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Fandom Phoenix Academy Common Room

So, I didn't really think to mention it before but Makoto's pronouns might get confusing sometimes. At the start, xir in a sort of dual-identity, not really leaning towards either gender but there will be times when the pronouns will change to she/her, he/him and others. I'm trying to make it realistic for someone that experiments with pronouns constantly so it might get confusing. X_X

So your character is gender fluid then?
Well considering his quirk he pretty much is gender fluid.
But he may or may not identify as one.
Good just waiting for some more repliea in the thread till i post mine.
That being said, if you want to post again. No one will stop you XD

Though in my next post I'm thinking of transition to part one of the exam
Liam would just say his thing and slowly and carefully try to wake Umiko up, and yes while he may not know what Umiko quirk is but he does know how grumpy girls can be when suddenly woken up.
So essentially he would be trying to defuse a bomb, but instead of defusing its waking and instead of a bomb it would be Umiko.

TheAmbiguousStoryteller is it okay with you if my character will try to move your character to class while she is sleeping.
How I envision it is he will just move a bit so Umiko will be in such a position that would allow Liam to carry her to class.
And it might or might not be a princess carry, but you decide that.​


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