something New (Second Semester)

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"I'll see you, Kagami," Professor Troy growled, then picked up his cane, leaving the cafeteria. He went directly towards the outside of the school, climbed into his car, and headed towards town. He doubted Luxor would need him for anything, and with Professor Hundun's class going on, Professor Troy had time to get these errands done. He really needed to get a passive charm to block off any attacks Crow might attempt at him when visiting Kagami. 

As he got to the town, he parked at the local parking lot, climbed out with his cane, and slammed the door shut, using a button on his keys to lock the door. He walked towards a building that specialized in charms, as said by the sign above the door. Heading in, he looked through the charms on display.
The ice wall created by the rather bizarre stranger sent Satie flying into the ceiling. Star and Bel looked gave each other that same look from earlier. That "uh oh" grinn. 

", The Princes of Lust and Sloth chanted. 

(Everyone take it easy on the replies! I said I was busy!)

@Happy Red Mage
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Aiko packed up her things into a bag and was ready to go monster hung as she left her dorm and locked her room placing the key in her bag as she yawned looking for Kagami as she didn't know her way around the dorms and the campus in general. She did have her camera ready in case a scoop occurs.


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Kagami encountered Aiko as she walked to class. " Aiko! Sorry I was caught up with the teacher and Cody." she apologized. She pulled a bag of sweet in front of her and smiled. " You can have these cookies and chocolate truffle as a gift."


Maverick Lucian

[SIZE= 14px]It was a calm sunny day for Maverick. The winds blew on occasion which he found nice. He ad just bin dropped off in front of Luxor Academy. As soon as he stepped out the limo The scent of various creatures flooded his senses. He looked around examining the place. It was quite exquisite for what it was, but nothing compared to the few beings he could sense, that held great power within them. It had bin a long time since he encountered beings of this stature. From his last memory it was with that accursed council and the fates. He gave a slight smile " [/SIZE]This is going to be interesting! " [SIZE= 14px]he thought to himself. Taking his first steps towards the school his dark presence began to radiate from his body sending a deathly chill to anyone who could sense his aura.  His blood red eyes looked dead ahead not revealing he was scanning everything around him. His jet black hair flowed in the wind; while his marble white skin reflected the light just right. He projected a aura that insight'ed sin within whoever was not strong enough to resist his demonic charm.  After a few minutes Maverick had found his way into the main office he walked up to the front desk. He looked the attendant in the eyes. A deep hunger radiated in them revealing the cold dead stare of a killer. He spoke in a calm yet stern tone " Greetings im here to receive a schedule, and keys to the dorm i will be staying in. " he said. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@Any moderators or the gm[/SIZE]


(Professor Hundun)(Monster-Hunting instructor)(Location: "Rye")(With: Attending students.)

Unparalleled interest visibly etched amidst his expression that once harbored boredom, Hundun was surprised to see something that he hasn’t witnessed all too often before entering his room and dragging along behind him a man who was substantially smaller in overall size. The thunderous footsteps he had presented were definitely intimidating to anyone that would have the unpleasant outcome to face off against him but his appearance was something to be noted as it was a hollowed suit of armor which was completely void of any life essence aside from it being able to have sentience. Aelius Taurus it called himself with pure confidence while addressing Cadri Willington, the one who was dangling in his the secured clutches of his gauntlet. Hundun could discern that Aelius embodied discipline just from his authoritative tone alone and the way he announced himself once he entered the room, truly a promising figure that will be an exemplary pupil. “That’s rather surprising. It’s a pleasure to meet both of you as well, feel free to take a seat and converse with your other classmates. Teamwork is something you’ll be needing in this class as your life dangles in the hands of your comrades, so it’s best that you get acquainted with all of them very quickly.” Hundun paused momentarily after commenting on Cadri and Aelius arrival, noticing another student present himself openly before him and the encompassing scholars once he entered the room, rigged out with cybernetic modifications it was incontestable to say that he was an entity composed of a unique artificial intelligence that far surpassed the technology which was seen on this planet. Unlike the rest of his disciples it was established that he was probably the youngest, on the contrary the astonishing comprehension that this one maybe attributed with is most likely to triumph over a handful of his other soon to be companions. “Greetings, we will begin shortly once the three musketeers show up and hopefully not burn down my entire classroom that i’ve spent hours decorating.”


Hundun mentioned, referring to ‘The Tetrad’ and its frustrating affiliates that are comprising it. Only a few minutes later the corner was engulfed in a series of raging flames that spiraled up through the room, instantaneously charring the wall-paper nearby. As if that wasn’t enough for Hundun to worry about, another issue was revealed after they arrived as Aelius was attempting to throw down with them even before the lecture began. “Stop this!” Hundun demanded while thrusting his palms onto the surface of his wooden desk, creating a boisterous splintering noise to reverberate around the room after embedding his hands into the front of the stone-material in a fit of outrage. Noticing his unprofessional display, Hundun coughed into his hand and regained his composure before he could douse the extensive conflagration that was heating up the room like a sauna. “All of you will have plenty of time to kill each other off-campus. But when you’re in my class, I expect you to behave like you’re remotely civilized! The last thing I need is to babysit a bunch of rambunctious fools. You’ll have to get use to working with one another because you’re going to be dependent on them watching your back so you don’t have it punctured by someone else’s blade.” He sternly scolded them before returning to the cushioned leather piece of furniture behind his desk, briefly sighing before announcing his own introduction and trailing his fingers through the bangs of his blackened hair. “As you may know this is Monster-hunting class, I am your instructor Professor Hundun, you may simply call me by my name instead of referring to me as ‘professor.’ All of you have been chosen to be placed into Luxor Academy because of the qualities and set of skills that each and every one of you have obtained over years of training or maybe you were just lucky and gained those powers through birthing rights. Nonetheless this course is designed to refine all of your weaknesses and turn them into strengths that may serve you well in battle, you will not only have to rely on yourself but others as well so do please keep that in mind! Obviously you will be facing off against creatures that you may or may not have seen before, these entities want nothing more than to slaughter all of you or consume you. Injuries will be a common occurrence and there is a high-percentage that one of you will succumb to death, but i intend for that not to happen. Anyway I know all of you do not wish to sit here and succumb to boredom instead so we’ll do something a bit more practical to exactly determine and assess all of your flaws and capabilities!”


Taking a moment to end his thorough lecture, Hundun took a few steps out from behind his desk to cast an eerie gaze upon the classroom, further studying them until placing his hand outward. Suddenly a tremendous amount of force surges itself into his very palm, making it so that a towering portal materializes itself in front of them. “Since I don’t want you obliterating my class or Luxor Academy we will be taking a field-trip to a place known as ‘Rye’, an abandoned city which was once sunken into the watery depths of the ocean in another world far distancing itself from this one. Surprisingly i’ve gone to surveying this place previously and the water surrounding that area has parted and made its way to several other locations on Rye. Anyway, we’ll begin once we arrive, we’ll leave this portal open as to let your other late classmates in.” Hundun takes a deep inhale before entering through the portal’s entrance and into the other realm of existence, revealing a location that was shown to be war-torn environment that was a wasteland of carcasses and half-eaten bodies with looks of shock carved into their faces before passing on.   


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Aelius "The Bull" Taurus

— and —

Cadri Willingston


Cadri got on his feet came up behind the armored giant. "Ooookay, let's not do that vaporize-y thingy again, there are children watching," he said. He tried tugging at his shoulder, trying to make Aelius budge even slightly, but, unlike how the demons could effortlessly push his blade aside, Cadri couldn't even get the armor to budge a single inch. He wrapped an arm around Aelius's neck and tried to push off of his back to get him to move, which ultimately resulted in Cadri falling and cracking his skull on a shoulder pad. "OW, SONOUVABITCH!" Cadri simply rolled on the ground in pain from that point on.

Aelius was hardly surprised the demon forgot who he was; it wasn't exactly like them to remember every sorry fool they vaporize. Aelius stepped back, much to the anger of Cadri("Oh, so now you step back!?"). Not now, not yet. If he had some sense or ability to reason, he would probably be thinking never. Aelius, however, was the type to fight with his heart rather than his head.

"As you wish, Hundun," he said, sheathing his blade. He looked towards Star. "Shall we go, Astaroth?" He said, in a somewhat mocking tone. He didn't like having to share a class with such a creature, but if he planned to have a decent school life, he would have to learn to get by. He heaved Cadri over his shoulders, who was now bleeding visibly out of a gash in his head.

@Obsidian @Pumpkin Spice Cyanide

(Ryo And Lucifer)

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo's smile couldn't have possible been bigger once he saw Setsuna and Celeste make amends. And here he was worried that they were gonna turn the school into a steaming pile of ash, just when Ryo had grown fond of Luxor. Walking towards his woman, Ryo cupped Setsuna's chin and pecked her lips delicately, bliss washing over him, "I'd love nothing more than to cut loose and run wild with you and Celeste babe, but unfortunately, I kinda already have some serious plans I have to get to."

Gently lowering his forehead so that it was touching Setsunas', Ryo let himself enjoy the presence of his lover, before moving apart from her, a small smile on his face, "I've truly come to love Luxor Academy, simply because it gave me you," Ryo's small smile then turned into a manic grin, "Plus there's a crap ton of jabronis here that I get to smackdown on a daily basis, so that makes this school ten times better!" Ryo let out a laugh, enjoying the fact that he could cause brawls as much as he wants. However, Ryo suddenly gained a serious look as he gazed back at Setsuna, "This Academy is pretty amazing, and i'm kinda shamed to say I had a hand in its destruction from time to time, but NO MORE!!" Ryo suddenly pointed directly at Luxor's main building, energy cascading around him, "I'll protect this school and make sure that there are no longer any jackasses messing up my turf! I'll even recruit people to help! For the sake of Luxor and its justice, i'll run the Disciplinary Committee and make sure this place is awesome!"

With that exuberant cry, Ryo turned towards Setsuna and wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her scent once more before gently placing her down with a smile, "So I gotta go for a bit babe! I promise we'll hang out later, but for now, JUSTICE, HAPPINESS, AND LAWFUL VIOLENCE AWAITS!"

With that, Ryo turned around and dashed off, heading towards the building that held the Disciplinary Committee office and leaving Setsuna with Celeste. Arriving at the building, Ryo stopped himself and opened the door, intent on finding the Teacher in charge of the DisCom. He was stopped momentarily by Lucifer though.

'So you ever gonna tell Setsuna that you dated Celeste for a bit?'

'Yes! No! Maybe! I don't know man, it's complicated, what do you think Lucifer?'

'Say F#ck it and have an awesome ass orgy!'


With his mental argument over with, Ryo stepped into the building and searched around, eventually finding his target, Mei. Walking up to her, Ryo put on the biggest smile he had.

"Oi Teach, I'd like to be the Student President of the Disciplinary Committee."

(Celeste Atlas)

Celeste Atlas.jpg

Celeste blinked as she watched the whole tirade of Ryo's new found will to lead the DisCom. Celeste rubbed a coming migraine away as she tried to figure out her oldest friend's motivation to be in charge of policing up the school. Celeste the widened her eyes as she looked over to the form of Setsuna, her lips slowly turning into a small smirk as she muttered to herself, "Huh, he really is overprotective, isn't he?"

Laughing a little to herself, Celeste walked over to Setsuna and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "So since the idiot has a new plan in his head, why don't we find something to do huh?"

@Kisaki @Obsidian

(Hey Kisaki, sorry if I messed up and found Mei in the wrong spot, didn't know where she was, so sorry to put you on the spot like this. And sorry for the short post with Celeste Obsidian, i'll do Brave and Kintoki's responses later, trying to bridge everyone out. But for now, the DisCom actions begin!)

(Sorry for these dumb headers, the pics are kind of a hassle to mess with on mobile.)

Star stared at Aelius the same way one would watch paint dry as he addressed her. 

Suddenly she gained some awareness again. She looked intently at him with a face of perplexion and regret. 

"Wait a minute............did I lock the door?", she asked herself, crossing her arms and tapping her puckered lips. 

"You better have. Especially with those damned dwarves across the hall. I left my Prim Key of Solomon on the stove.", Bel warned prejudicly against the dwarves. She slowly stood to her feet as Satie came flying back down to the earth bouncing directly into the open portal. 

Bel hopped in with a single sloppy wing beat. 

Star strided over to the rift staring at it for a moment, tilting her head. "I've definitely seen this before.", she said to herself. With an indifferent shrug and an adjustment of her undergarments she dove in. 



@other peeps 

Cinn Amon

Cinn watched the girl fly with a blank look. Ice Wall wasn't made to knock people up, even if it did it wouldn't be able to knock someone up that much. "Wow, you're just really light arent'cha?" She commented as she dismissed the wall. She sat back down and watched as class began. She was rather excited and hoped they get to fight against something that she hadn't fought. Or a dragon. Her collection could always need a new skull. She watched in fascination at the way the professor created a portal. 'I have to learn that! I'm gonna go bug him until he teaches me how to make portals!' She thought.

"Yay field trip!" She cheered as she dove through the portal. Upon arriving, she surveyed her surroundings with a keen eye. She wanted to drift away from the class and see if the place they were in held any secrets for her to gain. She looked at Hundun before nodding to herself, maybe the teacher will forget her and leave her here, letting her explore Rye by herself. "This looks like my kind of place!" She said, kicking aside a half eaten corpse. @Obsidian
Mei stopped walking as she heard loud voices coming closer. She turned around once someone called out to her. " You? hmm.." she observed the boy as she circled around him. " I like you already! You can join. "She pulled out a large packet and shoved the files into his hand. " Just sign this and that then you will officially be apart of the team.  Just let me remind you that you cant not abuse your power once your in the committee. I don't want Luxor lecturing me because of someone's lack of control". She said.

She pulled out a pen and handed to Ryo. Mei wasn't much for meeting or interviews. If she found someone likable then they had the job.


(your fine. She was walking in the hallways of the building)

(Ryo And Lucifer)

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo blinked in confusion as Mei handed him a large packet of files to sign, which wasn't a problem, Ryo just expected...more. He glanced down at the papers before looking back up at Mei and scratching the back of his head out of nervous habit, "Oi teach, I know I was all gung-ho about this, and i'm not usually one to think things through, but shouldn't there be a little more..." Ryo paused in his speech to search for the right word, turning back to Mei once he had found it, "Trials? Yeah, Trials! Shouldn't there be more trials and tests before you make me the Leader of the Disciplinary Committee?"

Ryo quickly realized how he sounded, waving a hand in front of his face to dispel his doubtful words, "Don't get me wrong, i'm excited to be the Boss of the Disciplinary Committee, I was just thinking that there would've been a test or something." Ryo clenched his fist as a beast like smile adorned his face, "Like to earn my right of leadership, I had to fight a gigantic monster or something! THAT WOULD'VE BEEN AWESOME!"


(Huh...that was easy. Honestly thought Ryo would have to fight through like, 200 dungeons before he was made President.) 


(Professor Hundun)(Monster-Hunting instructor)(Location: "Rye")(With: Attending students.)

Loss of hope was the only worthy phrase that could describe this godforsaken canyon, Stalagmites protruding out of the ground which served as a monument for quietus itself, noticing disemboweled and grotesquely mangled bodies everywhere symbolized their ritualistic slaughter in praise of something unique but sinister beyond all else. Hundun’s brow corrugated in a hint of perplexed mannerism hidden behind it as he examined the ghastly scene from afar, standing beside the atmospheric fissure and awaiting more students to come piling out of it, which a few did. One of the first being the woman dressed in crimson also known as Cinn who in fact was absolutely delighted to be in the presence of all this ruination. “Heh, i’ve been informed about you before you even got to push one of your toes through the opening of my classroom, obviously you’ve done something like this before but don’t underestimate creatures that you come across as each one will have different tactics that are different from the other ones.” Hundun sauntered a bit further into ravine before concluding his advance with a solitary right step, spinning himself around and eyeballing those that are coming out from the swirling vortex. Adjusting his posture he prepared himself for another lecture before he began proceeding to go on with evaluating so that he may grade accordingly.


“Obviously all of you understand that each one of you is different in some unique way from the person you maybe standing by which leads me onto grading estimation, because all of you have different strengths and weaknesses, you will all be graded upon your efforts not prejudicing any of those who maybe of a species that may not be suitably fit for prolonged combat. But know this, vigor shall only get you so far as intelligence is needed also to survive! Now let’s move on to what we’ll be doing as far as hunting.” Hundun brought his hands behind his back, folding them over top of each other as he continued on with the finalization of his speech. “There’s a special holiday on Earth which is called Thanksgiving, it was a few days ago but usually the individuals that tend to celebrate it purchase or pursue their meals, one of which being a signature animal for consumption that is known as a ‘Turkey’. Yes some of you know what this creature is and I know in the back of your minds that you’re thinking this can’t be serious but this is no ordinary turkey as it is of colossal size and the capability it possesses is similar to a mythical hydra. Because of its weight and dysfunctional sense of cognitive functions it should be relatively easy to kill but then again it is a wild creature making it very unpredictable. Before we begin do we have any questions or may we all proceed?” Hundun concludes his lecture, retrieving a mediocre sized portrait from out of his satchel strapped to his hip, extending out his hand and displaying the appearance of the creature to the surrounding students.

(Portrait of Mythical Turkey)(Monster classification: C-, Above average.)(Hostile when attacked.)

(Description: Strange tentacle appendages, it looks like it was cross-bred with a octopus or contracted a serious disease causing it to spurt these odd limbs. It's size is comparable to a two story house, roughly the size of a dragon when compared. Lacks any legs as they're composed of the same tentacle appendages, it appears as if it has the ability to levitate off the ground.)

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Mei furrowed her eyebrows. She had forgotten that the student love to fight. She sighed?"You want to do that? If you really want to get your ass kicked by monsters , then go ahead. Tell you what. If you bring a head of a monster to me then ya got the job. Happy?" Mei pulled out her staff from thin air and opened a portal. "You have monster hunting class anyways . Since I'm a nice person you can use this portal to catch up with your class." 

(Then will be a trial, but not too extreme.)


Aelius "The Bull" Taurus

— and —

Cadri Willingston

Aelius followed Hundun and the other students in through the portal, with Cadri still slung over his shoulder. Cadri was already out cold, not because of his head wound, but simply because he was exhausted from the day.

The moment Aelius stepped through, he found himself disgusted with the surrounding desolation. "I'd imagine that, if I could still smell, this place would smell like death itself," he said to Hundun, proceeding forward. "So, a giant turkey, is it? Very well, we shall feast well tonight. Is there any tips or tactical suggestions you can give us for tackling this beast? You mentioned it having the ability of a Hydra. Does that mean decapitation will only cause it to grow more heads?" His voice seemed to carry far in the emptiness of Rye.



(Professor Hundun)(Monster-Hunting instructor)(Location: "Rye")(With: Attending students.)

Hearing his statement about the Hydra comparison and the creature that they were currently hunting made him smirk a bit, ending his announcement with a further question in regards to tackling such a beast. Although Hundun was noticeably irritable when Cadri decided to pass out on the rocky surface of Rye, almost as if he was completely oblivious to the fact that his very essence was in danger of being eradicated from existence by one of the creatures if he wasn’t woke up. “Not sure if you’re intending to get yourself assimilated or not but once we start assuming the hunt you best get yourself up and be ready because i’m not gonna be dragging you across this terrain unlike Aelius. Yes, this place is in a way almost like Hell except a bit more of spacey area filled with nothingness.” He went on to further answer his question after turning his head and gazing upon the wretched sight of ravaged land that laid strewn across miles upon miles.

“History here says that it was once a densely populated city that had been built upon a remote island, until it was wiped out by something. After discovering a couple of lost archives, i was able to determine that it was ultimately destroyed by a natural occurrence, most likely a tsunami of great magnitude. As for your question goes this monstrosity’s tentacles are capable of regeneration themselves nearly instantly except the opposite is with its head, eliminating it would prove difficult at first unless you have wings since there’s no way of getting up to its head as it’ll tower over you and your comrades, since its tentacles are capable of repairing themselves it means that it uses them to its full extend and protects its body from anything intending to harm it. Only way to kill it is by severing the head.” He finished, answering his question and hoping that it would serve everyone else as well when it came time to kill the beast.   


Cinn Amon

"I have several questions." Cinn said as she raised her hand. "First of all, just out of curiosity, does it taste good when eaten?" She asked, glancing at the portrait of the hostile turkey. "Can you also teach how to make portals?" She listed off another question. The portal would be extremely useful to her, to anyone for that matter. "Finally, I'd just like to be sure, if you burn the cuts you make on the tentacles, do they still regenerate or not?" She ended her questions with something actually related to the lesson. A giant turkey thing wasn't exactly the first thing that she had in mind when one thought of monsters, but it was better than giant lizards. "Oh wait one more, do we all go hunting one for one or do we tag team a turkey?"


Aelius "The Bull" Taurus

— and —

Cadri Willingston

Cadri drifted back back awake and moaned, clutching his head wound. He hopped off of Aelius's shoulders, and reached in his jacket for his weapon. "Sever the head?" He said. He then looked down at his high-caliber revolver. He did not have a blade of any sort, nor did he have nearly enough ammo to shoot a line through the turkey's neck. "Well, this day just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Hey teach, do you have some gauze or something I can at least wrap around my head?" He was still clutching his bleeding head wound from his clumsy fall earlier.

"Understood," Aelius said, in response to Hundun's briefing,"but I have one last question; does the head have to be severed entirely, or is there a key organ in the neck that keeps it alive?"




(Professor Hundun)(Monster-Hunting instructor)(Location: "Rye")(With: Attending students.)

Internally, Hundun was regretting not mentioning everything as to now he would have to answer a multitude of questions although he felt a sense of overwhelming pride on another note, having so many students become interested in his class and take it somewhat serious was a fortunate way to start off the semester. “Yes, to be honest that was my intent all along, to bring it back to Luxor Academy so that all of you may enjoy your meal, in a way becoming stronger as you devour the prey in which you’ve conquered. Secondly that depends on how far you get into my class, as it’s a privilege to learn arts that will self-benefit, if one was to burn those appendages it could result in the regeneration time being a bit nullified but that’s probably about it. To answer your last question we’ll be coming as a group so that I can evaluate all of you as a team and so I wouldn’t have to chase after all of you if you split-up.” Hundun ended, hopefully ending the last of his questions. Cadri managed to recover himself a bit from his unconscious state it seemed as the groaning sounds he made were caught within Hundun’s range of hearing. “Ugh” He sighed before obtaining a lengthy roll of gauze after unclipping the pouch from his belt. Walking back up near Cadri’s position he crouched down beside him before wrapping it firmly around his head so that the bleeding would at-least be manageable.

“Your first day and you’ve already been injured, except not from a monster but yourself. You’re going to have a very rough beginning to this class if your clumsy actions get the better of you, enemies will not stop to lend you a helping hand as they are after one thing and one thing only and that is your life.” He turned his head back to Aelius to answer his other question once more. “The only way is to completely sever its head, if you cannot reach it then you’ll have to restrain it to the ground somehow so you are able to reach it, I will not be holding all of your hands through this either as i am not your father, i’m simply an instructor who guides the path for you. You all must learn from your own experiences because if I were to help you all the time, then how could you help yourself?” Hundun declared, scratching the side of his head slightly after noticing a rolling shroud of fog beginning to make its way through the area, within the distance a couple of human-like beings could be seen wearing hooded robes and murmuring soft chants before disappearing into the mist.  

@Sizniche@Happy Red Mage
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After a short but thoughtful coma sleep on the cafeteria dining table, Skyler wakes up to hear his phone ringing in his ear. It turned out it was an alarm, set when the next class started. Skyler frowned. How many times did his internal demon click the snooze button? Fourteen . Realizing he was late, Skyler bolted off of the cafeteria table, running full sprint towards Professor Hundun's classroom, and quite like Professor Troy, instead of opening the door, he creates a giant long icicle and jousts open the door. Just for fun.

"Sorry I'm late, did I miss anything?" Skyler said, out of breath.

@Kisaki @Obsidian @Happy Red Mage @Sizniche @everyone else

More Information

Skyler Jones

Start location: Cafeteria

End location: Professor Hundun's Monster Hunting Classroom

Objective: Hunting class

Mood: Hurried

Interacting with: Nobody in particular

Involved: A hell ton of people


Aiko took the bag of sweets and placed them in her bag nodding as she was happy by had no way to express it. She then made her way to the monster hunting class which she found by oure chance assessing the situation without listening to the instructor as she has the habit of being late. She looked around and found a building sitting down by the door and reading a book she brought with her.


Mei furrowed her eyebrows. She had forgotten that the student love to fight. She sighed?"You want to do that? If you really want to get your ass kicked by monsters , then go ahead. Tell you what. If you bring a head of a monster to me then ya got the job. Happy?" Mei pulled out her staff from thin air and opened a portal. "You have monster hunting class anyways . Since I'm a nice person you can use this portal to catch up with your class." 

(Then will be a trial, but not too extreme.)


(Ryo And Lucifer)

Ryo new outfit.jpg

Ryo chuckled nervously at the portal that had opened in front of him. Man, the last time he had gone on one of the Monster Hunting classes, he had not only beaten up a crap ton of monsters, but had also murdered a classmate, wrecked a good portion of Niflheim, killed Fenrir, which incurred the wrath of Loki, who kidnapped Setsuna, which made Ryo go on a rampage and destroy most of the Norse Pantheon, and had awaken Lucifer from his slumber within Ryo's mind. Yeah, Ryo wasn't gonna go through something like that again any time soon.

'Awww, but I thought you loved me?'

'Lucifer, you literally get me in trouble by simple existing.'

'Never said I was a team player runt.'

Sighing at the antics of the voice in his head, Ryo turned to Mei, an apologetic smile on his face, "Sorry Teach, but imma have to decline with the whole portal thing, why don't I just prove my worthiness through how I handle being the Leader of the Disciplinary Committee?" With a quick attribution of light speed, Ryo pulled out a pen and filled out the entire stack of paperwork within a millisecond, gotta love supernatural abilities. Finishing the signing, Ryo handed the papers back to Mei with a smile on his face, "There ya go Teach, all papers thoroughly read and signed, President Ryo reporting for duty." Ryo sent a mock salute towards Mei, his smile becoming even wider, "I promise to fulfill my duties to my utmost abilities, uphold the laws and standards of Luxor Academy, and make sure to perform all of the duties befitting my station."

Ryo let go of the salute and clenched his fist, a look of pure determination in his eyes, "I'll make sure any jabronies that wanna tear up my school get put in place, have the smack down laid on them, and that the subordinates under me perform their duties with as much pride and discipline as possible!" Ryo the pointed towards the sky, a sunset appearing in the background, illuminating his righteous form, even now he was still the same old idiot, "I'll protect this school with all my power and strength, as leader of the Disciplinary Committee, you have my word!"

Ryo dropped the pose, the sunset fading away and his aura dying down. An eager smile plastered on his face, Ryo's eyes shined with excitement, "So do I get my own office Teach?"


(Not to be a jerk, but Obsidian has like....Sooooo many posts and stuff to read over and respond to. Hopefully Ryo can prove himself through his duties, cause most people are in the monster class and I can get Ryo to interact with the students still here. Plus it gives me a chance to start doing DisCom events and interactions. And if there isn't a DisCom rulebook, office, or area, I can make one with all the members listed and badges and what not.)
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Alex had been....suprised to say the least, as he saw many students, varying in shapes and sizes, entering the room. Alex had planned on introducing himself, until the professor of the class had spoken up, explaining what they would be doing today, "an underwater city...fascinating" he said to himself, as he watched in a slight awe as the professor, who wished to be called Hundun, spawn a portal of sorts and walk through, "wow, first day, and I already see that my father was right about me being considered normal here". Alex pondered a tad more, wondering back to the subject of dorms as he really wanted to settle fast after the day ended, until he realized he was the only one left in the classroom, "oh, great" he thought, approaching the portal caustically. Stepping into the portal, he found the experience to be enjoyable, as traveling through made his being tingle, then reality hit again, as he appeared through the other side, a little disoriented, but here in one piece nonetheless. "What now" he thought, seeing that everyone else here seemed familiarized with the location at hand.

@Obsidian (again, your the teacher, so yea)
                       Star                                           Satie                                                  Bel

            View attachment 207268         View attachment 207269        View attachment 207270

After a thorough talking down Satie, Star and Bel rejoined the group as they walked. They walked side by side behind the group, eyeing the class with their usual predatory gaze. Having been eavesdropping, they picked up the gist of the situation.  

"He brought us here for poultry?", Star asked skeptical of the situation. She covered her mouth with her hand so as to be more discrete. 

"He says it's got tentacles so wouldn't it be calamari too?", Satie countered, leaning in to whisper.  

"Calamari is squid. What if it's part octopus?", Star responded



They heard Cinn ask for tutorship in portal travel. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", Satie  asked with a grisly smile, nudging Star. 

"We're not sending her to some plane of stopped being funny after the first couple of hundred times. Besides this teach is right there....If we get caught killing people again it's the-", Star was cut off by Bel grabbing hold of her arm.

"This is R'.....", Bel whispered in a grim tone as she scanned the environment. She hugged herself as she walked, an obvious sign of discomfort. 

"R, R'-what?", Star inquired. The three stopped in their tracks and huddled after the other two noticed Bel's genuine distress. 

Sloth cupped her hands and whispered something in their ears.

"Isn't that where...", Satie started to ask.

"Yep..", Bel responded prematurely.

"The one with the-", Star wiggled her fingers in front of her face. 

"Yup..", Satie answered. 

"F*k..", they all agreed, turning to the group.

The three ran up to Hundun, Star pulling up in front of her as Bel and Satie walked at his sides.

"Heeyyyy!", Star greeted as she walked backwards to face him. "Soo, what did you say this place was called again?"


and everyone else also
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Misogi walked towards Proffesor Troy and simply smiled his evil smile " hey hey you do know what will repel him from his Nightmare attacks its the Sands of Dream world" said misogi with a evil smiled " but i want your help got it mister Wizard" said misogi making all the charm turn into dust " ohh my that is a problem these are extremely weak towards me but misogi started to get burned from the back of his neck and it was a old looking cabinate " try the one's their it may have the sands of dream land and maybe charms of light that can kill even Demonic beings like us " he said looking serious with the eye's of i want to burn these place to the ground" so yea don't buy the one's that hurt me and ill keep crow's eye's off you got it after all he is watching us like hack's " said misogi looking at the sleeping sale's man in the chair

Axel walked towards hundun with a worried look " sir Hundun is these really the only monster we have for today because its not going to last with all the talented students in the school you do know that right " said axel while looking over everyone's files and at Hundun " give them a challenge please to train them properly proffesor Hundun"

Crow walking with kagami " do we really need to bother with these things their nothing but grabage you know that onee chan " he said towards her then holding his stuff animal looking at everyone with hopelessness like they where hopeless " they can't even kill a simply creater like this one how will they be abel to kill my pet's onee chan

@Storm Guardian @Obsidian @Kisaki
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