[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:1 Howlcrick

"Yes, thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy your drink." When Wren and Aldiminius finish their drinks and head for the door, she looks over at the other Exalt. "I could fly there in a few hours on my own, or we can gather the others and use the airship so everyone can partake of the fun of digging through the ruins. Lets find the others and tell them about our find."
"You were saying?" He stands, tugs his gloves back on, and opens the door, with his usual self-satisified smirk.
"I said 'your skill with the lock and tumbler is to be admired.' It only took you two tries to open the look. Keep at it, and you'll make it to one!" Kyros replied teasingly, not letting Victor live it down. Striding through to the now open door, he looked around at what was locked behind it.
Kyros looked over the shelves for anything of use or importance, and especially anything that could lead them to the Sin.

using Crafty Observation Method to search the whole area in seconds
Viktor seems vaguely disappointed at the results. "Perhaps I neglected to ask... why were you all so intent on gaining entry here? It seems interesting, but hardly germane."
"Following a hunch." Was the short reply Kyros gave as he focused on searching the place.
"Hmph. Well, if you can't find anything by violating local private property laws, I did hear rumors of a First Age ruin nearby. Perhaps we should have a look there?"
You find several first-age tomes of interest in the room. There are some spell-books, maps, cookbooks, among other things here. But one of the things that catches your interest is a hefty tome. There are seven tiny jewels set into the center of the cover. It is titled "The Story of Evil".
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Wren looks about the small town. "It could take us hours to find where the others have gone. Let me send Kyros a message with a spell I know, then we can let him know about what we found and meet everyone at the ship. That will save us time walking all around town and possibly missing them somewhere." She ducks behind a building to be out of sight, then casts her spell 'Infallible Messenger'. Giving her captain a quick recap of what the two of them have found out, Wren lets Kyros know that they will be waiting for him to return to the Blind Radiance, then she sends the sprite on its way.
The sprite flies away, streaking through the crowd as it makes its way to the library. The librarian is absorbed in a book and does not notice the fairy go into the restricted area of the library to Kyros. The fairy delivers its message before it vanishes.
Intrigued, Kyros moves to the book and picks it up, leafing through the contents to get a better idea what it was about.
Kyros glances briefly through the pages and is surprised at what he finds there. There is an extraordinarily large amount of information written in the pages of this heft tome, all if not most of it pertaining to the Sins. Jackpot!
Kyros flipped immediately to the page concerning the Sin of Pride. He had called dibs on it before, but now he wanted to see if it was something worth claiming.
"A book, containing information on each of the sins." He sad absently, palming through the pages.
While Wren waits at the airship, she practices her martial arts maneuvers on deck while she waits for the return of the others.
Kyros takes upon an entry in the book, stopping at the page where two silver mirrors are depicted. One has a frame of five-colored jade and starmetal with moon-silver mirror. The other had an orichalcum frame, ornate in design.

The Twin Mirrors of Lucifena, The Sin of Superbia:

These heirlooms are treasured by the Lucifena Kingdom and have been in the posession of the Royal Family of Lucifena for centuries. Much of their success springs from the powers of the Sin. It sees beyond the Loom of Fate, but it does not directly predict the future. Rather, it shows its user a single, favorable, path that they can take. Additionally, objects and people can be transported between the mirrors as well.

It was because of the Sin's influence on the young Lilliana Lucifena that her tyranny came into fruition. Due to the fact that she exalted at a fairly young age, the mirror's influence twisted her perception of reality, only for it to shatter after her death.

My brother underwent a complete possession by the entity contained within the mirror. It was only due to our allies' combined efforts and powers that the possession was shattered. A contract was not completed, thankfully or else retrieving my brother from the Sin's grasp would have become nearly impossible.
"Ah, it seems this was worthwhile after all... I would like a look at that when you're finished, Captain."
"As would I." Nimbus says

I'm assuming that the book doesn't seem special to Essence Dissecting Stare then?
"I have a better idea." Said Kyros, snapping the book shut and putting it in his bag. "Instead of passing it around and burning up time while we all look at it individually, I'll have one of my crew transcribe the pages in to a report for all of us. Then we'll all know everything that needs to be known about the Sins." He turned around and made a sweeping gesture towards the door. "Lord Victor, I believe you had a lead for us to follow? Would you do us the honor of showing us the way?"

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