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Partners in Crime


1. Please write at least four full lines at all times:

Being on mobile is not an excuse. Now, before you give me a bunch of shit for saying that, I will be the one starting the roleplay. You can see how much four lines is by my response. You can't say you don't know how long four lines is then. I know it's more difficult to write a response of a decent length when on mobile, but if you aren't prepared to put effort into the roleplay, you shouldn't have responded to this in the first place. Also, use proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. We all make mistakes, and sometimes typos happen, but you should try your hardest. Capitalize names, remember quotation marks, and use spell-check, it's there for a reason.

2. Give me a warning when you're logging off:

I understand that in some situations, this isn't possible. However, it shouldn't happen frequently, and don't give me the same excuse every time. "I had to go to soccer practice" or "my brother wanted to get on" are not good reasons. You could alert me in both those situations. If you've read this far, post a heart with your comment below. Things that I can forgive is the internet going out, your parents demanding you get off that minute, a family emergency, falling asleep (and I mean mid-response, not logging off to go to sleep), etc. Understood? Good. I'm sick of waiting for a hour, and then getting a message the next day giving me some crummy excuse .

3. Warning:

There will be elements of past abuse, poverty/homelessness, and mentions of drug use in this roleplay. If any of this could be triggering to you, I ask that you go back now, as most of these are major aspects of the roleplay. I figured it would be wise to place a warning here in case any of those elements could be triggering, so please take heed of the warning.


[Your character] is going through a rough patch. He'd never been very close with his family, and one small mistake got him tossed out of the house at eighteen. Now, seven years later, he's living out of cheap hotel rooms, leading a life of crime and traveling from state to state to avoid the authorities. He has very little money, and has to steal constantly just to survive. He's made many dangerous enemies throughout his life, and is constantly on the run. Though gruff at first, the type to come across as cold and overly sarcastic, [YC] has a big heart, some part of him especially empathetic to the pain of others due to how much he suffered through during his own life.

[My character] had to get away - she couldn't stay in that house anymore, with its toxic memories and malicious inhabitants. She ran and she never looked back, never regretted her decision despite how badly she struggled. She found herself thieving more and more as time passed, and feeling less and less remorse about it. She's double crossed people, she's gambled with loaded dice, she's flirted her way to victory, and she isn't ashamed of any of it. It's a tough world, and she has to survive, no matter what it takes. After all she went through to get away, after all she's already powered through, she's not gonna let some unfortunate conditions take her down. She'll find a way. She always does.

Now, it just so happens that [YC] and [MC] knew each other once, when they were rather young. [YC] was the boy who picked fights at recess while hiding tears of anguish and [MC] was the little girl with empty eyes and bruises on her face, and yet somehow, they found solace in each other. Shared misery, an all too familiar horror story, a connection that they didn't have to anyone else. They were friends, close as can be, shared everything with each other. That is, until [MC] stopped coming to school, stopped picking up the phone and writing letters.

They haven't seen each other in over thirteen years, and they're not children anymore; they're adults doing their best to survive in a world that has always had it out for them. They really should have never seen each other again, but in a bizarre and oddly fortunate twist of fate, they run into each other one evening, fleeing with the loot from their most recent raids. Though years have passed, they recognize each other immediately. How could they ever forget? They hide together, evading capture yet again.

There they were, old friends together again in the same sort of situation that drew them together in the first place: mutual struggling. They should really flee, but they stop for just a moment. They talk, and they realize how much has changed. How terrible each other's life has been since they split. Something in them stirs at seeing who was once their closest companion in a situation just as bad as the one they'd always hoped to run away from, planning a grand escape together that never came to be. But maybe it could now?

They're both in a bad situation, alone against a cruel universe teamed with fate, who seems to be determined to pull the rug out from under them at some point. Neither have anyone on their side, and that's a truly sad thing for anyone to experience. Though both are slightly wary, hardened from all they've faced, when it comes down to it, there's no one they'd trust more than each other, even with the years of separation, so they decide to team up. Travel together. Work together.

Survive together.
Sounds good, I would be down but I might be slow since I don't usually do post by post on Forum RP and usually shorter posts, but I'm willing to try and do this if you like <3
This plot seems nice! Just wondering though, what times are you usually on?

Does this count? <3
❤️ Hello!

I am new to the site and do not have the ability to message you first, so I just thought I would throw that out there beforehand.

Anywho, I am very much interested in your roleplay, if you are still looking for partners to carry it out with you. I typically post between 2-5 paragraphs (I hope that is alright) so the four lines thing should be quite easy for me to achieve. I will try my best to let you know when I am logging off, so that should be a non-issue as well.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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