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Anelissa Ravenswood
3fc370081fade027718d8b55e1610ff9.jpgLocation: Dining Room
Mentioned: Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara) Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah)

She had to sit next to Merliva and Jeremiah. It was as if her pompous father wanted to create the image of the angel and devil upon her shoulders. Merliva would most likely be berating Anelissa, 'informing' her on the consequences that may end up having severe repercussions, if she were not to be careful. Her brother Jeremiah on the other hand, he would be a cynic! Driving her words forward and encouraging the princess to say the most she could on the Margaret situation. It was as if her father knew so much about his daughter, yet nothing at all. Overall, it would be an interesting night on all accounts due to this fact. Would the girl be brave and bold now that the situation had finally arisen, or was she going to let those around her drown her out?

Anelissa looked along the room, curious to see all of the highest people at court in this one place. They all wore such nice clothes, yet nothing to bright or flamboyant; everyone appeared to know that this was a time for family and not one for upstaging or overshadowing others. Furthermore, the last time they had a meal that included her family and friends felt so long ago. The princess had begun to forget the feeling of togetherness and stability that came along with it. In moments as simplistic as these, there was no need to worry of an outside threat or a traitor among the walls, it was just a calm bliss. A family union, were they could sit and talk. Converse about their recent on-goings and achievements. Then...her eyes met Christophers'. All feelings that were once positive and enlightening, in that moment, dissolved away. Rage quickly filled her soul and revenge her mind. She would not stand idly by and let this opportunity pass her up, now was a time if not any to claim issue with his tyrannical ways.

It interested her, what would happen at court after tonight's dinner; she was opposing the future king, meaning she could be seen as an enemy. This might place her on a few peoples radars. Elvira would most likely be one to pick issue with Anelissa. Even though there seems to be some respect there, why would she just stand there whilst Anelissa took any chance of her becoming the queen away. The third princess also knew that she may bring unwarranted harassment to Clara; the French girls silent support can be enough in the eyes of some people. Anelissa didn't want a black dress to ruin her friends prospects in England. Thinking among the bigger picture however, she also knew that her words would have to be carefully chosen. If she looked like an enemy to the Spanish or its people, it could cause many problems in her near future.
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
code When typing responses to rps, be aware that when you press enter it will not show that you did. You'll have to use the
tags// [/class] [class=Lines] border-top:2px SOLID #680b0a; margin-bottom:8px; margin-Top:5px; margin-Left:25px; //This is the line dividers in the code, the tiny ones.// [/class]
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Luca | Interacting: | Mentioned: Christopher, King Misty Gray Misty Gray Anelissa MinTea MinTea Merliva Peckinou Peckinou Adeline Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy Elvira FireMaiden FireMaiden | Location: Dining Hall
[div class="Lines"]
(I decided to write a little before and after to finish up loose ends)
The air grew thicker with every passing second. Merliva and Anelissa stared daggers into one another. They were in a stalemate, it seemed. One that Luca wished to slip away from, only, he couldn't. Thankfully, fate decided his actions for him. A white knight stepped in to rescue Luca. His eyes gravitated towards the blonde, young woman. "Princess Adeline, of Sweden. Of course not. Your presence is nothing but a blessing." Without shifting too far from his sisters, he would take the woman's hand and gently plant a kiss on the back. "My apologies for not greeting you sooner."

Luca heard much about the princess of Sweden, especially her sick childhood. The thought of being isolated from the world from a young age saddened Luca. The natural elements were too gorgeous to live without experiencing. Save for water, of course. It was an understatement for Luca to admit he neglected Adeline's arrival to the castle. Factually, he tried his best to avoid her. The arrangement for their engagement came suddenly. Sweden must be itching for more power. Was Adeline a mere pawn for her country? Did they care not for her happiness? Or was she genuinely infatuated with him? The latter was unlikely. After all, if anyone were a charmer, it would be the youngest prince. He captured the hearts of maidens several countries away.

Not that Luca doubted himself, but could he be responsible for this woman's broken heart when he couldn't return her feelings or her expectations? Well, the least he could do was make Adeline's stay as blissful as it could be in the family crossfire. Offering her his arm, he would lead her and his sisters into the dining hall.

The majority of the family already nestled into their seats. Solemnly greeting his parents, Luca found his assigned spot beside Adeline. As his father questioned Elvira about Christopher's hospitality, Luca could only wait for his younger sister's bold statements to destroy whatever moderately good mood Elvira put their father and Christopher in. Luca just wanted to be back in his study with his precious kitten. Family unions were a rarity these days. He should relish at the moment. Yet, uneasiness filled his stomach. Perhaps the upcoming food would do well to replace it. Even as he lifted a glass of the most exceptional wine in the kingdom to his lips, Luca would find no solace in it. Troubled as he was, the usual poker face he wore didn't crack. Luca was always a hard man to read. Where would his loyalties lie tonight? With his benevolent sister, or his savior? Dinner was a mere ticking time bomb. [div class="Lines"][/div]
Original Code by AgWordSmith [/div]
tumblr_p86ju7wSXB1wwhs5lo1_400.gifLocation: Dining Room
Interaction: Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher/King Robert)
Mentioned: Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Queen Arielle) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa) NyxNightmare NyxNightmare (Luca) Peckinou Peckinou (Merliva)
Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the slight smirk on Christopher's face, happy that he seemingly caught onto what she was doing. That idea was only confirmed by the fact he didn't say anything, and her attention could stay focused on the King. "Oh no your Highness, don't feel the need to do that on my account. His responsibilities are more important than spending a bit of time with me." She kept her smile, her face a little softer at the thought. Elvira would enjoy spending time with Christopher, even if it didn't result in much, it was a good idea. They should talk at the very least. In any case, her attention turned to Genevieve, the oldest princess, and Elvira greeted her with a slight wave. "Good evening Princess, I hope you're well." She liked her, although they really hadn't spent to much time together, Genevieve was certainly a sweet woman who didn't deserve Elvira's criticism. At least, not now. She hadn't been in the castle long enough to have a good judge of the character of every single person just yet, but some things we're just painfully obvious.

Take, Anelissa for example. Clad in a black dress, disdain not well hidden behind her eyes, the young girl was silently but boldly protesting her brother's actions. Elvira didn't think it was wise, but then again, you cannot often control the actions of a person in mourning. She was aware, though not fully clear on every detail, that Anelissa was close with the maid. Clara's choice of clothing may be in support of the young princess, or merely coincidence. The former seemed much more likely in this situation. Movement from Christopher's side caught her attention once again as she began to observe him polishing one of the spoons. Following his gaze, she found the terrified maid. She expected him to call her over or make a scene, but the King spoke and he quickly changed his mind. And, signaled for dinner to begin.

Elvira found her glass quickly filled with red wine, and she found herself having to consciously control herself. From the corner of her eye, she spotted Luca taking a sip or two of his wine, and so she outstretched a delicate hand and raised her own glass. With this, her eyes could wander, taking in the scenery. The servants seemed to be holding their breath, anxiously watching, waiting for something to go wrong. That reminded her, she needed to talk to Sophia later that night. Her eyes then moved to the various faces sitting on the other side of the table. Clara and Anelissa seemed rather tense, both of them contemplating something unknown. Jeremiah looked fine, albeit a bit flustered, perhaps he and Clara got into a fight. Merliva was almost unreadable, as she always looked rather disinterested or angry. Much like Christopher. And the Queen, stoic in a sense, but she too may be silently preparing for whatever chaos is soon to follow. Placing her glass back in it's place, Elvira took a silent breath, still clinging to the hope that they could be civil for a night.
hen both Christoper and Lady Elvira addressed her, Genevieve couldn't help but smile widely.

"I am doing well, thank you." Genevieve reassured, sighing softly. Hearing Elvira's response to Christopher's busy schedule, Genevieve shook her head lightly before turning to Elvira. "Is there anything in the palace that caught your interest or would like to know more about? I am sure Christopher could explain more, but if he has not, I would be more than delighted to tell." She lightly finished before her eyes drifted towards Christopher, hoping he'd catch her eye and hint.

Nevertheless, Genevieve stopped herself from speaking further. Despite wanting to spend more time to get to know Elvira, she wished Christopher would take the first step, holding the reigns to allow a relation to bloom. She believed it would do him well if he was able to balance between his duties and spending more time with his fiancรฉ. Genevieve could tell it would be a great opportunity to find another ally.

Although she barely knew her, Genevieve remained hopeful that she could somehow open up her brother's heart and stand by his side when others were against him. If her books were anything to learn from, Genevieve knew that Kings needs Queens. But, did a Queen need a King? If Elvira was a suited Queen, in her eyes, aside from the people's needs, Genevieve believed that in order to make a great Queen to stand by her brother, she would need to understand both him and their people. But, for that to happen, Genevieve hoped they would be better acquainted. It is a lonely road and decision-makings were always tough on her brother. Protective, Genevieve hoped Christopher knew that as many enemies as he had, he had quite a few supporters, including herself. The loudest voice, to her, does not equate to good-thinking or consideration. They would need each other in a room full of wolves.

Regardless, Genevieve preferred to think positively. Her idle thoughts kept her from going towards a downward spiral she may never get out of and there were already enough negativity inside and outside the palace. It has helped her many times before and if it is not broken then there is no reason to fix it, especially her mindset.

Soon her siblings as well as their fiancรฉ's slowly made their way in the dining room. Slowly but surely, Genevieve's eyes lit up brighter each time she saw her brothers and sisters enter. She knew that her siblings didn't feel the same way as she had whenever it came to family dinners, however, Genevieve would make the most of it even if it was against their will. Genevieve did not want to remember their previous dinner screaming match and decidedly focused on the present one. But, Genevieve internalized Anelissa's attire and grievances. Her dress could symbolize many things and she just hoped their father would not take it wrongly. But, sometimes, objects and words could mean just that and nothing more. Regardless, Genevieve hoped for the latter, not wanting to choose between her brother and her sister. She loved them both and her heart swayed.

"Anelissa, it is wonderful to see you."

Right and wrong was never something Genevieve was good at measuring. She never believed the world was all black and white despite the faux assumptions others would have made about her. The world was dark and gray, filled with loop holes and constant spirals. Whether it was appropriate or not, she didn't know and wouldn't comment on it leaving the semblance of peace. Instead, Genevieve celebrated internally that her sister was finally out of her room and came for dinner. It was odd to not hear Anelissa say a word, but even more so, her siblings didn't seem too interested in much. Nevertheless, if Anelissa wanted strength to go against their brother's decision, Genevieve believed arguing on an empty stomach would do more harm than good.

"Is there a problem with your cutlery?"

Brought out of her thoughts, Genevieve gazed at her brother, furrowing her brows together. Although Christopher denied that anything was wrong, her suspicions grew when he decided to gloss over the matter and quickly snapped his finger to begin dinner. At hearing her brother's words of finishing dinner quickly, Genevieve felt a slight ache in her heart like pins and needles. She would have thought she gotten used to it by now, but it's still as fresh as day hearing her brother's sharp words. She resisted the spewing words that wanted to escape her lips, "want to leave us so soon, brother?" Her voice would have echoed her sadness and it wasn't a time for selfishness, at least on her part. It was a long day, after all.

But, in part, Genevieve couldn't help but feel protective, trying her best to disregard the small mishap prior. If it was her brother's life or a stranger's, she would choose her brother. Family was all she had. Christopher would never make a small, simple mistake much less allow himself to be the centre of attention. Narrowing her eyes, Genevieve subtly observed the different servants around them. It would be foolish to draw attention to any of them, especially with what happened with Margaret that could stir the elephant in the room. What if it was laced with poison? Or was it nothing at all? However, if Christopher shrugged it off, the perfectionist that he is, perhaps so should she.

Following his lead, Genevieve kept quiet about her thoughts before slowly sipping her wine before delicately placing it back on the table. "Luca," She called out to him brightly once more, not liking the silence that plagued dinner but also wanting to know updates on her siblings, "In your readings, did you discover any new species of floras or faunas? Maybe even more about elephants?" Genevieve asked spiritedly in wonder before drifting her attention to Jeremiah, "And you, young man? What else is new?" She teased her youngest brother.

"Christopher," She gently addressed, her eyes holding more words than she spoke. "Do you have time tomorrow? There's a song that I have been practicing and I was wondering if you would be interested in hearing?" Genevieve tilted her head to the side. She missed him and if there was a way to mend the bridge between both her siblings and her brother, perhaps rather than words, music would help.

"And how about everyone else? Even Father? Mother? We can make music, laugh, sing, and maybe even dance? It has been awhile since I have seen you dance. " She said, feeling a little excitement bubble in the pit of her stomach hoping even her siblings fiancรฉ's would join.

location: dinning room | interactions: elvira [ FireMaiden FireMaiden ] , christopher [ Misty Gray Misty Gray ] , luca [ NyxNightmare NyxNightmare ] , jeremiah [ Mqueserasera Mqueserasera ] | mentions: everyone in the dinning room
Robert and Christopher Ravenswood

Genevieve had made a point of suggesting Christopher might explain more about the palace to Elvira. He'd not long ago suggested his fiancee became familiar with the structure and intricacies of the palace, primarily as a means for her to get around without needing him to escort her. Still, part of him had genuine interest in the architecture and art around the place, so in a way there was some part of him that would have appreciated to have someone to share such an interest with. At the front of his mind was always the fact the King was seated next to him and fully able to hear the conversation. He briefly met his sister's eyes before sending her a nod. "That sounds like a good idea, sister. You will help Elvira learn more about our home." As much as he knew his sister wanted him to do that, he also knew the King would prefer him to busy himself with more important duties.

The dark cloud Anelissa was casting from the other side of the table hadn't escaped Christopher's or Robert's attention. The eldest prince knew her attire was chosen with purpose and not because the teenager shared his own taste for the colour black. He knew it was best not to mention it, both to avoid some argument about the maid but also to prevent her from attracting the irritation of their father. As frustrating as it was holding his tongue and not snapping at his sister, Christopher knew to do so would makes things much worse all round.

Despite the Queen's advice on how to deal with their grieving daughter, Robert found something offensive about the clothes and dark shadow Anelissa was casting around the table. Even darker than the one Christopher's general presence brought. He chose not to speak up on the matter, with Christopher being handed many of the day's duties, including arranging for the dinner to run smoothly and peacefully.

There was a tension in the air as the food was brought to the dining room to be served to each family member. Most would find the silence uncomfortable, but Christopher felt perfectly content in the atmosphere. At least it was quiet; free of accusations or nonsensical small talk. Christopher hadn't touched his wine, instead taking small sips from his glass of water. His eyes instead fixed on his father, watching the man drink from his glass and paying special attention to the subtle shaking of the older man's hand. It wasn't the first time he'd seen it and it hadn't improved since he'd noticed a few days earlier. The Prince found himself unashamedly wishing a serious illness would swiftly overcome the man, but he suspected it was merely a natural sign of age and not a terminal illness coming to sweep the bastard away.

Genevieve spoke up and broke through the silence. Christopher switched his focus to his sister as she seemed to be doing what she could to bring some normal conversation to the table. He sat back in his seat, observing the two maids as they began placing the plates of food on the table, starting with the King and Queen. The eldest prince tried not to show his amusement as his brothers were quizzed by their encouraging sister. Then, she directed her focus to Christopher, causing any hint of a smirk to rapidly drain away to be replaced by a stern face. She spoke of a song she'd been practising and it was a request that genuinely caught his interest. He was put on the spot, forced to choose how to react to her request. Should he accept and risk letting those present see the side of him that liked music? Or, should he flatly refuse and ensure his barriers remained firmly in place, separating him from everyone in the room. His life wasn't about hobbies and simple enjoyment; it wasn't what the King wanted for him. Still, perhaps there was a way of responding that eased the blow all round. "Of course. We can arrange a suitable time and I will evaluate your work," he told her, making it seem more like he'd be there to judge it than to actually take enjoyment from the arrangement.

The King didn't get the opportunity to answer his eldest daughter's question. Instead, the redheaded young maid - the most nervous of the staff - had been in the process of placing Clara's food down in front of her when she knocked a glass of water over with her clumsy elbow. The water spilled on the table and ran over the edge, down onto both Jeremiah's and Clara's laps. The maid yelped out and jumped back, then helplessly looked around the room expecting a solution to magically appear. Catching the King's unimpressed expression, Christopher was no longer able to hold his tongue and had no choice but to step in. "Are you completely useless?" he called out as he rose from his chair and fixed his eyes on the maid. His held his right arm out and pointed to the door. "Remove yourself from this room, at once! I don't want to see you in here again!" his voice boomed as he tightened his jaw. The disorder and mess were doing nothing for his patience.

The young woman scurried out of the room, bumping into Wesley who proceeded to calmly advise her to retreat to the servants quarters. He maintained his position directly outside the dining hall, but remained on standby should his presence be called for or should he feel his intervention was required. For the moment, it was a situation the Head of Security needed to have no involvement in.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Arielle) deer deer (Genevieve) NyxNightmare NyxNightmare (Luca) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah) Peckinou Peckinou (Merliva) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira) Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy (Adeline) Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara)
Location: Banquet hall
Mentions: Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara) deer deer (Genevieve) Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy (Adeline) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah)
Interactions: Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher)

3fc370081fade027718d8b55e1610ff9.jpgThe food had come out, the distinct smell of honeysuckle filled the room with a pleasant aroma. You could practically taste all of the food before it even reached your mouth. Everything was obviously fresh, it all smelt so fresh and new. Not only that, with the meat looking so tender, it almost made her forget her aim for tonight. It was all so well done, she could not deny, Christopher had done a good job and something good for others. A very rare occurrence in the castle.

Thinking about what Christopher made her think, she blatantly ignored Adeline and Genevieve earlier. Guilt and disappointment washed over Anelissa because of her rudeness towards them. The princess realized that she been so focused on what she could say and do, that tonight she had been brash towards others without even realizing. Where had the virtue of respect towards those who deserve it go tonight? First she simply walked off when Adeline asked a question because she believed the conversation was over with her siblings, then next she simply ignored Genevieve when she said it was nice to see her. She did such actions towards her brothers fiance and her sister nevertheless! Both girls are of innocent character and respectable manner, yet she simply decided to push them aside. It was as if she decided they were unimportant toward her, she did not like this mentality that had began forming. She would need to apologize.

A commotion down by Clara quickly caught the young girls eye. The red-headed maid had accidentally knocked Clara's drink over, most likely out of nervousness, causing it to spill all over Clara's dress and her brother, Jeremiahs', lap. Although such fine silks and linens would be hard to be replaced, all was unintentional. The woman just needed some training when it came to certain areas, she obviously had not received the appropriate training when she had entered the castle grounds. Christopher however did not have the same fortunate reaction as Anelissa did, instead of remaining calm and thoughtful on the subject, he cast the poor maid outside and boomed his voice across the banquet hall. It made the youngest princess angry. She was now erupting.

"Why are you this inconsiderate towards everyone, especially those less fortunate than you!" Her voice bounced all around the room, "Because from where I stand, you seem to becoming more ruthless as time goes on." The girl had now arisen from her chair and was marching over to her brother, her face was cold now. Her eyebrows were scrunched and her lips appeared to be pulled back. Now it was real. "First Margaret and now her...Don't think that because you are king you can be a tyrant," Anelissa was wreathing now, she was working herself up, "Even Charles got his due." Anelissa snatched Christophers' cup from the table and threw it at his face.
c870b3d27094efd5d0bfa9cbfec49f80.gifLocation: Dining Room
Interaction: Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa) deer deer (Genevieve)
Mentioned: Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah) Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Queen Arielle) NyxNightmare NyxNightmare (Luca) Peckinou Peckinou (Merliva)
"Oh the gardens are just beautiful, " Elvira replied wistfully. Gladly engaging in conversation with Genevieve, Elvira was happy for a brief distraction from the tension. "Every single plant I have seen on the grounds has been so well taken care of, you can't seem to go anywhere outside without a rainbow of blooms following you." Genevieve turned her attention to her brother next, allowing Elvira a moment to observe the food being served. It smelled absolutely heavenly, her mouth was watering, but she couldn't begin eating just yet. The eldest princess had addressed her once more, and it would have been rude to ignore her. Well, she was mentioned at least, in passing with Christopher's name, Genevive had made the suggestion that he showed her around, teaching her about the castle and whatever else he wanted to. Her eyes found her fiance as he replied, handing the task off to his sister. Elvira had to admit she was a little disappointed, but at the same time, Genevive seems like such a kind soul, Elvira wouldn't mind either way. "May I listen as well, Princess?" Elvira asked, "I love music."

She wouldn't have a chance to answer however, as one of the maids spilled something on Clara and perhaps on Jeremiah as well. That poor girl, she seemed so nervous, her hands must have been shaking too much. Elvira turned slightly to another nearby maid standing just behind her and motioned for her to help, the other young girl leaving to perhaps grab a towel in order to dry up the mess. As she turned back to her original position, Christopher began to rage. His voice was loud, echoing through the hall, and it caused Elvira to wince. Not from fear, but the sheer volume of it being right beside her head. Elvira did nothing else, however, as her eyes followed the maid as she scurried off and the one she had as for appeared with a towel to begin drying up the mess. Her eyes went back to her fiancee, hoping he would catch her gaze, a silent request, to sit back down. The situation was done with, and they could carry on with dinner. Or, so she had hoped.

Anelissa suddenly stood, her voice now the one echoing through the dining hall, yelling about Christopher's actions. That was a bad idea. Elvira watched Anelissa as she moved through the room, and perhaps was expecting her to try and hit her brother or just yell in his face, Elvira was suddenly splashed with something. Whatever had been in the glass hadn't just landed on Christopher, but had bypassed him, the remains landing on Elvira's spot. Her dinner was ruined, her face and hair now wet, and Elvira couldn't tell if it had gotten on her dress, but she was almost positive it had. Slowly, she reached for her napkin, patting her right eye, Elvira then stood.

At first, she said nothing, simply moving so that she was in between Christopher and Anelissa, she took the glass from the Princess. "You there," Elvira said, motioning for another servant. "Would you please refill this? And, we need some towels." The servant timidly came forward, taking the glass from Elvira as her eyes Anelissa's. "Princess Anelissa, may I ask why you did that? The last I was aware, you were not a child. A young lady in pain, but no child. Outbursts like this are nothing more than a temper tantrum thrown by people who cannot articulate what they feel. You may not agree with his actions, but does throwing a drink on us resolve your issues or make them worse? I was under the impression you were a grown woman, but perhaps I'm mistaken" She paused for a moment, wiping a strand of wet hair off her face. "I might be out of line, but I do believe it would be best if you sat back down. Dinner isn't over for the rest of you." Her jaw had clenched ever so slightly, her eyes held a flame of anger, but her tone was calm. Collected. The type of angry that many people don't realize is anger. She was a lady, however, and explosives was not an acceptable look.
Adeline felt her heart warm when she heard Luca's words and his actions towards her, it wasn't a secret that their relationship was arranged mostly because Adeline's parents wanted to make Sweden stronger again, she wasn't against the idea of marrying Luca, she knew that she could fall in love with him and that she could make Luca fall in love with her at least that's what she expected.

Adeline was a little taken back at Anelissa's way of acting, it hadn't been long since Adeline arrived at the palace so she was still figuring out everyone's persona on the royal family, and even with that every member were the opposite to the other, if it wasn't because the shared the same parents Adeline would have thought they couldn't be related, even if these assumptions came mostly about what she heard around the castle, the clear example was princess Anelissa and princess Genevieve, while the older one show more of a peaceful and kind aura, that wanted everyone to get along the younger one show a strong and confident aura, that ould speak out her mind freely, something that Adeline was a little bit jealous of, she wondered that if she was more like Anelissa that would have made her parents proud of her or they would still saw her like the weak and useless child that got sick all the time and the only good thing she could do was to secure a marriage to the prince in order to help Sweden, maybe after all Adeline wasn't meant to be a ruler of her own country just like everyone there thought.

The harsh treatment that Adeline received from the princess made clear everything that Adeline heard about the maid, she wasn't sure if it was really true that the maid and Anelissa were close, but seeing her indifference and anger and how her clothes show up what she was really feeling, Adeline didn't know how to act in front of the princess she has never been in that situation before and to Anelissa she was still just a stranger that was meant to marry her brother, there weren't any words that Adeline could say that would help Anelissa in her grieving, she just hoped that the girl was just as strong as she seemed in Adeline's eyes. Trying not to show how much Anelissa's treatment caused a commotion in Adeline, she smiled at Luca as she took his arm and they went towards the dining room.
Adeline wouldn't lie, she was nervous for the dinner all the royal family were in the same place and it was quite intimidating in Adeline's eyes, but she didn't try to show her nervousness, she wanted to show the King and Queen that she was worthy of being the future wife of their second son. She was meant to seat next to Luca just like it was assigned to her, before doing so, she greeted everyone at the table and thank them for their hospitality so far. Adeline felt a little bit overwhelmed by the number of people sitting in the table back in Sweden most family dinners were her parents and her when she wasn't sick and even if back then their meetings didn't display love or affection and were more of cold treatment, she didn't feel the tension that surrounded the dinner.

Just as she expected Princess Genevieve took the initiative to light up the mood, her proposition about her playing some music put a smile on her face, she was happy with the invitation and would have loved to join the Princess in the showcase of her talents, she didn't want to seem overly excited at the Princess idea, so if she had the chance to talk to the princess in private she would show her eagerness to see her play some music.

But when Genevieve talked to Luca, Adeline got interested to know more about the Prince, it seemed he was interested in the nature something that Adeline hadn't be able to experience "Prince Luca, could you tell me about your readings? I have always been curious about what nature has to offer and my experiences have only been through my window or my small walks around the gardens. I would love to know more about your studies, and especially about the elephants too since Princess Genevieve mentioned them I'm sure they are fascinating species" She told the prince not only because she was truly interested in knowing more about Luca, but she also thought it could be a good opportunity for them to grow closer.

Adeline could already imagine being able to spend some time with Luca, it wasn't until she heard the strong and angry voice of Prince Christopher, that Adeline came back to reality and even jump out of the sudden action of the Prince, the harsh words of the Prince sink on Adeline's heart and felt frightened of what could happen next, it wasn't until Anelissa's voice rumble in the room that she knew things could go worse without thinking and mostly out of habit Adeline reach to hold tightly the closest piece of fabric she had when she was scared and it ended being Luca's clothes, she didn't think her actions since it was a habit to do that for her since she had a blanket when she was a child that she would hold every time she was scared and the situation and the sudden rise of the voices made Adeline anxious, at that moment she didn't think if it was okay to get a hold f the prince so suddenly she just wanted to feel secure.

Then the voice of Lady Elvira echoed in the room, this time, it wasn't loud or angry, but at the same time you could feel she was scolding Anelissa in an extremely proper way that made Adeline think if it wasn't that even worse than the screaming voices of the two siblings.

Interactions: Luca ( NyxNightmare NyxNightmare )
Mentions: Genevieve ( deer deer ), Anelissa( MinTea MinTea ), Christopher ( Misty Gray Misty Gray ), Elvira ( FireMaiden FireMaiden )


Jeremiah Ravenswood
the third prince

Interaction(s): Christopher Ravenswood Misty Gray Misty Gray ; Genevieve Ravenswood deer deer ; Anelissa Ravenswood MinTea MinTea

The third princeโ€™s family left him alone with his food, and he left them with their wild running chain of thoughts. They had always been a puzzle, the people who fill themselves with thoughts instead of food, without minding the time and place. What defiant mind could seek out meaning to reflect in this hall of boredom other than to praise the chefโ€™s splendid work?

โ€œBoredom, dear sisterโ€ he answered Genevieโ€™s tease, โ€œit seems a perfectly new kind of boredom always emerges the moment I find a way to counter the last. But let us discuss it not, it is a ratherโ€ฆ boring topic.โ€

After his half-hearted answer, Jeremiah returned to his beloved steak. His appetite, however, had left him in a sudden burst of jealousy while his mouth was spent for the plain remark. For this, he blamed his sisterโ€™s goodwill. Even now, she had begun another round of pleasantries. He rolled his eyes majestically.

โ€œThe wine could be strongerโ€ฆโ€ he started. Then noticed, with ease, the pallor of a redheaded maid who was setting food for Clara.

Poor girl. A beauty she was not, although putting on some makeup and ridding of nervousness would do plenty to her young face.

A mischievous idea crossed Jeremiahโ€™s mind, and had yet to settle in a more rational part of his mind when his hand moved. Facing the world in general, his eyes sneaked a peek at the maidโ€™s stiff elbow. Very nicely, he placed a glass of water just below the maidโ€™s stretching arm.

โ€œOh goodness me!โ€ He cried.

Christopherโ€™s reaction went beyond his expectation. In fact, he hadnโ€™t expected anything at all. Itโ€™s the secret to a good life indeed.

He held in a laugh as Anelissa watered his eldest brother. And as Elvira took her turn to act all wise, calm and snarky, Jeremiah leaned to the side of his chair and beamed a smile to Clara.

โ€œYouโ€™re beyond lucky, know that? This kind of jolly good fun in our family is as rare as the tears of a court jester. Though I bet the bastard would shed some if made to amuse my humorous brothers. Oh, my brotherโ€™s fiancee is quite done! Itโ€™s time my voiceโ€™s heard.โ€

โ€œBrother,โ€ He stood up to address Christopher, his pants soaking wet. Being covered in wet clothing was unpleasant, he would rather not be covered at all, but Jeremiah went on despite that. โ€œDear Anelissa makes a very good point, among others. You seem quite set on being harsh to our poor servants only. Say, if you were to renounce seeing a noble's face for dropping a glass of wine or making a mistake in whatever nobles do, just like you did the girl, then instead of water, Anelissa would have to shower you with praises for being a fair prince!โ€

โ€œOn the contrary,โ€ now Jeremiah turned to Anelissa, โ€œMy lovely but not so lovely dressed sister, youโ€™re not quite fair yourself. Say, would you protest so fiercely, in black too, if the punished one was a noble, fat, greasy and possesses other unsightly traits common in our elite class. I say youโ€™re very passionate, but too focus on being passionate, you are ignoring the question of what should be the subject of your passion. Why, the fortunate ones have their misfortunes too! The other dayโ€ฆโ€ he went on and on, he was enjoying his excellent mood to the fullest, โ€œthe other day, a baron from Worcester confessed to me his woe. He was a charming man, too charming in fact, he got in big trouble when his wife discovered three of his many mistresses. If only you were as serious in helping people like him as well as the common men and servants, the world would become such a better place.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s all,โ€ he sat down, before delivering the last line, all the while a smirk leaked out of the corner of his mouth: โ€œtry to think it through andโ€ฆ calm down!โ€
Robert and Christopher Ravenswood

Henry-VIII-Anne-Boleyn-tudor-history-32405096-500-205.gifChristopher remained standing on the spot, his eyes fixed directly upon Anelissa as she inevitably spoke up in the defence of yet another insignificant maid. The more insignificant the staff member was, the easier it was to ignore her completely. Failures and all. Better to dismiss the poor fool from the room rather than give the King opportunity to demand a different punishment. Religion had the power to twist a mind into ludicrous suspicions of sinners and demons. The last time Anelissa had taken pity on a maid, it hadn't turned out well on all accounts. It was why Christopher was presently on the receiving end of his sister's tirade that had clearly been building up inside her.

"There is not enough time in this life to consider the feelings of every ineffectual person that might cross my path," was his flat response to his sister. It was better to remain cold on the matter than show any feelings or remorse towards the death sentence he handed to Margaret. Any hesitation or apology would cause the King to not only question Christopher's ability to make a decision but it would likely contradict the reigning monarch's beliefs that Margaret was indeed guilty of her crimes against the Church. Christopher wished to avoid his father's wrath, though he suspected it was too late for that today. An organised and peaceful dinner was Robert's command to the eldest prince and the younger man had failed before the King had even cut into his bloody steak.

Christopher heard Anelissa's words and before he could respond, she'd throw his drink into his face. The liquid running down from his forehead and dripping from his chin down onto the wooden floor at his feet. He remained still on the spot, his face stern and straight, but the look in his eyes reflected the anger he felt towards his youngest sister. "The day you have any power of me, I will let you sever my head yourself..." he began. His voice was low and fell to a sudden stop as Elvira addressed the grieving princess.

Christopher's eyes snapped to observe his fiancee as she stood between him and Anelissa. The woman's meal was ruined and she herself wet from the crossfire of the thrown water. Elvira questioned Anelissa's actions and judged them to be childish tantrums. Whilst he agreed with the woman's assessment and her way of berating his little sister, he took no pleasure or amusement from any of it. He reached his hand out to take a towel offered to him by a servant, but he remained standing tall and rigid, simply holding the cloth in his hand rather than drying the drink that continued to run down his face. He briefly looked Elvira in the eyes, sending a subtle nod to show he didn't disapprove of her speaking up.

Hearing Jeremiah address him, Christopher took a step to the side so he could look to his brother. "Do not test me, brother. I am more than willing to be harsh on anyone who commands such punishment. Perhaps when I become your tyrannical king, I will ensure every one of your around this table is stripped of their privilege and treated like the common folk you all adore so greatly. Maybe I'll have you defend our country during the next war, Jeremiah. Do you think you would suit the army, covered in dirt and dressed poorly?" he calmly teased.

"ENOUGH!" Robert finally spoke up, having observed the interactions of those around the table. "Everyone be seated," he forcefully ordered. Christopher quietly requested the servant replaced Elvira's meal with a fresh one before he sat back in his seat, breaking any attention away from his siblings. Instead, he caught his father's eyes and could see the man was unimpressed. "I asked you to arrange a nice dinner for our family. Who decided to put that inexperienced maid in my dining room?" the King quietly asked Christopher.

"I asked a senior member of the kitchen staff to find someone to help," Christopher answered through gritted teeth.

"It was your responsibility to find an experienced servant, therefore your fault the poor maid spilled that drink over your brother." The King cleared his throat, his voice now at a normal level. "You and I will meet later to discuss how to arrange future dinner parties. Honestly, if you cannot control your own family around a dinner table, how do you intend on ruling an entire country?" the King asked, chuckling as if the comment was intended in jest, to lighten the mood for the rest of the family, albeit at Christopher's expense. The old man's face dropped, however, as he directed his attention to Anelissa. "Make this the last time you show up for dinner dressed for a funeral, young lady. This is not a stage for dramatics, dear."

Christopher felt trapped in that moment. Unable to leave the room and struggling to hold his tongue within it. The King didn't care about the maid, just as he hadn't cared for Margaret when he had her tortured. Christopher finally lifted the towel, drying what wetness remained on his face and in his eyes...

...the tears rolled down the cheeks of Christopher's face as the 18-year-old man sat alone in the small, dark room. He'd been beaten some time ago and then locked in his makeshift cell for days or weeks. It had definitely been weeks, he'd been keeping count of the times he'd been served the slop that passed off as breakfast. He'd been at the mercy of his father's wrath on numerous occasions since he was a child, but this punishment was the worst of all. The silence of his solitary confinement had been replaced by the loud cries and screams of Catherine as the guards dragged her to the gallows to be hanged. She was to be executed for treason she had not committed. Her only crime was falling for Christopher, whose father had accused him of betraying the will of the country and this was the King's cruellest punishment yet. Christopher would not allow himself to cry for anyone again...

...Christopher stood over the maid as she cowered on the floor in the corner of her cell. Her body was bloodied and beaten. The tears trickled down her face from her terrified, desperate eyes. He hadn't been the one to interrogate her, nor the one to torture her. Yet, Margaret was pleading with him to make her pain stop. Her mind was more broken than her body and she wanted desperately to escape the nightmares she'd endured. The King had been the one to accuse her and to order her interrogation. She had never confessed, not even as she stared the Prince in the eyes and begged for an end to it all. Yet, she wasn't asking for freedom, forgiveness or healing. She was asking to be put out of her misery. The burden had already been placed on Christopher's shoulders to decide the maid's fate. He believed her to be innocent and disapproved of her being tortured at all. Yet, he could not speak against his father and the maid could never be free to speak either. The fact she was begging for death made Christopher's decision feel right. At this stage, he believed execution was merciful to save the maid from a lifetime of punishment...


...Christopher snapped out of his thoughts and his attention shot towards Anelissa. It was almost as if he were about to address her, possibly merely in the manner of conversation. He placed the towel down on his lap, then looked around the table before settling his eyes to nobody in particular. "Is everyone feeling suitably prepared for the looming ball and festivities?" he asked. "I expect that will fulfil Genevieve's desire for much singing and dancing," he observed. The prompt was for the benefit of making those around the table comfortable. For him, the mere action of instigating such small talk was greatly uncomfortable!

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Arielle) deer deer (Genevieve) NyxNightmare NyxNightmare (Luca) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah) Peckinou Peckinou (Merliva) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira) Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy (Adeline) Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara)
Sir James Rorchester

โ€œGod help us all if he truly listens to the people. Weโ€™ll be cast out of our lodgings and devoured by hordes of marauding plebs, us and the rest of the gentry. The King would last another few days before his guards turn on him, then heโ€™d be buggered too. Alas power in the hands of the people is like a Monkey with a pistol, he has no idea how it works but heโ€™ll invariably end up shooting someone,โ€

Finally the behemoth that was the palace loomed into sight. A symbol of god given right of rule and familial power over those who lived in its shadow, and it cast very long shadows. Judging by the foot traffic on the road leading there clearly there had been another public demonstration of sorts. Thankfully the commoners on their way from the palace were all uninjured or lugging their neighbourโ€™s corpses, a small spark like that could easily light the proverbial political tinderbox, an itchy trigger finger could lead to many unintended and unforeseen consequences. He hardly even had to look up as they passed the first set of gates, he was enough of a frequent visitor that the guards most likely recognised his carriage without having to peer within its confines. He let out a sigh as the carriage came to a halt at its destination. Now the real work began. He arose and stepped out into the fading light, straightening his jacket and pulling into place the black tricorne that went with him wherever he travelled, always good to have a signature like that, helps create the larger and life character that is normally so much better than the man behind it. His eyes soon found themselves fixed on the guard in the courtyard.

โ€œSo Iโ€™m guessing youโ€™ve drawn the short straw of being our escort this evening? Come on then I assume the King is already dining, howโ€™s his mood, fair as this evening or are their storm clouds billowing on the horizon. Even a few minutes warning before confronting a royal hurricane would be appreciated,โ€

He declared striding towards the palace without even waiting for the guard. The footmen would deal with his luggage, and the guard was simply a formality, he knew this place like the back of his hand now.

(Interaction: Misty Gray Misty Gray , Cosmo Cosmo )
Anne-of-Cleves black .jpgThings had escalated much quicker than Clara had anticipated and to say she was in a state of shock was an understatement. Most of the royals had been engaging in small talk when the food had started being handed out. It looked delicious, as always, and Clara was excited to tuck in after an already trying afternoon. She had never really been adapted to upper class life but there was one thing even she couldnโ€™t deny, the taste of great food and wine that aristocracy could provide.

Unfortunately, that moment had been spoiled by a rather nervous looking maid and her accidental knocking of water. In fact, she wasnโ€™t even sure the girl was entirely at fault, if she hadnโ€™t been mistaken Clara had witnessed the sly movement of the class into the servantโ€™s path by Jerimiah. A piece of information she would have to deal with carefully, should this event have lasting effects.

Despite the inconvenience of the spillage, Clara wasnโ€™t actually that bothered by the incident. Yes, the water had spilled on her lap and yes, changing would be the preferable cause of action, but there was nothing stopping her from patting herself down with a napkin as a quick fix and continuing with the meal. The initial spillage had caused Clara to jump back in her seat slightly, but sheโ€™d also attempted a smile up at the young servant girl to try and comfort her in her mistake. Clearly, sheโ€™d not reacted quickly enough because suddenly Christopher was up on his feet shouting at the servant to leave. The lack of reaction was an error of judgment on Clara's part and one she was slowly starting to regret even more as the tension in the room intensified.

It was at this point something must have snapped in Anelissaโ€™s mind because she too was then up on her feet, engaging Christopher in an angry tone. Clara had felt powerless as she witnessed her friend spiral into anger and throw water onto her elder brothers face. The heirโ€™s face. And all while the King and Queen still sat at the head of the table. Clara had known some strong words might be passed between Anelissa and her family, but nothing could have prepared Clara for the anarchy that was unfolding around her. She had known how sensitive Anelissa still was over their friends death but to be so easily triggered was something she had never expected from the Princess. Yes, she had been angry at her brother for some time now but that anger was usually controlled and Anelissa was finding other ways to deal with it.

The situation only got worse when Clara realised that Anelisa had not only splashed Christopher with his drink but has also sprayed Elvira, a factor that only became clear as she too rose to her feet and started to give Anelissa a dressing-down. It was clear Elvira was keeping her anger in check, but the words still held some menace and the message was clear, Anelissa was in the wrong. It was becoming more apparent that Clara herself might have to step in and calm Anelissa down and perhaps diffuse the situation. It was one thing to be take out your anger on family but getting a talking to by Elvira could go either way. And at this very moment, Clara wasnโ€™t sure if it would calm Anelissa down or only rile her up more.

What wasnโ€™t needed was anymore extra agitation, but Clara wasnโ€™t to be blessed with such a life when her finance leaned over to her and gave her a smile, a smile she knew only to mean trouble. And so, he began his speech and Clara began to pinch the bridge of her nose out of stress. A rather impressive migraine was starting to form, and she was debating just completely retiring for the evening. Before she could say anything, the King took back control of the room and ordered everyone be seated. Christopher did so and in the words he and his father exchanged, Clara saw something change in him. A mask uncovered that was ever so quickly put back up after the wiping of his face.

Clara watched him for a second and gave out a small smile before turning her attention to the King. โ€œYour Majesty, might I ask Princess Anelissa to accompany me to my rooms to get a quick change of clothing?โ€ Perhaps Anelissa being out of the room and given some time to vent her feelings to Clara might help alleviate the stress of the room and help the evening run a little smoother. Clara wasnโ€™t sure if she could handle any more of said evening if it was just going to be a continuation of the already explosive events that had unfolded.

Misty Gray Misty Gray (King Robert and Christopher) MinTea MinTea (Princess Anelissa) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah)
Merliva Ravenswood
Interactions / Mentions : MinTea MinTea (Anelissa Ravenswood) Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara) Misty Gray Misty Gray (King Robert and Christopher) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah Ravenswood) FireMaiden FireMaiden (Lady Elvira )
Meliva already knew that this dinner was going to be a complete disaster as soon as she saw the clothing Anelissa was wearing. However when dinner came she mostly kept to herself eating her food and having a nice drink however when the servant spilled a drink onto Clara and Jeremiah . Merliva basically sucked in her breath and face palmed, you would assume that things like this wouldn't happen when you have a brother who is trying to be a cruel king. This family dinner has already turned into a complete disaster, although Merliva was more surprised that the dinner lasted this long without interruptions. But as Anelissa went up to pour water onto Christopher which was something that she wished she wouldn't have done. She did know that things would only get worse from here on out at the two were likely going to go back and forth. She did however appreciates Elvira somewhat handling of the situation and eyed with slight approval, although she did wince a bit when it came to Christophers comments thinking that he may have pushed it a bit too far with that one. Having taken Christophers comments seriously it only added to her concern over Christiopher becoming ruler, but overall she had no say in the matter, and although with all the entertainment going on it was quickly shut down with the kings booming voice filled with power and authority which caused Merliva to wince a bit. She didn't find the kings joke the least bit funny but at least everything has calmed down a bit, this dinner has turned into more of a dinner and theater show with the amount of drama that was going on. When Clara asked Anelissa to accompany her for a new change of clothing Merliva automatically spoke up for it. "I'd second that." She honestly thought it would be best for Anelissa to have a one on one talk with someone else thinking it would hopefully clear her head a bit. She was already tired of this mess of a dinner she showed little to no emotions what so ever although she was mostly annoyed with how this turned out so far even though she knew it was going to turn into something similar to this.​
[class=Notes] // Forward slashes are comments and do no show up in the final design, these are to help you find everything easily and explain some code as well. These comments must be with in a class or script tags in order to be hidden, from what I know// // Long URls are images # followed by letter and numbers are Hex codes or color codes.// // This code does not show breaks unless is shows the
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Luca | Interacting: Adeline Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy Genevieve | Mentioned: Christopher Misty Gray Misty Gray Elvira FireMaiden FireMaiden Anelissa MinTea MinTea | Location: Dining Hall
[div class="Lines"]
Dinner was looking grimmer until Genevieve piped up with her questions. Her jubilant aura seemed to rejuvenate people's spirits, if only for a limited time. Luca for one would allow himself the false security of a peaceful evening. "Oh, yes! The elephants are grand. They are family-oriented creatures. They mourn their dead similarly to humans. Actually, a new species of Amazonian parrot has been discovered recently, the Amazona Kawalli. I was hoping to acquire one for myself. Perhaps you might stop by to gaze at it?" The mention of nature always sparked a passion for Luca. Even Adeline chirped up at the topic. For a brief moment, Luca forgot he was betrothed to the woman. She was just another curious soul, and that brought comfort. Unfortunately, he did not have the courtesy of answering her. The smile that had formed on his face was ripped right off as a clash sounded throughout the dining hall. Water dripped over the laps of his siblings. Oh, no. As if on cue, Christopher's booming voice soon followed.

Anelissa's actions came as no surprise. Luca admired his sister's boldness. Yet, drenching him and his fiance put a brash spin on things. What Luca hadn't anticipated was Elvira's authoritative behavior. She managed to chastise his younger sister with class. She was indeed Queen material. However, would her fierce nature only fuel Christophers? There was no doubt she possessed the qualities to rule a nation all on her own. Would she be able to support Christopher and all his tyrannical ambitions? As his younger brother pressed on about trivial matters, Luca finally noticed a tugging sensation along his side. His focus narrowed in on Adeline, who appeared rather frightened by the commotion.

For the second time that night, Luca would remove his mask of indifference and soften his gaze at her. Without uttering a word, the second prince took hold of her hand under the table. His thumb caressed the smooth surface. Did Adeline really know what she was getting to now? Would she still wish to remain here, by his side? Maybe he should be pushing her away, thus saving her from this madness. If she hated him enough, wouldn't she leave? Even as he thought this, Luca didn't release her hand.

Christopher had been humiliated by his father. Luca knew he tried so hard to live up to the ever-growing expectations. The only validation he might receive would be from his dying words. Anelissa might have failed to make her point, but she had thoroughly rocked Christopher's boat and placed herself in the disfavor of Elvira. The best thing he could do is to remain silent and allow the fire to die down. He would surely cross paths with Elvira at some point. Perhaps he could smooth things over then. [div class="Lines"][/div]
Original Code by AgWordSmith [/div]
6d51befb056348510301207b988528ac.gifLocation: Dining Room
Interaction: Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa)
Mentioned: Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah)
Elvira did not flinch when the King's voice took over the dining hall, her eyes remained interlocked with Anelissa's. The girl had made a mistake, she keeps showing her cards to early, too harshly. That wasn't how you played the game, and it allowed people to gather ammunition to use against you. The same could be said for Christopher and his brother. As his future wife, it wasn't her place to question his actions, knowing that there was most likely a bigger reason. Those glances between him and the King earlier in the meal had not been as subtle as they wished. But she could question his words. A tyrannical king...she did not see that in his future, even if his family or the people did. But Elvira was often the most observant in the room. Everyone always had alternative motives, like Jeremiah trying to get a reaction from his brother, or the King's words, a promise of a meeting. A promise soaked in venom. For now, there was no other choice but to be seated, Elvira's delicate hand taking the towel offered to her. But her eyes. Her eyes fell upon the king, a slight furrow in her brow. She was not his citizen, and while she understood he demanded to be respected, he wasn't a man that deserved her respect.

So, she did not sit until her meal had been replaced, and Christopher had retaken his seat. Handing the towel back to one of the servants after she had dried her face and what of her dress that had been hit, she moved to the opposite side of Christopher. Her hand gently brushed his back, lingering on his upper arm as she took her seat. A simple gesture that she would hope he got the message of. At least one person in that room was on his side, and it was her. His nod meant that he was on hers, why should she not be on his?

Elvira was grateful that her meal had been replaced, the thought of going to bed hungry was not something she was fond of. She cut into the meat, raising the bite to her lips as she listened to the room. The tension could choke you if you let it. Of course, Christopher tried to break it, something she would gladly help in. "I certainly am excited." There it was, the sudden shift back. Her voice light, bubbly, the change flawless. It was the same voice she had right before waster was splashed on her. "I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of parties to throw here in England. My mother suggested a blue dress, but I am more interested in the yellow one I bought just before I left Spain." She smiled, no one was really the target, but a smile often put people at ease. And she, of course, was more than aware that the...display didn't help the mood at the beginning of the night. Elvira reached out for her wine, taking a sip to let her eyes wander before she ate more of what she assumed, was under-seasoned chicken.
Robert Ravenswood

When Clara addressed him to request she and Anelissa were permitted to leave dinner to change their clothing, the King thought for a moment before nodding his head. "You may both leave the dining room. The servants will bring your meals to Anelissa's private quarters," he decided. He did not wish to have them return to dinner in the middle of the meal and quite frankly he was growing tired of seeing his youngest child dressed for another funeral. "I suggest you remain there for the rest of the evening," he King told Anelissa. Simply put, he was advising her to stay out of his sight for the rest of the night.

The rest of dinner moved on without further commotion or complication. When everyone was finished, Robert rose from his seat and permitted everyone to leave the room after him. The Head of Security caught the King's attention to alert him of the Prime Minister's arrival. Robert mumbled some words to Arielle to tell her he'd see her later that evening, but gave little in terms of any affection or apology at leaving her behind. By now the Queen was surely used to such detachment.

The King soon made his way to the guest lounge, with a guard walking closely at his side. He stepped into the room where James and Emily were, sending a smile to the two as he set eyes on them. Emily curtsied to the King. "Welcome, Prime Minister, and Miss Rorchester," he greeted them. "How was your journey?"

After a brief passing of small talk, Robert excused Emily from the room. The woman was familiar with the palace; aware of her sleeping quarters and the areas she was permitted to be in. Her work would begin in the morning and he was intending on having the woman assist with preparing for the upcoming ball.

"Now," the King began, seating himself on the sofa opposite James and taking advantage of the time alone with the politician. "I'm eager to hear what news you have for me from within Parliament," he invited the man to speak. Despite the disastrous dinner and his usual coldness, the King was presenting himself in a very approachable manner.

Interaction: RayPurchase RayPurchase (PM James)
Mentions: Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa)


Christopher Ravenswood

When Elvira had returned to her seat beside Christopher, she touched his arm as a gesture of being on his side. Feeling her touch caused him to grimace and to anyone observing, they would simply assume he was being his usual cold, off-putting self. In reality, he was hoping she wouldn't touch the sore wound her hand had moved so close to. He'd until that moment been able to push the discomfort to the back of his mind, especially with the other distractions. Throughout the meal, Christopher couldn't help but spare brief glances to his future wife, still unsure why she would take his side over the likes of his more open siblings. Unless, of course, it was purely political and for her own self gain, he considered.

The meal eventually came to an end, with even Anelissa's departure not making the atmosphere any better. The King was quick to excuse himself and Christopher also got to his feet. He commanded the rest of his siblings and Adeline to depart the dining room for the remainder of the evening, with the suggestion Luca continued to help Adeline familiarise herself with the palace grounds.

Once the others had left, Christopher turned his attention to the Queen and placed a brief, reassuring hand on her shoulder. He cared for his mother and could only admire the fact she'd spent so long in Robert's presence already. Whilst he didn't envy her for her marriage, he also could help the resentment that lingered for her not being able to stop Robert from torturing him. "Perhaps the ball with go better, mother," he offered. "If only the King was not invited," he sarcastically remarked.

Christopher led Elvira out of the room and requested for her to walk by his side. He was curious to hear her thoughts on dinner, but that enquiry was soon push aside as a more pressing matter became evident. He'd sighted the dark patch on the left upper sleeve of his clothing and he could feel the wet patch surrounding his wound. "Elvira. Accompany me to my private quarters as I require your assistance," he told her. He wasn't sure he could trust anyone entirely and he was unsure of Stephen's location, but Elvira's behaviour during the meal had told him she was one of his best chances for discretion.

Once in his private quarters and behind closed doors, Christopher turned to Elvira and cocked his head towards the darkened patch on his sleeve. "Tell me, Elvira. You're not squeamish or at all afraid of blood, are you?" he asked. "I sustained an injury during training this morning. As my attempt to treat the wound has clearly failed, it appears I require assistance. I would prefer discretion on the matter, hence why the doctor has not been involved."

Interaction: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira)
Mentions: NyxNightmare NyxNightmare (Luca) Stardust Galaxy Stardust Galaxy (Adeline) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah) Peckinou Peckinou (Merliva)


Wesley Lancaster

Wesley watched each of the royal family members leave the dining hall, able to feel the tension radiating from some of them as they passed him by. Eventually only Arielle remained in the room after the Head of Security dismissed the servants present so they could attend to cleaning the kitchen for the time-being. Closing the door, Wesley clasped his hands together behind his back and faced the Queen directly to address her. "His Majesty wonders why I refused his invite to dinner," he couldn't help but remark. It went without saying that there were plenty of other reasons for his refusal.

After briefly massaging his temple, the man once again linked his hands together behind his back. "I'm concerned about..." He paused to clear his throat. "As Head of Security, I'm concerned for your family's well-being. I can secure this palace and protect the walls from dangerous outsiders, but I fear at times the very people I watch over need protecting from each other," he said, clearly referring to the clashes between family members. He brought his hands into view and rested one gloved hand on the back of a chair one of the royal siblings had been seated in. "Forgive me, Arielle. At times, even I find it difficult to witness such venom within these walls. It's uncomfortable watching those I care to protect at each others' throats."

Wesley had no doubt Robert wouldn't have shown the Queen any support during the altercations. "How are you feeling?" he gently asked the Queen.

Interaction: Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Arielle)
Last edited:
6d51befb056348510301207b988528ac.gifLocation: Christopher's Room
Interaction: Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher) MinTea MinTea (Anelissa)
Mentioned: Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Queen Arielle) NyxNightmare NyxNightmare (Luca) Mqueserasera Mqueserasera (Jeremiah)
His grimace didn't go unnoticed. At least, not unnoticed by Elvira. She took no offense though, knowing he had an image to uphold or he was just trying to act tough. Maybe though, it had something to do with the bandage she felt. Elvira's fingertips had just barely touched the edge of it as she drew her hand away from his arm. She had questions, yes, but none that seemed appropriate for the table. So instead, she ate in silence, watching the others and occasionally meet one of Christopher's glances. Why he kept looking at her, Elvira had no definitive proof. Maybe he was just questioning her, or perhaps putting on a show for everyone else. It didn't matter much, Elvira could handle a few glances.

Dinner was over rather quickly after that. The silence made it feel longer, but once the King left, the room got just a bit brighter. Christopher took it upon himself to dismiss everyone else, making a suggestion to his brother Luca, Elvira remained seated for the moment. She watched everyone else leave, drinking the last of her wine, Elvira stood once the cup was empty. She expected to retire to her room, finish the painting she was working on after a brief curtsy to the Queen. She didn't expect Christopher to be at her side, leading her out of the dining hall. It was odd for him, the interaction they had earlier that evening more than what they shared the entire week she had been at the palace. But Elvira said nothing, walking with him, it now being her turn for the occasional glances.

She could almost feel he had a question, maybe more. But now that it was just the two of them, the tense air from the dining room was gone. Perhaps he truly wanted to spend some time with her? Or maybe he was just, once again, putting on a show. Regardless there they were together. When he finally spoke, after a few minutes of silence that allowed Elvira to observe the walls, he asked her to join him in his chambers. "Of course." Who was she to say no? She didn't hold that power, not yet at least. So Elvira followed him taking note of the walls, still letting her eyes drift to Christopher every little bit, they were in his room before long.

Elvira was going to make a snide comment, about how he knew it was wrong to be with her before the wedding, assuming that he was more like Jeremiah than she realized, her question was quickly put to bed. "I've never met a woman who was afraid of blood. So, no, I'm not." She gave him a smile, looking to his arm as she stepped closer, the darkened patch on his arm, less than even an inch away from where her fingers had felt the bandage. "I can't do a thing if you keep your shirt on Christopher. But you are in luck, I know what to do. And I will be discreet, you have my word."
Location: Halls of the castle
Mentions: FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira) and Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher
Interactions: Songbird500 Songbird500 (Clara

After the wine had been spilled, everyone seemed to get involved in the matter. This shouldn't of been a surprise to her as she had publicly disrespected her brother, Anelissa hadn't really thought about how small actions like these could effect others however. She never really did. The girl had triggered a multitude of events from one action...Elvira had berated her, Jeremiah accused both sides of wrongdoings and her father showed his disapproval towards her. Through all of the reactions she remained silent, her mind focused on why Elvira had stood up for Christopher? Was it a political play or simply due to the dress. Maybe both? Either way she knew that her brother would probably be thinking about this as well. Now she was stuck in an awkward situation in which she would have to resolve her wrongdoings with everyone privately.

On the journey to Clara's room for a new dress, she pondered deeper on her actions. If she planned to make a change in this world she would have to be craftier. The girl couldn't just act on something because of her emotions. Anelissa would have to be smarter, craftier and more cunning if it required it. What she needed was to become similar to the likes of Catherine De medici. If she wanted to bring reform in England and the downfall of her brother, she would have to play an intricate game of cat and mouse, being careful not to be the mouse. If today had taught her anything, it was that she would have enemies in every corner.

For the minute, she could not do a lot with tensions so high. She would have to repair the majority of the relationships at the ball. At the moment however, she would focus on the friendships she already has. "Clara, I feel bad about your dress, I can get the dressmaker to make you a new one if you want." She genuinely cared about Clara, she just hoped she wouldn't get hurt in the oncoming future.

Queen Arielle Ravenswood

It was hard to watch the events unfold at the dinner table and even harder to react to any of it. It was like her whole body was on autopilot and she couldn't break out of it. It normally happened during times like this when something toxic was happening and she didn't know what to do. She blamed herself really, that something like this was even possible of happening. Her fear all those years of her husband had caused something even more terrible than she could ever imagine and it was her fault.

She didn't realize it was all over and that she was currently gripping her chair so tightly until Wesley closed the door. It scared her, apparent by her jumping and her eyes blinking multiple times to gather where she was. Looking around the room, she saw it was empty except for her friend and Head of Security. Rubbing her upper lip with her finger, she took a deep sigh and looked off to the side. "Would you believe me if I told you this isn't actually how I envisioned my family?" She watched as he walked the room, speaking of how he wanted to protect her family from not only the outside world but the one inside as well. She gave him a faint smile and used her hand to gesture around the room.

"You don't think I enjoy this, do you? Seeing how I've let my family down in not protecting them from that- that tyrant of a man kills me every day..." She wasn't hysterical when she said this, rather she was calm and collected. Maybe it was the shock at how everything unfolded so quickly or the fact she knew she couldn't do much about it but whatever the reason, she remained neutral and you couldn't see any of how she was feeling on her face.
Christopher Ravenswood

Christopher furrowed his brows at the way Elvira pointed out how she'd yet to meet a woman afraid of blood. "No, of course not," he drily remarked. He'd been so used to having to socialise with ladies of the court who tried to hard to come across as delicate and sweet, that it was often a welcomed surprise to meet strong women. Watching fickle women act in his presence was tiresome, at best. Still, he was aware confident women came with their own irritating ways too. Some tried to step out too far beyond their station for their own good, thinking their opinions mattered more than they actually did. Briefly, that thought reminded him the Prime Minister and his fairly outspoken daughter, Emily, were present in the palace.

Elvira stepped closer and looked to the darkened patch on his clothing. When she pointed out he would need to take his shirt off, he scoffed at the suggestion despite knowing it was the only way he would get the wound tended to. "Discreet is appreciated... And don't think this is some plot of mine to have you in my bed before the night is done. I am not Jeremiah," he grumpily pointed out. Christopher stepped a little further into the room and turned his back to Elivira. He removed his upper outerwear and then unbuttoned his blouse before take that off too. Were she looking, Elvira would notice the scars on his back; straight markings indicative of lashings and deep cuts. Christopher unravelled what remained of his rushed attempt to patch up his upper arm that morning and he then turned to face his fiancee. The fresh, bleeding cut at the top of his arm was around four inches long and though it would likely scar, it probably wasn't as severe as injuries he'd evidently sustained in the past.

"It was difficult to wrap it on my own, especially as I was in a hurry," he defended his poor attempt at covering the wound. As he did, he took a moment to wipe away any fresh blood from around the wound. "I appreciated you speaking up during the whole mess at dinner," he suddenly told her. "Though I must question why? A young maid was hanged on my word. You'd probably win more favour with my siblings if you sided with them on such a matter. Popularity is extremely low on my list of needs so don't alienate yourself from others on my account," he assured her.

FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira)
Wesley Lancaster

Wesley stopped by the window and looked out onto the gardens. With the sun almost completely set, much of what the Head of Security saw was his own pensive reflection glaring back at him. Seeing the brief slip of neutrality caused him to stiffen his expression from showing any signs of vulnerability. Arielle's words threatened to very quickly undo his control over his expression.

"I've known you since just before your marriage to Robert. I believe this wasn't your plan." He turned back to the Queen to catch her small smile as she gestured around the room.

Wesley let out a soft sigh and slowly shook his head as she spoke of not enjoying letting her family down. "You've done all you could for your family. I may serve the King but I am under no illusions about the kind of husband and father he is. There's little you could have done to stop him."

Wesley once again admired the floral arrangement and reached out to touch one of the flowers. "I wish he would appreciate you more than he does. You deserve..."

Wesley brought his hand back to his side and looked straight to Arielle. "You know I'm always here for you, don't you? If I could have helped at dinner, I would have. Though, for obvious reasons, I must only decline your husband's offers to sit at the very table he dines at with... with you by his side..." He cleared his throat and straightened up his posture. Things were complicated and always would be. Wesley often berated himself for falling for the most unattainable woman in the kingdom. The King's wife. But he'd long since learned how difficult it was to lock his heart away. There were too many reasons binding him to his position in the palace, meaning he couldn't escape the longing he felt. He wished for Arielle to be happy and appreciated; something the King failed to gift her with. "Forgive me, Arielle. I'm forgetting my place," he softly apologised.

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Arielle)
6d51befb056348510301207b988528ac.gifLocation: Christopher's Room
Interaction: Misty Gray Misty Gray (Christopher)
Mentioned: MinTea MinTea (Anelissa)
Elvira smiled slightly, taking a small step back in silence as Christopher walked further into the room, her eyes not leaving his form. She didn't feel the need to act like this was something more than it was, but Elvira felt her brows crease. The scars that covered Christopher's back, she knew what caused those. Elvira didn't have them, but...her family owned a shipping company, her mother never traded people but her father sure did. Elvira opened her mouth, wanting to say something. But, the woman decided against it. She would get her chance sooner or later.

While he unwrapped his wound, Elvira let her eyes drift around the room until she found what was left of the bandaged he had used. She moved over to the table the supplies were on, taking them in her hands before looking back to Christopher, a soft smile taking hold of her features. "There is no need to explain, I understand. Doing anything like this one-handed is a difficult task." Once more, the woman approached him, eyes on the wound. She had to question the choice of training with real blades, seeing as how now only people could be hurt, but the blades could be damaged before their real use. "If this cut was any worse, I'd say discretion would have to be ignored." Elvira paused, her eyes moving up to his face, the smile still there. "Or I would need to send a maid after a needle and thread." Elvira looked down to the supplies in her hand, unfurling the roll of cloth, she moved his arm up just a little with a delicate touch so she could wrap his wound.

And then, came the questions she expected. She wrapped his arm slowly, making sure that the bandage was flush against his wound to stop the bleeding, her eyes didn't leave her hands as she answered. "I may not know my way around this castle yet, but I am no fool, Christopher. I know hate when I see it, and your eyes are full when you look at your father." Elvira was a woman who knew an act when she saw it. She didn't spend years perfecting her own to fooled by another. "I acted the way I did because I believe your actions are not entirely your own. Those scars are not from training, please do not try to claim otherwise, and your father is not the man he wishes to be seen as. I did not forget what happened to that maid, executed the same day as my arrival, but you had a reason for yelling at the other." Elvira glanced to the table she got the bandage from, seeing a pair of scissors she needed, her eyes turned to his face, lightly pressing the roll to his arm. "Hold that for a moment please." Once he had a hold of it, she stepped away.

Elvira only needed a few seconds, coming back to cut the excess off and tuck the end into the bandage itself. Secure, and good enough to stop the bleeding. She looked to his face now as she spoke. "My popularity and favor should not worry you, that is an issue I can handle on my own. I will apologize to your sister with...discretion. She doesn't need to know about our conversation here." Elvira took a step back, curtsying before she placed the bandages and scissors back where she got them. "Did you need me for anything else?"
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Queen Arielle Ravenswood
Hearing Wesley mention knowing her in her youth, it made her think back to the days the two of them were children and being free to do as they pleased. Before her arranged and forced marriage, she was free to make her own decisions, be it bad or good. When it was decided she was going to marry and become a queen, all of that ceased for her. It was all classes and staying indoors and doing lady-like things. She was no longer able to run amok outdoors in the mud with her best friend and that was possibly another reason for her depression. They had killed the little kid in her before that little kid was ready to grow up. In a way, it was the reason she was so serious and stern at times now. "Well, old friend, you're possibly the only person in this entire kingdom who truly believes this isn't what I had in mind for a family." Bringing her hand up to her forehead, she used her two fingers to rub her temple and take a deep sigh.

Watching as Wesley once again admired her floral arrangement, she fought and won, the smile creeping on her face. Robert never paid attention to them and it infuriated her sometimes. There were just the little moments where she wished he was someone who paid attention to small stuff like that. While she was grateful Wesley did, he was the wrong person to do so. She noticed the way she was looking at him; that longing in her eyes as he spoke about her. With a deep and heavy sigh, she raised her hand after allowing him to continue.

"You are indeed forgetting your place." Arielle stood up from her seat, gracefully, as she slowly made her way around the table. "You speak of things that cannot happen, that will not happen, and that you need to stop imagining." Her fingertips glided softly across the table as she walked around it, her voice calm. "I'm your queen and you a loyal subject to the crown, correct?" As she walked she could hear her own footsteps echoing out in the empty room, the only bodies inside being herself and the man she should have ended up with. A slight chuckle escaped her lips at the thought of it; not being a queen and marrying someone of lesser status. It could've been nice, she thought, but now she was accustomed to this new life and it was all she could ever think of or imagine. "Could you imagine what would happen if anyone heard you?" By now she was standing a few feet away from him, an arms-length really, and leaning against the table. Her voice, while serious, it was also a tad playful. "Robert would have a fit. His most prized possession coveted by his head of security? Pfft. Off with your head."

Wesley Lancaster

Wesley lightly chewed his bottom lip as Arielle confirmed he really was forgetting his place. The drama over dinner had done nothing to ease the man's concerns about the family's well-being and how he, along with his team, were going to maintain full control over security throughout the ball. With so many upper class guests, some volatile or stuffy, it would be a difficult enough task to enforce order throughout the evening. With some public dissent regarding the recent hangings and apparent tyrannical behaviour of the Crown Prince, there would need to be tighter security around Christopher and the King. But what was more concerning and more difficult to predict, was the likelihood of the siblings themselves causing trouble. If someone such as Anelissa was to cause a scene in the middle of the festivities, the Head o Security feared any disorder would open up the perfect opportunity for outside hostility and danger towards the royals. Wesley cared about the family and their safety, even if he was to maintain a professional and detached approach in public.

Arielle stopped not far away, facing him direct;y as she reminded him that she was his queen. It was difficult to look upon Arielle from such close proximity without softening and being sucked in by the face of the woman he cared about. He quickly nodded his head, as if trying to shake out any fond emotions before they could take over. "You are quite right," he softly agreed, resting his hand on the handle of his sword, whilst gripping the back of an empty chair with the other. Anything to prevent him from unwittingly reaching out to touch the face of the woman in front of him. For some reason, he let out a sight chuckle at her mention of the King having a fit and the suggestion he'd be beheaded. It was as though a reminder of the harsh punishment that would face him was a relief; a perfect way of dragging him out of his lovesick and brooding thoughts, thus back to reality. He took a slight step back and looked her in the eyes before relenting with a slow nod of his head. "I know I swore I would take our secret to my grave, but there's no need to have my death arranged so quickly," he told her. "I know, it cannot happen and it will not. But it did..." he quietly reminded her.

Clearing his throat he took another step back from the Queen and straightened his posture. "Seeing that display around the dinner table just concerned me as things got quite heated back there. After being around for so long, I've practically watched the Princes and Princesses..." He looked around the room before diverting his eyes towards the ground. "Are there any last minute requests that I should handle in preparation for the ball? Security concerns, of course. I will leave the planning of the decorations to you, Emily and the others," he lightly added, hoping to break down any barrier he may have created between them. "And I'm sure Stephen will gladly assist in ensuring everyone is provided with suitable alcoholic refreshments."

Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess (Arielle)
Christopher Ravenswood

Christopher stood still as Elvira began tending to his wound. She pointed out how discretion would not have been appropriate had the cut been any worse. "Well, I will remain eternally grateful that it wasn't quite that bad," he flatly told her. He relaxed his arm to allow his fiancee to easily manoeuvre it as she required in order to wrap it. "The fact is, I chose to conduct the training as I had and I allowed myself to fall distracted enough to acquire this injury. In my position, I am not permitted to make such mistakes. The King has already had enough to disappointment from me for one day, would you not agree?" he pointed out. It hadn't been merely his pride that had been at stake, nor his preference to not drag the Head of Security into trouble for inflicting the wound. Mostly, Christopher wished to keep his injury a secret to avoid having his father deem him as weak and lacking adequate discipline. Christopher wished to avoid further disappointing the King.

Christopher kept his eyes on his arm as he observed Elvira carefully bandaging the wound. It was only when she pointed out that she could see his hated for his father that he allowed himself to look to the woman's face. "The King wishes to have a strong and decisive heir to his throne. If I am to one day replace him, I have to be strong and capable of making difficult choices." Christopher knew he couldn't place any responsibility onto his father, regardless of the dark truth behind Margaret's torture. "The maid was executed on my word. I decided her death sentence," the Prince firmly reminded Elvira. He couldn't deny he had a reason for yelling at the nervous newer maid over dinner. The reason was to avoid the King having time to decide a harsher punishment that Christopher would end up having to deliver anyway. However, there was nothing to gain from confirming Elvira's suspicions.

The Prince held the bandage to his arm whilst Elvira moved to retrieve the scissors. When she returned, she soon finished patching up his wound and it looked like a much better than his own attempt earlier that day. "Thank you," he lowly told her. He nodded his head when Elvira said her popularity shouldn't worry him. "If it will make you feel better apologising to Anelissa, than by all means do. I would simply request no apology is made on my behalf. I am not sorry for the decision I made about the maid's execution and it is better my sister directs her hatred towards me over anyone else," he flatly told her. "I stand by my decision, which I made on the King's order, therefore to challenge it is to challenge him."

Christopher put on a new blouse and began to fasten it as Elvira asked if he needed her for anything more. "No, that will be all. Are you comfortable finding your way through the castle now?" he asked.

FireMaiden FireMaiden (Elvira)

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