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Realistic or Modern The Beginning of the End

As the voice grew a bit closer, Marshall realized this man wasn't a man at all. A boy, couldn't be older than his teens from the look of him, who also seemed to be wounded. Marshall lowered his weapon and spoke softly. "You have a baby with you? My God... You're not alone are you?" He suspected that there would be more people in the area, after all this young boy couldn't be the only one watching after a baby... If that was even true. It wouldn't be the first time scavengers had used children to gain their own ends. "I haven't been watching you, I swear. I'm actually just passing through." Marshall wanted to be cautious with what information he gave away, having just left his aunt. "I came from a town a few miles over, but I'm looking for some supplies before I head North. That's all." @DrTrollinski
(@AvidElmV2 - I think you missed the posts where he went outside the bus.)

Mark stopped talking.

".. I have two other people with me. One's injured, she's only a few years older than me... The other one... He's--.. I think he's in his twenties. I'm not even sure..." He said, sighing just a little bit. He heard the man talk about going North, which was rather convenient. They were also going North, but why was this man going up there, too? What was his reason behind travelling North, exactly?

"You said you're going North...? What State, and why?" He asked, this time in more of a softer tone. (@Vidaces)
(I read over your post... I didn't see that he had jumped off the bus!)
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Marshall had a feeling this kid was being honest, so he took a risk. "I'm headed to Minnesota. I heard somethin' about a possible safety zone... Told my people I would go check it out and report back." His father appeared in his thoughts and he felt sick to his stomach. "Anyway, where are you goin'? You said you're friend is injured... what's wrong with her?"
"Safety zone...?" Mark was jaw-dropped. The first thing that came into his mind was Cole. "Christ... Okay... We were heading to Wisconsin, but... If you think there's a safety zone there, hell, we'll have to check that out!" He tried to contain his excitement but failed. "And... My friend just hit her head, that's all. Nothing serious." He smiled. "How about we put the guns away, and then we get properly introduced?" He asked, his gun slowly lowering back towards his holster.
Marshall could see the child was now enthusiastic. It made his heart sink a little. "Listen kid, there's no proof that it's out there. I mean, I wanna stay hopeful but, we have to be realistic... It could be a hoax." It was difficult to stay positive when he was on his own, but especially knowing this kid was about to throw away his plans just to tag along. If it was a false lead, he would feel like shit to have taken anyone else all that way just to discover that fact. Marshall returned his pistol to the side pocket of his backpack. "You've gotta be pretty tough to have made it this far though. My name is Marshall... Marshall Fitz. I would be more reluctant to tell you my last name, but hell, it just don't matter anymore. What's your name?"

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