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Dice Age of the End (OOC)

I'm amazed my 14 on the dice is the highest number to come out of the bot so far. Pointless note 14 was also my highest roll when rolling for stats.
And now I want to watch Miss Koboyashi's Dragon Maid... but I can't because it's already getting late for me and there's no telling when some's going to do something
I am scared to know what disaster already happened while I was sleeping lol
I skimmed over it and I would've facepalmed if I was more awake lol
I'll work on adding more things to my sheet. Hopefully it won't take me another 3 hours
15 int is higher then everyone else so far lol My character is tied for lowest int at 11
If that's how it is, we're all fucked lol xD jkjk I think it will be interesting. I guess Kalvin will have to dad this group
Oh wow, I go to sleep and everything happens, haha.

Two quick questions, TyranntX TyranntX :
Using my Druidcraft weather forecast (because Diella is definitely compulsively checking whether it's going to rain, haha), what would the result be?
Can I perception check for the horse/lizard situation, too, since I don't think I'm inside the tavern (yet)?
you would be great at helping you could even use speak with animals to talk the animals down if needed lol
Is anyone here good at coding? Wanna make it all nice and pretty but I feel like I'm failing miserably xD
Is anyone here good at coding? Wanna make it all nice and pretty but I feel like I'm failing miserably xD
I just used the Quote feature on an existing charsheet post to copy everything and pasted it into the My Private Workshop thread. Then worked it there until it was right
I just used the Quote feature on an existing charsheet post to copy everything and pasted it into the My Private Workshop thread. Then worked it there until it was right
I thought about that, but now I'm just working on what I have to try and make it better since I messed up a few things

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