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Fandom Overlord: Requiem For The Lich King [Always Open, I suppose.]

Ghastly screeches rang all over the battlefield that seemed more like a one sided massacre, the abominable arachnids screaming in confusion as its own brethren began tearing into each other, while others were dispatched by the dozens with a single, fell swoop. Prying into the minds of the spiders bore Something a sliver of information - for a moment, she'd be able to clearly make out their strands of consciousnesses leading directly to a singular, 'command centre' of sorts. A looming, overwhelming presence of something far larger and, perhaps far more sinister than mere drones of a measly level 45. The spider 'general' would only be revealed for a mere moment before that connection was abruptly cut.

The drones had suddenly been severed from the hive - in order to prevent Something's potential infiltration from bearing any more fruit, the 'commander', which evidently possessed some relatively high degree of intelligence, had made the tactical decision to leave the drones for dead. The sudden removal from the swarm was seen in the drones as the remaining spiders suddenly ceased their fruitless assault, and froze in place as they began to make some sort of confused, purring noises. Most were just sitting ducks now, and the remaining ones that still fought were now doing so in a disorderly and disoriented manner that made swatting them aside even more of a walk in the park.

That was one problem brushed aside.

With Acles and Alishia high in the sky, the surrounding land became much easier to survey despite the thick, necrotic mist that seemed to plague the area. Even five-hundred meters high in the sky, the surrounding land was a lifeless waste as far as the eye could possibly see. The density of dead trees suggested the area to have once been a vast forest, which had clearly fallen victim to the necrotic mist. Far in the distance, the area surrounding the Phantomhaunt Bonespire was perhaps surprising. Build around the dreadful dungeon was a town of sorts. A large area around the spire was enclosed by tall, stone walls, and inside was a settlement resembling that of a generic, human town not uncommon in fantasy settings. Mostly wooden and stone buildings, in stark contrast to the macabre, bone-wrought spire that sat at the centre of the town. Light was coming from the area as well, meaning that it was likely still inhabited. There were people moving around the streets, but the distance made it a bit hard to make out the race, though the inhabitants were definitely humanoid.

Then, Dolce and Rosa, in their infinite wisdom, surmised that the most likely method to fixing their problems was to blow the bonespire away. Normally, in Yggdrasil, firing anything at a dungeon wouldn't result in any damage whatsoever, as the structures and walls were generally set to be invulnerable. The spear of pure arcane energy zipped right past Alishia, causing a loud whistling sound as it cut through the air itself, headed for a direct crash-course toward the centre of the bonespire.

What occurred next would a bit difficult for the group to observe, save for Alishia and Acles who were flying. The group would be able to sense an immense volume of magic, before the spear just... disappeared. Before the spear could make contact with the spire, an
odd-looking undead, that did not resemble any found in Yggdrasil seemingly manifested out of the mist. It held its skeletal arms outwards, tearing open a pitch-black hole in the air that swallowed the spear entirely. A Tenth-Tier spell: Void Maw. Then, its deathly stare fell upon Alishia for a moment, looking the woman down for a moment before it disappeared into thin air, just as it had came.
ChazGhost ChazGhost Azure Sky Azure Sky PlusUltra PlusUltra GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Gravitational Force Gravitational Force LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Damafaud Damafaud
Transmigrating Into a Post Apocalyptic Fantasy World with Several Unreliable Teammates and One which Probably just Screw Us All

The Scholarly Alchemist
What's with this fantasy post-apocalyptic setting?
Creepy Dead Land

The Wanderer
Ah, I need to save on fruits from now on

Take a look at this, Miss.
Suddenly, a minimap was added to the corner of Alishia's view. She frowned. The necrotic mist enshrouded more ground, far more vast than she originally thought it would. Even if Acles used [Greater Teleportation], they would probably still be within the dead land.

An alarm suddenly blared in Acles' mind. His [Danger Perception] warned him about an incoming high-level threat. Without giving it another thought, Acles cast [Greater Haste] on himself and dashed to the left. Alishia, who wasn't ready, let out a yelp.

"Whoa- warn me before moving so sudden-" A colossal red spear zoomed passed her. Its yellow sparks reached where the pair used to be. "-ly."

Alishia stared mutedly at the 10th tier spell flying straight toward the spire. From the trajectory of the spell, that oni NPC Rosa had cast it. Annoyance bubbled up in her head. They could have at least warned her about it. Before her irritation could be turned into words, however, the situation turned for the worse.

That 10th tier spell? Swallowed. Whole. By an undead almost as huge as the tower. Alishia's face paled. For a moment, she was at a loss of words.

"D-did that just-"
"And stare at-"
"Yup. The guild's database doesn't have anything on that monster."

However, the spell cast just now is Gungnir: Spear of Gods, a 10th tier spell. For the spell to be countered perfectly, that space spell should be of the same tier or higher.
"...crazy," Alishia whispered.

No, she needed to be strong. She couldn't rely on anyone here. Only herself... and Acles. Alishia took a deep breath. Calm. Calm. She was calm. "Let's go down for now."

Acles assented. The pair jumped to the ground, landing softly without taking any damage. Alishia told everyone of her finding, still being given a piggyback by Acles.

"It's all necrotic wasteland for at least 100 km all around. There isn't any notable structure except for the spire, so anyone who doesn't have immunity to necrotic damage should say it now since it will be constant. And I say," she turned to Dolce, glaring. "do you really want to an amicable relationship at all? I said I can't trust you not I can't tolerate you. Do you know how to be tolerable? Oh, I don't know- maybe warn someone before your subordinate fire off a 10th tier spell to a most definitely suspicious spire that alerted the tower master?! That huge undead thing now knows my face! I'm so great with my huge mana pool and high magic attack here's a taste of my super duper totally noticeable from the end of the world 10th tier magic spell for the world to see! Tada! How cool is that?! Oh, it's actually very cool- if you want to alert the whole world about your position! Do you know the meaning of testing the water? Subterfuge? Caution? If yes use them! If not stay away at least 500 meters from me before you do anything stupid!"

The barrage of words was typical of his Miss, which caused Acles to scratch his chin impassively. He offered no comment.
Interaction: Azure Sky Azure Sky , LostHaven LostHaven
Mention: Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 PlusUltra PlusUltra Gravitational Force Gravitational Force GrieveWriter GrieveWriter , ChazGhost ChazGhost
Fafnir felt herself feeling... tingly for some reason. The next few seconds, her body was on fire, metaphorically speaking.

"AHHHHHH! Why is it suddenly hurting?! Why is the screen getting blurry?! Ahhhhhh!"

She wasn't the only one feeling the burn. Actually, Guts was still asleep in Tall Tree when this happened. He did however, have a nightmare about dying in a volcano eruption IRL. He immediately woke up, now amongst the group that got brought to the limited dungeon.

Faffy was still trying to get over her burning sensation when Billions nearly cleaved her in two. Faffy was shocked to the point her jaw dropped and her lollipop fell to the floor.

Lots of questions were going on, except for Guts. Guts didn't know they got pulled into a dungeon by some unusuall event.

And now we are at the present.

"Okay, so we are at a wasteland, so what? I think you are all wimps for being a little scared."
Faffy replied, putting hef hands up to her sides in a I could care less gesture.

Guts got angry at that remark and drew his sword.

"I dare you to say that again you motherfucker!"

Rosa and Dolce

"What the fuck? Why?"

"Hehe, why not?" Was Rosa's only reply to the question. Good, Dolce found out what she needed to. Everything was going well so far... Was what she wanted to think but then Alishia came down and started talking alot about... various things which made Dolce raise her eyebrows. Meanwhile, Rosa overheard the elf and her smile disappeared, she just turned around wordlessly towards the elf and her companion, vampiric dragon bone lance in hand, but as soon as she did, Dolce gave her a karate chop to the head.

"Kyu!" The chop didn't hurt much, but it did surprise her. Dolce gave her a headpat afterwards, and Rosa became meek and started to sweat.

"I do apologize if Rosa's attack startled you. But I do not see things the way you do." Dolce sighed. "I wanted to ascertain if any strong being was nearby. And I did. The being also did not attack us back, meaning that it only responds to violence defensively. Another point to consider is that... someone or something already knows we are here. The spiders are proof of it." Dolce pointed towards the bonespire. "Attracting their attention is what I want. I need information. Are they the ones who brought us here? If not, are they a threat to our existence? If not, can we establish a peaceful relationship?" Dolce's next question was about Alishia herself. "Are you afraid of them because they are heteromorphic? I tend to believe they are not a horde of mindless barbarians, otherwise we would have been swarmed by greater forces the moment that masked man started slaughering most of the spiders." She was referring to Billions. "Ultimately, if everything fails, I will take responsability for my actions and make sure you two can escape." Dolce bowed to Alishia, as a sign of reassurance. "I react the way I was designed to. I will face every hardship while going forward." Dolce stood up again.

Because I am a queen.

Interaction: Damafaud Damafaud Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
Nearby: LostHaven LostHaven PlusUltra PlusUltra Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 LadyOfStars LadyOfStars GrieveWriter GrieveWriter ChazGhost ChazGhost
Something Something
Phantom Bonespire, Unknown
Tags: LostHaven LostHaven Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Azure Sky Azure Sky Damafaud Damafaud Gravitational Force Gravitational Force ChazGhost ChazGhost (Open)


The dancing woman simply stops for a moment and shrugs her shoulders, throwing a hand to her hip as she addresses Billions "Fighting Fighting Fighting, I suppose when all you have is a hammer you're only going to see nails but there are both easier, more effective and more profitable methods here, heck sometimes doing nothing is the right move" gesturing at the spiders now purring as she goes to pet one's chitin changing her message to a fellow spider in her movements.

"For example, these creatures are merely guided and controlled from a central point that deems them expendable and thus has a tactical intelligence, We know where such is located and so it can be potentially persuaded to see reason and provide aid that would be appreciated, given the appropriate leverage of course" several pats against the creature for emphasis "Not discounting the fact that they are effectively harmless, so your little tantrums the equivalent of a troubled kid playing with ants and a magnifying glass.".

Now with what they knew there were several options open to them, the only remaining choice was which to take, or simply take all three and see where each goes if that ability worked. Though on the other side of the coin they were really unsure how certain abilities would even work now or how they would feel, splitting your body might be painful, or it might be something else she had no idea how to describe. In either case, there was some debating to do while she gathered up what was before them, namely clearing the deceased spiders for later use through a quick poke of her dagger at which point they turned to blue ice-like crystal and seemed to vanish into the blade.

They didn't look up as the voice of Alishia sounded out but responded all the same "Correct on a few points though cant help but think you admitted a detail or two, walling yourself off like that might help but it could also hinder. The main takeaway should be caution isn't always because of fear of danger, but also fear of things such as a lost opportunity, exposing oneself, or simply making a mistake that puts one at a disadvantage." gesturing on towards Dolce "Now there happen to be a few mistakes, The spiders are the Cause not the Effect here, they were made aware due to us landing amidst them, and then, as a result, the other forces were made aware not the other way around. Following on attacking without full thought does risk forcing the answers to the questions on threats, relationships, and cooperation...but I'm going to put the sloppy foolishness up to disorientation given the current situation." finally walking over to Fafnir "Long story short to catch you up, New Area mostly unknown, Exploration and Diplomacy needed, 3 main routes available, Other Players forgoing tact and subtlety" gesturing around quickly.

Clapping once more she goes to address the full group once more this time with more mirthful enthusiasm "So as for our three options! I would recommend heading to a lovely town I was made aware of to gather information first and then pursue the spider hive minds queen and request an audience with the towers keeper once better informed. None of which should require mindlessly attacking ok?"
It's Just a Difference in Perspective and Thoughts - Like Hell I Will Accept an Answer Like That!

The Scholarly Alchemist
What's with that weird line of reasoning?
Creepy Dead Land

The Wanderer
Endure, Miss


Acles gave Alishia a warning tone. She was treading dangerous territory. She took a deep breath and huffed.

"Whatever. I-"
"To clarify, the undead that stopped the spell was about 3 meters tall,"
Acles interrupted Alishia before she said something she would regret. "a space series spell was used to stop it, a 10th tier spell from my observation. However, I will put the undead to be around level 70 at most. It did not trigger my sensors."
The spell doesn't exist in my YGGDRASIL'S database, Miss.

Alishia pursed her lips, though she said nothing. Acles nodded at Something's words and chimed in to add his own piece. "The town is located around the spire. Whatever choice is made, they are all in the same location, but I'm inclined to split the group considering our presence has been lit up with a huge firework."
Interaction: Azure Sky Azure Sky , LostHaven LostHaven , GrieveWriter GrieveWriter , ChazGhost ChazGhost , Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 PlusUltra PlusUltra Gravitational Force Gravitational Force
Last edited:
"What's their numbers?"


"Any gauge on their ranks?"

"All drones, so far, sir."

"Only drones? A scouting party, then?"

"I don't know, sir. There's a possibility that their stronger forces took a different route."

"Get everyone inside the Bonespire. Especially the living. I want every combat-enabled personnel gathered in the next twenty minutes. If anything stronger than a drone shows, immediately request reinforcements from Necropolis."

"Yes sir."

Lance placed his hands over his skull, grabbing it through his eye sockets in frustration. Four centuries. That was approximately how long they had been at stalemate with the Deathweaver colony. In fact, to describe it as a stalemate was a bit too much credit. They were practically sitting ducks, barely able to fend off the arachnids each time they decided to launch an 'assault'. One 'drone', the weakest creature within the hierarchy doubled the strength of his own soldiers that would otherwise be considered seasoned. In fact, in the entirety of the forces stationed at the Bonespire, only two people, he and that Servant of the Lich King, Mardyth, were of sufficient power to effectively combat them.

It was frustrating. At this rate, that assignment given to him by the Lich King; the order to 'restore the Elven forests of Tal'daran' was not just difficult, but downright unachievable. He had tried everything - purifying the land was not only impossible for anyone to ever walk Altera, but it would be only temporary. For as long as the Broodmother lived, the miasma she emitted would only spread.

In fact, there part of Lance believed that the Lich King gave him this task precisely because it was impossible for him. To watch in amusement as he flailed and toiled aimlessly. He had barely sat down on his throne before he was alerted to frantic yelling. "SIR, SIR, UNIDENTIFIABLE MAGIC HEADED FOR THE BONESPIRE-"

Lance's head darted to the side, to witness an enormous, deep-red spear fly at the spire at speeds he could barely keep up with, followed by Mardyth warping in from god-knows-where, to block the spell entirely. "What in the world was that?!" Lance yelled, rising from his seat.

"Tenth-Tier Magic, Gungnir: Spear of Gods. It seems spiders are the least of your problems now, Earl Xyth." The horrid undead that was the Lichlord's servant stepped into the topmost floor of the Bonespire, through some form of teleportation spell. Lance could never get used to that person's ability to teleport seemingly with but a thought. What was more alarming, however, was his statement just then.

"Tenth tier?! Who in the name of the Lich King would even- no, I thought the only ones in this world who could cast Tenth-Tier is the Lich King and his direct subordinates!"

"Then it seems you are mistaken. Perhaps, something that can topple the Lich King's reign has appeared. What will you do, Lance Xyth?"

Lance stared at Mardyth silently, mentally gulping. If he were alive, sweat would have been rolling down his forehead. No doubt that this question was to test his loyalty, or something along those lines. Other than the Lich King himself, and a certain old man, most high-ranking members under the Lich King seemed to hold a certain disdain for him "Everyone's safety is my primary objective. I've already ordered that everyone be gathered at the spire. We'll send a message to Necropolis this instant. Do you have a method to transport everyone to the Necropolis?"

The larger undead shook its head in response. "I have no such spell that can teleport this number of people over such a distance. I caught sight of the perpetrators, seven-hundred fields south of the Bonespire. If the entire group is at the level at which they are able to cast 10th tier magic, we can only pray for reinforcements. In the best-case scenario, I can hold off three to five at best."

Lance placed a blood-red hand over his face anxiously. This wasn't supposed to happen. "This... Are they hostile?" He asked Mardyth.

"I would assume so. To actively attack the Bonespire, they are practically spitting in the face of the Lich King. But, I didn't think mortalkind had these kind of champions. If they decide to siege the spire, it would likely be about as disastrous as the Broodmother leaving the den."

"... How are you so certain that they are, undoubtedly, hostile? Could it have not been a simple mistake?"

"Too naïve, 'Earl'. Five-hundred years seems to have done little to change that foolish mindset of yours. The same foolishness lead to your disappointing defeat. Who in their right mind would 'accidentally' fire Tenth-Tier magic toward the Phantomhaunt Bonespire? Or even approach anywhere near it, for that matter?"

The undead paladin's fists curled tightly shut. The undead's words had clearly offended Lance, but he didn't say a word. Instead, he began to stride toward the exit of the throne room, and prepared to make his way down the spire. "I will go survey them myself. Perhaps there is an alternative. They don't necessarily need to be hostile," he stated, only to be stopped dead in his tracks by the taller undead.

"I will go with you. If they show any sign of hostility we will retreat immediately, and await orders from Necropolis. Understand?"

A large amount of magic gathered in one area, the air around the space rippling until a tear in that space opened into a swirling, black vortex, approximately four-meters tall and equally wide. Through it, two figures stepped out: one was a skeleton, clad head to toe in plated armor. He held a sword in hand, which emanated a small amount of radiance. A quick glance at the skeleton would put his level around 60, and he was of the paladin class.

The second figure that stepped through was a bit more worrying. Alishia would immediately be able to recognize it as the undead that had stopped the spell on the Bonespire. Though Acles had claimed its level to be around the 70 mark, it was more accurate to say that its parameters and stats were completely unreadable. Something was clearly disguising its stats: for one, it apparently had zero MP.

There was a brief moment of awkward silence as Lance glanced over the odd group of people. "I am Lance Xyth, the Earl of-" Lance had barely started to introduce himself before Mardyth loudly interjected.

"Hand over your identification, and state your reason for traversing the Hinterlands, as well as the reason as to why you saw it fit to fire offensive magic toward the Phantomhaunt Bonespire. Hostility toward his subjects is treason against the Lich King - depending on your answer, you will be apprehended and brought before His Undying Majesty. Speak now." The undead demanded.

ChazGhost ChazGhost Azure Sky Azure Sky PlusUltra PlusUltra GrieveWriter GrieveWriter Gravitational Force Gravitational Force LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Damafaud Damafaud
Rosa and Dolce

The player named Something made a good point, Dolce had to admit. Meanwhile, the plain looking man with the elven lady gave valuable information. She wanted to reply to both, but before she'd get the chance two individuals appeared. Both simingly undead, but Dolce knew not to judge based on appearance...

[True Sight]

Nope, they were really a couple of undead.

One of them seemed friendly enough. The other one, on the other hand...

"Hand over your identification, and state your reason for traversing the Hinterlands, as well as the reason as to why you saw it fit to fire offensive magic toward the Phantomhaunt Bonespire. Hostility toward his subjects is treason against the Lich King - depending on your answer, you will be apprehended and brought before His Undying Majesty. Speak now."

Insolent. Yet Dolce was not going to let the undead's crude behaviour affect her on an emotional level. She was better than that, and she could understand his aggresive approach, seeing as the 10th Tier spell from earlier could be seen as a declaration of war. Dolce was in control of herself. As for Rosa...

The audacity of this puny undead...

Luckly, her Wrath Queen class, apart from many empowerments, gave her the ability to keep her rage under control. Obviously in the days Yiggdrasil was only a game, that could be seen as flavour text more than anything, and did not amount to much due to the lack of friendly fire, but in this other world it had great value. Even if she was enraged, she could still think logically and not act rashly. Dolce would also not like it, which one could argue was the actual main reason of Rosa not taking any action. She'd let Dolce talk.

"My name is Dolce Requiem. NPC Queen of the Harvest guild." Dolce politely bowed, but afterwards ignored Mardyth and looked only at Lance.
"I am her subordinate, Rosa Crimson. Tehe." Rosa did the same.
"I ordered my subordinate to attack the spire and I take full responsibility for the attack. The other people in this group were not involved." She gestured towards the players and that one NPC. "I do apologize. I merely believed it was the best way to get your attention." She spoke to Lance calmly. "I know it is hard to believe, but we have no idea how we got here, or were we are. We mean no harm." Unless, of course, the two undead would desire the oposite.

LostHaven LostHaven Damafaud Damafaud PlusUltra PlusUltra
Something Something
Phantom Bonespire, Unknown
Tags: LostHaven LostHaven Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Azure Sky Azure Sky Damafaud Damafaud Gravitational Force Gravitational Force ChazGhost ChazGhost (Open)


Something dancing forward slows to a waltz as they continue forward with a sway to her harms as if directed more by her shoulders than feet. As she travels they seem to leave line of sight at some point with a second Something coming forward at some point in the fog through a fare more undead looking one. Rummaging around in her pocket and extracting a slip of paper within a black leather wallet, she moves next to the speaking undead and raises it casually into his eye line. "I don't think we have been introduced, Jarriet Hones, Inspector...." for all intents and purposes she appeared to be appearing as a level 40 undead under the same name, the stats also now apparently lining up. The paper also now seemed to be displaying a series of credentials and seels that would be expected by the undead when hearing such a claim. However, within the True sight of Dolce they could instead read 'Im Something Something, I do what i want' scrawled across the front.

"It appears forward notice was not sent, this is a routine inspection and test based upon an unexpected scenario. It's understandable that given the conflict in the region we need to establish your current state, so please treat this group as if they know nothing and act accordingly as the King would desire. So please answer this fellows questions to the best of your ability and act accordingly." returning the paper to her pocket and instead seeming to take out a parchment and quill as if taking notes, her eyes moving across the are.
Suspicious! Something is Definitely Suspicious! No One Will Think You Are Dumb if You Don't Speak, Miss...

The Scholarly Alchemist
Creepy Dead Land

The Wanderer
So troublesome...
If not for Acles putting his hand over Alishia's mouth, the first moment she saw the lich would be the same moment she threw a [Regeneration] spell at the undead. That was the same undead she saw casting the space spell! If she wasn't on Acles, Alishia would have ran off, which also wouldn't be good. In conclusion, Alishia was lucky she had Acles.

Dolce taking responsibility for her action was something the pair appreciated. That was the least they could do after doing something so problematic. Being mistaken for a walking napalm was bad, especially when you were not one. While Dolce and Rosa distracted the undead, Alishia spurred her mind for a probable explanation for her presence.

Unfortunately, all of her plan went out of the window when a random undead appeared and... claimed something about a routine inspection?

No, that wasn't random, she frowned. No enemies could bypass Acles' minimap, particularly not a low level one. Something felt off.

"Excuse me," she interrupted. "my companion and I are not part of any inspection or test or whatever it is. We are just travelling alchemists who got caught in a bizarre accident that somehow ended up here. What kind of tests shoot out a 10th tier spell anyway?!"
"Are you crazy? With that kind of firepowers even a thousand of the spiders from earlier won't matter! That's 10th tier! And what kind of inspector are you anyway?! You contradict what that Dolce just said! She literally said she's a stranger here! At least question us for a bit! Ask for our intention like the bald lich there! Oh you are cool here's a free pass to this place and ask these gentlemen any question you might have enjoy your stay in this barren wasteland- AS IF THAT'S MAKING ANY SENSE! What kind place do you think this is?! An amusement park?! Is that it?! Well if it is then forgive me, amusement park inspector because I didn't know this swamp of necrotic mist and venomous spider IS AN AMUSEMENT PARK."

Acles suppressed a groan internally. His young miss didn't have the greatest personality around, but if he needed to choose her worst trait, this was it. Her tendency to blurt out everything she found unusual and strange in one long rant. He had no place to cut in. Seeing how his miss satisfiedly puffed up her chest only made his head hurt worse. Words, no matter how painfully he wanted to, couldn't be taken back. He cleared his throat.

"As wordy as the miss on my back is, she doesn't mean any insult or harm. This is my mistress, the Scholarly Alchemist Alishia. Just like Queen Requiem and her subordinate, a spatial anomaly brought the young miss and I to the middle of this dead expanse. And of course,"
his eyes moved toward Jarriet Hones. "given that we just arrived here, we know nothing about this test nor inspection. We are wanderers, not subordinate of any kings."

Careful observation to his virtual map showed that this undead inspector was no other than one of the Players from earlier, merely with a different appearance. Her dot never disappeared nor did it suddenly appeared, after all. However, Alishia already made her stance, and by extension, his. His only option was to distance themselves from this 'inspector.'

Interaction: Azure Sky Azure Sky , LostHaven LostHaven , PlusUltra PlusUltra
Mention: GrieveWriter GrieveWriter , ChazGhost ChazGhost , Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 Gravitational Force Gravitational Force

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