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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I have no idea what he said. Look I'm not letting you harm innocent people." Misty said as she moved her hands in a circle, wind picks heavily. It was strong enough to blow Protocol back.
protocol was moved back, but however, the fog remained. whispering eldritch horrors in her ear such as "ahagl ah mg lw'nafh ep n'gha"
Misty closed her eyes. "Shut up" snow suddenly started to fall around them to try to freeze the fog.
the fog did not transform, as its the anger, fear, and pain in the world, the fog would slowly grow around her, slowly suffocating her in distrought
the fog did not transform, as its the anger, fear, and pain in the world, the fog would slowly grow around her, slowly suffocating her in distrought
The wind and snow picked up quickly, creating a mini storm as the fog went around her. The cloud she had been riding on soon turned black and let out a roar of thunder. "Get off me. " she tried to blast it off with a small light beam.
Hunter sent fire arrows at the zombies. "Let's do it."
The arrows connect and the zombies she got catch fire before collapsing. Meanwhile, Akane is sniping the ranged opponents.

"TOSS ME AN ALLEY, TY!" Robby yells as he jumps high in the air.

Tyson throws a large fireball in the air and Robby uses his axe to slam it into a crowd of foes, wiping them out.
The arrows connect and the zombies she got catch fire before collapsing. Meanwhile, Akane is sniping the ranged opponents.

"TOSS ME AN ALLEY, TY!" Robby yells as he jumps high in the air.

Tyson throws a large fireball in the air and Robby uses his axe to slam it into a crowd of foes, wiping them out.
"Nice one guys!" Hunter smiled. She kept sending different arrows at the foes, vines to hold them in place, followed by ice ones and lightning ones. She took out a normal arrow and pulled it back on the string. When she did the arrow started changing, turning silver in color looking like it was covered in moonlight. "Wow" she sent it at the foes hitting them with a burst of moonlight. She chuckled noticing when she sent it off it left little sparkles on her arms.
The wind and snow picked up quickly, creating a mini storm as the fog went around her. The cloud she had been riding on soon turned black and let out a roar of thunder. "Get off me. " she tried to blast it off with a small light beam.
the fog and the man quickly disappeared
The storm Misty made didnt die down. She sighed. "Surprised that worked. Better keep an eye out for them."
The boy in a hoodie was in the trash can unaware what was going on, in his hybrid Cambrian form looking like a monster "the hell was that?"
the boy said peeking out of the trashcan
The boy in a hoodie was in the trash can unaware what was going on, in his hybrid Cambrian form looking like a monster "the hell was that?"
the boy said peeking out of the trashcan
"No idea." She said turning to see the monster boy. He looked harmless right now, most likely not with those guys. She went over to her cloud and put her hand on it. It slowly turned back to white. The snow and wind kept going.
"Nice one guys!" Hunter smiled. She kept sending different arrows at the foes, vines to hold them in place, followed by ice ones and lightning ones. She took out a normal arrow and pulled it back on the string. When she did the arrow started changing, turning silver in color looking like it was covered in moonlight. "Wow" she sent it at the foes hitting them with a burst of moonlight. She chuckled noticing when she sent it off it left little sparkles on her arms.
"Whoa......" Tyson said in amazement.

"Okay then! I see you!" Robby cheered.

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