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Futuristic [OPEN] ๐  ๐š ๐ฎ ๐  ๐ž


now i know how joan of arc felt
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
  • story
    In the distant forgotten future.

    The world is sick, civilization is plagued. Things of horror, beings of power, ghosts; All of these anomalies have become the new norm in the average person's day-to-day life.

    Society has become numb to these events, as frequent as they are.

    Many of the world's greatest powers have banded together to create A.N.S, an organization that specializes in handling and exterminating anomalies.

    Every day hundreds, if not thousands of people are killed or maimed by these anomalies, and they are growing in number. Many of A.N.S's scientists are conducting experiments and research projects to create new technology to fight these beings, and to try and uncover what they are, but... many believe there is something darker and deeper in play.


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Count me in, baby
Oh question: what kind of FCs would we use for our characters? Lunar Lunar

Most likely detailed anime like this:



Pintrest is a good place for them. The style is called "Digital Art"
If you enjoy Neon Genesis Evangelion, Lain, and existential dystopian horror, you might like this RP!
This is so cool! I will keep an eye out for the RP as of now.

You will start off with your own individual enhancements/abilities but they will be low-level.
Just sorta curious, and I thought I should ask for those who are joining.
Generally, how will the abilities look like? Are there any lore or explanations for the abilities?
This is so cool! I will keep an eye out for the RP as of now.

Just sorta curious, and I thought I should ask for those who are joining.
Generally, how will the abilities look like? Are there any lore or explanations for the abilities?

yeah itโ€™ll be explained, also theyre more of like bio-augmentations than like โ€œpowersโ€ per se.
Iโ€™m at work right now but Iโ€™ll create the CS over lunch everyone!
It was fantastic! I'm also a huge fan of Akira which if you liked Neon Genesis you'll probably really enjoy it too.
Loved Akira, it was actually my first anime! Watched it when I found a random VHS in my parents room as a kid!
Akira is indeed awesome. That actually segways into my next question what kind of abilities are available to us? Are you looking for generic abilities, or new and strange ones? Lunar Lunar
Akira is indeed awesome. That actually segways into my next question what kind of abilities are available to us? Are you looking for generic abilities, or new and strange ones? Lunar Lunar
Youโ€™ll see ๐Ÿ˜ with the CS thereโ€™s gonna be some PDFs and an Eval test, be sure to answer as your character would not as you would
At the moment the abilities are limited to the level the class is at though you can create your own, with realism, but youโ€™ll need to PM me for approval and look at the DOC that shows how the abilities are formatted before-hand !
Youโ€™ll see ๐Ÿ˜ with the CS thereโ€™s gonna be some PDFs and an Eval test, be sure to answer as your character would not as you would
At the moment the abilities are limited to the level the class is at though you can create your own, with realism, but youโ€™ll need to PM me for approval and look at the DOC that shows how the abilities are formatted before-hand !
That certainly sounds interesting. Be prepared for an overachieving delinquent hopefully with guns and flame based powers. Iโ€™ll message you with the finer details once I see what I am working with. :)
Evangelion's still on my watchlist. I really gotta find time for it.

Super curious to see the CS! I've already got a few ideas in mind, I think.

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