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Fandom Once Upon A Time (Accepting/OPEN)

Belle, Sleeping Beauty or Anna, who's your favorite?

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anna (Elsa's sister)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ........None of them........

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dude... my favorite character is a guy.....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
"You're right. Does seem like quite a nice quiet place. This where you were hiding earlier between coming to Granny's?" He asks, looking around at everything. He scratches his head a bit as he looks around, causing his grazed elbow to bleed slightly, although he doesn't notice.
She nods and glances at him. She can't help but blush, but then she notices. Her eyebrows quirk up. "You're bleeding.."
"Am I?" Ryan asks sounding thoroughly confused. He'd considered he might be, but he hadn't thought it was really that bad. He glances at his elbow, and concludes that it looks like it should be painful, so maybe 'Am I?' wasn't quite the right answer. He doesn't bother trying to fix his arm, something that size will heal by itself.
Her eyebrows quirk up. This guy certainly was something else. "Come here." She frowned and moved to sit on the blanket. It was mostly dry by now. She patted the space beside her and glanced up at him.
Ryan sits next to her, looking much less concerned by his elbow, which is starting to bleed a little more, than any reasonable person should be. "Do you come here a lot then?" He asks, slightly stuck on what to talk about for a conversation. He's not generally a very sociable person.
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"Yesm" she replies and lightly grabs his arm. She pulls it up to carefully look at it before setting his fingers next to the wound. She closes her eyes and trys to begin healing him.
"What are you doing?" Ryan asks, thoroughly confused. He's honestly unsure, as in Neverland healing magic is barely needed, and basically consists of believing you never hurt yourself, which is quite easy for him. He stares at his arm, considering pulling it away, as he doesn't normally like people touching him, but he'll have to cope, if only to appease her.
"Oh shush. I'm trying to help you." She grumbled in reply and very lightly touched the irritated flesh around the wound. She very carefully pushed magic energy through her fingers, hopping it will go directly to the wound and help it start healing up.
"Why bother?" Ryan asks honestly confused as to why caring for him is something she needs to do. It's not like the wound is bad. Looking at his arm he sees the blood flow slowing down until it stops. He looks back at her, quickly asking "Where'd you learn that?" Her knowing magic definitely makes her more interesting, although it was kind of obvious, being the child of the dark one and all.
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She pressed her lips into a line and shrugged. "Honestly.. just discovered it." She said with a grin. "First time I've consciously used it." she quietly giggled.
"That's not true." Ryan states, although he is speaking in his 'I'm joking slightly so please don't get offended ' voice. "You wouldn't just randomly put your hands on my arm unless you were quite sure it could work." He pauses slightly, "Unless you're a lot weirder than I think you are, which I doubt. Who taught you?" He asks the last part sounding excited, "I want lessons too."
She couldn't help laughing and removed her hands. "Honestly... I was telling the truth. I mean.. I know I can do magic... but.. I really don't know what kind or how." She revealed to him with a shrug of her shoulders.
"What are all the different kinds anyway? I never really heard about magic where I was in the enchanted forest, and I've barely managed to pick the types up here." Ryan asks, thinking it's quite a good conversation topic, even though he can answer his own question easily. In his instant memory he knows, light magic, dark magic, blood magic, belief/ Neverland magic. Magic is quite interesting, and he had quite a few books on it when he was a kid, even though he couldn't do it then. His parents might not have been nice but they definitely wanted him well educated on anything and everything.
"Depends on how in-depth you want to be.. So far, I know of..." She paused and started counting off the ones she knew on her fingers as she listed them. Belief Magic, blood magic, fairy magic, foresight, genie magic, ice magic, persuasion, potion crafting, rock-troll memory based magic, true love magic

and witch craft like magics.." She said. It took a lung full and she was slightly fake gasping for air.

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"Which one's belief? I'm sure I've heard of that one before." Ryan says. The ex lost boys actually do mention it a lot, enough for anyone to recognise it. They label it as the only positive of Neverland, which is a lie, because Neverland is wonderful. Them mentioning it lots means it isn't really suspicious that he knows of belief.
She frowns. "That type of magic only ever existed in Neverland... umm.. from what I've read... and have been told... that if you believe in something there.. it can come true.. though, some things require an aide.. like uh.. flying.. that I know requires pixie dust." She nods.
"Have you read anything else about Neverland?" Ryan smiles slightly, he finding out what she knows, and there's always a very tiny chance she'll come up with something he doesn't know.
She chews on her bottom lip for a second and starts slowly tapping her nose. She does know more but can't remember any of it. She huffs and shakes her head. "I do know more but. I can't seem to remember.."
"That's a shame. Seems interesting, a place where what you believe becomes true." He says, bitterly adding on 'mainly' in his head. "Can you try and teach me any magic? Could be helpful when I hurt myself." Not that he'll ever use it when he hurts himself, but if she is good enough to know how to teach magic he'll be impressed. And anyway, he needs to learn more about magic in this world, Pan said it was different to Neverland and the enchanted forest.
She sucked in a breath and shook her head. "I uh... I can't really control it all that well." She mumbled embarrassedly. She should probably tell him about her dreaming problems. How her magic kinda reacts to whats happening in her dreams. She swallowed and lightly fidgeted. Maybe not. She still didn't know a whole lot about this guy.. She wasn't so sure she should just start revealing how defenseless she actually was.
"Oh. That's a shame. You should try finding more about Neverland, that's where Felix said he was from, so it'll probably tell us more about the lost boys." Ryan says, sounding honestly disappointed by the fact she can't control her magic, and very interested in the possibility of finding out more about his friend. He glances up at the nearly finished sunset, and says to her "It's getting late, do you want me to walk you home?" He jumps up from where he's sat. He needs to talk to Pan at some point, find out when they're going back to Neverland, but luckily Pan is staying at Granny's at the moment, so he won't be too hard to find when he needs to.
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She couldn't help but blush slightly. "I.. if you want I guess." she covered and moved to stand. She moved to gather up the blanket and book, lightly nudging him off it when she got closer. With a smile she proceeded to push it into a tree, and carefully coaxed the wood to re-wrap around it. That was a bit of magic she could actually control.
That's magic Ryan can understand, as it's something that in Neverland is ridiculously simple. "That's cool." He says, before beginning to stroll through the woods. He walks for a couple of minutes, making sure Eeve is still behind him, before he suddenly stops in his tracks. Something's wrong. He's sure of it.

Just to check he's not confused in what he's thinking, he tries to stretch his magic out to see ahead. It doesn't work. Just as he'd thought, something is smothering his magic, he was fine one second and without magic the next. Eeve won't be able to notice it, she's obviously still learning, and the only people in this town that are this aware of their magic will be him, Pan, Rumple and Regina. Since she won't know, Ryan considers acting like everything is fine, but decides that seeing what's going on is more important than continuing to act clueless.

"Something's wrong." He says, not wanting to offer more of an explanation right now. "Run. Granny's first, and I'll figure it out from there. Quickly." He begins trying to make his way through the woods faster. He wants to go to Granny's for Pan, who will have undoubtedly noticed this and made his way outside, and from there either him or Pan will be able to figure out what's going on, he's sure.
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She blinks then immediately starts running. Her eyes narrow as she expertly manages to weave through the trees, much faster than him. This was her forest so to say.. she was use to its ground, its trees, everything. She smiled and kept on running, not waiting. To Grannies, that was what he said..
Without magic to aid him in dodging, Ryan is a lot slower than he was earlier, falling behind very quickly. Regardless, he continues heading to Granny's, assuming she will have listened, but likely to arrive a few minutes later.

Pan goes to stand outside Granny's the second he feels his magic being messed with. That is really not alright, nobody messes with his magic. He would go check out what's happening, he can hear Emma and the others just round the corner after all, but he's pretty sure nothing too interesting will happen for a few minutes, and anyway, Ryan should get here soon, he will have noticed it too.
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