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Fantasy Son's and Daughters of Olympus

Ira looked at him and bit her lip. "My dad has seers. He told me about you, plus i never seen a guy who likes to be out side." she smiled telling the truth but not the whole truth.

Will looked at them and shakes his head. "No it wasn't Ira's fault its mine. I jumped in the way. She would of hurt you and i don't like war even though our families fight its not her fault." He pats Aurora's shoulder and smiled.
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"Still. She needs to know her limits when it comes to challenging me." Aurora gave her a small smile and nodded, "Thanks." She turned and sat back down looking at Will as she thought for awhile before speaking up, "Hey Will, maybe if you're feeling up to it tomorrow, I can show you my area of expertise."
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Will smiled and nods. "That will be fun but," He looks at Holland. "I have no fighting experience." He said with a cute goofy grin chuckling.
Holland grinned. "I can help you out in that department. I assume your weapon of choice is that fact sword you wielded earlier at the camp barrier. Does it summon lightning?" she inquired.
Hunter made a goofy smile and scratched the corner of his head, ''Yeah...I know. I kind of just really love the outdoors.'' he answered. He thought about it, out of all the gods, it would be more logical if Artemis was his mother, but why keep it secret until now? He had a hard time believing all of this, his head told him not to, that it was impossible..but deep inside, he was already convinced it was.
"Yea she's the best fighter here and I didn't mean fighting. I meant going down to the lake for a swim," Aurora said with a laugh before turning back to Holland. "Just try not to kill him. He's family," she said stuffing her hands in her lap.
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Together they continued to explore, until they came to the room containing Will, Holland and Aurora. Freya paused, considering for a moment whether to interrupt them. They appeared to be deep in conversation and she felt awkward about interrupting. Looking over at Alec, she gave him a half smile and traced the scar on the back of her hand nervously. As she turned back to them, she tried to place each of them with their parents but she struggled. Unlike Ira, they didn't seem to have one defining feature that would separate them from the rest.

Alec's gaze, however, kept shifting back to Freya. In one of the few moments of her silence, he watched her closely as if she were some unknown creature that he were seeing for the first time. He suspected that this wasn't uncommon, but it didn't change anything. He was drawn out of his thoughts by a loud crash, and his lips twitched as he noticed her knock a metal dish off of a table.

Freya groaned and picked it up quickly, hoping that the others hadn't noticed her yet.
"I may know how to kill, but I also know how to train without hurting someone. At least, that's how its been so far, can't make any promises," Holland joked with a smile.
Aurora laughed lightly before stopping as she heard a crash. She looked over and saw two newcomers standing there and smiled. "Well hello there newcomers!" She yelled jokingly. "I'm Aurora, daughter of Poseidon," she said holding her hand out for the strangers to shake.
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Freya swore under her breath, before shaking her head and stepping forward. She smiled brightly, flashing them one of the only features she had inherited from her mother before shaking Aurora's hand and speaking. "I'm Freya, daughter of Aphrodite," she said sweetly, her eyes scanning each of them in turn.

Alec snickered as she swore and waited for her to introduce herself. "And I'm Alec, son of Hermes," he added, giving the three a fairly awkward wave.
He nod and picked the sword up and hands it to her. "It does I found that out Fighting a centaur on my way hear. Nasty buggers." He laughed smiling at his friends.

Ira smiled and sits down next to him. "Hey this is probably hard to understand it was for me to but your mother probably contacted you in your dreams like mine did. It will be smooth sailing soon." She smiled and she looked beautiful. She never filed this long before.

Will looked over by the the entrance and he smiled he lifted his and to wave at them to come in. "Hello. Im Will son of Zeus." he said happily extending his hand to them.
Hunter nodded, but he didn't recall anything that could be interpreted as a message from Artemis. he stood up stretching, ''Ok, you feel like moving a little? I haven't seen the whole camp yet. '' he suggested growing tired of the mess hall.
Holland took Will's sword eagerly, studying the blade and the hilt when the newcomers arrived. She smiled at them both. "I'm Holland, daughter of Athena. Cool meeting you guys," she said lightly, then turned her attention back to the sword. She weighed it in her hand and swung it in a circular motion off to the side. It was a heavier blade, but it felt powerful.
Will smiled at Holland playing with his lightning blade. He likes the heavy feel to it it was easier for him than little rappers and daggers. He has more control with the heavy swords.

Ira smiled and stands up with him. "Then lets stretch our legs out." She pulled her black brown hair back and tied it back. "Ill give you the tour." She chuckled and runs after tapping his shoulder and runs to the training grounds.
Aurora got up and brushed her pants off, "Well I'd live to stick around, but I'm gonna go for a swim before the sun sets." She glanced over at Will and smiled, "You get better." She walked out and made her way to her cabin. Once she got there, she went inside and changed into a black bikini then put her regular clothes on over it. She grabbed a towel and walked back out, heading through the woods.
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Hunter smiled and followed her out of the mess hall. They walked for a while to go to the training ground, he could see a broad range of different weapons. Many were sparring and others just cleaning there swords.
Will smiled and waved good bye to her cousin and looked back at the rest of the people in the tent. He looked at the two newest people that joined them. "Im glad to have meet you two." He bowed his head to them. One thing he learned was always show respect.

Ira: She stopped and holds her hand out. "Training grounds. Holland practically lives out hear. She trains sometimes all day. Nuts." she laughed and pointed out to the ocean. "The ocean Poseidon's kids like to be over there to practice the sea powers but we usually party or swim down there." she chuckled.
Hunter looked at the surroundings with interested. he walked past the shelves of weapon and all the training equipment next to him. '' Why do you guys train exactly? Is there a war or anything happening?'' he asked picking up a crossbow in the process and looking throught its scope.
Aurora had decided to go to the ocean instead of the lake. Once she got to the beach, she laid her towel down and took her shirt and jeans off. She climbed a nearby rock and scanned the water before holding her hand out and slowly raising it. She smiled as she watched a wave of water come up to her and keep it's shape. She stepped onto it and moved a little ways out, past all the jagged rocks. He held her breath and jumped in.
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Ira sits on the table and picks up a Shuriken and threw it at a target in the red. "Sometimes they send us on quests when its important from the gods. But the main reason it to protect our self from monsters lurking to eat Demigod flesh." she said it moving her finger like what jack sparrow does.

Hunter placed the crossbow back on the shelf, ''So if I understand well, all of us here are training to not get eaten..right? and sometimes get quest from the gods...like Artemis?'' he asked curious.
(Holy s**t, you guys started Rping xD .... I am so sorry that I didn't join, there was as storm in my town, and the internet went down....I'm gonna have my char arrive now)

''My name is Lucas Deep, I am the son of Poseidon, the great god of the seas, I have a trident that can control water, I can talk to marine creatures....... How hard can it be to be some time in a camp full of demigods?'' Luke asked himself as he passed the magical barrier that enfulged the camp. ''Son of Poseidon'' he said as he let a wide grin widen his mouth. ''After all, whe're all related''


In such way, he entered, approaching the lake. The water would calm him down, and in addition, the ocean was where he belonged. He closed in on the shore, and pulling out his trident, summoned a wave that carried him to the middle. Ah, it felt good. But someone else was with him, in the water......

''Um,hi!......Who are you?'' Luke asked as he watched the woman step on waves.....
Aurora smiled politely at the stranger as she noticed him standing on a wave. "Aurora black, daughter of Poseidon," she said proudly then laughed a bit. "I'm just gonna take a crazy wild guess and say you're my brother," she said, her bright blue eyes looking up at him.
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Lucas smiled as he bent the waves, heading towards the girl, that was apparently........his sister

''That's right. My name is Lucas Deep, but my friends call me Luke. And it turns out, you're my sis.....'' Luke spoke as he looked at her. She was beautiful, and she seemed to have an ever-happy aura, that offered the people talking to her, a good mood.

''Can I just say......that I'm proud that you're my sister?'' Luke asked . ''Would it be ankward, if I hugged you?''
Aurora smiled shaking her head a bit. "Probably, but I've been in worse situations," she admitted, laughing a bit as she hugged him. "Don't let me fool you. Things aren't always happy here. You should've been here earlier. I nearly got stabbed," she said laughing more. The idea was funny to her, but she didn't know why.
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