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Futuristic Futuristic sand box styled RP?


The Music Birb
Hello everyone!

So I've been wanting to do a sand boxy futuristic rp for a while a now and there hasn't really been any started... So I was like "well I guess I'll give it a shot!" So that's what I'm doing... 

So so it would be pretty simple... Scratch that, it will be simple at first and then when the ball gets rolling it will become a bit more complicated, not too much but just enough to create an interesting universe. I was thinking of going for a Star Trek/Star Wars mashup thingy. So probably some sort of force within a Star Trek type universe... Maybe, haven't fully decided. But that's where you guys would come in. I want this rp to really be one where everyone has input. It can be anything from creating planets to creating species, from being ruler of a planet to a space merchant. It's completely up to you. I have a few ideas for plots and I'll give a basic overview of the intro arc...

the the premise of this arc is that there is a tyrant ruling over the Galaxy currently and there is basically utter chaos everywhere. You can choose to create a rebellion or join the tyrant, become neutral or anything really. This arcs main goal would be to try to establish peace in the galaxy, whether that be through killing the tyrant starting a civil war to put a new ruler in place or a democracy or trying to turn the tyrant to the good side. Anything is possible really. At the beginning we would start off with a pretty small Galaxy, probably no more than 10-15 planets and a couple dozen species. (this depends on how much interest there is) 

So what do you think? Plz tell me anything you think about this and if it gets enough interest then that would be wonderful. I do have some more plots planned as well as a few planets and species. But like I said, I want this to be a group thing.


p.s. You can pm me if you want but I would rather we kept everything to this thread. Thx :)

also so here's the main thread: https://www.rpnation.com/rp/1763-space-sandbox-rp/
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I'm interested, but I know that as things get fleshed out, I'll have lots of questions. Oh look, here's one now. So would we be playing as entire specieses (sorry, not sure what the plural of species is) or just random people who set stuff in motion and shit? Or am I just being dumb and you already said that in your post? @Talon
I'm interested, but I know that as things get fleshed out, I'll have lots of questions. Oh look, here's one now. So would we be playing as entire specieses (sorry, not sure what the plural of species is) or just random people who set stuff in motion and shit? Or am I just being dumb and you already said that in your post? @Talon

Lol it.s fine, ask questions I won't be annoyed.

so to answer your Q, yes you could technically control a species by being the ruler of a planet. Or you could be someone who sets stuff in motion. Now to be that kinda person you would need permission from myself to change mostly anything, unless it's small.

i hope that answers your question lol I feel like it won't and if not I'll try again.
YA boy

hey emperor of memes! Would your majesty care to join this endeavour of mine? @Fear Fates

Speak my name, and memes shall appear!!!!!

You answered the question fine. I apologize, because I didn't word it correctly. By "people who set things in motion" I meant like individual, random people who go on am adventure or quest to accomplish something

You answered the question fine. I apologize, because I didn't word it correctly. By "people who set things in motion" I meant like individual, random people who go on am adventure or quest to accomplish something


Oh ok well then YA it's up to you, individual or ruler/commander/whatever if I think the character is too op or anything I'll just give my reasons and either not accept or let you change it. But pretty much any character within reasonable limits is allowed.
Oh ok well then YA it's up to you, individual or ruler/commander/whatever if I think the character is too op or anything I'll just give my reasons and either not accept or let you change it. But pretty much any character within reasonable limits is allowed.

Alright then. That's it for questions....for now
Oh ok well then YA it's up to you, individual or ruler/commander/whatever if I think the character is too op or anything I'll just give my reasons and either not accept or let you change it. But pretty much any character within reasonable limits is allowed.

worry not talon, its not like im going to make some neutral space faring race that even the slightest aggression will set them off to a disproportionate retribution and they will blow up a planet if necessary lololol

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worry not talon, its not like im going to make some neutral space faring race that even the slightest aggression will set them off to a disproportionate retribution and they will blow up a planet if necessary lololol


I could totally see you doing that... Btw I've seen the movie that that picture comes from, lol it's a Nickelodeon one about professional gamers but I cant remember what it's called...

Alright then. That's it for questions....for now

cool beans, if you got more then ask away.
I could totally see you doing that... Btw I've seen the movie that that picture comes from, lol it's a Nickelodeon one about professional gamers but I cant remember what it's called...

cool beans, if you got more then ask away.

no its from spore ya dingus

I'm a bit interested.I only doubt because it seems rather vague but I expect it to take shape soon.Whatever happens,I probably won't be too concerned anyway.I'm no RP expert or a detailed RP player but I like the idea of traveling outer space.
I'm a bit interested.I only doubt because it seems rather vague but I expect it to take shape soon.Whatever happens,I probably won't be too concerned anyway.I'm no RP expert or a detailed RP player but I like the idea of traveling outer space.

Ok cool, YA I'll prob get most of the details hammered out by tommorow. And if @Oddball and @Fear Fates are willing I'll get them to help me. If all goes well the cs should be open tomorrow night and once we get maybe 2 more people we can start it up.
Ok cool, YA I'll prob get most of the details hammered out by tommorow. And if @Oddball and @Fear Fates are willing I'll get them to help me. If all goes well the cs should be open tomorrow night and once we get maybe 2 more people we can start it up.

I can help, just gotta give me the details and whatever directives

Here for you.jpg

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