Advice/Help I don't want to make potato! I want to make map!!


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I'm looking for a map making app but one that is a few steps up from a drawing app but waaaaay below Photoshop mastery lol

Can anyone pleeeease point me in the right direction? Like just something to make cities or like as big as a province. Nuttin fancy and expensive. Preferrably free and like just somethin to make simple but pretty maps that are understandable upon viewing. But if it good and I like using it, I can spend a few dolla-dollas!

I think the most talked about app is Inkarnate Inkarnate - Create Fantasy Maps Online
Haven't used it myself, but I'm almost certain someone else on the site mentioned it and that's how I found out
K cool cools i see you. Wow like some of those maps niiiiiiicccceee tho! Lol they even have battle maps for like dnd games.

K well its free to try and I'mma make a regional map TYSM!!
So with inkarnate if you don’t pay for the service your stuck making pretty basic maps. They are good if you need to make a continent with some basic geography but not great for anything more in-depth.

If you want smaller towns generators here are some excellent map generators ::

So with inkarnate if you don’t pay for the service your stuck making pretty basic maps. They are good if you need to make a continent with some basic geography but not great for anything more in-depth.

If you want smaller towns generators here are some excellent map generators ::

k cools i like these but the incarnates are prettier. The village and neighbourhood ones look easy enough to do and like the trees and houses are cute too. i can just like edit it text for landmarks and places of interests too. TYSM!!

Me n MS Paint make MS Suck Potato pics not maps lol

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