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Realistic or Modern โ™ก ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐‹๐Ž๐•๐„ ๐‚๐‹๐”๐ โ€” ( ๐‘œ๐‘œ๐‘ )

so after hours of endlessly musing and editing this cs, i have now completed 95% of my boy. expect me to drop by tomorrow asking if anyone would like to establish relations with him! : D
so after hours of endlessly musing and editing this cs, i have now completed 95% of my boy. expect me to drop by tomorrow asking if anyone would like to establish relations with him! : D
oh my goodness, so exciting! can't wait to see the finished product :-)))
Would it be realistic for someone to be in the Love Club, well more so in the academy, if they had a below average GPA? My character idea is to have spikes in certain academic areas so it wouldn't be terrible grades across the board. I wanted a bigger emphasis on another aspect (fame, wealth, etc.)

If not, that's fine!
Would it be realistic for someone to be in the Love Club, well more so in the academy, if they had a below average GPA? My character idea is to have spikes in certain academic areas so it wouldn't be terrible grades across the board. I wanted a bigger emphasis on another aspect (fame, wealth, etc.)

If not, that's fine!
i think that could work, yeah! they might have to deal with academic probation (or a lot of shit from cecilia lol), but that doesn't sound unreasonable if they have good connections cause of famous/wealthy parents. go for it c:
also wanted to drop in and say that cecilia and francis are done, and i've got a placeholder up for another character.
gonna finish up jordi real quick, but feel free to read my finished babs!
character sheet for winston, the good-vibes guy, is up! if anyone's interested, he needs friends + maybe an ex who doesn't hate his guts, lol. if it helps he's currently a member of the debate team, taekwondo club, and lgbtq+ club
also, can't wait to read through everyone's cs!
character sheet for winston, the good-vibes guy, is up! if anyone's interested, he needs friends + maybe an ex who doesn't hate his guts, lol. if it helps he's currently a member of the debate team, taekwondo club, and lgbtq+ club
also, can't wait to read through everyone's cs!
Oml I love him. He's such a little ball of sunshine ๐Ÿฅบ
Baby-of-the-family gang hell yeah!
Oml I love him. He's such a little ball of sunshine ๐Ÿฅบ
Baby-of-the-family gang hell yeah!
Thank you so much ๐Ÿฅบ He's here to make people's day, even if he may be a little dumb sometimes
But hell yeah, baby-of-the-family gang! Just wanted to say I really love Louis as well by the way - you did a great job with him!
character sheet for winston, the good-vibes guy, is up! if anyone's interested, he needs friends + maybe an ex who doesn't hate his guts, lol. if it helps he's currently a member of the debate team, taekwondo club, and lgbtq+ club
also, can't wait to read through everyone's cs!
natalia is also on the debate team ๐Ÿ‘€
natalia is also on the debate team ๐Ÿ‘€
i saw actually! she's the vice president of the debate team right? i was thinking of having winston as historian so i'd imagine they'll see each other after classes often. not sure if natalia will find winston annoying or not but regardless, he'll be sure to take some really nice pics for their team photos, lol!
i saw actually! she's the vice president of the debate team right? i was thinking of having winston as historian so i'd imagine they'll see each other after classes often. not sure if natalia will find winston annoying or not but regardless, he'll be sure to take some really nice pics for their team photos, lol!
yes she is! nat is pretty up-tight but i think she could use a friend like winston to mellow her out. i think they could get along well (even if she is annoyed by him sometimes!)
i need to make a few more edits but parker is mostly up! low fidelity low fidelity he isn't a love club member (i might change it but idk) but i was thinking he would've been friends with jordi because of football?
just got jordi's cs up as well! his is a bit shorter than the others, i just wanted to keep his short and sweet. rip king
a z u l a a z u l a i can def see that since they would've been on the football team together :0
just got jordi's cs up as well! his is a bit shorter than the others, i just wanted to keep his short and sweet. rip king
a z u l a a z u l a i can def see that since they would've been on the football team together :0
yesss. plus that way if parker isn't a love club member he's still dragged into all of the drama because they were friends. i think i'm going to make parker sort of dislike the love club? plus i think it would be fun for him to constantly give cecilia shit haha.

(nice gone girl quote btw)
Hey guys! I'll have my character sheet done today. Life has been majorly chaotic lately. Sorry!
its all good, we extended the deadline to make sure everyone had ample time to finish ! ^-^
OKAY! I finished my character.
I saw that we had a lot of dudes, so I switched to female.
Also, I wanted a thicc queen so I used Barbie Ferreira, since she is a babe.
we love to see the diversity in body types morbidity morbidity !! barbie is literally. Gorgeous

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