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Fandom Superheros and Villains

“Who knows” she replied
"Yeah." She nods and got to work on thier guest trying to get any Intel she could. She listened as her comm went off. "Strange..very strange "
Musicnotes Musicnotes

“I’m sorry Allyson, but I can’t find anything on the FNIX corp, I can’t even access your quests systems, which is odd considering I am the most advanced AI in the world” Thor stated through Allyson’s coms
"I found a portal." She answered. "But there's a giant bird blocking it and it refuses to talk! I tried attacking it, but it just....sits there."

"What's so important about the portal?" Tyson asked.

"It's a Sumner portal." Akane answered.

"What!? HERE!?" Tyson reacted with a look of shock on his face.
"What's a sumner portal?" Hunter asked.
"Yeah." She nods and got to work on thier guest trying to get any Intel she could. She listened as her comm went off. "Strange..very strange "

Allyson was being locked out by her systems, as she couldn’t access Vicie’s data
"What's a sumner portal?" Hunter asked.
"It's a special portal that takes you to realms hidden within this dimension." Akane answered. "Your fianceé here met me because of one."

"It's also how I met Robby, Jasmine, and Aurora." Tyson added. "Each of them is from a different plane that exists within this Astralaxy. Just as we are here in the Systema Solaris."

"I'm from the Underworld. Robby's from the Mountain Kingdom, Jazzy was from the Forsaken Province, and Aurora is from the Dreamworld." Akane explained. "Back to the portals themselves. They're the only means of traveling between the realms. Not even the people of this world with the power to use portals can do it."

"For example, Janus can't take us to the Underworld directly, but he CAN take us to where the Sumner portal to the Underworld is in this world." Tyson said.
"It's a special portal that takes you to realms hidden within this dimension." Akane answered. "Your fianceé here met me because of one."

"It's also how I met Robby, Jasmine, and Aurora." Tyson added. "Each of them is from a different plane that exists within this Astralaxy. Just as we are here in the Systema Solaris."

"I'm from the Underworld. Robby's from the Mountain Kingdom, Jazzy was from the Forsaken Province, and Aurora is from the Dreamworld." Akane explained. "Back to the portals themselves. They're the only means of traveling between the realms. Not even the people of this world with the power to use portals can do it."

"For example, Janus can't take us to the Underworld directly, but he CAN take us to where the Sumner portal to the Underworld is in this world." Tyson said.
"Makes sense." Hunter nods.
"Makes sense." Hunter nods.
"Here's the problem though. None of us made that portal. That means at any moment, some unfriendlies can come marching through it and cause chaos here." Akane said. Then, she smirks. "Of course, that means there's a chance for me to find what I've been looking for there."

"Rune Stones?" Tyson asked.

"Bingoooooo!" Akane answered.
"Hmm cant access anything." She frowned

“Allyson look out!” Lily shouted before pulling her away just as a massive spike erupted from the mimetic material, attempting to skewer her before slowly melting back into the woman’s body
"Here's the problem though. None of us made that portal. That means at any moment, some unfriendlies can come marching through it and cause chaos here." Akane said. Then, she smirks. "Of course, that means there's a chance for me to find what I've been looking for there."

"Rune Stones?" Tyson asked.

"Bingoooooo!" Akane answered.
"Well I'll go wihou to talk with the giant bird. " hunter said. She looked at Aiolos. "Aiolos your in charge of keeping Izzy safe" Drumonkey Drumonkey
*the tank speed up a bit and seem to explore the odd city*
The Admiral was following behind the tank. Many soldiers and troops quickly saluted the Admiral. "Welcome back sir!" "Another successful hunt sir?" "A glorious return sir!"

Back in New York, Dimitri noticed that the man looked very similar to Makoto Takanuchi... but his attire was that of a Nazi uniform and his behavior was downright sadistic.
The Admiral was following behind the tank. Many soldiers and troops quickly saluted the Admiral. "Welcome back sir!" "Another successful hunt sir?" "A glorious return sir!"

Back in New York, Dimitri noticed that the man looked very similar to Makoto Takanuchi... but his attire was that of a Nazi uniform and his behavior was downright sadistic.
Dimitri: Hm....Nikolai contact KGB headquaters and tell them to find every picture of Nazi generals"

Nikolai: Dimitri even if we find out who or what is we have no technology that advanced to travel the universe..

Dimitri: CYKA! *he jumps out the jet and crashes it into the water* "FIND A WAY THEN! "
Eliana could not help but giggle "Oh okay if you say so...its still a bit weird" she added. She wasnt sure how she felt about this crazy crazy man in the blue box, but he seemed okay.
The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth
"Now then! You're technically on the run but that doesn't mean it can't be fun!" He ran around the console. "So past or future? Earth or another planet?"
Dimitri: Hm....Nikolai contact KGB headquaters and tell them to find every picture of Nazi generals"

Nikolai: Dimitri even if we find out who or what is we have no technology that advanced to travel the universe..

Dimitri: CYKA! *he jumps out the jet and crashes it into the water* "FIND A WAY THEN! "
(Was it necessary to crash a multi million dollar piece of hardware?)
The Officer overheard the conversation "That was a multiverse portal... we barely have tech on par with normal universe travel."
"Good. Now for the real fun to begin.": He retreated to her shadow
Nyx appeared in the room and looked at Peater. She had finished destroying the wards. "Time to wrap it up darling. Job's done. " she noticed Makoto. "Of course you would show up." The Wordsmith Myth The Wordsmith Myth Dragunov Dragunov
He just stood there and stared at Nyx "Been a while Nyx. How have you been?" His stare showed nothing but pure hatred.
The Admiral was following behind the tank. Many soldiers and troops quickly saluted the Admiral. "Welcome back sir!" "Another successful hunt sir?" "A glorious return sir!"

Back in New York, Dimitri noticed that the man looked very similar to Makoto Takanuchi... but his attire was that of a Nazi uniform and his behavior was downright sadistic.

Cecilia floated not far behind watching everything
(Was it necessary to crash a multi million dollar piece of hardware?)
The Officer overheard the conversation "That was a multiverse portal... we barely have tech on par with normal universe travel."

He just stood there and stared at Nyx "Been a while Nyx. How have you been?" His stare showed nothing but pure hatred.
Peter stepped back. "Strange is dead...? You're lying." He said not wanting to believe it.

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