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Fandom AVATAR: Legend of Futeki OOC CHat

Considering it was formed by earth bending, it can be placed back pretty easy.

I assume the stone wall was made from something on the roof, since earth-bending is about moving the earth, not creating it.
its the plot of this rp, this is an alternate universe to TLA, and theirs no fire nation war, right now peace talks are being held in Ba Sing Se, to try to unite the world in an era of peace (its not going to go as expected obviously)
@Flip Jester Boy When he says "simple smoke bomb" is he just assuming it simple because he knows of it?

I'd imagine he would have invented it, if it were to exist in this universe, as a smoke bomb would be more around Korra era of technology, since smoke bombs were invented around the time of electricity and the locomotive. 

It isn't unreasonable to invent the smoke bomb early, however, as it was created as an alternative type of firework, so none of the tech around it's era was needed for it's invention.

Just saying that most will find an item like a smoke bomb very strange and new, and perhaps you intended that, just wanted to make sure :)
you sure Randomfella? they have floating machines in TLoA, and Im pretty certain theres smoke bombs in that series, right? with the air temple inventors episode
you sure Randomfella? they have floating machines in TLoA, and Im pretty certain theres smoke bombs in that series, right? with the air temple inventors episode

The air balloons are powered by fire-benders, same with how tanks are powered by earth-benders, and the submarine and ice torpedoes are powered by water-benders. The big difference between TLoA and Korra in the tech is that most complicated inventions in TLoA are designed to be powered by benders, and in Korra they are powered by technology, so anyone can use them.

Also I thought since he was an inventor, he could have things we have never heard of, just like the mechanist did as you said, e.g. the gliders the mechanist invented. But in the end if you decide that this universe has something invented already that isn't in TLoA, then I'm fine with that, since it is an AU. 
Okay, so today, karma hit I suppose xD

I got hit in the center of my chest by a swinging door, and OMG it hurt so bad! It left a small little bruise and scrape, but god, I wanted to just fall over and die right there lol, thats how bad it freaking hurt, hahaha

I nearly killed Futeki with a much worse, yet similar injury D: ><

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