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Futuristic OOC: When Night Falls [Space/Sci-fi]

I feel like we need a Leader character for the sake of cohesion and direction for the group. I also really want there to be a Rookie, 'cause they're fun as hell (both to play and to interact with/have), and I feel like there's something missing in these kind of group RPs when we don't have one (plus I need someone for Mika to be 'disdainful of but secretly worried about' ;P ) With the Colonel/ex-Alliance and the Mercenary, the Veteran might be less relevant, but I'm sure there's a way to creatively fit one in ^^
Oh and I'd like information such as what would be a recommended age limit, for this Roleplay in particular and what planets are there about.

Now I'm going to cry cos it took me 22 minutes to answer any of this.
oh dear god the lag

Erm, so the leader. Does it have an actual rank among all of this?

And I do wonder, veteran from a war or just an experienced older person.

Rookie it's self explanatory lol
All the info on the habitable planets is in the first post of the character thread ^^ For ages, I'm assuming 20 to 50 in range? :/
That lag sounds soul-crushing, I'm sorry x.x
Considering the nature of the RP, and the fact that we already have a Captain and a retired Colonel, I'd say there's no real rank requirement for the Leader, ye?
For the Veteran, personally I'd say it can be either, or both :3
I feel like we need a Leader character for the sake of cohesion and direction for the group. I also really want there to be a Rookie, 'cause they're fun as hell (both to play and to interact with/have), and I feel like there's something missing in these kind of group RPs when we don't have one (plus I need someone for Mika to be 'disdainful of but secretly worried about' ;P ) With the Colonel/ex-Alliance and the Mercenary, the Veteran might be less relevant, but I'm sure there's a way to creatively fit one in ^^
I had planned to make an adult English Character, the sort of elegant one that speaks softly and calmly, and rarely rises his voice.

The sort of one that either is solving the murder or was the one did it and you can never tell which.

Thus I'm between Leader and Veteran, and I see you are most experienced, probably more experienced than I.

So, if I may, can I ask you which one would benefit this RP as a whole if I were to fill either of these positions?
I had planned to make an adult English Character, the sort of elegant one that speaks softly and calmly, and rarely rises his voice.

The sort of one that either is solving the murder or was the one did it and you can never tell which.

Thus I'm between Leader and Veteran, and I see you are most experienced, probably more experienced than I.

So, if I may, can I ask you which one would benefit this RP as a whole if I were to fill either of these positions?
Oh dangit I'm using mobile lol
Tbh, the character you just described to me sounds like a Scout/Tracker type, if that seems up your alley? :3 And I dunno about the experience thing- I'm definitely enthusiastic though! ;P

Oh, does that mean you can't see the character skeleton or the lore? ^^"
Tbh, the character you just described to me sounds like a Scout/Tracker type, if that seems up your alley? :3 And I dunno about the experience thing- I'm definitely enthusiastic though! ;P

Oh, does that mean you can't see the character skeleton or the lore? ^^"
Sadly so.

I also found a good character last night that is closest to what I had in mind.

In particular the voice, more than how he looks although I do like his Victorian-esque elegance.

Sadly so.

I also found a good character last night that is closest to what I had in mind.

In particular the voice, more than how he looks although I do like his Victorian-esque elegance.

Aaah, that's unfortunate ^^" I believe Loralyda Loralyda will be PMing you character sheet info, so maybe ask for some lore as well? Based on your character concept, I'd say Aeris is the home planet to go with ~
Ooooh neat! So perhaps, kind of a modern-day version of the 'Bard' of the party? There to record the events as they unfold?
Aaah, that's unfortunate ^^" I believe Loralyda Loralyda will be PMing you character sheet info, so maybe ask for some lore as well? Based on your character concept, I'd say Aeris is the home planet to go with ~
Ooooh neat! So perhaps, kind of a modern-day version of the 'Bard' of the party? There to record the vents as they unfold?
Oh not to worry! I already turned on the desktop version on my phone. Good useful tool nowadays.

Aeris you say? Well that Will be my primary choice then, your help is most welcome!

And quite so, with a feeling of impending doom following us and that constant smell of tea and biscuits lol.
Oh not to worry! I already turned on the desktop version on my phone. Good useful tool nowadays.

Aeris you say? Well that Will be my primary choice then, your help is most welcome!

And quite so, with a feeling of impending doom following us and that constant smell of tea and biscuits lol.
Haha, I love it! Imma update my list then~
Re-updated list!

Reserved/taken roles (pending GM approval):
-The Mercenary '??' [ played by Loralyda Loralyda ]
-Ex-Alliance 'Colonel' [ played by Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor ]
-The Medic 'Cross' [ played by Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater ]
-The Native '??' [ played by Krowe Krowe ]
-The Weapons Specialist 'Gat' [ played by Ayama Ayama ]
-The Demolitions Expert 'Blitz' [ played by Ayama Ayama ]
-The Researcher 'Doc' [ played by @Blemmigan ]
-The Curator '??' [ played by Rassforth Rassforth ]

Remaining suggested roles:
-The Veteran
-The Rookie
-The Sniper
-The Tracker

Remaining interested players:
@Dmitri Tolenka @Abendrot @komorebi
Last edited:

Can't remember who I was searching these for but they are up for grabs.... gaaah this stuff keeps getting me distracted!
The first one does give me a bit of a John Haverson feel, even if he looks more scruffy Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor

Rassforth Rassforth Ayama Ayama
The team is going to need someone to guide them for a bit, was planning on having my character do this.
I will also be making a narrative post here and there to set the mood or help us along if we get stuck.

Name: First name(s) and last.
Nickname: Can be derived from your name, occupation, a character trait or your favorite food.
Age: 18+
Occupation: Your role.

Body Features: Shape, clothes, distinguishing marks and modifications.
Ailments: Disability, disease, disorder? 1+
Artist: Preferring art over photo's.

Characteristics: Make a nice story out of it and be sure to add both positive and negative traits.
Likes: 3+
Dislikes: 3+
Fears: 1+

History: Where was your character born, important events, why did you choose your job and what is your opinion about the Alliance?
Expertise: What is your character good at? What skills did they hone over the years? 2+
Home-Planet: Other than to the Native, the Elder planet is off-limits.
Relationships: Who are the most important people to your character? Once the RP starts you may add fellow characters to this list.

RP Sample: Entice us with your writing skill.
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Hope my characters get accepted, 'cause I spent all night on those profiles! xD Also I believe the GM's preference (stated in the rules) is for drawn FCs over realistic ones ._.

My understanding of the roster we have going so far (barring the GM refusing any of the characters, of course) is as follows:
-The Mercenary '??' [ played by Loralyda Loralyda ]
-Ex-Alliance 'Colonel' [ played by Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor ]
-The Medic 'Cross' [ played by Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater ]
-The Native '??' [ played by Krowe Krowe ]
-The Weapons Specialist 'Gat' [ played by Ayama Ayama ]
-The Demolitions Expert 'Blitz' [ played by Ayama Ayama ]

@Blemmigan Said they wanted The Researcher
Rassforth Rassforth and Krowe Krowe both have placeholder posts up in the CS (so I'm assuming Krowe Krowe is planning to submit a second character)

I believe all the suggested roles have already been reserved or claimed so far, though I had some additional suggestions, such as:
-The Leader
-The Veteran
-The Rookie
-The Sniper

Hope that helps, especially since there was also interest from @FabulousTrash @Dmitri Tolenka @komorebi and @Abendrot

Kind of wondering if there will be enough roles to go around, for so many interested players xD Guess we shall see~!

Oops, sorry about that! I'm only making one character, I just forgot to delete my first reply.
Can't remember who I was searching these for but they are up for grabs.... gaaah this stuff keeps getting me distracted!
The first one does give me a bit of a John Haverson feel, even if he looks more scruffy Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor
Looks awesome! Dunno what you think Shannon Trevor Shannon Trevor but I'm totally vibing with that second one for John~
Oops, sorry about that! I'm only making one character, I just forgot to delete my first reply.
Aaaaah gotcha- thanks for clarifying xD
I dig the characters so far~ Also I like that, at this point, we have one from every planet (except Aeris). Way to coincidentally align, everyone! o/

Krowe Krowe Love Niall- I feel like he and Miki would get along real well~ Btw, what is/are his nickname(s)?

My god, Miki and Niall would SO get along.

And for Niall's nickname, I'm probably going with Gadget.
I am super hyped though this looks like a great cast so far and I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans we all get in to
Saaaaame- so excited! I'm kind of wondering if any of the characters might know each other from before the start of the mission. Waiting on the 4/5 missing ones though so that we get more than one character per planet ;P Like, The Researcher and The Curator might know each other from the same university for example~
Saaaaame- so excited! I'm kind of wondering if any of the characters might know each other from before the start of the mission. Waiting on the 4/5 missing ones though so that we get more than one character per planet ;P Like, The Researcher and The Curator might know each other from the same university for example~
Maybe if they're willing, lol.

And I'm 3/4 done with sheet!

\{=Á=}/ praise the sun!
Ayama Ayama Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater
I love the fact you lot are just RUUUUUNNNING off with all the information etc <3
I do encourage relationship-building amongst characters!!!! (friendly/romantic/enemies etc!)

Franklin Franklin
TRUEEEEE THAT!!!! I was starting to feel hella old around here, thanks for helping me balance out the average ;)

Rassforth Rassforth
*pulls out her pompoms and cheers you on*
Oh you're just a sweet treat.

Also I got sort of stucked at Occupation.

What would the Curator do...?

He's just a well spoken highly intelectual individual with great marksmanship.
Franklin Franklin
TRUEEEEE THAT!!!! I was starting to feel hella old around here, thanks for helping me balance out the average ;)

Right?! It's just so nice to see someone in their thirties. Yesterday I saw someone as old as thirty five * le gasp*. This site has a pretty balance of people. Mostly younger though and if your an experienced role player some times the communication can be difficult. I find there is a bit of a barrier with young and old crowd. Although, you will find a balance.=)

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