[The Seven Deadly Sins] Chapter 2:1 Howlcrick

You enter the port town of Howlcrick, seeming very out of place with the rest of the population. People take notice of this and quickly move out of your way and avoid meeting your gaze. A woman with black hair and slightly tanned quickly herd a bunch of children out way while others keep a wary eye on you.

Where will you start searching?
Do any of the landmarks of the town seem at all familiar? Anything to narrow the scope of their search.
Kyros marched towards the center of town and gave the area a thorough examination, looking for hints or subtle clues that would lead them in the right direction.


Crafty Observation Method to compress 15 minutes of searching down to five seconds.
None of the landmarks are that familiar at all since it's changed so much from the past. Kyros notices that the woman with the children is dressed very plainly and is paying close attention to you, her bracelets on her wrist stand out in the crowd. Some people are chattering uneasily, having grown accustomed to the circle's presence to resume business. There is also currently a young kid trying to grab someone's wallet in the confusion.
Wren murmurs to Kyros, "I'm going to try and talk to that woman over there. Wait here." She walks up to the plainly dressed woman and offers up a smile, at the same time she focuses some of her Essence into the Charm New Friend Aroma. In a somewhat shy and quiet voice, she says, "Um, hi. How are you? My friends and I are savants that are looking for local tales and stories from ages past. Is there a town historian or keeper of the lore of the town that we could speak to?"
When Viktor leaves the ship, he is now flanked by three other individuals; two men and a woman, who appear to the naked eye as athletically slender humans, in unassuming clothing except for the fine sword belted at each of their waists. Those who view them with Essence sight can tell that they are, in fact, Demons of the First Circle, sorcerously bound to him, and this is but one of their two forms.

He spots the child lifting a wallet, and catches the boy's eye. He shakes his head slowly, with a slight frown.
The woman flinches at Wren's appearance, almost startled by it, "Oh. Excuse me. I don't know anything about the lore of the town... I think that it would be best for you to go to the town library. There should be people to help you there." she avoids meeting Wren's eyes before she directs the children away from the Lunar and into a large building, an orphanage by the looks of it.

Viktor catches the child, dirty and thin in the act as pickpocketing. He freezes for a split second before he bolts away. The young man he stole from, his hair a dark red and brown mop, looks over at the child briefly but doesn't do anything about it. He just reaches into his shirt and pulls out another wallet.

"I keep two just in case this happens," he shrugs, "It's only money. That boy probably needs it more than I do." the man states to Viktor. "There's no need to chase after him."
Viktor looks at the man as if he were a madman, speaking in a language he's never heard of.

"I... understand each of your words individually, but taken together, they are gibberish. Thievery, on any scale, should not be overlooked. In my country, such brazen theft would cost the wretch a year of hard labor, at the very least."
"Think less of it as thievery and more of a donation of sorts." the man explained, "He wasn't actually stealing it. I was deliberately putting it out in the open and giving it to him in such a way that would prevent him from turning it down by his pride. If I were to give the money to him directly in person, he would have just turned it down since he would have thought that I was pitying him."
Nimbus left the group, calling upon the night to shroud his identity as he did so, his features obscured by shadows that remained even in direct sunlight. He walked straight to the library and entered, surveying those that were within.

Rolling perception+awareness to survey the library

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The Supernal shakes his head. "If he cannot support himself honestly, and will not accept aid, then he deserves to starve. If he steals, regardless of the victim's intent, then he deserves punishment. If your situation and his were reversed, he would not leave his wealth in easy reach, I assure you of that. Of course, if you are foolish as to believe otherwise, and refuse to protect what is yours, then you do not deserve it yourself. Regardless, if aid is needed, the responsibility for caring for such wretches belongs to those in authority, not to every man walking the street."
"Perhaps he wouldn't." the man said, "You are entitled to my opinion as I am to mine. Call me foolish and naive, but in the end what's done is done." he tilted his head, "Although, I am curious to why people would be here in the first place. Howlcrick does not attract much visitors. Is there something that you are looking for here?"

The library is filled with books, not nearly much as the libraries of Malfeas under Orablis' care but it is still fairly large. The librarian clears her throat to get you attention. "Can I help you?" she asks.
"Yes, I am looking for answers to a few questions. First, how did you manage to secure so many books?" Nimbus asked, impressed by the size of the library for such a small town. "Second, what is this town's history? When was it founded and what significant events have occurred? Third, where should I look to find books on those topics?"

I should note, I activated Soul Cloaked in Shadows before coming here.

Spent: 2 peripheral motes
*Aldiminius is standing behind Wryn, and of to the side- he is wearing glasses he hasnt needed to wear since his Exalatation, and a coat- not his armor, but a normal, unobtrusive, labcoat.*
Wren returns to Kyros. "The woman is jumpy around strangers, even with my natural charm. There is a library over there that she did point out, however." She wonders if she should go there, since much of the history of the town that they are looking for will undoubtedly be hidden from casual view. Someone that knows the old stories of this town is my thought. Perhaps the library is the place to look, but I'm thinking that the local pub might be a good place to go. Looking about, she follows her nose to the smell of cooking food and finds one of the watering holes that the locals use. Heading inside, the Lunar looks around the room to find the oldest man in there. After buying two beers, she goes to the old man and asks, "Can I join you, good sir?"
"I'll handle the library." Said Kyros, turning to make his way towards the building. Despite being a pirate, Kyros did enjoy reading and studying literature. Hopefully he could put his accumulated knowledge to the task.
A middle-aged man tilts his head at Wren's arrival before shrugging, "I haven't seen you around before but I guess there's no harm in talking to ya. What's your name, lass?"


The young man smiles, "My name is Saron Kenzaki. I'm just a person who wants to help. Who are you?"


The librarian adjusts her glasses, "We have collected out collection of tomes over the ages. Some of them were given as donations by those who had no place to put it. To be honest I have no idea where half of the books here came from. I am afraid I cannot help you with the history of the town though. We do have some books in the shelves over there," the woman directs you to a certain shelf in the back of the library. "Feel free to let me know if you need any assistance.

She glances to the others as they come into the library, "I will assume that they are with you. Let them know that they can ask me if they need help with anything regarding this library."
Wren sets the mugs of beer down on the table with one in front of the man and slides into an empty seat. "I am called Wren by my friends." She nods towards Al as she says this. "We are savants and historians, and we are interested in finding out some of the many tales that must exist about this town, of the rich history of the region. Would you be willing to help us out with our research?"
*Aldiminus nods, smiling* Yes... *He smiles softly* We'd be highly grateful! *He smiles, adjusting the glasses that he hasnt needed since his Exaltation*
Kyros jumped slightly as Tshav announced his intentions. As ever, the Dawn was uncharacteristically subtle in his comings and goings. "You really must stop doing that." Grumbled Kyros futilely for the thousandth time. He knew it would happen again sometime in the future, and Kyros once more gave thought to docking the man's pay as a warning.

When reaching the library, Kyros nodded his thanks to the librarian as she gave him directions. "Thank you, I'll be sure to seek you out if I have any trouble." He replied, moving over to the shelf she had indicated before turning to Tshav. "We'll split the work down the center. I'll start on one end and you start on the other, and we'll meet in the middle." He said
The young man smiles, "My name is Saron Kenzaki. I'm just a person who wants to help. Who are you?"
He raises an eyebrow, unused to being spoken to with such familiarity. He can't quite decide if it's amusing or irritating. He glances aside to his bodyguards before answering. "Hmm. I do not believe in altruism. Viktor von Drakholdt is one of my names. I am king of a land far to the north and east of here, in search of an ancient treasure that I was told had emerged in this... quaint little town of late. I doubt you have heard of anything of the sort?" He makes it as much a challenge as a question.

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