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Realistic or Modern Writing our Sins one at a time

She grit her teeth but said nothing and stared him down. “You don’t want to ask those questions. Because you don’t want the answer. You don’t want to know what Eddie has gotten involved in. You don’t want to know because you and your wife want a child and knowing the answers to your questions will put both your safety at risk.” She told him as calmly as possible.

Aaron grit his teeth, stopping from shoving hee up against the wall. “U will find out. No matter how much you get to bullshit me. I will find out what fucking dirt you have on him to keep him in line wit you because I don’t think it’s good for anybody around here.” He snapped, pausing when he heard ricks voice
Max stayed back not wanting to get in the middle of this but was willing to get between them if Aaron took it too far.

Rick frowned deeply when he came into the room seeing the scene before him. "And what the hell is going on here? Your best friend is laying here near death and you're wanting to fight his partner?" He questioned Aaron raising an eyebrow "How would you feel to know Eddie was doing the same? Hm? Thats what I thought." He muttered seeing Aaron step down.
Carmen frowned and bit her tongue from continuing to snap back, turning to speak to Rick but the alarms that started blaring caught her attention first and she jumped up to go grab help

Aaron grit his teeth, shaking his head. “Rick I can’t do my job if the person im supposed to be protecting us keeping secr-“ he stopped the moment the alarms went off and stood up, getting out of the way of the staff that came in, eventually leaving to the hallway, taking a seat and rubbing at his face. “What information did you get on who did this?” He asked Rick frowning.
Rick frowned deeply and quickly followed them out of the room once the nurses came in. He gave a heavy sigh and shook his head a bit "Looks like the Irish....we need to keep high alert on all shipments now." He explained quietly
Aaron nodded and frowned, watching them take a crash cart into the room as Carmen was coming back and going to get her some water. For as much as he didn’t trust hee, he could see that her love for Eddie was far from fake. “Love, why don’t we grab some food on the way home once we know how he’s doing?” He suggested to max.
Max gave a small nod and gave his hand a squeeze "Yeah that should be good." She said softly and stayed close to him. It was another thirty minutes before they came out to let them know he had been stabilized but only two visitors could be in there at a time.

Rick sat out in the waiting area with Aaron and Max until they let them back. He sighed heavily and looked to Carmen "You mind if I stay for a bit?" He asked
He frowned a little and watched the other two go in, shaking his head and leaving with max. “Let’s get going.” He mumbled, barely able to keep his eyes open anymore now that hee knew they were headed home.

Carmen nodded and walked into the room with him, sitting by Eddie again and gripping at his hand tightly. “I wonder if I should just tell aaron everything.” She muttered. “I feel like it would cut the tension.”
Max walked with him to the car and drove them home as quickly as she could. Once they were home she helped him inside and up to bed giving a small sigh as she watched him just concerned about his health.

Rick sat down across from her and gave a small frown "It would, and I know Aaron would be good to keep it quiet. But that decision is soley up to you on it." He explained
She nodded slowly. “I know Ed is strong but this is bad this time Rick. I’m worried sick.” She mumbled

He collapsed onto their bed, carefully kicking off his trousers and managing to get his shirt off, left in his tank top, boxers and socks, not even snoring he was sleeping so heavily, nothing was going to wake him up.
Rick sighed heavily and nodded "I know, listen you need anything you give me a call alright? Don't go through Gareth, call me direct." He told her before standing up "You good to be here alone? Security is of course outside."

By the next morning Max was awake before him. She let him sleep in as long as she could before gently shaking him "Aaron, love wake up." She said gently.
She nodded and frowned. “Yeah I’ll be okay. I just… yeah. Give Kelly my love.” She told him, watching Rick leave and soon fell asleep in the chair from the stress of the day, waking up to someone shaking her in the morning and groaning a little.

He frowned and rubbed at his face. “Give more minutes.” He mumbled, trying to stay in bed a little longer but his stomach had been feeling strange most of the night and after just a couple more minutes in bed he was jumping up and rushing to their bathroom to be sick.
The nurse gave her a small smile when she woke up "I'm sorry to wake you, but he is awake right now. He may not speak, but I just thought you'd like to know." She said softly smiling when she saw Eddie just staring at Carmen.

Max frowned and rushed to get him some water. She went to the bathroom once she had a glass and sigged softly as she rubbed his back "You okay?" She asked quietly
He frowned and leaned back, panting some before shaking his head and leaning forward to be sick again, eventually leaning back and taking the water frowning, “why did you marry me?” He asked her quietly,

Carmen frowned and thanked her, sitting up and cupping his cheek gently seeing he still wasn’t breathing on his own but at least his eyes were open. It seemed like a good step. “I’m here baby. I’m here. You got shot sweetheart. Through a lung and into your spine…. But you’re gonna be okay. I’m right here.” She coaxed
Max raised an eyebrow at his question and sighed softly giving a small smile "Because I love you. Because you made me feel safe, took care of me, and never tried to change me." She murmured softly as she pushed some hair from his face "Maybe you should take the day....Rick is in town, he could handle this for now right?"

Eddie did his best to try and lift his hand to her face but he could barely get it off the of the bed. When he felt her place her hand in his he immediately squeezed as much as he could for her.
He frowned and shook his head. “You know what my world looks like. Constant state of bloodied and targeted. But you still stayed.” He mumbled, “I think I might have to cause im gonna puke again if I have to move.”

She smiked a little at him, lifting his hand to her cheek for him, turning her face to kiss his palm repeatedly as well. “Rest sweetheart. I’m not going anywhere okay?” She promised, still too worried to even think about leaving the room
Max smiled some and nodded a bit "What can I say, I like the bad boys." She teased before kissing his forehead gently "You want me to call Rick?" She asked before going to the sink and filling up his water again.

Gareth came in smiling wide when he saw Eddie awake "Hey man....good to see you awake." He said quietly handing Carmen a cup of coffee "They say anything on his condition?"
She shook her head once Eddie had passed out again. “All I know is he’s still not breathing on his own. He’s only able to do like 10%.” She frowned. “I just want him comfortable. And safe.”

He nodded slowly and frowned. “I feel funny.” He slurred a little, starting to sweat bullets.
Gareth gave a small nod and sighed heavily "He'll get there Carmen, I know it." He said quietly before handing her some food he had picked up for her "You need to eat too."

Max frowned deeper and quickly went to get her phone dialing their doctor "Come on, in the shower." She said helping Aaron up and getting the cold water on him. When the doctor finally answered she told him to get over there as soon as possible.
Aaron frowned, shaking his head "I don't need help." He muttered but his hands were practically vibrating he was shaking so badly, even while sitting down, resting his head back and closing his eyes "I'm gonna puke again."

She thanked him quietly, getting up to stretch her legs and eat, messaging Rick to let him know the update and moved to sit again near the window "Who was it?" She asked Gareth
Max frowned deeply and gave a small nod helping him strip down "Babe just throw up down the drain for right now okay?" She said softly before explaining to the doctor what is going on. She sighed as she hung up the phone and went back to Aaron "Babe? Keep talking to me love." She murmured as she rubbed at his chest.

Gareth sighed some "We think it was the Irish, same people that tried to take you. We aren't a hundred percent but we are going to figure it out soon." He explained looking at his phone as it pinged "Looks like they are ID'ing the bodies now at the morgue."
He groaned in pain as she did so, not able to talk anymore as he slumped to the floor, still conscious but certainly not aware, ending up throwing up again down himself this time and getting worse by the minute.

Carmen nodded and frowned. “Listen…. If you need help… obviously with ricks permission… I can use some contacts.” She told him. “They tried to take me to get money off Eddie and now this… it’s got personal.” She mumbled, frowning when his phone started ringing again with maxs name on the caller ID
Max frowned deeply as she started to clean him up trying to keep him up. She took shaky breaths as he only got worse and quickly ran to unlock the door when she heard a knock. She led their doctor up to the bathroom and stepped to the side to call Gareth.

Gareth shook his head some and gave a small sigh about to respond when his phone went offf. He answered and sighed heavily "Max where is Aaron? What? Shit alright, keep me posted." He muttered before hanging up "Aaron is down, something is wrong with him they have the doctor on him."
He was still conscious for another few minutes, just staring at max and feeling his grip on everything slipping away until he wasn’t able to take air in anymore and it was only another minute before he blacked out completely, his heart giving out.

She frowned but nodded “He’s been working every hour possible lately. Ed was gonna tell him to take a break but then he started getting sick of Aaron poking around so he got him working even more.” She told him frowning. “Be careful Gareth. I know you know what you’re doing but I don’t ever want to have to look Alicia in the eye and tell her somethings happened to you.”
Max went wide eyed when his hand went limp in hers and quickly got out of the way so the doctor could work on him while she dialed for an ambulance.

Gareth frowned and nodded some "I'll make sure to keep myself safe." He murmured giving a small smile
they arrived quickly but even by that point it wasn’t looking good and after eventually managing to get something back they let max ride in the ambulance with them, going into another arrest when they were just a couple minutes out.

She nodded and sighed a little, getting up to go sit by his bed again, frowning when she eventually heard a couple voices outside and the door opened with max walking through looking shaken. “What’s wrong?”

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