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Fandom Superheros and Villains

She then takes off he left glove, showing a perfectly manicured hand. She gently runs her hands over the scales. "Amazing," she whispered.
Horde just shrugged he moved his hand slightly and it turned to look more claw like. "Travel to other universes and you tend to learn a few things."
Horde just shrugged he moved his hand slightly and it turned to look more claw like. "Travel to other universes and you tend to learn a few things."
"Other universes?" She asked, pulling away slightly. "It would be bold for one to assume I'm human. But, quite frankly, I don't even know what I am."
"Other universes?" She asked, pulling away slightly. "It would be bold for one to assume I'm human. But, quite frankly, I don't even know what I am."
"Yeah there are other worlds like this one but different. This world has cracks that draw others in " he said. "I'm a traveler of sort. I collect things and sell them. All sort of things from different worlds." He nods at the mention that she didnt know what she was. "Hmm. I don't think that's a bad thing."
"Yeah there are other worlds like this one but different. This world has cracks that draw others in " he said. "I'm a traveler of sort. I collect things and sell them. All sort of things from different worlds." He nods at the mention that she didnt know what she was. "Hmm. I don't think that's a bad thing."
"It's curious, I've never been to another world before, except this one." She sighed, slipping her hat off of her stark-white hair. For a moment, her golden eyes flashed to a crimson red and a wicked smile crossed her face. But it faded. She shook it off. "Sorry."
"It's curious, I've never been to another world before, except this one." She sighed, slipping her hat off of her stark-white hair. For a moment, her golden eyes flashed to a crimson red and a wicked smile crossed her face. But it faded. She shook it off. "Sorry."
"No need to be sorry. I would offer to take you to another world but right now I'm just watching to see what my friends are doing. " he answered
"Alright." He stood up and held out his hand. "I can teleport us to his office."
She down the rest of her coffee and stands, placing her mask and hat back on her head and taking hold of her cane. "Then, lets go," she smiled under her mask, taking Horde's hand.

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