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Fandom Superheros and Villains

"I can do certain things. For example." He pulled on her lust and other more base emotions. "I'll bet I'm looking pretty attractive right now." He said cheekily.
He stopped at the police station and led them to room. He sat down across from them. "Names?" He asked taking out a paper
"Do you not get to eat popcorn?" He asked.
"For example?..." she questioned looking at the man. Soon he was looking quite attractive to her, as she felt like swooning over him and at parts to grabbed him and kiss him. "Very handsome.." she replied before her face turning red when agreeing with him and her thoughts that poped into her head.
Emily took a seat next to Earl and looked olooked at the man and nodded "its Emmeline Anathema Rosaline Grace .......Turner" She replied taking a uncofrotable pause before saying her family's name.
Eliana shook her head "no I dont....you know it's not proper and refined, a young lady ao of myself should not delt of eating such filth, that is only ment for the lowest of people that can afford proper meals.....and such and such......" she stoped leaning against kaleb as she stood up properly and spoke, waving her free hand at the such and such in a way making her great aunt.
"For example?..." she questioned looking at the man. Soon he was looking quite attractive to her, as she felt like swooning over him and at parts to grabbed him and kiss him. "Very handsome.." she replied before her face turning red when agreeing with him and her thoughts that poped into her head.
Emily took a seat next to Earl and looked olooked at the man and nodded "its Emmeline Anathema Rosaline Grace .......Turner" She replied taking a uncofrotable pause before saying her family's name.
Eliana shook her head "no I dont....you know it's not proper and refined, a young lady ao of myself should not delt of eating such filth, that is only ment for the lowest of people that can afford proper meals.....and such and such......" she stoped leaning against kaleb as she stood up properly and spoke, waving her free hand at the such and such in a way making her great aunt.
He stopped pulling on her feelings. "Thats what I do." He said. "Though generally not like that. Its not polite for a man to manipulate a woman's feelings for him." (This will lead into why its hard for him to be in a real relationship, the moment someone knows about gis power they wonder if they actually like him or if he just makes them feel it)
"Earl Scott Johnson." He said. "Alright. Ages?" He asked. "17." Earl answered.
He snorted. "Yeah well I've had rich food. Most of it's only okay."
He stopped pulling on her feelings. "Thats what I do." He said. "Though generally not like that. Its not polite for a man to manipulate a woman's feelings for him." (This will lead into why its hard for him to be in a real relationship, the moment someone knows about gis power they wonder if they actually like him or if he just makes them feel it)
"Earl Scott Johnson." He said. "Alright. Ages?" He asked. "17." Earl answered.
He snorted. "Yeah well I've had rich food. Most of it's only okay."
"I see.." Aqua said feeling a bit strange now understanding the quick changing feelings she had felt back in the shop. "Oh of course..." she replied agreeing with him. Though that made her think of the singing her kind were known for luaring men to their deaths. "Intresting abilities, unlike nothing I seen before...or should I say have felt before" she quipped. "...though you also have a keen eye....no one has ever payed attention to my breathing...that or I might be getting sloppy..." she chuckled.
((Aww poor guy, but I can understand why anyone growing close to him would question it for sure))
"I'm 18" Emily firmly answered
Eliana gently smiled at Kaleb's snort. "Hey, there is some delicious foods out there in snooty land...but not as fun or adventurous as normal food" she added.
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"I see.." Aqua said feeling a bit strange now understanding the quick changing feelings she had felt back in the shop. "Oh of course..." she replied agreeing with him. Though that made her think of the singing her kind were known for luaring men to their deaths. "Intresting abilities, unlike nothing I seen before...or should I say have felt before" she quipped. "...though you also have a keen eye....no one has ever payed attention to my breathing...that or I might be getting sloppy..." she chuckled.
((Aww poor guy, but I can understand why anyone growing close to him would question it for sure))
"I'm 19" Emily firmly answered
Eliana gently smiled at Kaleb's snort. "Hey, there is some delicious foods out there in snooty land...but not as fun or adventurous as normal food" she added.
"Well I can manipulate emotions. Not sense them. So it pays to be perceptive." He said.
"Alright." He wrote that down. "Meta-Human, Mutant, Magic User, or other?' he asked. "Magic user... Maybe meta human..." Earl said thoughtfully. "I mean in our world you have to be born with yhe ability to use magic..."
"Yeah but there's also caviar." He said.
"Well I can manipulate emotions. Not sense them. So it pays to be perceptive." He said.
"Alright." He wrote that down. "Meta-Human, Mutant, Magic User, or other?' he asked. "Magic user... Maybe meta human..." Earl said thoughtfully. "I mean in our world you have to be born with yhe ability to use magic..."
"Yeah but there's also caviar." He said.
"I see...though your quite perceptive it's almost like an ability....though you sharing and showing me all this.....dose that mean your hoping I pop out that I'm not a human myself?" She asked
"Um...Magic user I supose...though meta human could be a thing as well from what is known in your hero stories" Emily commented
"Caviar is not that bad actually....though it all depends on what you eat it with and the quality too....though I'm not a huge fan of it as my auntie is she eats it by the spoonfuls" She added.
Misty was at the bookshop Spellbound Pages, hidden away in a corner of the Edgewood. She was getting accustomed to the layout and everything, occasionally looking to see what one or two of the books were. Her new apartment was upstairs, the owner gave her a good deal on rent if she took over the shop for him. She didnt really have many people in town to show it to but she sent Scout and Jace the address to check it out when they had time. The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Misty was at the bookshop Spellbound Pages, hidden away in a corner of the Edgewood. She was getting accustomed to the layout and everything, occasionally looking to see what one or two of the books were. Her new apartment was upstairs, the owner gave her a good deal on rent if she took over the shop for him. She didnt really have many people in town to show it to but she sent Scout and Jace the address to check it out when they had time. The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
Scout knocked on the door
"Hey your going to pay for that." She swung the sword at him. "And I dont got anything of yours"
"The weapon you use against me was once mine, without it my wraiths numbers have run low." The Revenant said as he parried the attack. "The unliving has my mask but I will get him to talk."
"The weapon you use against me was once mine, without it my wraiths numbers have run low." The Revenant said as he parried the attack. "The unliving has my mask but I will get him to talk."
"Oh the sword? Well finders keepers is kind of how I role. " she said. "Never had a sword before"
"I see...though your quite perceptive it's almost like an ability....though you sharing and showing me all this.....dose that mean your hoping I pop out that I'm not a human myself?" She asked
"Um...Magic user I supose...though meta human could be a thing as well from what is known in your hero stories" Emily commented
"Caviar is not that bad actually....though it all depends on what you eat it with and the quality too....though I'm not a huge fan of it as my auntie is she eats it by the spoonfuls" She added.
"You're human. Just also a little... Fishy." He quipped
He wrote down other
"Blegh." He said.
"Maybe we should just focus on helping the people. The people of Avalon and Camelot " fate suggested.
"Yeah well that brings me to my next point. You need to undo what's been done to the citizens. I don't care what Uther's done they're innocent." He turned to Mogana

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