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Realistic or Modern A new beginning for Anomalous Children OOC

If I take away his ability to see through other people’s eyes, would that make him balanced?
you don't have to take them away exactly I just think adding a limit to it or something would be a good thing if you still want to keep that ability
Doesn’t make sense for first one though, because he just has to look at them to find out their past. Maybe he has to be looking at them for 15 minutes to see there full history ?
I made it on my phone, so I assumed it was mobile friendly... It's a scroll, are you able to scroll it?
Yes I can scroll but for some reason my tablet and mobile tend to push the text inside right a bit which then cuts it off for what ever reason. It only does it on this website.
Eh I mean a 7 yr old kid asking someone to see their past is a little odd. I was thinking soemthing a little more . . .mysterious
Eh I mean a 7 yr old kid asking someone to see their past is a little odd. I was thinking soemthing a little more . . .mysterious
Maybe he has to form some type of connection with them before doing it?
like friendship or something?

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