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Realistic or Modern Months Incarnate Out of character

I can't tell if this is a meme or not lol

Just in case, I'ma tell you to do what you want, he/she is your character after all.
honestly can I just make her Identity as a piece of shit.

Guys its so that the Snow Ambrose ship can work, i figured it out!
And nooo, I kinda wanna court a lady. And also, just cause I came up with this ultra adorable bookish male version of her
honestly can I just make her Identity as a piece of shit.

And nooo, I kinda wanna court a lady. And also, just cause I came up with this ultra adorable bookish male version of her
I mean iits your choice, i think most things we worked out work with male snow too
While having only the two live together would certainly be fun, i wouldnt mind Delphi joining, her and Summer get along great.
Same, and she seems a bit more responsible than Summer, so when Aster ultimately oversleeps she'll be the one to rat him out for it. Though I could be completely wrong and she just doesn't care XD
Same, and she seems a bit more responsible than Summer, so when Aster ultimately oversleeps she'll be the one to rat him out for it. Though I could be completely wrong and she just doesn't care XD
Wait did you just call my bb unresponsible?
we're about ready to start, hurrah, we just need the finishing touch on the last sheet and we're all set
idk, whoever wants to open the RP do it
...wait woaaaah. I missed so many messages without realizing it. Thanks RPN :\ (ty for the tag Zufaix)
Anyway, I'm good with having Delphi live with Summer and Aster. Chilling (?) with Aster until Summer manages to infect them 😂
...wait woaaaah. I missed so many messages without realizing it. Thanks RPN :\ (ty for the tag Zufaix)
Anyway, I'm good with having Delphi live with Summer and Aster. Chilling (?) with Aster until Summer manages to infect them 😂
Nice! That will be a fun group to live together, honestly. Delphi might be the only one besides Aster to witness her crying maybeinastersarmsmaybenot while watching Titanic
...wait woaaaah. I missed so many messages without realizing it. Thanks RPN :\ (ty for the tag Zufaix)
Anyway, I'm good with having Delphi live with Summer and Aster. Chilling (?) with Aster until Summer manages to infect them 😂
Np! I know the notification system isn't great lol. It's mostly just been idle chatter and some chats about how certain characters would interact. Also yes, summer is clearly the chaos that infects all of us XD
maybe a get-together of sorts? at the pool or one of their apartments?

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