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Fantasy Supernatural Teenage Drama

Stopped at the edge of the clearing, a whine escaped Alec's throat. He could now tell Hara had known he would try to follow him. The scent trail had disappeared and his mentor had gone to the one place Alec couldn't track him: the sky. He was surely miles away by now, flying quickly above the forest. Alec turned around. 'No point in going further. We won't find him.' In all honesty, he wanted to curl up right there, but he also knew it was exhaustion and stress intensifying his emotions. But he did feel a bit abandoned now. Shaking his head, Alec did his best to throw off the thoughts: he knew Hara would be back eventually.
Dexter snapped out of his stupor and rolled his eyes at Ryder. "Oh yeah, maybe when you piss YOUR pants you wouldn't notice because you were drunk." he snorted with a light snicker in retaliation. Dexter nodded in Alec's direction, figuring that Hara would be able to do that. He also felt Alec's frustration after he whined. Dexter frowned slightly, but began massaging wolf Alec's back and neck to comfort him. "I'll declare war on him the next time I see him in the afterlife, if he dies that is." he stated, secretly preparing and expecting the worse out of this situation.
Alec initially started to relax, but at Dexter's next words, he twisted around to stare at his friend. He growled and said, 'If he dies? He won't die. He can't. He's coming back!' His eyes hardened and he started running again, paying little attention Ryder and Miuna. He was headed back to the school, following the same trails they had made earlier.

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Dexter's eyes widened slightly when Alec replied, taken aback by his protest. He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples as Alex began to run back to the school. "Remind me to be more careful about how I word things. Words mean things." He muttered.
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Ryder clapped Dexter on his shoulder. "You're so smooth, f***head. Remind me to hire you as my wingman later," he sneered before shifting back. 'I'll give you a ride, if you want. But this cancels out the favor I owe you." He multiplied in size to accommodate Dex's weight.
Dexter focused his attention on the dark sky above him. "Do you always have to put in your two cents." He grumbled tilting his head to look at him. He placed a hand on his hip as Ryder changed into another form, he shook his head in disapproval but with a contradicting grin. "You sure are adamant about this 'favor' thing. I'm a bit disheartened that you don't want to know what my favor really is.." Dexter hinted with a lingering gaze. "Too bad. You're loss. Just know that this isn't over... You aśs." He watched as Ryder's form grew in size. He raised an eyebrow at the unintentional shade. "Really? So rude."
Alec crouched on the edge of the clearing, waiting for Ryder and Dexter. 'Come on, let's go,' he said sulkily. The arm that he had broken was sore now, from all the running he'd done today. He headed into the forest, loping alongside Miuna. As Alec glanced around, he realized just how far they had gone. These woods were unfamiliar at him, and he had explored around the school extensively. They were miles beyond what he had planned to go.
((A reply from Silencieux))

Ryder hissed at Dexter, urging him to hurry up. If they didn't get back before curfew, they'd likely have hell to pay. There were only so many days one could skip. 'Get the f*** on,' he repeated, foregoing niceties. He didn't harbor any negative feelings towards the other boy; he merely got irritable when he was tired. 'Or I'll leave you here.'
"I could of sworn I heard those same words not even a few moments ago." Dexter shrugged and got on Ryder with a huff and they were on their way. His body began to relax a little bit, not noticing that he was tense the entire time they were out there. He sweated a bit from the slight humidity and let the wind hit his face while he took his beanie off. The aching in his brain began to ease, not able to think about anything more that may remind him of anything painful. All he could think about was getting to the dorms at this point.
Alec ran through the forest smoothly, ignoring the conversation going on behind him. His thoughts wandered and he moved on autopilot. He remembered the time two years ago when war had nearly broken out. They hadn't thought it was serious at first and it had started similarly to this. Nearby intruders, teachers leaving on missions for the council, fights breaking out within the school... Alec didn't want to relive that time, particularly not if it was going to be worse this time around. He also remembered how some of the older students had decided to train themselves in combat (which many students did now in place of traditional gym) and guard the school in addition to the few security guards. And if more guards were needed... It would be Alec and his classmates there to help.
Miuna glanced at Alec with apprehension, hints of nervousness creeping up her spine. "There are some really mean people here," she whispered, taking notice of how crowded it was. To everyone else, it was just the four of them alone in the woods. In her eyes, however, they had yet to come across a single opening. "There are so many. I can't even see you properly." Under normal circumstances, she could tune out the spirits on command, but lately she had been unable to keep them from leaking into her vision. Suppressing them put too much of a strain on her eye for her to bear. Even the spirits holding her were on edge.

Ryder picked up his pace once he was sure Dexter wouldn't fall off. The night had gotten darker within the past hour, plunging them in almost pitch darkness. Using his power, he made his fur jet black to blend in better. In the near distance, he spotted Alec and Miuna and sauntered over, yawning. 'Which way'd we come from?' he asked Alec, frowning mentally as he noticed a tear in his own shirt. 'Damn. This was new.'
The fur on Alec's shoulders rose at Miuna's words. The night had already been bad enough without nasty spirits making it worse. He had assumed the tiny glimpses he got of spirits had just been the ones carrying her. No wonder the woods, where he normally felt at home, had felt so unwelcoming tonight. Glancing at Ryder, Alec said, 'This way. We're headed south. Just follow me.'
"Wait. PLEASE Tell me you know where we're going." he uttered in a sleepy voice. He began to get infected by Ryder's fatigue and he yawned shortly after he did. He rolled his eyes at Ryder's next comment. "Oh pleease, with those rags? It will surely not be missed. You know... one of these days... your just gonna rip your clothes clean off and I will be there to bask in its glory..." Dexter drawled again, his voice drowsy and less sharp in tone. He took a deep sigh and nodded at Alec who obviously knew where to go. "..thank god..." He rubbed one his eyes with his wrist and shifted himself so that he was hugging on to Ryder's back with his head resting sideways.
'Whatever. Let's go.' Without waiting for a response, Ryder shot forward at a near-sprint, not particularly caring whether Dex was holding on or not. The rush of air felt good, despite Miuna's warning. It had been a while since he had run like this. It wasn't often that he was able to shift into this form, either. Basking in the sensation, Ryder felt himself zoning out of the moment.
Jordan didn't stick around in Ryan and Seth's dorm much after they returned, because she had some of her own things she had to attend to. She had said goodbye to all of them, and promised Nico she'd see him again, then left the dorm. Jordan started making her way to her own dorm, and thoughts began to fill her head. Where were her old friends? They had talked over the summer and some had hung out. Of course some of them were back at the school, but not her closest friends. When she arrived to her room, she tried called her good friend Emma, but got no answer. She sighed trying a few others, all ending in the same result. She almost gave up, but then tried one more, calling her friend Catherine. She answered. "Hello?" Jordan blinked surprised she connected and laughed softly, "Oh my gosh, Catherine hi! It's Jordan!" "Oh, hey." The girl didn't sound very enthused but Jordan shrugged it off, "Where are you, how come you haven't been at school!?" She asked. "I'm not going back to the school." "What? Why not?" Jordan thought about Catherine's powers. She was telekinetic. It was a big power, and Jordan remembered Catherine did not have the best control on it. She always accidentally made books fall of a bookshelf if she got mad, or once even threw somebody to the other side of a room. Catherine could be quick to anger. There's was no way the girl could be able to control her power enough not to come to school now, so why? "Um... Well... I don't need to anymore." Jordan raised an eyebrow skeptical. "You don't need to?" The disbelief in her tone was evident. Catherine sighed, "Okay, maybe I still need to. You got me there... But Uh... My parents pulled me out." Jordan frowned, "Why?" She asked. "... They said it was too dangerous for me to go back." Catherine's parents were not gifted, but they knew about the wars between gifted and ungifted, so it made some sense. "Oh... You couldn't convince them to let you come?" "No! I mean... No. No I couldn't." Jordan pursed her lips, "Aw... So you don't think you're coming back?" "Nope." Catherine sounded almost glad about that, and Jordan frowned softly, "You know what's really weird, you're not the only one of my friends that's gone. Emma's not here, Izzy, neither is Natalie. I wonder why none of them came back..." There was a long pause on the other end and finally Catherine just said, "... Yeah that's weird." Jordan frowned, "Maybe they got pulled out like you... Have you heard from any of them?" Catherine answered quickly, "No!" She almost sounded angry. "Um... Okay, don't worry, I wasn't accusing you..." "K." Jordan was confused. Catherine sure seemed to have an attitude. "Okay then... Well... If you hear from them, will you give me a call?" "Yeah sure." "Thanks..." Jordan bit her lip, thinking. "... Maybe I'll have to come out and visit you sometime, I really miss you all." "No! You can't! I mean... I'm sorry Jordan, my parents aren't allowing me to make connections with anyone from that school... They don't know about this phone call. You won't be able to visit. But I miss you too." Jordan narrowed her eyes, skeptical again. She was no lie detector, but Catherine was just not sounding truthful at all. Then again... Wby would she lie? "Oh... Okay... That's a bummer." "Yeah. Well, I got to go Jordan, bye!" The girl hung up quickly before Jordan got a chance to respond, "Bye..." She said after the call already ended. Jordan set her phone down, frowning. The call had left her even more troubled than she was before. Why was Catherine acting like that? It was very odd, and almost suspicious. Jordan couldn't jump to conclusions though and she tried to sigh it off. However, the whole conversation left her unsettled, and it bugged her more as the night went on.
Hey y'all just wanted to bring up that today was my birthday ;)

I'll just post here since the threads aren't connected yet.

Dexter managed to hold on once Ryder took off, his body still in a resting position on the shifter's back. The running motions had a lulling sensation to it and it unintentionally rocked Dexter to sleep. It was odd; he was deep in a slumber, but his body held on tightly to Ryder's body as if he was still awake. Similar to first time, Dexter was brought back into the floating space, no ripping or shredding sensations in sight this time. In his dream, he walked around in the blackness for a bit, searching for any indication of where it may take him.
(Sorry for late reply)

Richard walked through the halls hoping to get back to his room in just a few minutes. Every step he took made him get more tired and angry and Charlotte and at himself. He thought of everything that had happened with her and all the

Good times they had together these few days.

"Wow, I'm a jerk"
(Ok let's not let this die)

Ryder felt Dexter's heart rate slow as they raced back. 'Wha- ah, hell. He's f***ing asleep.' Rolling his eyes, the partial shifter let him doze and picked up his speed, careful not to send Dex flying. After a while in the near distance, the tree line signaled their entering of school grounds, forcing Ryder to stop and gently nudge Dexter awake. 'We're here. Get up. I gotta change back.'
Dexter jolted awake suddenly and tumbled off of Ryder in an exaggerated way and fell onto the ground next to him. He scratches his head and yawns after groaning from the impact. "Sleepy..-oh we're here." he stated while slowly getting up. He paused for a second, feeling something warm and wet coming from his torso. It took him a bit to recognize this until he decided to lift his shirt. Three large scratch marks were clearly visible on the left side of his stomach, dark blood streaming from the wounds. The weird part was that he didn't feel anything-- at all even. Consciously Dexter touches the wound and doesn't even wince at the pain it should've caused. His hand shook violently after registering what he was seeing. "S-s-sh*t! The F*CK?" he croaked, his voice raspy.
Ryder shifted back and began to recite a quip before catching sight of Dex's abdomen. "What the hell happened?!" he exclaimed, shooting towards Dex and forcing him to sit. "I swear, you gotta tell me this s***!" Ryder ran his hands through his hair and looked around for anyone to help. Since Miuna and Alec had gone ahead, he was on his own. Slipping off his shirt, he tore it in half and jogged towards a nearby stream, drenching it with the pristine water. Once during a summer camp, he had received basic training for these situations. But that was fifth grade, and this was on a bit of a larger scale. Ryder placed the wet cloth on Dex's wounds, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. "Lay down."
"I don't KNOW what the f*ck happened I-" he stuttered before sitting down. "What do you mean, you think I wouldn't say anything about this, I'm bleeding out!" he tried to recall what happened and tried to logically reason why he had a gaping wound on him. He still didn't feel anything and it made his body go stiff. The surprise escalated to panic after Ryder saw the wound and reacted. His legs shook to mimic his mind moving at a rapid pace, covering the wound with his hands to stop the bleeding. Once Ryder came back he tried to say something but he ended up staying as still as possible while doing as he was told, so he wouldn't agitate the wound any longer. "I don't feel anything-I can't feel anything.." he muttered.

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