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Realistic or Modern Writing our Sins one at a time

Eddie gave her a small smile and tried his best to bring her hand to his lips. He sighed softly "Find....find out...who did...this." he muttered

Max frowned deeply and bit her lip gently "Its almost 5 in the morning. Baby.....you've uh....you've been out for nearly a week." She said quietly
He frowned and shook his head some. “No… no yesterday… I fell asleep… I was sick upstairs.” He mumbled, looking at her confused bud just kept holding her hand tightly. “Why?”

Carmen nodded and leaned over kissing his cheek. “I am baby. You worry about getting better. Leave it with me and Rick. It’s gonna be okay.” She murmured, not wanting him to stress more just yet.
Max frowned deeply and gave his hand a squeeze "You had internal bleeding and broken ribs at first. Then something happened, we think poison." She said quietly before giving a small sigh "We're getting it figured out."

Eddie gave a small nod and took another deep breath watching her some "Thank you...for being here with me."
She frowned a little and just smoothed his hair back frowning, “you ain’t getting rid of me that easy.” She murmured.

Aaron frowned and nodded, trying to move still but nothing was happening. “I can’t…. Hurts.” He mumbled,
Eddie smiled at her and gave her hand another squeeze "Where....where is Aaron? Is he....handling everything?" He asked not knowimg that he was also in the same boat as him.

Max gave a small nod and sighed gently "Don't strain or try to move okay? Its going to be okay I promise." She murmured before kissing his cheek "I'll get a nurse in for the pain."
He frowned more "Why? I can't move." He whimpered a little, still trying to sit up more but he was stuck and panicking and still struggling to breathe steady anyway now he was awake

She shook her head and frowned again, "No... Baby he's not.... He's not doing so good right now.." She told him quietly, "I don't even know if he's woken up yet."
Max frowned a bit and pressed the call button "They aren't sure love, but we're going to figure it out. You just have to stay calm okay? And rest as much as possible." She said softly trying to keep him calm until a nurse could come in.

Eddie frowned deeply and gave a small nod "Shit...this is bad....same person as me?" He asked wondering if it was the same person who hurt him that did Aaron.
She nodded. “We think so. We’re working on it alright? I don’t want you doing any worrying.” She murmured. “I’m gonna go check on him anyway once you fall asleep.”

He was trying as much as he could to just focus on her, eventually settling once they got him sat up a bit more and he was more comfortable, trying to pull on her a little to sit with him.
Eddie took a deep breath and nodded "Okay...make sure...he is alright." He muttered watchimg her some "How are you?"

Max smiled softly and kissed his cheek before moving to sit beside him "I'm right here babe, I'm not going anywhere."
She frowned and shook her head. “I’m scared Ed I can’t lie. Im so scared I’m gonna lose you.” She told him. “So I need you to rest and get better cause I’m not ready to lose you.” She murmured, kissing his cheek.

He frowned and mumbled incoherently before starting to drift off, keeping her hand close to him, thanking his lucky stars he had her there.
Eddie tugged on her hand wanting her closer to him. "I'm sorry things have gotten bad....I know....I know you left to get away from this." He said quietly before he started to drift off.

Max gave a small sigh and stayed close. She looked up when she heard the door open and smiled softly seeing Carmen "Hey, how is Eddie?"
she frowned and stayed as close as she could get without interfering with anything. “It’s not your fault.” She promised, waiting til he was out and she went to go check on Aaron, nodding to max. “He’s uh… he’s getting there. Did he wake up yet?” She asked. “Ed sent me down to check on him.”
Max nodded some and glanced at Aaron for a moment "Yeah just a few minutes ago. He can't move, I don't know if its permanent....they said he has brain damage but they won't know the extent until they get tests back." She explained before taking a deep breath "I'm worried about them."
Carmen just nodded, frowning as a couple of alarms went off for him before settling again “It’s being handled.” She muttered, leaving again to go get something to eat to take back to the room
Max frowned and raised an eyebrow at her but turned her attention back to Aaron as she left them.

Eddie was up again by the time she got back and groaned quietly "Pain....my torso is killing me." He muttered through gritted teeth.
She frowned but nodded and went to find a nurse, asking her for some pain meds for him, following her back to the room and stayed to the side while he was helped, waiting until she left before moving closer. “I went to see Aaron.”

He started coming around again and just watched her, smiling a little. “Lucky.” He mumbled, squeezing her hand as much as he could.

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