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Fantasy School for the Supernatural

Aqua's ears twitched as she seemed to be observing something, but what? Aqua stared intensely at the turtle that tripped her earlier. Aaua sigh and sat against the tree as the turtle began to walk very slowly.
Nova nodded and then thought back to Grey and she couldn't help but feel herself fill with guilt. "Y-yeah. I just remembered I have to go work with Grey on the project for history. I'm late!" She exclaimed and jumped up. She turned and kissed him on the cheek. "See you later." She smiled and flew out of the window.
Grey looked back at the ocean "if you want me too I can pull myself together for now" he says looking at the ocean putting his back against the trunk
Nova sighed. "I'm sorry for running off earlier. I just needed to think. And my friend was in trouble. But I still want to be your friend." She said and sat beside him and took his hand in hers.

Nova yawned and before she knew it, fell asleep, her head on Grey's shoulder and her hand still holding his. (OMG!!! SO MANY FEELS!!! SO MUCH TWILIGHT LOVE TRIANGLE DRAMA!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! I CAN'T DECIDE!!! Night everyone!)
Grey smiled slightly as nova held his hand and fell asleep on his shoulder "you might just want to be my friend but I want us to be so much more" he whispered softly looking out at the ocean then he eventually laid his head against hers and fell asleep as well
Kiriah saw Dante and answered him, "Nothing much." She smiled at him. "i'm just trying to figure out if I got all of the infected blood out of me. Maybe I need to bleed myself out..."

~@Vex Kuma @Kameil Sorry, I was out.~
Dante's eyes went a little wide with shock "what?! How did you get vampiric blood in you?" He asks worry stricken his voice
She blinked at him, not quite sure why he was so worried, "Roxus. It's okay... My dad showed me how to deal with it..."

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