Chapter I: Rescue Aurelia

Victoria hadn't expected any more of a Neko than to be immature, it seemed as if they were all a bit slow in mental development. She shrugged. "A neko contributing to society? Maybe in the dreamland you all seem to live in, yeah. But I don't think monologuing is a sign of insanity, merely a sign of boredom. Why don't you take those kids and leave, eh? I'll be sure to return them to their rightful owners sometime later. Now get going." She said, dismissing his presence as the other two ANF officers went further up the corridor, checking for any Nekos left there, of course there wasn't any. They were all laying shot outside. 

Honestly, magical keyboards that they played crappy music on with little fantasy shields to cover them? And people wondered why Victoria had no remorse in killing them off, it was like a comic book had come to life. They didn't belong in the real world that much was for certain. "Now where's the other one?" She asked idly, looking around the cells.

  Phineas was slightly surprised that her only comebacks were about dreamland and insanity. At least Nikolas was creative. Oh, well. The boy boredly waved goodbye, continuing to play until he was safely outside. When he was, he put the child he was carrying down and turned to the other children, who were just waking up. "Pick up your feet and run as fast as you can. No time to explain, I've got to help someone out." And with that, Phineas turned on his heel, sending the piano back so that he could run back inside and help free more prisoners. The more proficient he was, the better.


  Nikolas's ear twitched when he heard two ANF officers coming his way, hastily transforming into another human soldier. Çrap! He was still in the cell with his father! He looked from his father, to the two officers who were just....looking at him, then he roughly punched Bismarck in the gut. Sorry, Dad. 

  "Stop giving me your 'peace' crap," he said, trying his best to hide the fear he was feeling in his voice...and doing a damn good job at it. "Now, uh, wake up, you strawberry-loving Neko supporter!"

  One of Bismarck's brown eyes opened; he thought he had just heard his son's voice. It was just  a guard. But...wait. How would an ANF officer know that he liked strawberries? 

  So it was Nikolas. And he was in huge trouble unless Bismarck went along with it. ".....N-No more, p-p-please.....!" he squeaked convincingly, and truthfully, seeing as he had already been brutally tortured today. Thrice. ".....Just stop it already.......p-please....."

  "Nope. No chance. I was sent here to execute you, you see..." Nikolas got out his gun and pointed it at his father's face. "And that's what I'm doing."

  One of the ANF officers let his guard down, walking into the cell to watch, along with the other. Perfect timing.

  "BOOM HEADSHOT, SUCKAAAAAAHHHHH!" And with that, Nikolas shot down one of the officers. The other realized that this was a trap, lunging towards Nikolas. Nikolas grinned, calmly stepping out of the way, which left Bismarck to kick the man in the jaw. Before passing out again. Ugh, come ON! 


  Phineas heard the sound of a gunshot; his speed quickened, but he then realized he was running straight at the psycho from earlier. Welp, guess there was no choice but to roll with it. The half-Neko leapt above the woman, landing on her head and balancing on it for a moment. "I appear to be standing on the head of someone," he commented, sitting down so he was now on her shoulders. "Oh. There you are, Madame Straightjacket. I forgot to ask you something very important, that may change our lives forever; soprano or alto?"

So many Nekos so little time. It was like when a child jumped at a group of pidgeons in the street and they all scattered and flew away, well except the pidgeons were Nekos and she'd killed most of the ones that had metaphorically 'flown away' Seriously though not even killing a busload of neko kids had lightened her mood from how annoying this idiot was, had a Neko ever been serious before? Ever taken anything seriously, professionally? Or just acted their age, it reinforced her theory that they were all a bit slow in their mental development. Especially this one that had taken the few surviving children and no doubt his sibling as well. They were children of the coward known as Bismarck though so she shouldn't have expected anything else.


If it wasn't for the fact that she had been a neko. Victoria honestly would've felt bad for Bismarck's wife, a weakling for a husband and two slow individuals for children. Poor woman, the two ANF officers that had gone off to kill those escapees from before had just came back, satisfied with work well done. However the two she'd just sent to get Bismarck hadn't returned and a gunshot had just echoed across the building, sighing boredly as she shook her head. Knowing that she should've just gone herself she hadn't expected the idiot from before to show up again so soon, he'd landed on her helmet somehow, and was on her shoulder. Not even responding as she grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground, briefly shooting him in the kneecap before walking on down the concrete corridor of the prison, the guards joining her as she went down to go see Bismarck.


It hadn't taken long but upon arrival she saw the bodies of her two other officers. One dead and the other unconscious. Leaving the other alive was a clear sign of weakness on the Neko's part. "You must be Bismarck's other child. I met your brother down the corridor, a bit slow. I hope you don't suffer from the same problem." The two officers raised their rifles at the Neko, and it was a Neko. She could see through that shoddy disguise any day of the week. "Don't try raising that weapon. I at least hope you're smart enough to know that it won't work."


So many Nekos so little time. It was like when a child jumped at a group of pidgeons in the street and they all scattered and flew away, well except the pidgeons were Nekos and she'd killed most of the ones that had metaphorically 'flown away' Seriously though not even killing a busload of neko kids had lightened her mood from how annoying this idiot was, had a Neko ever been serious before? Ever taken anything seriously, professionally? Or just acted their age, it reinforced her theory that they were all a bit slow in their mental development. Especially this one that had taken the few surviving children and no doubt his sibling as well. They were children of the coward known as Bismarck though so she shouldn't have expected anything else.


If it wasn't for the fact that she had been a neko. Victoria honestly would've felt bad for Bismarck's wife, a weakling for a husband and two slow individuals for children. Poor woman, the two ANF officers that had gone off to kill those escapees from before had just came back, satisfied with work well done. However the two she'd just sent to get Bismarck hadn't returned and a gunshot had just echoed across the building, sighing boredly as she shook her head. Knowing that she should've just gone herself she hadn't expected the idiot from before to show up again so soon, he'd landed on her helmet somehow, and was on her shoulder. Not even responding as she grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground, briefly shooting him in the kneecap before walking on down the concrete corridor of the prison, the guards joining her as she went down to go see Bismarck.


It hadn't taken long but upon arrival she saw the bodies of her two other officers. One dead and the other unconscious. Leaving the other alive was a clear sign of weakness on the Neko's part. "You must be Bismarck's other child. I met your brother down the corridor, a bit slow. I hope you don't suffer from the same problem." The two officers raised their rifles at the Neko, and it was a Neko. She could see through that shoddy disguise any day of the week. "Don't try raising that weapon. I at least hope you're smart enough to know that it won't work."


  Phineas blinked when he was tossed off of the woman's shoulders and shot in the kneecap. Guess it was all up to Nik now, he thought, slowly sitting up and listening in, preparing to make his next move if he had to. "All right, Nik. Let's see what you'll do next," he mumbled, rubbing his leg injury. He didn't have time to pull the bullet out; he'd do it later. So the half-Neko just stood up and limped over to the next cell, which belonged to a crossdresser. He knocked the door down, looking at the person inside. "Come on, Miss. We're evacuating."



  Nikolas grinned when the lady walked in, just as his brother had calculated. "What? You actually think I'm the kid of this guy?" he said, sounding dismayed as he pointed at Bismarck. "I was tryin' to end that coward's life, when some dude trying to play hero jumped in front of the guy. And then he went bazooka! Kicked ya in the jaw, remember?" he asked the other guard, who shook with anger. 

  "Stop messing with me, kid!"

  "Ey. I understand. You recently witnessed a terrible event. An idiot jumping in front of a bullet. I'd get some PTSD from that, too, bro." Nikolas patted the man's shoulder, smiling nonchalantly. The man shook even more intensely. "I could take you to Ellion later if ya'd like. Now in the meantime...." He pointed his gun back at Bismarck. "I think it's time to confess your sins, amirite, Bizzy?"

  Silence from the unconscious man, then he forced his eyes open. Three--no, two--guards, this time. And Nikolas. He looked between all three of them, then he forced a determined look on his face, this time kicking Nikolas in the stomach. Nikolas fell backwards, raising his gun even closer to Bismarck's head. "So you were awake. Any last words?"

  "...............You are so grounded........." Bismarck mumbled. It was only loud enough for Nik to hear. He smirked.

  "Whatever. To the torture chamber!"

So many Nekos so little time. It was like when a child jumped at a group of pidgeons in the street and they all scattered and flew away, well except the pidgeons were Nekos and she'd killed most of the ones that had metaphorically 'flown away' Seriously though not even killing a busload of neko kids had lightened her mood from how annoying this idiot was, had a Neko ever been serious before? Ever taken anything seriously, professionally? Or just acted their age, it reinforced her theory that they were all a bit slow in their mental development. Especially this one that had taken the few surviving children and no doubt his sibling as well. They were children of the coward known as Bismarck though so she shouldn't have expected anything else.


If it wasn't for the fact that she had been a neko. Victoria honestly would've felt bad for Bismarck's wife, a weakling for a husband and two slow individuals for children. Poor woman, the two ANF officers that had gone off to kill those escapees from before had just came back, satisfied with work well done. However the two she'd just sent to get Bismarck hadn't returned and a gunshot had just echoed across the building, sighing boredly as she shook her head. Knowing that she should've just gone herself she hadn't expected the idiot from before to show up again so soon, he'd landed on her helmet somehow, and was on her shoulder. Not even responding as she grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground, briefly shooting him in the kneecap before walking on down the concrete corridor of the prison, the guards joining her as she went down to go see Bismarck.


It hadn't taken long but upon arrival she saw the bodies of her two other officers. One dead and the other unconscious. Leaving the other alive was a clear sign of weakness on the Neko's part. "You must be Bismarck's other child. I met your brother down the corridor, a bit slow. I hope you don't suffer from the same problem." The two officers raised their rifles at the Neko, and it was a Neko. She could see through that shoddy disguise any day of the week. "Don't try raising that weapon. I at least hope you're smart enough to know that it won't work."


  Phineas blinked when he was tossed off of the woman's shoulders and shot in the kneecap. Guess it was all up to Nik now, he thought, slowly sitting up and listening in, preparing to make his next move if he had to. "All right, Nik. Let's see what you'll do next," he mumbled, rubbing his leg injury. He didn't have time to pull the bullet out; he'd do it later. So the half-Neko just stood up and limped over to the next cell, which belonged to a crossdresser. He knocked the door down, looking at the person inside. "Come on, Miss. We're evacuating."



  Nikolas grinned when the lady walked in, just as his brother had calculated. "What? You actually think I'm the kid of this guy?" he said, sounding dismayed as he pointed at Bismarck. "I was tryin' to end that coward's life, when some dude trying to play hero jumped in front of the guy. And then he went bazooka! Kicked ya in the jaw, remember?" he asked the other guard, who shook with anger. 

  "Stop messing with me, kid!"

  "Ey. I understand. You recently witnessed a terrible event. An idiot jumping in front of a bullet. I'd get some PTSD from that, too, bro." Nikolas patted the man's shoulder, smiling nonchalantly. The man shook even more intensely. "I could take you to Ellion later if ya'd like. Now in the meantime...." He pointed his gun back at Bismarck. "I think it's time to confess your sins, amirite, Bizzy?"

  Silence from the unconscious man, then he forced his eyes open. Three--no, two--guards, this time. And Nikolas. He looked between all three of them, then he forced a determined look on his face, this time kicking Nikolas in the stomach. Nikolas fell backwards, raising his gun even closer to Bismarck's head. "So you were awake. Any last words?"

  "...............You are so grounded........." Bismarck mumbled. It was only loud enough for Nik to hear. He smirked.

  "Whatever. To the torture chamber!"

While everything was going down inside Maria, the wife of Bismarck and the mother of the two half-neko's that Victoria had insulted so badly was doing her own thing. Rather than a full scale assault since she was only one woman she'd devised a pretty good plan with the help of her sister Elizabeth. She'd bugged several of the agents there, casually dropping said items in pockets and things of the like. Modern advances in technology were nice things, very nice things. She had meticulously planned everything, right up to when Bismarck was tossed back into his cell. She was pissed as hell but she knew she couldn't just barge in there, that'd just make everything worse by far. She had to, unfortunately, wait until around the time the ANF had their attack.

Knowing nothing of the sleeping gas at all Maria had been outside setting shaped charges on the wall, blowing her way in, when she could of sworn she saw Phineas dragging neko children out of the building. Before she could say or do anything he'd ran back in, causing her to curse under her breath. "I swear if those two are alone..." She mumbled, sighing and shaking her head. Of course when the charges detonated and she walked in most of the ANF were unconscious, those that she'd roused with the explosion were promptly either decapitated or shot in the face. She had little patience for non lethal methods at the moment. She walked through, stabbing anyone she saw that looked like they were about to wake up that were with the ANF. She forewent any other humans. Most slave owners were nothing compared to the ANF, some of the people there were also children; children being the one thing she'd never kill.

Most of the ANF were unconscious for the time being, leaving Maria to run up the halls. Somehow she bypassed the injured Phineas, taking a different route she'd planned to the cells, to see Nikolas and Bismarck at gun point. One agent took a katana to the back while the other took a bullet, Maria pulling her katana out and holding it to the back of Victoria's neck in one fell movement. "Drop the gun." She told her coldly. "And you two, mostly you." She said, glaring to her son, "What the hell are you doing here? How did you get captured?" She snapped, clenching the katana harder. It would be obvious to her husband and son that they should be really lucky they weren't the enemy, rage more or less visible on her entire form.

While everything was going down inside Maria, the wife of Bismarck and the mother of the two half-neko's that Victoria had insulted so badly was doing her own thing. Rather than a full scale assault since she was only one woman she'd devised a pretty good plan with the help of her sister Elizabeth. She'd bugged several of the agents there, casually dropping said items in pockets and things of the like. Modern advances in technology were nice things, very nice things. She had meticulously planned everything, right up to when Bismarck was tossed back into his cell. She was pissed as hell but she knew she couldn't just barge in there, that'd just make everything worse by far. She had to, unfortunately, wait until around the time the ANF had their attack.

Knowing nothing of the sleeping gas at all Maria had been outside setting shaped charges on the wall, blowing her way in, when she could of sworn she saw Phineas dragging neko children out of the building. Before she could say or do anything he'd ran back in, causing her to curse under her breath. "I swear if those two are alone..." She mumbled, sighing and shaking her head. Of course when the charges detonated and she walked in most of the ANF were unconscious, those that she'd roused with the explosion were promptly either decapitated or shot in the face. She had little patience for non lethal methods at the moment. She walked through, stabbing anyone she saw that looked like they were about to wake up that were with the ANF. She forewent any other humans. Most slave owners were nothing compared to the ANF, some of the people there were also children; children being the one thing she'd never kill.

Most of the ANF were unconscious for the time being, leaving Maria to run up the halls. Somehow she bypassed the injured Phineas, taking a different route she'd planned to the cells, to see Nikolas and Bismarck at gun point. One agent took a katana to the back while the other took a bullet, Maria pulling her katana out and holding it to the back of Victoria's neck in one fell movement. "Drop the gun." She told her coldly. "And you two, mostly you." She said, glaring to her son, "What the hell are you doing here? How did you get captured?" She snapped, clenching the katana harder. It would be obvious to her husband and son that they should be really lucky they weren't the enemy, rage more or less visible on her entire form.

  Nikolas tensed up at the sound of a gunshot and a very familiar voice. Bismarck's face turned to one of relief; the younger one quickly lowered his weapon. "Mo-ooom! I was tryin' to get him outta here!" he groaned, transforming back into his normal self. Bismarck nodded hastily. 

  ".....I-I'm sure he wasn't actually going to hurt me, Ma-Maria...." he said quickly, struggling against the chains. Okay, so maybe that wasn't a wise idea, seeing as he was literally nearly dead. "...........A-And as for the getting captured thing.....le-let's just say that there was a leak in m-my last mi-mission....." he added in a mumble. That was true. The risks of being a runaway criminal who broke out Nekos almost daily was that sometimes it didn't even work. That particular time, the two people that he had paid to work with after a thorough background check and everything had nearly strangled him to death before stuffing him in a wooden crate tied up and sending him to the ANF. Those same two people were now incredibly rich. 

  ".....I-I was an i-idiot to trust th-the pe-people I-I hi-hired.....I-I got captured an-and then I-I-I made all....all of yo-you worry......I-I'm so-sorry....." he mumbled, looking at the floor. Nikolas stared for a moment, then he cleared his throat. 

  "So, am I ungrounded?"

   "....E-Er....n-n-no......bu-but I'm sorry for ki-kicking you......I'll bake you a cake.....a-after all this."

  "Fair enough."


It was clear from Victoria's face that she didn't believe anything the disguised Neko said but she'd let it go on for her own amusement, watching Bismarck's own child beating him to play a part that had already been compromised was pretty enjoyable. The kid did kind of oversell the whole ANF act though, none of the agents she knew actually spoke like that, however the mention of Ellion had peaked her interest. So the NPF knew who she was, or this Neko in-particular did. Interesting considering how protective she was of them, not to mention the fact that their attack had gone off so well on the headquarters. A talk would be needed with Ellion that much was for sure. The neko having announced about the torture chamber though had given her an idea. "Why don't you torture him right here." She spoke up.


However before anything else could happen the two agents next to her had dropped dead. They were so useless it was unbelievable, she felt something being held behind her, a sword no doubt. Victoria looking to her side and seeing some new neko, a woman with a sword. She shook her head casually. "I'll be holding onto my gun." She said, sighing as Bismarck spoke up again. His stuttering was cringe inducing to someone like her. Then it hit her, they were all related, that was pretty disgusting. Listening as Bismarck said he made them all worry and Victoria wanting nothing more than to bury them alive at this moment as she groaned in annoyance. "Jesus. You're all so pathetic, oh I made you all w-w-w-w-worry, lemme bake you a c-c-c-c-cake." She said, imitating the way Bismarck spoke in a mocking manner. "I don't think I've seen anything more useless and disgusting in my life. A scrawny little coward for a dad, some wannabe edgy samurai for a mother and two idiots that are completely oblivious to the real world for children. Nice "family" you've got yourself here." 

It was then that she leaped forward towards the cell seemingly. However that had only been to make Maria's katana follow her forward, ducking beneath it as it swooped over her and kicking it out of Maria's hand, she got a good distance away from them, raising her own pistol now. "Now. If your mother has any common sense she'll realize that a gun beats a sword every single time. And she'll point her own gun at me, honestly though I wish I could just kill you all now but I'm satisfied with the day's work so I'm not too bothered." Her work was the bullet in Phineas' kneecap, the piles of dead nekos in the lobby and physical trauma that she'd already inflicted on Bismarck. That was enough to keep her content for now, enough for her to have left her mark. "Don't you nekos have some incest to do. You like that stuff, so if you would mind leaving? Some people actually have work to do."

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It was clear from Victoria's face that she didn't believe anything the disguised Neko said but she'd let it go on for her own amusement, watching Bismarck's own child beating him to play a part that had already been compromised was pretty enjoyable. The kid did kind of oversell the whole ANF act though, none of the agents she knew actually spoke like that, however the mention of Ellion had peaked her interest. So the NPF knew who she was, or this Neko in-particular did. Interesting considering how protective she was of them, not to mention the fact that their attack had gone off so well on the headquarters. A talk would be needed with Ellion that much was for sure. The neko having announced about the torture chamber though had given her an idea. "Why don't you torture him right here." She spoke up.


However before anything else could happen the two agents next to her had dropped dead. They were so useless it was unbelievable, she felt something being held behind her, a sword no doubt. Victoria looking to her side and seeing some new neko, a woman with a sword. She shook her head casually. "I'll be holding onto my gun." She said, sighing as Bismarck spoke up again. His stuttering was cringe inducing to someone like her. Then it hit her, they were all related, that was pretty disgusting. Listening as Bismarck said he made them all worry and Victoria wanting nothing more than to bury them alive at this moment as she groaned in annoyance. "Jesus. You're all so pathetic, oh I made you all w-w-w-w-worry, lemme bake you a c-c-c-c-cake." She said, imitating the way Bismarck spoke in a mocking manner. "I don't think I've seen anything more useless and disgusting in my life. A scrawny little coward for a dad, some wannabe edgy samurai for a mother and two idiots that are completely oblivious to the real world for children. Nice "family" you've got yourself here." 

It was then that she leaped forward towards the cell seemingly. However that had only been to make Maria's katana follow her forward, ducking beneath it as it swooped over her and kicking it out of Maria's hand, she got a good distance away from them, raising her own pistol now. "Now. If your mother has any common sense she'll realize that a gun beats a sword every single time. And she'll point her own gun at me, honestly though I wish I could just kill you all now but I'm satisfied with the day's work so I'm not too bothered." Her work was the bullet in Phineas' kneecap, the piles of dead nekos in the lobby and physical trauma that she'd already inflicted on Bismarck. That was enough to keep her content for now, enough for her to have left her mark. "Don't you nekos have some incest to do. You like that stuff, so if you would mind leaving? Some people actually have work to do."

  Bismarck watched helplessly as Maria was successfully disarmed by Victoria, who went on to mock his stuttering and what he had just said. On top of that, she insulted Maria and his two sons. His worried face was replaced with one of anger and frustration. He was tired of being Mr. Nice Guy. He was sick of sitting here, bound tightly to a wall, while watching the ones he loved getting surrounded and mocked by this.....this.......THAT! 

  Nikolas glanced at his father, who was shaking in anger. There was the braver side of the man he knew. The boy didn't say anything, but he walked closer to Bismarck, taking a single hairpin out of his pocket and picking the locks. The man's hands dropped to his sides; he remained looking down. Now for the final step; Nikolas took out the old, worn-down copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Bismarck stared at him for a moment, then snatched the book, opening it to the page on dragons. Patronus appeared, along with her companion, Severus, a Hungarian Horntail. Just outside the window. 

  "....Do your worst." 

  That was all he had to say; the wall of his prison cell crumbled away, a large talon clawing through it like a child searching a cookie jar. Bismarck and Nikolas were lifted from the rubble by the talon, then placed outside of the cell. Nikolas, without really thinking, grabbed Maria's hand and dragged her and Bismarck (who had gone into pissed wizard mode) out of the way, which sped up to a run. The dragons were already destroying everything; in other words, Bismarck was furious. 

  "—NOBODY MOCKS MY FAMILY! NOBODY! YOU CAN BEAT ME UP, TORTURE ME, CALL ME NAMES, BUT NOT MY FAMILY!" he shouted, clinging to Maria for support and praying that his legs wouldn't give way. He looked briefly at his wife, then, upon realizing that she was what he was holding onto, he smiled weakly, kissing her cheek. A couple tears rolled down his face while Nikolas made a sharp turn; Bismarck ignored it. ".......It's good to see you."

The commotion caused a far door of the battlefield to slam open, revealing the suit-wearing Ellion. Straightening her jacket, she raised Arondight and Galantine. The fighting was already in full swing. She began to walk, and ANF agents began to fall back. Ellion's sword, Arondight, began to glow, and with a simple slice she cut a path through a chair in the way. Kicking the two halves to either side, she continued, eyeing the NPF.

"My name is Ellion Pendergast, Deputy Director of Operations. I am going to give all of you one chance to run, before this gets messy. I will not be giving anyone any reprieve if you stay for capture. This is one mercy I cannot allow." She raised Arondight, still glowing in power. "Now run, before I run every single one of you through."

@ everyone at NPF HQ

Victoria had looked over to Bismarck, clearly amused at what she was doing. Insulting his loved ones and himself, she could practically see the anger boiling up inside and it was pretty funny she wasn't going to lie. Wondering on what he was going to do, hit a wall in anger and break all the bones in his hand. Or perhaps he would just hide behind his wife and hope for her to save him, perhaps his children. Because clearly he couldn't help himself. 


She watched as his son went over and let him go, she wasn't too bothered by it. In-fact there was a bit of her that thought it would be even more fun to let him escape, let Bismarck get away with his family and have their reunion. Be all lovey-dovey and happy, it made her sick just thinking about it but it would pay off for when she caught him again, or better yet, caught his family. Yeah, that did sound fun. Her mind coming up with all sorts of plans and ideas as to what to do, nothing too cliche, something unique. Something efficient as well. However she soon saw something that hadn't been expected, a pair of dragons. 


Then again he had summoned them before, and he had that...fantasy stuff available. Which wasn't magic. So she should've kept it in mind, and it would've helped if they hadn't given him a book. She saw the dragon's talon come on in and grab at the nekos, lifting them up as they began trashing things. Destruction had always been an enjoyable sight to see for Victoria so she could appreciate it where it was due. Honestly it was more of a fireworks show than anything intimidating or scary, Victoria was rather enjoying herself with the display.


Although despite everything that was happening, she still burst out laughing at what Bismarck had yelled. Face nearly going red from the laughter, it wasn't just what he'd said as well. But the fact that he'd said it whilst holding onto his wife to keep him from falling over, kinda ruined the effect. Also the fact that Victoria knew him as a frail, weak coward and not some almighty dragon-commanding wizard like he had attempted to be. Wiping at her eyes as she slowly stopped her laughter, looking up at the man as she replied. "You can really crack me up y'know that." Before turning around to walk off. Cringing as she heard Ellion, taking her radio and opening up Ellion's frequency/channel, saying to her via radio. />"Jesus christ you're a lost cause, so you know. They killed four of our guys and a pair of dragons are destroying the prison. I'ma get an AT-4 to take them out. I hope you'll grow some balls and actually fight them rather than making threats."</

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"Now let the fun begin!" She said lighting up several Molotov's and throwing them at several Anf agents she enjoyed hearing their screams of pain soon being silenced by a gunshot "Burn with the rest of them!" She said taunting them and began to gun down as many as possible before her ammo clip runs out. She grabbed another clip and quickly got behind cover and reloaded she peaked at the corner seeing many had already went down "Well I'll put them out of their misery" She said giving a smirk and throwing another molotov and hearing there screams of pain as they burned and slowly died. "I seemed to have cleared the way so let's go!" She said happily motioning to them to follow her she put on her cloak so she can mask her ears and tail.


@everyone else

Once out of the vents Amy looked around, about the same time Nikolas had phoned in saying he had found the Letterman. "Good." She'd said. She continued on a bit down the route she'd planned for them, eyes going wide as she heard gunfire. "Are you guys alright?!" She near shouted into her comms. "Come on lets go!" She told Calendula and Penny, running down the hall with them. They took a detour to the cells, Elkheim at the ready. She saw multiple bodies on the ground...none of them moving, some smaller than others. It didn't take much for Amy to put it together...they'd failed half the mission. Every single neko they'd came to save lay dead, as far as she could see anyway. "Those bastards..." She mumbled, gripping her weapon tightly as she walked around the bodies.

Rage was evident in her small frame as she visibly shook, gripping the hilt of her scythe until her knuckles were white. She doubled checked most of the bodies, giving a peaceful death to those that lay suffering from wounds they'd slowly die from. Tears rolled down her cheeks from her sightless eyes as she did this, staying entirely silent. She shakily pressed a finger to her headset, the normally calm girl that disliked violence clearly not there anymore. "Kill them...kill every single ANF agent you see.." She said, broadcasting the message to every single person of hers there. 

Eventually she came across a smaller body, apparently a young girl around the age of fourteen according to Elkheim. She was still alive, shot in the shoulder and playing dead. "It's alright...we're the good guys. We'll get you out of here." She whispered, gently running her tail along her face so she knew. "Stay here okay?" She said before standing, having knelt to examine her. Around this time more ANF came which were quickly dispatched by Penny. "Good work." She told her.

"Make sure she stays alive. I'll be damned if we aren't rescuing at-least one other person other than the Letterman." She said. A little bit later Ellion broadcasted her threat, causing Amy to smirk. "Stay with the girl, I'll run ahead and check on the others...thin out these assholes a bit too." She said. "I'll be back." She added. Once more she got on her headset, walking with a calm rage through the dead. "Get ready to retreat. Take out as many of these assholes on the way out as you can. Spare none of the ANF in your path if you can help it." She said.

Killing wasn't always the best answer, that being why she used the gas. But this was before they killed children simply because they were neko. She'd heard rumors, heard of a few cases, but nothing like this at all. She then raced down the hallway, shouting various obscenities at and cutting down all the ANF agents in her path. She recieved a few wounds, but the lower ranked agents weren't prepared to deal with magic. Not her. She eventually reached Phineas sort of just chilling on the floor, "Phineas, can you stand?" She asked.
He quickly went out of the building and saw someone helping the children get out of the building. He went to the neko and observed him though he thought in his mind how he would scare the other one because of what he is wearing. He tapped on his shoulder "Hello there! I am Felix I was in there in that building how are you?" He said with a happy expression and holding his arms behind his back. "What is your name also where are you from? And what are you doing here at this time?" He said with a lot of curiosity in his voice he began to think of what he could do to help here but he knew he couldn't do much here.

Chishu Mitsuo

Mitsuo was supposed to have been alongside the twins all this time, but one after another the situations he was out into kept taking him farther from the two officers.

He had entered the prison area with them and helped release the captives from the cages. However, there was a person, an older man that, heavens! He wouldn't stop thanking him at first, then the conversation changed and he started talking about his life story?

"See, I get you're happy and everything, but we need to get going and I have a job to do...", not even saying that made him stop... Oh well, guess was stuck with this guy, at least for now...

Then a barrage of gunshots echoed through the room. The man finally shut up and a couple of kids close by glued onto the male officer. This was bad, that way was definitely blocked.

"Think Mitsuo, think.", he muttered at himself looking for a another way to escape the cell he was inside of.

That's when he caught sight of a vent thing, surprisingly even big enough to fit the talkative man. This would work!

While the shooting up ahead was still going on, the male Neko concentrated in the dents on the screws. He needed something to take these out with... A couple seconds later an Emerald screwdriver had materialized above his hand. Mitsuo carefully unscrewed the vend grid. The barrage of shots was getting a bit too close to comfort:

"Everyone inside, you go first, the children next and I go in last. No questions and hurry, I think they're getting close...", he ordered in a whisper.

Following his instructions, the man entered first. At least he knew how to shut up when his life was at stake! The three kids, two girls and a boy were scared to enter such a thigh space. Mitsuo gave them a reassuring look, promising them everything would soon be fine. It was obvious it had been against their will but soon the kids followed suit and got into the vent. The officer entered last, taking a while to close the gap with a crystallised diamond lid. Heh he'd love to see those ANF brutes follow them now.

The group continued through the vents, eventually finding a way out. With the screwdriver from before stocked in his belt pocket, Mitsuo passed by until the front of the line to unscrew the exit vent.

The place they had ended up at seemed like a fancy dinner room.

"Oh, so they can have fancy meals while they kill us all?!", his right ear flicked in annoyance and frustration.

But, no matter how much he wanted to punch an ANF agent right now, his priority was to get these civilians outside safely. Recalling the map he had received in the mission plan, if they moved left on the corridor ahead and then went right it would a back door. Luckily, all the agents seemed to have either been knocked out by gas, or had been too busy with other places. The group led by Mitsuo managed to get to the right place without issue, that is, until they actually reached the door.

Two ANF agents were right in front of it. The officer had peeked from behind a wall before signalizing for everyone else to stop right there and sliding out of view himself.

"Everyone wait here, okay? I don't anyone to get hurt.", the little boy protested in a low voice, saying he wanted to help too, Mitsuo couldn't help but smile at the little one's bravery, "You're in charge then, keep everyone safe in here while I deal with those bad guys, okay kiddo?", his reply was a determinate nod, and after petting the little boy Mitsuo charged in to face the ANF agents.

"Hey, genocide duo! I need that door pronto!", he called the agents attentions before launching a barrage of sharp gemstones their direction, aiming for the legs.

The surprise had been effective. Both of the agents fell to the floor, barely knowing what had occurred. To keep those two from shooting back once they had recuperated from the scare, Mitsuo used a bit more of focus to launch some big diamond spikes on their rifles, completely destroying the weapons. The male Neko couldn't help but grin, those ANF agents were stupid! That was it, they wouldn't have much to do now!

As he beamed with his victory, the little boy from before had come after her, happily saying how awesome he had been and how he would want to do something like that too in the future. Mitsuo turned around to smile at him, this little boy was the same age as he had been when he had been rescued by an NPF officer.

However, one of the agents in the floor reacted. He grabbed a pistol and pointed it, not at Mitsuo but at the kid! The sound of the ANF worker grabbing the gun had been enough to cause the NPF officer to jerk his head back at the man. At the sight of the gun pointed in the direction of the kid, the Neko reacted instantly and launched a diamond spike in that direction... He hadn't had the proper time to aim or think of other weapon... The man was hit in the heart, the diamond blade piercing through his armor and eventually reaching his heart. It was instant death.

Mitsuo watched in horror as the man fell lifeless back to the floor. It's partner was a more scaredy-cat and not wanting to have a similar fate, promptly left the room in panic. The NPF officer didn't move. Muttering countless 'oh no's, the male Neko couldn't believe what he had done. It wasn't supposed to be like this! He wasn't supposed to kill another being, not even ANF officers...

The sudden silence caused the rest of the rescued group to come out from hiding. The sight of the distressed officer instantly prompted the kids to run to him, making all kinds of questions. The boy he had just saved apologised for no reason too:

"I-it's not your fault...", Mitsuo tried to reassure him, but this time lacking the right tone to effectively work. It was clear how shaken he was.

The kids and even the talkative man, all gathered to encourage the officer to keep on. After the little boy explained what had happened, they even started trying to make him feel better, reminding him of how what he had done was for a good cause, and how he had saved the boy's life.

Mitsuo wasn't fully convinced about that, but he was aware of one thing, he couldn't breakdown now. These civilians were still not outside and his team was still inside fighting. He had to go help them as fast as he could!

With a sigh, the officer thanked the support and finally walked to the exit door. It was locked, but nothing he couldn't handle. After shooting the door handle out, everyone was finally safe outside. They all thanked him again, the talkative man mostly, though, after everything they had passed Mitsuo was less bothered by the talking. He let the civilians with an NPF group outside, petting and saying goodbye to the children.

Now that this was done, he had to head back inside and hel- Someone tapped his shoulder, causing the officer to turn around... Oh no! Not another talkative person, not now after he had finally regained some silence... He really needed to check the situation back in the prison corridor!!!

"I'm Officer Mitsuo from NPF and this is a rescue mission.", that was soooo obvious why is this girl even asking?! Oh god, "So, if you would excuse me and let me go back inside, I'm supposed to be helping my partners...", the monotone he used made it clear how tired of endless talking the Neko was...

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With controlled breath, Ellion relaxed. She suddenly kicked off, and two NPF fell from a single slash. She stepped over their lifeless bodies and looked to the prison, seeing the dragons. Sighing to herself, she walked calmly, then leapt. Usingher magic choker's power of telekinesis, she lifted herself up as she jumped, until she was standing above the dragons. Aurelia came behind her, and Elli turned.

"Weapon swap."She suddenly stabbed them into Elia, who yelped as they were sucked into her body. Nonchalantly groping Elia briefly, Ellion withdrew Caliburn, to compliment her Arondight. She then turned and sprinted, jumping and falling towards the first dragon.

"Light of the Lake, come to me." She said, the picture of utter calm. The blade began to glow with magic power, and with a single slice beheaded the first dragon. it fell lifeless as she touched down, standing. She then ran up the dead one's body, before anything could happen to it, and leapt onto the next dragon, stabbing into it's back with Arondight. Now grounded, she pointed Caliburn at it's head.

"Light of Promised Victory, heed me."

A laser shot of pure light fired, but it's movements only caused her shot to take it's eyes. It was very much alive, and very much angry. Taking a breath, she kicked off and ran up it's back.

</-Victoria, I need that AT-4, and I need it now. I can't get a shot off. Aim for the chest to give me an opening-\>

Ellion stabbed into it's back again, trying to hold on for Victoria and her explosive solutions.

Victoria had seen the first dragon's grim, and very amusing demise. Enjoying the sight very much so as she ran off to grab the AT-4 from its place in the armory, which was under strict lockdown. Running from the prison and across the lobby, making it past the NPF and ANF forces fighting one another as she got to the armory, unlocking the large steel door and heading inside, always shivering in delight at the sight of the multitude of weapons that they had. It was her own personal heaven, getting a little distracted as she nearly drooled over the larger weapons they had in-stock, the M240 and RPK heavy machine guns especially. Shaking the excitement off she grabbed the AT-4 from it's place on the wall. "Come to mama." She said delightedly, taking a missile and loading it inside as she flicked the safety on and ran back out of the armory, locking the heavy steel door behind her shut as she moved out to the prison again. Rocket launcher over her shoulder as she returned to the fighting between Ellion and the dragons.

/>"Already got it, better stay back from this."</ She gave a brief warning, holding the weapon steady on her shoulder as she opened up the scope on it and looked through, taking the dragon's chest in her sights as it continued moving erratically as it fought with Ellion. It would be a difficult shot for most people to make but fortunately Victoria wasn't most people, she was a perfect shot.

Firing the AT-4 as its payload came flying out the 'point towards enemy' end of the weapon. Hitting the dragon square in the chest as if it had been guided precisely, which it wasn't as the AT-4 wasn't a guided launcher. The dragon falling backwards in pain as it became temporarily disorientated at the blast that had terribly damaged its torso, growing weak as Victoria stood up and petted her launcher happily. Pleased with the result.

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"Now let the fun begin!" She said lighting up several Molotov's and throwing them at several Anf agents she enjoyed hearing their screams of pain soon being silenced by a gunshot "Burn with the rest of them!" She said taunting them and began to gun down as many as possible before her ammo clip runs out. She grabbed another clip and quickly got behind cover and reloaded she peaked at the corner seeing many had already went down "Well I'll put them out of their misery" She said giving a smirk and throwing another molotov and hearing there screams of pain as they burned and slowly died. "I seemed to have cleared the way so let's go!" She said happily motioning to them to follow her she put on her cloak so she can mask her ears and tail.



@everyone else

Once out of the vents Amy looked around, about the same time Nikolas had phoned in saying he had found the Letterman. "Good." She'd said. She continued on a bit down the route she'd planned for them, eyes going wide as she heard gunfire. "Are you guys alright?!" She near shouted into her comms. "Come on lets go!" She told Calendula and Penny, running down the hall with them. They took a detour to the cells, Elkheim at the ready. She saw multiple bodies on the ground...none of them moving, some smaller than others. It didn't take much for Amy to put it together...they'd failed half the mission. Every single neko they'd came to save lay dead, as far as she could see anyway. "Those bastards..." She mumbled, gripping her weapon tightly as she walked around the bodies.

Rage was evident in her small frame as she visibly shook, gripping the hilt of her scythe until her knuckles were white. She doubled checked most of the bodies, giving a peaceful death to those that lay suffering from wounds they'd slowly die from. Tears rolled down her cheeks from her sightless eyes as she did this, staying entirely silent. She shakily pressed a finger to her headset, the normally calm girl that disliked violence clearly not there anymore. "Kill them...kill every single ANF agent you see.." She said, broadcasting the message to every single person of hers there. 

Eventually she came across a smaller body, apparently a young girl around the age of fourteen according to Elkheim. She was still alive, shot in the shoulder and playing dead. "It's alright...we're the good guys. We'll get you out of here." She whispered, gently running her tail along her face so she knew. "Stay here okay?" She said before standing, having knelt to examine her. Around this time more ANF came which were quickly dispatched by Penny. "Good work." She told her.

"Make sure she stays alive. I'll be damned if we aren't rescuing at-least one other person other than the Letterman." She said. A little bit later Ellion broadcasted her threat, causing Amy to smirk. "Stay with the girl, I'll run ahead and check on the others...thin out these assholes a bit too." She said. "I'll be back." She added. Once more she got on her headset, walking with a calm rage through the dead. "Get ready to retreat. Take out as many of these assholes on the way out as you can. Spare none of the ANF in your path if you can help it." She said.

Killing wasn't always the best answer, that being why she used the gas. But this was before they killed children simply because they were neko. She'd heard rumors, heard of a few cases, but nothing like this at all. She then raced down the hallway, shouting various obscenities at and cutting down all the ANF agents in her path. She recieved a few wounds, but the lower ranked agents weren't prepared to deal with magic. Not her. She eventually reached Phineas sort of just chilling on the floor, "Phineas, can you stand?" She asked.

  Calendula followed Penny, sort of watching her every move as they attacked the building. She was contributing by controlling her shadows, much like tendrils, as they stabbed into their owners, engulfed the electric lights in darkness, et cetera. The Neko grinned; she had no intention on showing any mercy to anyone. A large portion of her face was clouded with the shadows; her scarf whipped furiously in the wind. She used her chain whip sparingly, but always with purpose. The roar of a dragon could be heard and several of the prison walls caved in. Perfect. 

  Eventually her party reached the injured Phineas, who nonchalantly gave the trio a thumbs-up. "I'm fine. Just got shot in the kneecap. Watch out for Victoria Holland; she's dangerous. Also, I just saw Nikolas run past with Mom and The Letterman. In other words, the plan was a success. What's the status on Aurelia?"

  ".......No sign of her. I haven't the slightest."
  Nikolas tensed up at the sound of a gunshot and a very familiar voice. Bismarck's face turned to one of relief; the younger one quickly lowered his weapon. "Mo-ooom! I was tryin' to get him outta here!" he groaned, transforming back into his normal self. Bismarck nodded hastily. 

  ".....I-I'm sure he wasn't actually going to hurt me, Ma-Maria...." he said quickly, struggling against the chains. Okay, so maybe that wasn't a wise idea, seeing as he was literally nearly dead. "...........A-And as for the getting captured thing.....le-let's just say that there was a leak in m-my last mi-mission....." he added in a mumble. That was true. The risks of being a runaway criminal who broke out Nekos almost daily was that sometimes it didn't even work. That particular time, the two people that he had paid to work with after a thorough background check and everything had nearly strangled him to death before stuffing him in a wooden crate tied up and sending him to the ANF. Those same two people were now incredibly rich. 

  ".....I-I was an i-idiot to trust th-the pe-people I-I hi-hired.....I-I got captured an-and then I-I-I made all....all of yo-you worry......I-I'm so-sorry....." he mumbled, looking at the floor. Nikolas stared for a moment, then he cleared his throat. 

  "So, am I ungrounded?"

   "....E-Er....n-n-no......bu-but I'm sorry for ki-kicking you......I'll bake you a cake.....a-after all this."

  "Fair enough."


It was clear from Victoria's face that she didn't believe anything the disguised Neko said but she'd let it go on for her own amusement, watching Bismarck's own child beating him to play a part that had already been compromised was pretty enjoyable. The kid did kind of oversell the whole ANF act though, none of the agents she knew actually spoke like that, however the mention of Ellion had peaked her interest. So the NPF knew who she was, or this Neko in-particular did. Interesting considering how protective she was of them, not to mention the fact that their attack had gone off so well on the headquarters. A talk would be needed with Ellion that much was for sure. The neko having announced about the torture chamber though had given her an idea. "Why don't you torture him right here." She spoke up.


However before anything else could happen the two agents next to her had dropped dead. They were so useless it was unbelievable, she felt something being held behind her, a sword no doubt. Victoria looking to her side and seeing some new neko, a woman with a sword. She shook her head casually. "I'll be holding onto my gun." She said, sighing as Bismarck spoke up again. His stuttering was cringe inducing to someone like her. Then it hit her, they were all related, that was pretty disgusting. Listening as Bismarck said he made them all worry and Victoria wanting nothing more than to bury them alive at this moment as she groaned in annoyance. "Jesus. You're all so pathetic, oh I made you all w-w-w-w-worry, lemme bake you a c-c-c-c-cake." She said, imitating the way Bismarck spoke in a mocking manner. "I don't think I've seen anything more useless and disgusting in my life. A scrawny little coward for a dad, some wannabe edgy samurai for a mother and two idiots that are completely oblivious to the real world for children. Nice "family" you've got yourself here." 

It was then that she leaped forward towards the cell seemingly. However that had only been to make Maria's katana follow her forward, ducking beneath it as it swooped over her and kicking it out of Maria's hand, she got a good distance away from them, raising her own pistol now. "Now. If your mother has any common sense she'll realize that a gun beats a sword every single time. And she'll point her own gun at me, honestly though I wish I could just kill you all now but I'm satisfied with the day's work so I'm not too bothered." Her work was the bullet in Phineas' kneecap, the piles of dead nekos in the lobby and physical trauma that she'd already inflicted on Bismarck. That was enough to keep her content for now, enough for her to have left her mark. "Don't you nekos have some incest to do. You like that stuff, so if you would mind leaving? Some people actually have work to do."

  Bismarck watched helplessly as Maria was successfully disarmed by Victoria, who went on to mock his stuttering and what he had just said. On top of that, she insulted Maria and his two sons. His worried face was replaced with one of anger and frustration. He was tired of being Mr. Nice Guy. He was sick of sitting here, bound tightly to a wall, while watching the ones he loved getting surrounded and mocked by this.....this.......THAT! 

  Nikolas glanced at his father, who was shaking in anger. There was the braver side of the man he knew. The boy didn't say anything, but he walked closer to Bismarck, taking a single hairpin out of his pocket and picking the locks. The man's hands dropped to his sides; he remained looking down. Now for the final step; Nikolas took out the old, worn-down copy of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Bismarck stared at him for a moment, then snatched the book, opening it to the page on dragons. Patronus appeared, along with her companion, Severus, a Hungarian Horntail. Just outside the window. 

  "....Do your worst." 

  That was all he had to say; the wall of his prison cell crumbled away, a large talon clawing through it like a child searching a cookie jar. Bismarck and Nikolas were lifted from the rubble by the talon, then placed outside of the cell. Nikolas, without really thinking, grabbed Maria's hand and dragged her and Bismarck (who had gone into pissed wizard mode) out of the way, which sped up to a run. The dragons were already destroying everything; in other words, Bismarck was furious. 

  "—NOBODY MOCKS MY FAMILY! NOBODY! YOU CAN BEAT ME UP, TORTURE ME, CALL ME NAMES, BUT NOT MY FAMILY!" he shouted, clinging to Maria for support and praying that his legs wouldn't give way. He looked briefly at his wife, then, upon realizing that she was what he was holding onto, he smiled weakly, kissing her cheek. A couple tears rolled down his face while Nikolas made a sharp turn; Bismarck ignored it. ".......It's good to see you."


@MrNeko @Xion136 @Necessity4Fun

Maria narrowed her gaze at her son's whining and sighed. All that careful planning for nothing. She honestly hoped the NPF hadn't came just for Bismarck and gotten all those people killed. She would of been able to bust him out alone! "You need to be more careful who you hire Bizzy.." She told him, frowning heavily. "It's's not your fault." She said. She couldn't help but smile at the small scene.

She was tempted to kill her when she started insulting her family, her grip tightening on the hilt. Though she didn't. Or rather couldn't to Victoria's counter. As expected she raised her pistol in turn with her. Without skipping a beat she kicked her katana up into the air and caught it, sheathing it in one swift motion. She growled and looked to her husband and son, whom was already being freed. She smirked when she saw him hand him a book. "Yeah....I think you have more than just paperwork." She told her before chuckling lowly.

When Bismarck snapped she couldn't help but smirk more. Victoria didn't seem impressed but she definitely was. She ran when Nikolas grabbed them, smiling back to Bismarck when he noticed and sighed. "It's good to see you too." She said. They soon passed by Amy and co, Amy being distracted and not noticing at first. Of course when they arrived to Nikolas and he told her she did. 

Amy shook her head at his question of Aurelia and sighed, "No...not a clue." She replied. "We lost our window to rescue her too...most of the escapees are dead." She said. She pressed a button on her comm, "Everyone retreat. Letterman has been rescued. A few captives have as well...vast majority are dead. Aurelia's location is unknown.." She began. "Mission isn't a total failure...a lot of ANF agents have been killed. They've crossed a line by slaughtering children...we won't be so nice in the future. Again; full retreat." She finished.

She stood up and started her way back to the cells, "Help Phineas up and follow me you two. We're leaving when we get the girl." She said. Upon reaching the cells and her she thought she was dead, though she was merely unconcious. She picked her up over one shoulder, pistol in the other as she headed for the exit. "Kill order remains." She added as an after thought.

@MrNeko @Xion136 @Necessity4Fun

Maria narrowed her gaze at her son's whining and sighed. All that careful planning for nothing. She honestly hoped the NPF hadn't came just for Bismarck and gotten all those people killed. She would of been able to bust him out alone! "You need to be more careful who you hire Bizzy.." She told him, frowning heavily. "It's's not your fault." She said. She couldn't help but smile at the small scene.

She was tempted to kill her when she started insulting her family, her grip tightening on the hilt. Though she didn't. Or rather couldn't to Victoria's counter. As expected she raised her pistol in turn with her. Without skipping a beat she kicked her katana up into the air and caught it, sheathing it in one swift motion. She growled and looked to her husband and son, whom was already being freed. She smirked when she saw him hand him a book. "Yeah....I think you have more than just paperwork." She told her before chuckling lowly.

When Bismarck snapped she couldn't help but smirk more. Victoria didn't seem impressed but she definitely was. She ran when Nikolas grabbed them, smiling back to Bismarck when he noticed and sighed. "It's good to see you too." She said. They soon passed by Amy and co, Amy being distracted and not noticing at first. Of course when they arrived to Nikolas and he told her she did. 

Amy shook her head at his question of Aurelia and sighed, "No...not a clue." She replied. "We lost our window to rescue her too...most of the escapees are dead." She said. She pressed a button on her comm, "Everyone retreat. Letterman has been rescued. A few captives have as well...vast majority are dead. Aurelia's location is unknown.." She began. "Mission isn't a total failure...a lot of ANF agents have been killed. They've crossed a line by slaughtering children...we won't be so nice in the future. Again; full retreat." She finished.

She stood up and started her way back to the cells, "Help Phineas up and follow me you two. We're leaving when we get the girl." She said. Upon reaching the cells and her she thought she was dead, though she was merely unconcious. She picked her up over one shoulder, pistol in the other as she headed for the exit. "Kill order remains." She added as an after thought.

  Nikolas listened into the comm, and, hearing Amy's orders, nodded. "Dad! Get your dragon to land near our location! We're gettin' outta here!" 

  "Ri-Right...." Bismarck mumbled, and soon the dragon had stopped right outside of them. Nikolas literally shoved his parents onto Patronus, then followed after them, taking this as a chance to catch up. 

  "Phin's fine, he's with the NPF. I guess I'm in charge of getting you as far away as possible." He nodded at Bismarck, then spoke into the comm. "Somethin' tells me that the NPF HQ ain't safe, so we'll crash at my pad for the night. Just follow the dragon. Here's the coordinates, Dad." He searched his pockets and, finding the right slip of paper, handed it to Bismarck, who passed the information on to Patronus. Nikolas turned the comm off. " ya feelin'?"

  "......Er.....relieved....? And like I've been mauled by a gang of savage wolves, but also relieved....." Bismarck shrugged, taking this as a chance to check everyone but himself for wounds. Nikolas was okay, Maria was fine, he......had been tortured half to death today. But he didn't care at the moment. Bismarck finished inspecting Maria just as Patronus took off, then, after a moment of just looking at her, pulled her into a hug, starting to cry rather loudly. ".......Did I mention how much I missed you......?" he managed to choke out. "Ta-Take Patronus and multiply her by a thousand......then add three...."
Upon hearing the orders of a retreat Penny began to head outside "Come on Calendula we got to retreat" She carried her weapon close to her she looked around and saw several cars and began to flatten their tires so that they couldn't chase after them. She saw a Humvee and shot its tires with her pistol so she wouldn't waste ammo on her primary weapon and threw a molotv at it she didn't know who's it was and she moved quickly away from it. She looked around to see if there was any Anf agents around she saw several and gunned them down quickly she looked once more and saw dragons she was amazed until one of them was killed with some sort of rocket launcher she looked away and began to contact Amy "Ma am where do we go to after we evacuate? I've left the building and caused plenty of damage and gunned down many" she said in her comms.

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
As the dragon fell back, Ellion ripped her blade free and finished it off with a decapitation. She landed and let the swords fade away, adjusting her cuffs as the body fell behind her. She began to walk and observe the remnants of the battle, and froze.


Dead children.

Her hands began shaking, and she went to Victoria. "I don't care how racist you are to the animal people. Murdering children is crossing a line, so help me if you were one of them I will take action." She growled. "Murdering children is's's very much evil." She turned her back to Victoria. "It's not what anyone should be okay with doing...even if one decides they aren't human enough." She knelt and closed one little girl's eyes. "All agents, sweep for survivors and transport all to medical. All. I hear any more gunshots I'll shoot you myself. There's enough blood." She stood, and resumed walking back to the elevator, where Aurelia poked her head out. Ellion grabbed her. "We're going home." She said firmly, and starrted dragging her towards the back door to the motor pool.

Autumn sighed, she was standing at the door to the NPF and she was scared, this was her first day on the job and she was probably late but she sighed again and she walked into the building "um anyone here" she walked up the started to walk up the office room and she knocked on the door. Autumn looked a little shy but she didn't want to get in trouble 

"hello...Um anyone here?" she said with a smile before she knocked on the door again

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  Nikolas listened into the comm, and, hearing Amy's orders, nodded. "Dad! Get your dragon to land near our location! We're gettin' outta here!" 

  "Ri-Right...." Bismarck mumbled, and soon the dragon had stopped right outside of them. Nikolas literally shoved his parents onto Patronus, then followed after them, taking this as a chance to catch up. 

  "Phin's fine, he's with the NPF. I guess I'm in charge of getting you as far away as possible." He nodded at Bismarck, then spoke into the comm. "Somethin' tells me that the NPF HQ ain't safe, so we'll crash at my pad for the night. Just follow the dragon. Here's the coordinates, Dad." He searched his pockets and, finding the right slip of paper, handed it to Bismarck, who passed the information on to Patronus. Nikolas turned the comm off. " ya feelin'?"

  "......Er.....relieved....? And like I've been mauled by a gang of savage wolves, but also relieved....." Bismarck shrugged, taking this as a chance to check everyone but himself for wounds. Nikolas was okay, Maria was fine, he......had been tortured half to death today. But he didn't care at the moment. Bismarck finished inspecting Maria just as Patronus took off, then, after a moment of just looking at her, pulled her into a hug, starting to cry rather loudly. ".......Did I mention how much I missed you......?" he managed to choke out. "Ta-Take Patronus and multiply her by a thousand......then add three...."

Upon hearing the orders of a retreat Penny began to head outside "Come on Calendula we got to retreat" She carried her weapon close to her she looked around and saw several cars and began to flatten their tires so that they couldn't chase after them. She saw a Humvee and shot its tires with her pistol so she wouldn't waste ammo on her primary weapon and threw a molotv at it she didn't know who's it was and she moved quickly away from it. She looked around to see if there was any Anf agents around she saw several and gunned them down quickly she looked once more and saw dragons she was amazed until one of them was killed with some sort of rocket launcher she looked away and began to contact Amy "Ma am where do we go to after we evacuate? I've left the building and caused plenty of damage and gunned down many" she said in her comms.

@Mitchs98 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball


Amy carried the little girl out with her, shooting any agents that crossed her path with surprisingly deadly accuracy for a blind person should they cross her. At Nikolas' suggestion she hummed in thought for a bit, "You go on ahead with the Letterman. I have a survivor that needs rescue." She replied. Once outside she noticed a few people had actually made it out, more than just the girl she was carrying. Far, far more were lost though. Just thinking about it made her tighten her grip on her gun. To think, she made sure killing was a last resort in the NPF so as to not resort to all out war. But here they were, killing children and innocent people for no reason whatsoever. No more, no more non-lethal measures. She decided this relatively quickly. She had put such measures in place to maintain some sort of moral high ground, make people see that the NPF weren't savages. So much for that idea.

Lucky for her, a small camera on her headset had been filming the entire time. She'd show the world the footage of the dead bodies, make everyone learn that the ANF were nothing more than murderous child-killers, make them question just how much power they want to give them. She was sure more than a fair share of slave owners would be furious, some of them were actually nice people as well. Not to mention while people might be racist towards nekos she sincerely doubted most if not all of the worlds population would be against what happened here today. She walked over to the group of people, thankful the majority were children that had survived. "Follow us guys, we'll get you to safety. I promise. No one will hurt you ever again." She assured them, smiling and patting one of them on the head.

The NPF facility itself was fairly expansive, underground mostly. Underground was plenty of room for the freed captives to stay at along with others. It was a relatively cramped lifestyle, but she was sure they'd rather be there than dead. She then looked to everyone outside, motioning for them to follow her. "Let's go, we're dropping these kids off at the facility no matter what." She told them. That said she started walking back to HQ, gun drawn on the off chance they encountered anymore hostiles.

Meanwhile Maria was smiling at the conversation between her son and husband, sighing heavily as she hugged him back. "I missed you too Bizzy, so much." She replied, unable to do anything but smile at his corny yet sweet words of how much he missed her. "It'll be fine now. Don't worry." She said. "I'm sure the NPF will keep us safe for as long as we need it." She assured him. She then turned to Nikolas, "What part of 'stay safe, stay hidden' didn't you and your brother understand?" She asked. "Joining the NPF, raiding the ANF base? Have you both lost your minds?" She added, more-so worried than actually angry at him.


Amy carried the little girl out with her, shooting any agents that crossed her path with surprisingly deadly accuracy for a blind person should they cross her. At Nikolas' suggestion she hummed in thought for a bit, "You go on ahead with the Letterman. I have a survivor that needs rescue." She replied. Once outside she noticed a few people had actually made it out, more than just the girl she was carrying. Far, far more were lost though. Just thinking about it made her tighten her grip on her gun. To think, she made sure killing was a last resort in the NPF so as to not resort to all out war. But here they were, killing children and innocent people for no reason whatsoever. No more, no more non-lethal measures. She decided this relatively quickly. She had put such measures in place to maintain some sort of moral high ground, make people see that the NPF weren't savages. So much for that idea.

Lucky for her, a small camera on her headset had been filming the entire time. She'd show the world the footage of the dead bodies, make everyone learn that the ANF were nothing more than murderous child-killers, make them question just how much power they want to give them. She was sure more than a fair share of slave owners would be furious, some of them were actually nice people as well. Not to mention while people might be racist towards nekos she sincerely doubted most if not all of the worlds population would be against what happened here today. She walked over to the group of people, thankful the majority were children that had survived. "Follow us guys, we'll get you to safety. I promise. No one will hurt you ever again." She assured them, smiling and patting one of them on the head.

The NPF facility itself was fairly expansive, underground mostly. Underground was plenty of room for the freed captives to stay at along with others. It was a relatively cramped lifestyle, but she was sure they'd rather be there than dead. She then looked to everyone outside, motioning for them to follow her. "Let's go, we're dropping these kids off at the facility no matter what." She told them. That said she started walking back to HQ, gun drawn on the off chance they encountered anymore hostiles.

Meanwhile Maria was smiling at the conversation between her son and husband, sighing heavily as she hugged him back. "I missed you too Bizzy, so much." She replied, unable to do anything but smile at his corny yet sweet words of how much he missed her. "It'll be fine now. Don't worry." She said. "I'm sure the NPF will keep us safe for as long as we need it." She assured him. She then turned to Nikolas, "What part of 'stay safe, stay hidden' didn't you and your brother understand?" She asked. "Joining the NPF, raiding the ANF base? Have you both lost your minds?" She added, more-so worried than actually angry at him.

  Bismarck was still sobbing, hugging Maria closer to him. She was almost the same as the day when he had left; same personality, same scent, same expression everytime she looked at him., which caused a huge contrast in style, but also said a lot about the both of them. He tried to choke out something other than sobbing; the only thing that came out was something about strawberries but that was it. Nikolas, who was standing by, grinned; neither of his parents had changed too much, but he had a feeling that his mom would probably get pissed about all the new scars that had been caused by Bismarck's torture sessions. Plus he had already left a nasty bloodstain on Maria just from hugging her. Might as well enjoy this moment of peace  while he could. 

  At Maria's question, Nikolas's ears twitched; he let out a long sigh. "Mom. Look. I'm not a kid anymore, and what the ANF is doing is fucking wrong! Look what they did to all those kids! Look what they did to Dad! The thing is, I'm sick of just stayin' safe 'n' hidden, I wanna do somethin'! Those people are killin' innocents here, and I already know I'm in danger 'cuz of the whole 'ooh, a human and a Neko hooked up and that's bad' thing! And it ain't!! You two sacrificed so much for Phin 'n' I; I wanna give back a little." At this, Bismarck's sobbing got a lot louder and heavier; he grabbed his son by the hoodie, pulling him into the hug. 

  "...........My little boy.........growing fast............" he managed to choke out, before returning to just sobbing. Partially in joy, partially because of the pain he was feeling, and partially due to the fact that he'd been away from his loved ones two years too long. The emotions were so....overwhelming. 
Sinead Coghlan

After relaying the troubling call she had received to Ms, Lynn, the girl had cried herself until she ended up falling asleep, still leaning on the office desk. Despite the worries she had driven off to slumber with, it wasn't a nightmare, but a mix of memories and hopes, a pleasant dream.

In it, Sinead was 10 again, living happily and carelessly along with her orphanage friends. The Inu would stroll around, lay by the sunny grass, pick flowers, play with others and all kinds of things kids would do. It was a very common dream for her to have, though, this time it was a little bit different. Instead of the blurry faces of colleagues she couldn't recall perfectly, the other kids were all NPF workers she knew. Most notable, Penny, Cali, Ca, uhh.. the Neko whose name was a flower, Ms. Lynn and even people she hadn't talked to yet like the Saedor brothers or the enslaved Aurelia, who she had seen on the files dozens of times before. And all of them 10 year olds, happily playing together!

It would have been perfect if it was reality, but it wasn't. At some point, the real world started calling her back, Sinead could swear there was a muffled voice, echoing softly in the background. Part of her wondered who could it be? Everyone was outside! Everyone had gone pick daisies in the flower fie-. Oh wait, that was still in the dream, wasn't it?

Against her will, the Inu tried to awake, slowly, slowly... Then whoever was outside knocked at the door again, completely breaking her concentration and causing her to jolt awake at once. The movement was too sudden and the girl fell to the floor. Chair and everything:

"Wooa!", she let out in surprise, before thumbing down, back first, "Ouch-ch-ch..."

The chair had turned and toppled above her a bit. Sinead gently kicked it aside, freeing herself before getting up.

"I'm coming!", she let the person outside know she had heard them.

But...Who could it even be?? Everyone who could need her was out in a mission...

Fearful, the Inu approached the office door. It was too late to pretend the place was empty, she had let herself known. What carelessness! Raising her hand slowly towards the knob, Sinead prayed that it wasn't her old owner, or an ANF agent, or worse maybe, maybe it was ghost! Finally holding the door knob, the Inu counted down to 3 and opened the door quickly.

At the sight of a Neko, a relieved sigh. The fact that it was a neko ruled out two of her earlier options... This girl didn't seem to be a ghost too.............Could ghosts knock?

"W-What can I help you with?", Sinead asked with a nervous smile, her shyness clearly showing since her voice ended up almost a whisper...

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Autumn FireStar

Autumn had heard the fall and everything and she sighed 'wow whats going on in there...' she whispered then she placed her ear on the door to hear her better "dang...ether they are doing something they shouldn't or they are Clumsy " she said to her self then she then removed her head from the door and she waited for the door to open.

when Sinead opened the door , Autumn almost fell forward but she caught herself and she smiled at Sinead 

"hehe...Sorry...." Autumn said with a frown then she nodded 

"I'm Autumn Firestar..." She said with a small smile then she looked down

 "im sorry for messing with you if i messed up anything..but im new here and this is my first day" Autumn sighed then she looked back up at Sinead

"i guess i should probably just go" Autumn started to turn around.


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