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Fantasy Pantheon Academy OOC

For Those of y'all who think the stuff in the bag is Hydra *poop* or anything of the sort if you noticed I didn't EVER say it was poop, As Hydra poop is toxic to skin >.>

Its Raffelisa Herbs mixed with Durian Fruit which is why it smells so bad as irl Durian fruit which i have smelled before is horrible (yet tastes amazing) This seems to have been a misunderstanding and I apologize if it did seem that way (though to be fair yall never asked what it was.) XD Don't worry you don't HAVE to even put this on as it does smell quite bad. Just know it's nothing disgusting.
Smart. Both smell horrible. Both smell horrible.
So, since the DivineNet doesn't connect to the World Wide Web, and Tiffany is still very much the social media butterfly, I decided to try and come up with some alternatives to Facebook and Instagram.
I kinda borrowed the name for FaceBook from a webcomic (Lore Olympus): FatesBook
And for Instagram I came up with: Divinagram

What do you think?
LOL I love em. I just made the Main Network, whatever is on the net is up to you all.

Just please make GodTube a thing XD
Deitypedia, Amazon.com will stay Amazon (But ran by actual Amazons) XD
And Like HeroBay (Ebay) Come buy stuff from Demigods from around the world! XDDDD
DORMS Arrangement
Alrighty everyone I discussed with Olissa and I have decided to basically Mash everyone in Grades within the Dorms with each Other.

Meaning the Dorms shall be ordered by Grade
12th Graders in the Same Dorm House
11th Graders in the same Dorm House
10th and 9th Graders will have a combine house (despite there being a actual building for both) Due to The amount of Rpers that we have for it.~

Whatever your arrangements are inside the Dorms themselves is up to you! :D
Think of it as kind of Hogwarts style. But instead of being grouped into Houses, they're grouped by year.
And within the Dorm House everyone does get their own room, but you can go ahead and rearrange that if your character is one to prefer to stick with someone else in their room. (Remember, it's gotta make sense for the character to choose whether they room with someone or not)

Hold up... Just realized Tiff will blatantly make use of the own room, and then just hold a sleepover wherever else she prefers XD
A little thing I added to Tiffany and Chloe's CS
A Relations page.

Now what this really is is basically a short summary of how Tiffany/Chloe thinks about a character. That doesn't reflect what another character might think of Tiffany/Chloe.
For the record, I don't share the same views as the characters XD Especially not some of Tiffany's more... mean opinions.

For Tiffany I tried to find all the returning students, as I'm only going to write for those who she's likely seen and/or interacted with over the past year(s) So if your character is a returning student but I forgot to add them, let me know and I'll make sure to add them.

The rest of the characters will be added over time after Tiffany/Chloe has interacted with the other character.
Hey, sorry I have not posted for a while school and work have been crazy. Where are we now in the rp?
People are getting ready to enter the labyrinth to grab a piece of gold from the hydra whthout getting detected.
It's optional, but highly advised unless you have other methods to obtain your goal/hide your scent
BELIAL. BELIAL. we never really determined how the relation might be between Aya and Tiffany. I just kinda wrote some stuff in Tiffany's relation page but I don't know if you had any ideas beyond that? Especially since you mentioned something about Aya also being in charge of the cheer squad, so they would have readily crossed paths
Brooke and his sweet, caring, weird humor yet he's not used to the name demigod, not used to the world of the gods and so he is torn, not knowing what to do, like a newborn chick who's lost in the barn without the guidance of his mother. Pleh
BELIAL. BELIAL. we never really determined how the relation might be between Aya and Tiffany. I just kinda wrote some stuff in Tiffany's relation page but I don't know if you had any ideas beyond that? Especially since you mentioned something about Aya also being in charge of the cheer squad, so they would have readily crossed paths
I like what you’ve got, that at least Aya acts like she dont know jackshit (she prolly doesnt rly know jack, or lives in blissful ignorance)
If shes cheer squad she wont treat tiffany any special for being a child of hers. Classic aya
I like what you’ve got, that at least Aya acts like she dont know jackshit (she prolly doesnt rly know jack, or lives in blissful ignorance)
If shes cheer squad she wont treat tiffany any special for being a child of hers. Classic aya
Great :D
I also kinda went with the assumption that Tiffany partied around with Vincent every once in a while, but never for anything much longer than that, based on previous a conversation we had earlier regarding the subject. If that's still okay?

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