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Fantasy Son's and Daughters of Olympus

Hunter looked at his silver ring on his finger, absorbing every details from her story. His heart aching from it, he could finally associate every details of his life back then. The emptiness and sadness coming back in rush, every memories of him seeing his friends leave hand to hand with their mother. When he cried alone in his room because no one was home to welcome him like he witnessed in others. He buried his face in his hand, hiding every tears, he wouldn't show that side, he didn't want to be like this. He cried quietly as Artemis came and hugged him apologizing and feeling her tears fall on his shoulder. He could feel the whole finally feeling up, he wasn't just the motherless kid, no one had to look at him in pity like they all did. Hunter didn't hug back, it was unknown to him. He didn't hate her for what she has done, she didn't blame her either, he simply felt happy that his mother filled the whole in his chest.

The Circus went on for what looked like an hour, it was finally his grand numero, his time. People made of light started running gracefully in the ring like ballerina's, a soft music accompanying them when suddenly all kinds of golden mythological creatures created from his magic came in rushing from the small entrance flying all around leaving a trail of dust behind. They were far from menacing and all together they made the most beautiful ending. Towards the end as the music reached it's climax, all of the creatures spinned in circle as the ballerina danced under them. The beat going faster and faster as the final note was played and all of them puffed in millions of sparkles all around the circle. The dream finally ended. He always compared the end like being absorbed from a black hole. He stood up from the bench stretching, Eva was probably going to snap out of the dreams within th minute. The dream was actually a few seconds in real life time. Demetri smirked and walked away.
Eva soon came back to reality and quickly looked around before a frown crossed her lips. She stayed silent, unsure of what exactly just happened to her. Letting a soft, sad sigh escape, she continued walking around the camp grounds, her thoughts wondering to what had happened in her dream land and how desperately she wanted to go back.
Freya held him as he cried. She looked up at Artemis and gave her a supportive smile, knowing that this was necessary. She knew Hunter well enough to know that it wouldn't take long for him to accept his mother, if he hadn't already, as she knew that she would support him the whole way. She couldn't regret her decision to bring him, and although she felt that all of the Demigods should get a chance to meet their Godly parent she was glad that at least Hunter got to.
Hunter easily accepted her in his life, he just wanted to finally have a mom. It didn't take long before they seemed like the best of friend, both were so similar in many aspects. After a few hours of chatting and laughing, it was finally time for the FEAST which was promising in Artemis opinion. Hunter stood up stretching from the sofa feeling extremely Happy, he looked at Freya '' Come on, I'm really looking forward for godlike food.'' he said almost drooling at the idea. Artemis chuckled a bit, ''Girlfriend?'' hunter chuckled and winked at Freya just to bug her, ''She wishes.''
Aurora kept back the tears as she reluctantly looked up at Alec. She really didn't want to do this, but she knew she would have to.

Eva looked around, deciding to try and find the stranger she had seen on the bench. She sighed and continued looking for that oh-so-familiar face.
Freya rolled her eyes. "Yeah right," she teased him. "You wish, you mean." Freya laughed and hugged her mother with a bright smile. They chatted quietly for a moment in hushed voices before laughing. Freya moved and sat down at a seat next to Aphrodite, and was surprised to see an empty table in front of them. Running a hand through her hair she took hold of the golden goblet in front of her and filled it with wine from a jug.

Alec placed his hands on either side of her face. "Hey," he said softly. "We're going to be okay, we just need to talk about this. I love you okay?"
(No alert dam -_- )

Frank wuld be clearly worrid as he dosent whant to loose his leg "How.....bad...is it...pleas tell mi....ugh...it can be fix"He says as he dosent know how his blade Missfire it never happend
Aurora out one of her hands on his and nodded slightly. "Promise?" she asked softly, a bit nervous of his answer.
She took a deep breath and swallowed heavily before trying to relax. "Okay," was all she was able to say as she looked into his eyes.
"I need you to know that I would never cheat on you," he said looking into her eyes to try and read what she was thinking.
She looked down as she brought her knees to her chest. "I'm just cared to lose you," she said quietly, unable to look in his eyes.
Hunter walked in between Freya and Artemis before Freya parted to be with her mother. There was a huge table with many different plates of different food all very colorful and well made. People started sitting, Artemis sat next to her twin brother Apollo but unfortunately in front of Aphrodite. They weren't enemies..but didn't share the same values. They both shared a heated glare but Artemis started talking to hunter presenting him to his uncle. Hunter greeted him and sat in front of Freya but suddenly felt a huge belly press against his side and noticed how much the guy smelled like Alcohol and winced. 
Demetri noticed how Eva tried looking for him and just to amuse himself a bit more, he decided to maybe make her follow him, but he wouldn't let her recognize him. He created a small flower ,that looked like the one he gave her in the circus, floating inside a bubble and blew on it to reach her. He then hide to the side, waiting to see where she was planning to head to.
"If you don't talk to me you will, but you can fix that. All you have to do is talk to me," he said as he played with a strand of her hair.

Freya giggled and smiled at Hunter. She held her goblet in her hand and swirled it, watching the liquid move.
Hunter looked up at the man, who was literally huge in height and weight. Dionysus sat at the place next to Hunter laughing loudly as he heard one of Apollo's nerdy jokes and simply grinned seeing Hunter, ''Oh boy Oh boy! Aren't you the little boy of Artemis! Hey Arty, His one handsome guy over here! Bet he has it with the girls!'' the man spouted Dionysus while pouring wine in Hunter's glass. Artemis just laughed, '' Don't go to far with him Dionysus!'' she said talking back to Apollo. The fat man then handed him the golden goblet ''DRINK!'' he shouted his cheek already red from the wine. Hunter simply nodded and drank the whole thing kind of scared of the guy. Dionysus then forcefully made him drink himself to drunkenness before the meals could even start
Freya snickered and sipped the drink. She probably should have warned Hunter about Dionysus, but his reaction was hilarious. She drunk another sip from her goblet, enjoying the taste. "It's good wine Dionysus," she complimented, beaming across the table at him.
Dionysus laugh loudly taping his stomach, '' As always darling! The best of the best!'' he said not modest at all. Just next to him, Hunter was voluntarily drinking and laughing with Apollo, he wasn't himself. He was far from shy and was loud cracking jokes left and right. Artemis at some point had to make him stop drinking,Apollo making fun of his sister for being all of a sudden a protective mother, but she only shrugged, '' Well, there is a certain limit at his age. Especially if it's his first time drinking Olympus Wine. You know the side effects are stronger than average human beverage.''
Freya laughed loudly and watched her friend closely. Aphrodite was deep in conversation with Ares on her left and

Freya was trying to do anything but listen to them whisper to one another. "Hunter?" she asked grinning as she finished her second glass of wine. "Are you feeling alright?"
Aurora looked down sadly at a his words and her throat started to burn. She tried to swallow it down as she wrapped her arms around her knees, staying quiet.

Eva stopped as she noticed the flower and carefully held the bubble in her hand. She smiled slightly but it quickly dissipated as she looked around carefully. Not seeing any sign of then stranger, she continued walking in the same direction.
Hunter looked at Freya, his cheek as red as Dionysus. '' Oh Freya~'' he said winking at her. '' You know what would make me feel better beautiful?'' he said with a huge smile plastered his face. Dionysus next to him was elbowing him''Hunter Hunter, help me out here!'' he said pointing at Hera who was next to him, she was obviously made from Dionysus continues flirt, but Hunter didn't budge nor helped. 
Demetri left a few hints here and there, mainly spots of light towards the Stable. He didn't know if she would figure out that it was a trail for her but figured that as he waited he would take care of the horses. Anyway, either she found him or not, he would stay here, that was what he planned from the start.
Freya laughed loudly at the wink. "What's that Hunter?" she asked through her giggles. She looked at Dionysus and winked, wiggling her eyebrows as she tilted her head to Hera. This brought on another bought of giggles and she knew that she was already drunk.

((This contrast is so hard to do xD ))

Alec tilted her chin to look at him. "Aurora, on our first day here, Freya gave me a golden chain which limits the effects of her powers on me," he said looking down at her. "There is no reason for you to be jealous of her or anyone else because you are the one I want to be with. You just need to talk to me."
Eva saw another spot of light and went to it, only to notice another one behind it and another behind it. She continued following the little spots of light until she reached the stables. She cautiously made her way inside and looked around, noticing who she had been looking for taking care of the horses. She walked up to Shadow and smiled petting his snout.

"Limits. That doesn't mean it won't work," Aurora said looking away. "And there's plenty of reason for me to be jealous of her and everyone else here," she added with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Aurora she wears gold too. It's the maximum protection I can get. Jealousy is a wasteful emotion. It causes so much pain when life should be filled with joy. You have no reason to be jealous of any of them. You are the daughter of Poseidon. You are beautiful and smart," he said smiling down at her.
Aurora shook her head. "I'm not nearly as pretty as her and big deal. I can move water," she said with a sigh as she laid her chin against her knees, tightening her grip.

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