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Realistic or Modern Time After Time | OOC

sasha is the kind of person who meets you once and knows your name and face forever. which is...why he doesn't make a lot of eye contact. it's so much information.
Coworker: Hey, would you like to get a drink later?

Mike being awkward: Um...I'm sorry... I cant, I've got a Jeep that needs a lot of work in the shop.
LOL do u think his dad would’ve told embarrassing child stories abt jr. asking for a friend
Yes absolutely 100%. Ro got pictures too. JR playing a tree in a school play. JR baby pictures. JR awkward prom photo. That one time Spencer told him that seafoam was actually the feathers from diving birds and now they were all naked and JR cried about it for a week. "They must be so cold :c "
i am also up for it!! i am up for future frenemies, reluctant accomplices, secret softies
I can see Rita and Babs probably having a bit of rapport. Mutual understanding of “I’m surrounded by rich people whose job is to have money and I’m here to maybe mess that up for them”
Yes absolutely 100%. Ro got pictures too. JR playing a tree in a school play. JR baby pictures. JR awkward prom photo. That one time Spencer told him that seafoam was actually the feathers from diving birds and now they were all naked and JR cried about it for a week. "They must be so cold :c "
LAMDOOFDJ ro is going to inadvertently torment jr with this knowledge. genuinely does not realize this could be embarrassing for him
alsooo past relationships don’t have to be romantic!! let me know if you had anything in mind, im open to just about anything. :-)
Yes, that's true. He usually interacts with others when he's fixing something that they needed him to.
Yes, that's true. He usually interacts with others when he's fixing something that they needed him to.
do u have any idea for where he was located before dcpp? ro was in cali when in north america / not traveling
AmberV AmberV i was going to wait for disc ooc to grab u but. I think itd be funny if rita "causing problems on purpose" voros bullied tf out of JR. He's so bullyable. Complete pushover. Harass him to do things for you to keep u from writing a bad review
Send JR on a wild goose chase for something weirdly specific n he's just "???? We're in the middle of nowhere we dont even HAVE THAT" crying, throwing up, etc.
The mountains of North Carolina
oh right i remember seeing that in his sheet now! i can’t think of any way they’d have met before the rp but maybe i’ll give ro some vehicle trouble on like the first day at the park so they can talk LOL
rita is those tiktok boyfriends sending their girls in stores to look for blinker fluid
I can see Rita and Babs probably having a bit of rapport. Mutual understanding of “I’m surrounded by rich people whose job is to have money and I’m here to maybe mess that up for them”
oop sorry i fuckin missed this bc rpn 😔 BUT YEAH, i think there could be a lot of mutual respect w/ the equal levels of competitive determinism. they're definitely similar in a lot of ways but i honestly don't see babs seeing it as an issue until things get to the point of 'oh you're actively in the middle of what IM trying to DO" 😤 i know babs would think she's an absolute girlboss and probably really dig the pantsuits

babs def rich wanna be rich type person haha but she loves dismantling shitty companies for their unethical practices 😏 she would love to have her mind changed that all companies are not just leeching conglomerates
oh right i remember seeing that in his sheet now! i can’t think of any way they’d have met before the rp but maybe i’ll give ro some vehicle trouble on like the first day at the park so they can talk LOL
Yeah, Mike can get it done, that's for sure.
Sending JR to obtain elbow grease for her nightly routines. It’s a multi-purpose mission: get rid of the assistant so she can explore unmonitored and embarrass him entirely searching for things that don’t exist.
oop sorry i fuckin missed this bc rpn 😔 BUT YEAH, i think there could be a lot of mutual respect w/ the equal levels of competitive determinism. they're definitely similar in a lot of ways but i honestly don't see babs seeing it as an issue until things get to the point of 'oh you're actively in the middle of what IM trying to DO" 😤 i know babs would think she's an absolute girlboss and probably really dig the pantsuits

babs def rich wanna be rich type person haha but she loves dismantling shitty companies for their unethical practices 😏 she would love to have her mind changed that all companies are not just leeching conglomerates
I can see babs looking at rita and realizing that this could be her if she’s not careful. Successful, respected in her field, and incredibly alone
babs def rich wanna be rich type person haha but she loves dismantling shitty companies for their unethical practices 😏 she would love to have her mind changed that all companies are not just leeching conglomerates
Imagine there's every bit of foreshadowing that something in the park is going to go terribly, awfully wrong, everyone is going on about how the dinosaurs can't be contained and this is asking for disaster, then the customers get here, everything goes normally, they go back home, nothing happens, and the park opens normally to shining reviews.

Plot twist of the century.
AmberV AmberV ugh love that, the slight fear of it and yet the reverence. she wants to be publicly revered in such a way but the prospect of being alone, having already lost full custody of her kid definitely makes her a bit antsy on the subject. But if she's in the thick of this shit I think she'd def shoulder onto Rita. Allies in the best way. Journalists gotta look out for each other. Gotta check the consciousness at the door 😔

Togy Togy be a shame if someone sabotaged something for the thrill of it ...

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