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Fantasy Pantheon Academy



"You are a Ocean of Gray Waves..."
On a Island far out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Shielded by Ancient Magics and the Power of Divine Interventions Laid the Academy Known as Pantheon Academy. A School for god's children from all across the globe. Pantheon Academy's island, also known as the Phantom Island was Large enough to house over 4000 children of the gods and had the magical properties that kept it from being seen by the eyes of mortals. Within the Academy itself it was split into 4 major sections and was the size of a Large University as all Students lived on the grounds of the Academy. To get into the Academy Was simple be a Child of a god. Which gods? Any. Egyptian,Chinese,Norse, Greek,Roman,Japanese(shinto) the list goes on. The Academy even houses Child demigods from birth until the age of training, though most of the Students are found off the island and brought back by a Messenger god, Which messenger God? Who knows as there are many.

Amaterasu the Head Mistress Hand all students new, and old alike within the Main Halls, ones which were modeled after the Norse Valhalla but many times larger than it. She stood at the podium and with a Calm expression speaks into the Microphone her voice powerful as it is yet seemingly lighting up the hall's more darker Corners.
"WELCOME Students, New and Old alike! This is Pantheon Academy. I am The Headmistress the Japanese Goddess of the Sun, Ameno-Amaterasu. Welcome to the New Semester at Pantheon Academy! We have several new Classes and Events to make you all into better heroes. Yes, Hero Class is required this year for all students 9th through 12th. We need you all to be able to handle the world if you are to go one quests and or go off to the mainlands." Amaterasu nods a few times before raising her hand. "Our Academy. Has a unique Alma Mater. So Take this to heart!"

Amaterasu takes a Rather Large Breath.
"We the Children of the Gods stand united as one. Not to the Glory of our Divine Heritage, Not even for the Glory of victory, But for the World can stay safe from those who wish it's destruction! To Prevent the Tides of Ragnarok, The Rise of Giants, and the Void's Close. We are Pantheon Academy! We fight for the fate of all this world!" Amaterasu stated the Academy's strange Alma Mater as to many of the new kids it would sound more like a Declaration of some sort rather than a proper Alma Mater. But many of the Students who were there Previously repeated it with extreme vigor as it was what they truly believed. Amaterasu waves her hand in dismissal for all the students for the first day back or just being there to mingle with the others before sorting out classes and such. As a Goddess Amaterasu wished for all of the Pantheonic Demigods to get along and thus often holds events for Social Gathering to form strong bonds.
Aodhan O'Cuilleanan
He wasn't a fan of introductory assemblies. Or anything in that general regard, he was in the opinion that Ms Amaterasu could stick it where the sun didn't shine. Gods, Goddesses, he had yet to find one who could utilise birth control. Not that any gave a shit really. Amaterasu had her own discarded kids somewhere, so much for a school of Demigods -- it was a school for the divine dustbin babies of the heavens. Putting it nicely, he didn't have a speck of respect for anything above or below that thought it was better than him. As far as he was concerned, Aodhan came to the academy to give his mother a rest and show his father he was a raging twat. Even then, the Irish lad sat out the back of the hall and puffed on a cigarette, blowing the smoke out the side of his lips whilst nestled back in the grass and lazily tipped ash over a standing buttercup.

What he had hoped, however, is that there'd be some extracurricular clubs for boxing or wrestling, since at home he'd been not only an avid fan but the physical fatigue helped take the edge off. Lest he punch a teacher in the teeth or bite some poor kids nose off. Not the first time. Admittedly since getting to the academy, he was thirsting for a fight, something to do and pass time. Not like it was acceptable to peek in the girls changing rooms, god bless his ma for teaching him right and wrong. Still a tempting thought.

Pushing himself up from the little patch of paradise, Aodhan furrowed his brow and took the last drag of his ciggie. He wondered whether his pa would let him visit Tír na nÓg, for education and all. Where there were faeries as beautiful as anything and endless good food, alcohol as plentiful as water. A slow smile crossed his expression. That'd be a holiday and a half. Better than a lads trip to Magaluf. Stubbing the embers out into the cold earth, O'Cuilleanan stretched his large frame out with a pop of bones and crack of his knuckles, waiting eagerly for the assembly to finish so he could go wandering about. Less chance of teachers picking up on him, more people to antagonise.

Folding his arms across his chest, biceps bunched to strain the sleeves of his shirt, the demigod drew his knees up and morosely rested his chin on them. Pulling out a mobile that had no signal, Aodhan scrolled down and down goodbye messages, pictures, that kind of thing. He never used it much. Just so his ma wouldn't worry about him getting hurt, or so his friends could call him on the fly. It gave them security, but it just made him happier knowing they were relieved. There was one woman he couldn't refuse and one woman who still managed to scare the shite outta him, and that was certainly the woman who gave birth to the angry Irishman.
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Blah blah blah something about preventing ragnorak blah blah blah blah. At this point Friday was dozing off. She hated things like this. It was all the fucking same shit, except now there were GODS and GODDESSES, and Heros and shit! She could hear the other students repeating the mantra in the stupid sheep like way. She was still reeling from her bitch mother's revelation that she was a Demigoddess and not only that but that there was a huge school full of Demigoddesses and Demigods, so this was all new to her and everything. She still didn't entirely believe that they weren't all in a mental intition somewhere. Fuck 'em. She could barely stand the sheeple for a moment before gunting in disgust and just walked out of the hallway where she spotted another disinterested man smoking a cig while lazily scrolling through his mobile. She pulled out her own cigeratte and took a long drag.

"Fucking bullshit," she muttered absentmindedly, not caring if the big macho man heard or not, "it's all fucking bullshit."
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Sigvar Vitharsen
Ragnarok. Sigvar had heard that term before. It struck fear into his heart. Why wouldn't it? It was the end of all things as they knew it. It was the end of a cycle that would only repeat. Who knew how many times the cycle had looped already? Even some of the Gods die in the conflict. But, on the flipside, it was also a time to shine for the Vitharsen line. Vidar, or Vithar as he was also known, would ultimately be the one to slay Fenrir to avenge the young man's grandfather, Odin. Sigvar had that to be proud of, even if his father was rather absent in his life. His father would help rebuild the world when that time came. Sigvar just hoped that maybe he would be there, too.

Generally uninterested in the rest of the "hero" babble, he almost began to tune it out. Though, out of respect, Sigvar stayed until the end of the presentation. He just hoped that maybe embracing his demigod heritage would be good for him. His mother certainly seemed to think so, and so did his stepfather, Bjørn. This was the only way they knew how to help him. By ripping him away from old friends in Norway and forcing him to learn English more intensely over the summer so that he would fit in well enough. The tall boy still spoke with quite a heavy accent, but understood the language well enough.

Shortly after the presentation, Sigvar grabbed his bag and filed out of the assembly hall with the rest of the students. He was going to make a b-line straight for the library. He had to know what sort of literature he had access to while he was stuck on this island. He'd studied up on all of the legends he could, though mostly on those from his home country. He didn't feel as big of a spark with other cultures. Not because he didn't like them, but because he simply had never encountered them before. But he was always willing to learn more. He wouldn't bother making friends just yet unless someone approached him first, but maybe later on he could ask some of the others about their country's legends. He walked by the other students smoking, scrunching his nose a little at the smell. He broke his gaze away quickly, continuing to walk on as he adjusted his bag on his shoulder.
Vincent Ambrosia
| Location: | Main Halls, near the back
| With: | Friday and Aodhan
| Mentions: | idalie idalie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
Being good was shit. Vincent Ambrosia knew best, considering he tried to be good.



Usually never, but there was the odd occurrence when he did a virtuous duty. Maybe held a door open for someone, or he let someone go ahead of him in line when he was taking too long to order. Those kind of impacting, considerate deeds. To ask him to be a hero, however? That would be rich, richer than the wine he had fermenting under his bed back at the dorm.

Another year, another round of ghastly duties. Perhaps he had been tainted from the start, be it birth or being enrolled in the Pantheon Academy too late to truly reinforce any positive traits. He never bothered to figure out how many years they actually offered at this place, but he sure was counting down the last one. Nothing so far had managed to inspire the young man into being anything but the same, lazy glutton. He drank, he scribbled words together, and he called it an essay. That was usually the extent of his academia. You couldn't even get him to admit he secretly liked it either. That's how ungood the boy was. He was a troublemaker all right, and a stubborn one at that.

Orientation was his favorite time to nap. Sitting toward the back usually, feet kicked up unceremoniously next to someone's agitated ass. Vince snored, which he contributed to one really bad batch of cocaine he had sniffed one evening (of course, when school wasn't in session). He wasn't truly asleep of course, usually faking it enough to cause a bit of distress to the do-gooders around him. Not that he really cared about what they did presently; his focus was more on how they'd be later. Fed up usually, or at their highest point of irritation. Then, they'd carry their negative energy elsewhere and stir up bad behaviors of their own. Mouth off a teacher, insult a girlfriend. Vince wasn't much of a now-- he was one hell of a watch what happens next.

His fake sleep was interrupted by the Alma Mater being chanted throughout the hall. He snorted loudly, sitting up abruptly. Looking around, legitimately waking from a very nice dream with lots writhing bodies and free-flowing wine, his nose tickled to the scent of cigarettes. Pretty ballsy of the kids to smoke so openly, like it was some dingy back alley behind a Chinese kitchen. He smirked a bit at the sight of them, catching eyes and tipping the hat he didn't wear. The headmistress did her hand thing, which meant nap-time was over. Vincent jumped to his feet, stretched out a few kinks in his lanky body, and trudged over to the smokers.

Cigarettes weren't the hedonist's favorite pleasure, but he entertained the occasional rise of anxious flow to his otherwise lazy river of a mind. He stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked over, nodding to the two there. One of the smokers was one hell of a beefcake, exciting Vincent to the very idea of being punched straight across the face by the guy. The girl seemed to be pretty rebellious herself, both in appearance and flavorful language he caught on the way over. Also attractive, and totally unfair to the demigod.

"Screenagers," he clicked his tongue at the beefcake, shaking his head to the side and looking at the girl. "Can you believe kids these days? it's like they don't even look at the world around them!" He mock scoffed, leaning back into the smile on his face.

"I'm Vincent, byyyy the way. I don't think I've seen you two around before. You guys ready for a super awesome year of super awesome do-gooding?!" He fake cheered, hand still rooted firmly in his pockets. Hopefully his joke wouldn't go over these heads, or he'd probably pursue some other person to rustle their jimmies a bit. That was the inner Machiavellian in him. Twist minds a bit, stir a bit of confusion. Stride in for the kill... but without the whole murder part.

"Oh yeah definitely," Friday smiled back waspishly, letting the scarasm drip through her falsely sweet tone, "love to do the do-gooding! It was my dreeamm to be a might Hero, slashing and dashing bad guys!" She tooked another huff and breathed out in the air, not a care in the world who was looking or who judged her. Besides, she was a Demigoddess, she highly doubted that she would die to fucking cancer of all things. She eyed the man, the one that called himself Vincent. Tall, handsome, a jokative smile and blonde hair. No doubt got many gals admiring him. She wasn't that type of girl though. Natural beauty came with the turf. Unless you were unfortunate enough to be a offspring of what's-his-face, the deformed greek god of blacksmiths. And besides, they were probably all fucking related. Not that blood relations mattered to the Gods, who literally fucked their own siblings. "Friday, you can call me Friday," she said to the boy, blowing another puff of smoke in the air, "just Friday, no surname." And I don't give a shit if you remember it.
Aodhan O'Cuilleanan
Aodhan glanced at the woman who joined him. Dark hair, pale, pretty. He let out something of a laugh, returning his attention to the phone's screen. "Yer tellin' me, love. If tha' headmistress had a stick any further up 'er arse, it'd be pokin' out 'er mouth." He remarked, knowing she wouldn't expect much of a response but wanting to give his two cents to her opinion. Nevertheless, flicking his stub of cigarette off he noted the passing of two other students. One brown-haired boy who scrunched his nose at the scent of tobacco and some blondie who was cocky enough to start making jests. He didn't mind people who took a stance, even if that stance ended up with them losing a couple of teeth.

Friday was quick to reply and introduce herself, Aodhan muttered something before he stood up and straightened his legs. Tucking the mobile into his back pocket, the Irishman eyed the newcomer to the morose smokers club. "Aye, if I looked at the world around me, I'd start seein' wankers like yerself." He arched his brows and sniffed, looping his thumbs through the belt hoops in his jeans. "You know, if I 'ad ta do some good, I'd donate to a feckin' charity fer the mentally disabled. Where most of them bastards up in the feckin' sky should be." O'Cuilleanan bunched his shoulders up.

The big lad continued to narrow his eyes at Vinny, working something out in his head, albeit notably slow. "Nice ta meet youse, blondie." He stuck a hand out to shake. "Aodhan." And then he gave it more of a squeeze than he should've in some strange dancing around the fact he wanted to physically tear someone apart. Not for any real reason, he found himself plagued by it most of the time. No real form of psychosis, just anger. A lot of anger. He half turned to Friday, watching her a long second to alternate between both strangers. "Good ta know youse ain't a fool for this bullshit, even you, blondie. But yer fuckin' introduction needs a little revision, I ain't used to helpin' the kids with special needs."

He drew one palm up the side of his face, bristling against his unshaven jaw and up into the mess of his hair. From the tense way he held his frame, it was like a taut rubber band about to snap. "I'm feckin' ready to smash Mother Mary in the feckin' face, God bless n' all -- my da is Catholic, but Christ n' all gods under the sun I ain't spendin' more than a month in this place. I ain't savin' the end of the world fer no one, rather wipe my arse with it and flip off the rest of these feckin' bootlickers."

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss BELIAL. BELIAL. dmgink dmgink


Chloe Thanes

She was not going to lie. This was without a doubt the scariest thing she ever did.
These halls were huge, these rooms were massive, even the walls and windows were immense compared to anything she had seen before. Okay true, she didn't exactly get around much so her perspective might be warped.
Just a little.
A lot.

It also didn't help that she was rather tiny in size compared to most of the other demi children here.
Coming here had been quite the journey, not to mention getting her stuff to her dorm room. She couldn't think of any other moment in her life where she had uttered so many apologies in a day, let alone an hour.
A sigh had escaped her as she had mentally prepared herself to enter the Main Halls.

It had been her plan to be seated as far in the back as possible, so she could swiftly make her escape before everyone else would once the assembly would be over.
Bad plan.
Most of the people in the last few rows seemed to be of the very scary sort.
She had almost let out a yelp at the sight of some of them.
Apologizing to everyone that bumped into her, Chloe made her way forward in the hopes of finding a place where she could remain as undetected as possible. Most of the people were busy talking amongst each other, clearly friends that had been to this school before. How she wished for something like that.
Friends... People who would welcome her presence, have fun, joke around, respect each other and her. As much as she understood her mother's reasoning for hiding her away from the world, it's these things that she so desperately missed. It was the very reason why she had pleaded to her mother to send her here. Amongst other things.

Chloe eventually took place somewhere in the middle of the Main Halls, in between a few rather happy but loud people. Not that they seemed to notice her.
Quietly she listened to the speech of the Headmistress, and nearly jolted right out of her seat when the Alma Matter was sounded by teacher and student alike.
That was scary, that nearly gave her a heart attack. Was this normal? If so she really hoped she couldn't die of a heart attack, being half goddess and all.

Half goddess... She had known what she was from the start, her Mother, Persephone, not shielding her from that truth at least. She only shielded her from the rest of the world. And now she was smack dab in the middle of so many who were similar to her. Would there be any others nearby of the same mythology? She didn't think her mother would have gotten a second child at any point in her life, but what about the others? Some were known for sleeping around. (Yet another reason why her mother had kept her from the public eye).

When the assembly ended Chloe had hoped to make a run for it, out of the crowd, but alas. She got sandwiched between a bunch of people.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry. Pardon me?" the girl pleaded but her voice barely made it above hearing level.

There was nothing she could do beyond being dragged along as she continued to try and make her presence known to those who unwittingly trapped her.

Amaterasu watched them all, her arms crossed and her lips pursed with a Sigh she gave a smile at the large amount of demigods that were around her, She even allowed some of the Demigods to greet her making a comment how is she the Sun and the Sun is still in Space, she chuckled as Science and Reality are bent to allow mortals to think whatever they wish, Even the Higher heavens. She noticed a particular group and decided to simply watch them, everyone of their movements as nothing can hide under the sun. Well...At least to ONE of the Sun Goddesses at least. She silently watched all whom were around and sighing as she has not seen a single face of one of her own Offspring. Did she calculate their arrival wrong? When does she Amaterasu get mixed up? Well there was that one time she plunged Japan into Darkness out of a fit, and had to be Lured out. She shook her head again and sighed once more. She made it to that there were very few of actual Gods in the academy but of course there was still some, But mostly Demigod Heroes to teach these students. But even then she felt that they probably saw her as some Stuck up goddess who didn't care and was doing this as a Job. She stops and if anyone noticed she would physically scratch her own head and mumbled "No. I am Not My mother I will not think these thoughts...." her voice was so low that only demigods who were actually paying attention would even hear a whisper of it.

She then folds her arms as she watches once more until a thought popped into her head 'Wait.....Am I a slu-' she shook her head frowning to herself, The Ideals of Mortals and Gods are different, There Morale was beyond what humans could understand. But those who have half their blood, while mortal stained by the Powers of the Gods Could they understand?
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Brooke "Lucky" Weisz

He transferred himself here to see people like him but after just a quick look at the people around him, he felt like an outcast even more. Most of the people around him, the guys specifically who were much more taller and very much could be easily identified by their muscles. Makes him wonder is he should get jacked too, but it made him shiver at the thought of his purely youthful and handsome face atop of the body of a wrestler. The voice of Amaterasu was a blur in the background as he thought of his mother. She was a Greek deity, the Goddess of Chance and has the ability to bring both good and ill-fortune. But as for him, he only got a part of that and it was like he had all the amount of good luck in the world.

That's all he knows about myth. Seriously, it never was an interesting subject for him and that was all the research he was willing to make to know about his mom. The woman never even talks to him so why bother, right? His attention was caught by the students chanting along with the... whatever that was. Hearing it made him cringe, he never knew that this was a school for heroes. Was he hero material? He's sweet and caring sure, but a hero? Hard pass, old lady. Hard. Pass.

Now. Assembly was finished and it was time to go get out of the seat that's been making his butt ache. Not too far away he sees a group of people, two were smoking and the blonde hunk of a guy and the other one that was smoking was even hunky-er. His mind was boggled at how someone get that kind of body, he is both amazed and scared at the red head. He walked up to them, words of what he wants to say repeating on his mind. "Hi! The name's Brooke Weisz but everybody calls me Lucky. You guys seem like my type of people so why don't we hang out!" But instead he says, "Hi! So how'd you two get so beefed? Especially you." Pointing at Aodhan, then poking his bicep. "Oh. That's hard." He then turned his attention to the only girl on the group. "Name's Brooke Weisz. But most call me Lucky." He gave a wink. Cursing himself on the inside. Nice going, Brooke. Get too eenthusiastic. Fuck everything up. Might as well pee at yourself. He shouldn't have approached these people, they really, actually scare him with how intimidating they are, all of them feel like they got this incredible power, but the lot seemed like new students like him. Besides, he's Luck! Literally, so he'd hardly get smacked right?

"So, are you guys here to be heroes because... I don't want to be one."

idalie idalie BELIAL. BELIAL. PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Friday was puffing out smoke, and comprehending what the Irish man said when this boy came to them, he was a twig of a boy and what one would normally call a complete loser. He mustered up some courage though, and started toward them, only to completely miss the mark and start to compliment the Irishman's biceps, he then turned to her and introduced himself, actually give her a wink. An actual fucking wink. She was just about to scoff and turn away in annoyance when his next question brought her back.

"So, are you guys here to be heroes because ..... I don't want to be one."

You don't fucking seem like one anyway, she wanted to say, instead she said in that waspish tone that often occupied her scarasm. "Yes, definitely, that's exactly why we are here. To be fucking heros. Wooptee doo. We just love being the good guys. Just saving people and shit. Like fucking superheros!" She smirked to him, and puffed out more smoke, "in case you haven't noticed, I was being scarastic." She winked at him in turn, it was a well-praticed wink, one done to many hapless males. Not that she ever actually did it with any of them, but she did like to tease. "Name's Friday. Like the day of the week. Don't ask. Even I don't know where my fucking name came from."

She puffed some more smoke, blowing it into the boy's face. "Good to know you aren't a sheep, "Lucky."" She blows more smoke in his face and chuckles at his evident discomfort.


tagged Olissa Olissa
The break had been too short. Shakir's father had taken him to Japan a week after he settled in at home. They'd gone sight seeing, backpacking, and picture taking in Tokyo and the other major cities surrounding it. Though the highlight had been being with his dad again. The island was necessity for him, a special place to hone in on the strange bits in him, but being back at home reminded him that he was still half human. Half normal.

The smell of cigarette smoke made his brow raise though his gaze was still ensnared by the black and white drawings in his hand as he flipped through the pages with some eagerness. The book had a panda and a boy with a braid on the front, both frozen in kung-fu poses. Something he saw in Japan, then picked up at a Barnes and Nobles. There were always the rebels, the new ones were the worst. Demigods and demigoddesses never came from happy, whole homes and the island shuffled in almost enough brooding teenagers for the academy to be considered a correctional institution. He'd known them to be typically Ares' kids. No one liked Ares' kids.

Shakir clapped the book shut once the chanting started. There seemed to be more energy toward the front of the hall and it slowly became more robotic the further back. Shakir was seated where the Alma Mater was either grumbled or not said at all. Once it ceased and the signal was given hundreds of students poured from the seats including Shakir. He strolled on calmly, allowing for his shoulders to be jostled as others pushed past him. The book stayed at his front, clasped between both hands and hanging low to protect against unwelcome elbow jabs. Shakir fell in beside a fluttered looking blonde girl and though he heard her distressed voice, it seemed as though very few did as well. A grin played at his lips and he did his best not to laugh at her unneeded panic. "You just gotta," He started, motioning with both arms toward the back of a girl in front of him, though careful to keep his hands to himself, and finishing by mouthing the word push.
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Aodhan O'Cuilleanan
In between the uncomfortable introductions, some small twig of a kid approached. Annoying sort, he looked like the type of lad Aodhan would knock the front teeth out of if they ever looked in his general direction. Sure, people had said before that he 'couldn't hit others because they were smaller than him' but O'Cuilleanan had some belief in survival of the fittest. If they were clever they'd duck. Nevertheless, the stranger poked him on the arm and made some comments on his physical appearance before winking at Friday and standing there a little more than braindead to, at last, ask something which could be answered in a sense of normalcy.

Aodhan clenched his fist, then relaxed it in a rare wave of pity. Little twat. "Don't wink at ta feckin' women ye stupid bastard," Instead, he gave a semi-hard cuffing to the back of Brooke's head. "It's yer lucky day I ain't usin' ye as a punchin' bag." Crossing his arms again -- which didn't help in making him look any smaller or less intimidating -- Aodhan flexed his shoulders back to stand straighter. "I don't want to be a hero, 'ave got a family at home an' I don't need another full've self-righteous bastards in the feckin' sky. Bless me ma, promised I'd never become a piece a' scum. Unfortunately fer us, looks like we gotta play along til' somethin' happens. I'm plannin' on gettin' expelled, dunno 'bout you lot. Done it enough times, can do it again, I just wan' disappoint the piece of shit that helped bring me into the world by goin' home and gettin' a job in construction. Good wages if ye ask me. Protectin' the world? Nah mate. Rather die n' let these fucks die with it."

Glancing down at Friday, Aodhan arched one eyebrow. "If ye keep explainin' yer feckin' sarcasm in some meta humour, 'am gon' go feckin' jump off a bridge an' end it now. We get it, yer not a fan of the hero class." The Irishman eventually twisted about to see the slow-moving crowds leaving the assembly hall. "Ain't much ta do now anyway, sit on our arses and enjoy the weather. Might try n' see if there's anyway outta here, off the beach n' all. Protective spells can stick it up 'em, I'd prefer to swim home. Never mind the Norse arse-bitin' snake or somethin'."

Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum BELIAL. BELIAL. PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss
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Lot was not too surprised when a messenger god had approached him about the Pantheon Academy. He had accepted the offer without hesitation, telling his father that he was just going to go to a college out of state. This was his final year at the academy and the Alma Mater still did not invigorate him like the other students who chanted it. Lot's entire reason for attending the school was to give him a larger access to spells and magic books than his father's shop could offer. The young man spent most of his time at the academy in the school's vast library just reading about spells and the magical beings that inhabit the world.
Lot's late arrival at to the ceremony gifted him with one of the seats in the back of the ceremony where all the unenthusiastic students gathered. Like many of the other students Lot had indulged in a little nap during the assembly only to be awoken by the mass chanting of the schools Alma Mater. "We fight for the fate of all this world." Lot muttered as he slid out of the chair. He grabbed his bag from under his chair as he made his way out of the hall looking around at the other students. The academy was such a large school that Lot could hardly recognize who was new and who he was classmates with for the past three years. All he knew was that among the students were children of gods who made them a bit unpleasant to be around. Not that Lot was judging as he has been known to use magic on other students as a prank. As per usual, Lot pushed his way through the crowd and started to make his way towards the schools library were he hoped to find some more spells to learn.
Amaterasu clapped her hands once. And a massive emission of a solar flare let off to get everyone's attention. Even if they were turned from her the light that emitted was so bright that for a few seconds it would blind everyone within the Halls for roughly 3 seconds. Amaterasu's voice rang out even without a microphone her voice seemed to carry a sort of radiate energy to it.

"Oh and for those who think that they are too great to go to Hero Class or to bad 'ass' to be at this school I have a little present for you all!" Amaterasu motioned a teacher in. He was Muscular and tall, with thick black hair and a Beard, his Light Blue eyes looked devious as he entered the halls, as he held a monster with chains. Yes a Actual Monster. It was a Hydra and it was massive only held in place by the man's incredible strength and about 12 jaw restraints. It was a 12 headed Hydra weighing over 7 tons and was massive. It's growl rumbled within everyone's chest even with the restraints on it jaw it was clearly NOT friendly. Its odor was putride like thousands of rotting corpses at once, along with feces and a strong smell of urine.

Amaterasu spoke again this time with authority. "This My young students, is a Hydra. A Monster that can only be killed by cutting off and cauterizing each head at the same time. We found this lurking near one young demigod's home. You all don't realize That being a Child of the Gods causes you all to have a Aura, and Monsters can sense this aura. And once they sense it They will hunt you down until they kill you. I won't sugarcoat it at all. Monsters all exist And they want to have each and everyone of you as a Snack. Ah And thank you Heracles, You can keep Old Bessie in here to make sure that all the Students know that if they wish to run away something like this or maybe even worse will come after them."

The demigod Heracles nodded as he kept Old Bessie from attempting to smash some of the students with its tail.
Sigvar Vitharsen
Sigvar slowly turned on his heel at the flare of blinding light. What the hell was that for? He hadn't done anything wrong. But now he was pissed. He stopped midstride on his path towards the library, facing Amaterasu and the newly arrived Hydra. He looked over the massive, twelve headed creature. Honestly? He was unimpressed.

"Well that's fucking stupid." he uttered, walking back towards where the other kids had been smoking before. He looked them over a moment, then back to the Hydra. Sure. He was listening, but he didn't really care what the headmistress had to say. Sigvar wasn't often one for rebellion, but at a ridiculous notion such as this? Of course he wanted to laugh, be merry, and raise a little hell.

"What's that shit?" the Norwegian, accent evident, asked the crowd of other kids standing around. He snickered, covering his mouth a moment.

"Has she lost her mind?" he asked the others purely in jest. No one would believe this story when he got home. They'd believe he had too much mead for one night. He was starting to wonder if maybe he had. Sigvar could go for some right now. He could kick back, drink a pint, and watch this crazy sun goddess' antics all day if they were going to be like this. Sigvar didn't care about the danger. He didn't even register it.

Friday was almost stunned by the Hydra, almost. But she was still more stunned by the Hydra itself than the Headmistress' clear and obvious power-play that would most likely fail. Having been actually thrown in jail and threatened multiple times, she wasn't phased at all by her threats, even if she was a Goddess. Because simply telling rebels not to rebel always culls rebellions. Not to mention most of us were fucking kidnapped and booted here without even a care in the world. She assumed that's how most of them came here. She chuckled loudly to herself and puffed some more smoke. "Impressive beast. Not so impressive speech," she scoffed. She heard it all before and it kind of pissed her off that this god school was no different than an oridinary school, complete with mandatory classes. Great. She didn't chose this life. Her mother thrust it upon her. Bitch!

"It's all the same," she murmured to herself, "it's all the fucking same. This school is no different. Nice beast though. And Hercules was cool." She smiled to herself. She knew she was dismissing an obvious threat, but she always dismissed threats. Besides I've been alone my entire life. Besides don't we always kill the Monsters in the end? Some threat! She laughed out loud.

She turned toward the big tall guy who had joined them.

"That's fucking Goddesses for ya pal. Always wanting a reason to just go batshit crazy! No wonder nobody worships them anymore! They are all just drama queens! And I would bloody know!"
Vincent Ambrosia
| Location: | Main Halls, near the back
| With: | Friday, Aodhan, Sigvar, Lucky
| Mentions: | idalie idalie PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum dmgink dmgink
Friday seemed to be her own type of venomous, which interested Vincent more to the capacity of how well she could be manipulated to do bad things. She seemed already inclined to being on a separate scale of bad, so what would a little push do? Make her psychopathic? Full of delusions? This excited the young demigod, and he grinned at her like a kid at the candy store.

"Friday No Surname, huh? Sounds Greek," Vince snorted as his attention was pulled to the ginger beefcake. He investigated the figure with all of his vision, raking up and down to savor the image for his spankbank. It'd be weird if they ended up as friends and Vincent thought about the beefcake sexually, but the true extent to which he cared was slim-- for now, he'd enjoy the image of the Roid Boy here crushing Vince's head between his legs. Glory, sweet glory.

"Aye, if I looked at the world around me, I'd start seein' wankers like yerself. You know, if I 'ad ta do some good, I'd donate to a feckin' charity fer the mentally disabled. Where most of them bastards up in the feckin' sky should be." Vincent widened his eyes, surprised but equally not by the heavy Irish accent. He wanted to laugh out loud at it, just to see how many bruises he'd end up with under a minute, but Vincent held his tongue. Company was nice to keep, though the blond hated to admit and long for it. He was a creature of social desires; being alone was not his true nature.

"Ain't that the truth, Red," Vince shook his head in agreement akin to a devote believer shaking to the music of a TV Evangelist's preaching. He wondered how many kids around him had the same absent/asshole god parent situation. It would be pure luck, and perhaps some clever lying, to convince him that any parent that wasn't human legitimately cared about their offspring. The Gods were assholes, you'd be foolish to think otherwise. While Vince praised and worshiped his father, he wasn't stupid. He loved the god as much as a son could love his absent, alcoholic, mania driven father.

"Nice ta meet youse, blondie. Aodhan." The hand Vincent took was tighter than a... you know what. "Good ta know youse ain't a fool for this bullshit, even you, blondie. But yer fuckin' introduction needs a little revision, I ain't used to helpin' the kids with special needs."

"Lucky for you Aodhan, we're not obligated to help any of the special needs kids here. It's a nice mixture of freedom and boarding school... but a lot more plant pots to piss in." He cast a loving gaze around the hall, letting a sigh of adoration. Aodhan began to mutter some more ramblings, but it took far too much brain power for the blond to try and decipher. He rubbed his jaw, looking around and eyeing his peers; new and old alike.

"Hi! So how'd you two get so beefed? Especially you."

Vince blinked, surprised that someone new had joined the little rebellion at the rear. He took his other hand out of his pocket and stuck it on his hip, watching intently at the small, twinkish boy instigate some sort of conversation with the biggest pair of conversational balls that Vince had seen in a while (especially from someone as sweet looking as this.)

"Watch it kid, beefcake bites."

"Oh. That's hard."

"If you lose a hand, I'm not calling the nurse."

"Name's Brooke Weisz. But most call me Lucky. So, are you guys here to be heroes because... I don't want to be one." Vince furrowed his brows at the lanky boy, twisting up his face in thought. Sure, he had considered what being a hero really meant more than enough times (and had vehemently decided his nature was inherently against that idea), but he definitely wondered how many people around him legitimately wanted to be here. As he was aware, some were forcefully evicted from their normal lives by asshole messenger gods (see exhibit A: Vincent Ambrosia).

Vince watched in a bemused sort of fascination as each person gave their respective response to Lucky's question. Friday was, well, Friday (Vince already had her figured out and it was what, three minutes into their first meeting? She'd definitely be fun to poke and annoy a bit). Aodhan had his Irish cream of a response, the lyrical lilt like music to the demigod's ears. He kept his mouth shut however, much preferring to watch these transfers and newbie chat among themselves. Vincent was an interesting guy, sure-- he even figured himself funny sometimes-- but people were much, much more interesting to watch.

The group was chattering when a solar flare illuminated the air around them. Vincent visibly winced, having not yet gotten accustomed to the Headmistress's method of cajoling the masses to obedience. He groaned outwardly as she began to speak, the demigod very close to just getting on his knees and begging Aodhan to put him out of his misery right then and there.

"Oh and for those who think that they are too great to go to Hero Class or to bad 'ass' to be at this school I have a little present for you all!" She gestured for Heracles to bring Old Bessie in. Vincent sighed loudly, narrowing his eyes and screwing his face up.

"Dammit Ama-bear, why you gotta do the Hydra thing? You crazy bitch," He shook his head at the end of his sentence, laughing in jest.

She supplied an explanation for the show of fear. He wondered if Kim Jung-Un at the same thoughts as their Headmistress when he launched his test nukes, or flexed his personal army. Curious, curious thoughts. He didnt lie to himself when gazing up at the Hydra he felt a stab of fear in his gut, so well, she did it well. Vince liked living-- he didn't like dying. It still felt a bit too on the nose for the Headmistress to flash her biggest guns for kids like Vince and the others. Was this really in anybody's best interest?

Someone else joined the group, mostly just staring in disbelief at the Hydra. She was escorted to the center like a prize dog by Beefcake Senior (Heracles), and Vince turned to address the others.

"Well, since I've been here longer than you all I'll tell you that we're definitely supposed to be afraid of the 'ole Hydra there. Definitely show fear," He said, and deliberately addressing Friday he leaned forward. "It's Heracles, by the way. Don't let him hear you call him Hercules, and don't you dare disrespect my Beefcake King."

"Headmistress Padmé Amidala means to scare us into submission, but I'm sure you're all aware of it. I usually just picture her like a little bee, stinging my ass a couple of times. It is really, really hard to take her seriously when she brings Beefcake out... God, I'm always just looking at that tight as... as hell display of power." He sighed, hands returning to his pockets as the demigod spun on his heel.

"I'll show you guys my favorite spot to hide out; no one usually finds me if I get drunk as fuck there. Besides, If I look at that Hydra any longer, I may get a few bad ideas..." He snickered in jest, winking over at the beast from over his shoulder. God, what all those heads could do...
"Well fuck me." Lot muttered as his eyes readjusted from the godly flash bang. The sight of the hydra brought chills down the students spine. Lot has seen the devastating power of hydras during his years at the academy and knew that capturing one was no simple feat. The threat made by the Head Mistress was not something to shrug off, only naive students would feel unimpressed by it. Lot slowly walked towards the front of the hall, pushing through the students fleeing, to take a closer look at the hydra; softly chanting some protection spells that would keep him from being injured by it's acid spray. Although any other attack would cause serious injury to the student. "Well that sure is one fucking power play if I have seen one." Lot muttered to himself looking at the students who backed away from the threat. Lot took a seat near the back of the hall once again, pulling out a small notebook from his bag he started to describe the features of the hydra and its general behavior. This could be one of the few times he would be able to see a hydra up close like this without having to worry about not instantly being killed. Lot sat there thinking up various spells to fight a hydra and ways to avoid its attacks, jotting them all down in his notebook. Even if this was a show of power, Lot was not going squander this moment with fear or ill informed ignorance.
A woman in red entered the Halls silently, but if anyone would notice her it was clear of how beautiful she was. Reiko Tanaka the Demigoddess daughter of Izanagi came in with a brilliant but soft smile. Heracles nodded at her as she walked up to Old Bessie and simply patted her head. She turned to Heracles and spoke softly. "She is always having you bring out Bessie huh?" She giggles as Heracles sighs giving her a Nod. Reiko walked up to the small group of demigods specifically Friday,Vincent, Sigvar, Aodhan, Shakir, And Brooke a small set of papers on a paperclip could be seen. Her voice came out very softly as she looked at each individual Demigod one by one. "Do...you all not like it here? I know Miss Amaterasu is over the top but please don't blame her." Her sweet voice came out so lovely that if one was not careful they would mistake her for the Japanese Goddess of Love, Benzau-Tennyo. The lure in her voice even fills monsters with compassion, this was just her manipulating chances by making herself friendly unlike Miss Amaterasu with her power plays.....which was the Manticore last year.

"I know this must be rough for you all. Being taken from your homes, your life, your friends....But staying with them may put all of your family in danger." She spoke with genuine concern for all of them, though she didn't even introduce herself yet. She held her smile to them all even if they where to talk down to her, get mad at her maybe even say things that she would dislike she would keep that smile on her face, and a warm aura she let off made her seem even more friendly and approachable.
Aodhan O'Cuilleanan
Vincent wasn't so bad. The more he talked the more Aodhan was amused, not that he had any clue of what was going on in the fellow demigods head -- and if he did, well Aodhan would probably ask for money since he was offering a service by standing around for the wandering gaze of some stranger. It took time and effort to look the way he did (A little help from his father's DNA, but he'd never admit that. Divine genes could get in the bin where he was concerned). The Irishman was almost placated by the distraction of so many new faces and names, a bond forming of teenage rebellion and broken families. He'd keep them around, try not to do anything that ruined someone's face. Life was boring on your own and he needed a direction, not to mention help, in this place. Firstly, dormmates, secondly, trying to get hold of contraband.

The solar flare burned his eyes and drew the attention of every being in the room to the headmistress, revealing her boy toy and purse dog. Hercules and a hydra fondly named Bessie. "'E looks nothin' like the Disney adaption," Aodhan remarked, half listening to what Blondie was saying whilst his mind drifted. Sure he'd like to have a nice lookin' gal between his legs any day, but the thought of beating Hercules to a pulp? That threw him off the charts for what he desired most in the world. Not fame, not money, not sex. His eyes narrowed, sussing out the God centuries his senior. He was going to tear that bastard apart with his bare hands, in time. In time. The headmistresses attempts to scare them seemed to almost persuade O'Cuilleanan to stay. On the terms, he'd be the new geezer to beat the shit outta the old. Feck the English, feck the Greeks, feck the Norse, it was Ireland in this godly World Cup.

Aodhan snapped back to the conversation at hand. "A hydra could raw me an' I still wouldn't be scared of it." The demigod scoffed, "Aye, if I ever date some gal called Bessie I'll be thinkin' of that big lizard. Even on our weddin' day." He smacked a fist into his calloused palm with a thud, "But feck, I'm gon' 'ave roasted hydra some day. Kill it with jus' me teeth. Wait fer the myths about Aodhan O'Cuilleanan. School don't teach ambition, if I wanted, I could feck off to my pa and learn all this bull there." One might dare say he was excited by the prospect of being faced by certain death. Then again, what teenager wasn't?

Blondie started to turn with an off-comment on the scaly beast, causing Aodhan to clap Vinny on the shoulder. "Ye wouldn't stoop so low?" His eyes were beseeching. But muddled were the minds of debauchery, Aodhan wasn't about to raise the standards of the child of Dionysus. "Lets get the fuck outta here before she grows a pair, or starts feelin' students up for contraband. I got detained at the airport fer knockin' them staff flat, think 'ave got a record."

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss BELIAL. BELIAL. dmgink dmgink Colorless Spectrum Colorless Spectrum


Friday eyed the teach that had seen fit to take her time out of her day to target them specifically (did they have super-hearing or something) and decided immediately that her usual wit or scarasm wouldn't work this time around. She knew her type, kind and smiling, all bubbles and rainbows, these teachers would keep their smile even if you brandished a knife and stuck it between their rips, they were made to handle rowdy kids like her. So, confronation was completely useless. Instead of the usual starky remark, she simply stuffed her cigarrate out, and said in a simple, yet casual tone. "Wouldn't know, only been here for an hour," she clicked her tongue, "that beastie over there seems like a lot to handle, are you sure it's safe to keep that around us? Hydras are not one to trifle with from what I heard. If it breaks out, you have one hell of a situation on yer hands." She gave her too genuine smile a too genuine smile of her own, her eyes twinkling. I know how your types of teachers work. Faced it all my life. "I doubt even Herc, almighty Demigod that he is, will have an easy time with it." It was a classic move, insulting the establishment, perhaps too much of a classic move, she had no doubt that this Goddess would see right through her but she didn't really care. She wasn't stupid enough to have a pissing contest with Goddesses, however much she despised them. Those rarely end well.

She allowed a few of moments of silence between them, then, "is the whole bright bulbous flash and Beastie thing her Schict? Seems a little too much. You can just show us the Beast during that whole speech while she has our attention. Seems much more effecient. Rather than getting our attention after the ceremony. But then again, I am only half-a-Goddess so what do I know?"

PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss

Reiko turned her full attention to Friday her smile never once fading away. She simply look between Friday and Old Bessie who was shifting around a lot. "Oh? Old Bessie not to worry Bessie is actually the only Hydra who is none violent she won't harm a hair on any of us demigods heads~" Her voice was without stress and clearly with friendly tone. She was relaxed "I wouldn't let Miss Amaterasu actually bring out something that can kill us if not in check. Trust me even I don't know what goes through my sister's head at times. Ah where my Manners. I am Reiko Tanaka the Vice Headmistress and Teacher of Hero Class."
Gods, this teacher is so fake. She didn't voice that out loud though, though her nose did scruffle as if burned by something. "Hero class, huh?" she said, keeping a smile on her face, "so you're the teacher that's gonna teach us to fight monsters? Cool, that's cool." Do I really have to take this stupid hero class? She didn't voice that out loud either but she wasn't as good as this teacher evidently was at keeping her face straight, so she suspected that something must have slipped. "Thanks for reassuring me, I was worried." A lie. She wasn't worried at all. If this school couldn't handle it's own beasts, they wouldn't be shipping them off to it, would they?
Reiko looked at the young Friday her eyes sparkled as its clear she saw straight through her. "I had a Friend who seemed like you. She was fun and never took anything serious. She along with about half of my class Died valiantly against the Father of all monsters." Her smile was unsettling, but not in the creepy way, it was the smile of someone who only had fond memories of her friends even though they all met their end. "Oh I am sorry I didn't want to lessen the mood. But just know this Even if you don't like hero class, I want all of you to attend. If I can at least save one of you I will be happy." She spoke swiftly as Heracles walked over holding Bessie's Chains.

"Reiko" he spoke, his voice came out with a thick Mediterranean accent. "Bessie probably needs some air again" Seiko nods a few times and goes with him curtsying the students before patting One of Bessie's heads walking out with Heracles helping him Move Bessie's annoyingly large chains.

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