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Fandom Once Upon A Time (Accepting/OPEN)

Belle, Sleeping Beauty or Anna, who's your favorite?

  • Sleeping Beauty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Anna (Elsa's sister)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ........None of them........

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Dude... my favorite character is a guy.....

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

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  • Total voters


Fairy Rings and Dandelion Seeds ❀

An infant known as

Emma is sent away to a distant land when the Evil Queen's Dark Curse hits the Enchanted Forest, ripping every inhabitant away to a town called Storybrooke, where the only happy ending is the Evil Queen's. This is until she adopts a child called Henry, who, on Emma's 28th birthday, visits her in Boston and reveals that he is her son. They then travel back to Storybrooke where Henry tells Emma that she is the only one that can break the Dark Curse. Emma reluctantly stays, not because she believes in the curse, but because she wants to keep her eye on Henry's adoptive mother who may or may not actually care about her son.....

After breaking the Dark Curse, all of the fairytale characters still cannot go back to the Enchanted Forest and must deal with their own dual identities. With the introduction of magicinto Storybrooke by Mr. Gold, the fate of the two worlds becomes intertwined, and new threats emerge in the form of Captain Hook, Regina's mother and two new people from our world with an agenda to destroy magic, or is it?

The main characters travel to Neverland to rescue Henry, who has been kidnapped by Peter Panas part of a plan to obtain Henry's heart. Their increasing power struggle with Pan continues in Storybrooke, which ultimately results in the complete reversal of the original curse. All the characters are returned to their original worlds, leaving Emma and Henry to escape to New York City. A while after that the characters are mysteriously brought back to a recreated Storybrooke with their memories of the previous year removed, and the Wicked Witch of the West appears with a plan to alter her fate. Once again, Emma is needed to save her family.

Elsa, Anna and Kristoff's story takes place a couple of years after their movie. Anna soon ventures out to find out why her parents travelled to a land called Misthaven. When Elsa arrives in modern-day Storybrooke, she promises to find her sister, as she was missing. Unknown to her, a mysterious woman with similar powers to Elsa and a history with Emma, had travelled to Storybrooke a few years ago for Elsa and Emma. She wanted to have two sisters with powers, as her pervious ones tried to shut her off because of them. After the defeat of Ingrid, the Snow Queen, Anna, Kristoff and Elsa can finally go back to Arendelle. However, Robin Hood - Regina's true love, must also depart because of the aftermath of Ingrid's magic on his wife. Thus, Regina teams up with Emma and Henry to seek out the author of Henry's book so that she can finally have her happy ending. However, Mr. Gold, with the help of Cruella De Vil, Maleficent and Ursula, has his own plan to rewrite the rules governing the destinies of all heroes and villains.


Our Story takes place after these events. We live, or come to live, in Storybrooke by our own means or ways.


Eeve sighed and glanced around. Good, no one was looking. She smiled and hurriedly tugged her Storybrook school uniform down a bit more snug to herself. She'd been known for skipping out on classes. She was a natural book worm and it showed. She had great marks in nearly all her classes, except math. She was not so great there. She didn't have very many friends either, her being the daughter of the Dark One. She'd also been known to have sticky fingers. She'd been caught stealing a few times, but luckily, it was by Emma. She of coarse had to take the stolen goods back and apologize, but she didn't mind as long as her dad didn't know. Out of both parents, her mum was the favorite. Dad was just scary. Eeve had come to be back in the other world. The Enchanted Forest world. She'd only been there a short time. When people were put back there, she was spirited away to the other world, and remained aging there until everyone had come back. Now, life was mostly normal.

She took one more careful glance around and then turned and hurriedly jogged to the forest. She'd begun some magic training, secretly under Regina. So, she was careful to cover her tracks. She made her way down to the river, by the toll bridge. She walked a little east from it to a little hidden bank. There were several trees hiding her there. With a satisfactory nod she went over to a tree stump. She'd managed to magic the wood to carefully hide some of her favorite things. She placed both hands on the gnarled stump's bark and worked some magic, gently coaxing it open. She grinned as it easily opened to her. She nodded and carefully pulled out three particular things. A blue and white throw pillow, a blanket that was levi material on one side and blue plaid on the other, and then her own special copy of the story book. Once Upon A Time.

She smiled and laid out the blanket, levi side down onto the dirt and grass. From there, she took off her shoes and settled on the blanket, then set down her pillow and story book. With a satisfactory nod she smiled and sprawled out there and enjoyed the sounds of the rushing river and the singing birds.
Ryan reaches the lost boys first, appearing in the middle of the clearing with a small 'pop'. It never fails to amuse him how they all take a few paces away in fear. From one side he hears someone saying, quite idiotically, "It's just the twin, don't worry." That person ends up being crushed by a tree branch within a few seconds, with everyone else, including Ryan, wondering how they could be that stupid. Even though Ryan is very slightly less powerful than Pan, he's known to be much more violent when he is provoked. Pan arrives shortly before the boy passes out, and quickly frees him, not even bothering to ask why Ryan was punishing them. He's come to learn that Ryan generally has a good reason for what he does, and anyway, it's good that the boys know that his second in command isn't to be messed with. "We're going back to Storybrooke for a while." Pan declares to the quietly talking group, effectively silencing them, and even getting Ryan to turn and glare at him slightly, Ryan really doesn't appreciate having to talk to the idiots in Storybrooke, especially not when all they do is feel sorry for him.

"I trust you'll all stay here and protect the island." Pan says to the group, a hint of malice in his voice. The whole group knows they have no choice. Pan had given everyone excluding himself and Ryan dreamshade poisoning upon them reaching the island and had then cured it using water from the spring, but had obviously not shown them where the spring was. Occasionally Ryan is given that job, and there's no doubt that the boys are left much longer before being cured when he does it. Either way, the boys are connected to the island, and they know that if they leave they will die, and there is nothing they can do about it. And as for keeping them under control, and not killing each other, well Ryan's shadow will deal with that. It has pretty much taken the place of Pan's shadow, although so far, the boys have behaved whilst Pan has needed to be away, so they haven't actually found out about the shadow yet. It's best that it stays that way, it means they have some sort of secret.

Pan and Ryan are taken by Ryan's shadow to their room in the motel just outside of Storybrooke and get in the car they've got themselves. They've sorted themselves so there's no way the Storybrooke group can notice them going missing, and instead they just think that the boys go out of town sometimes. And if anyone's noticed that 'Felix' and Ryan always disappear at the same time they've never mentioned it, or been any less friendly with Ryan for it. Pan drives the car, Felix looks old enough to drive so he doesn't get in any trouble for it outside of town, and inside town everyone knows he's at least 100 anyway so that's fine. Ryan gets out at the town border, going on a short stroll in the woods before walking to Granny's diner and beginning to work, she doesn't seem to care about his horribly irregular hours. Pan parks the car in the middle of town and starts wandering around, not really bothering going anywhere specific.
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Eeve rubs her eyes and stifles a yawn. It takes a few moments for her to realize that she'd fallen asleep... Though the blanket and surrounding area had been drenched in water. Not to mention her clothes. "Great.. another dream.." She grumbled, not remembering about the particular event. As it so happens, she had some how been passed powers from the Dark One. It.. caused a lot of trouble for her. It was bad with her emotions as well as her dreams. It just ran wild then. She had little to no control. It really bothered her.

She sighed and rubbed her face before standing. "What ever." She yawned and stretched her arms above her head before just slowly walking back twords town. She was feeling warm chai tea. Hopefully granny would oblige instead of telling her to get back to class like some of the other times. Though, considering she was looking rather worse for wear, she was pretty sure today would be an exception.
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Ryan smiles pleasantly at Eeve when she enters Granny's, and for once, he's not completely faking. Her arrival means he can focus on serving her, and easily avoid Devin, the idiotic ex-lost-boy who is currently eating, blissfully unaware of how quickly Ryan would kill him if it wouldn't break his cover. Unfortunately, Ryan needs to keep his cover, and therefore he has to be nice to the other boy. Devin is here way too much for Ryan's liking, all the ex-lost-boys are. They've all been made exempt from school even though they look like they should really go, so it wasn't hard for Ryan to learn who they all were quickly, although unfortunately there's not much he can do with the information.

Heading over to Eeve, Ryan waves at her, they're not exactly friends, but he can copper with Eeve, she's alright. "Skipping school again I see? That's just terrible Eeve." He says jokingly, "Anyway, what do you want?"

Pan doesn't see anyone when going around town, which isn't really odd, people always seem to avoid him. He's not quite sure why. Sure Felix was tall, but he hadn't ever seemed intimidating. Maybe Pan had underestimated his old second in command. It makes his job of acting as Felix easier at least, although it's already ridiculously simple. Felix was never really a complex person.
She glances up at Ryan. A tiny pop of color appears on her cheeks as she tries to comb her fingers through her hair. "You know me. School is.. meh." She told him. It took her a second to think what she wanted.. Tea sounded good but...

"Hmm. Soda. Soup. Cold and hot.... or..." she chewed on her bottom lip and glanced at him. "Surprise me?" She asked.

She... kinda liked being around this guy. There was something dark that she was regretfully drawn to... though, it was much unlike her father's dark magic or personality.
Ryan goes to get her food quickly, deciding to take his own break now, since it's barely busy and any excuse to avoid killing Devin is probably good. He comes back to the table with both his and Eeve's food and sits down opposite her, starting eating immediately and acting as if he hasn't eaten in a week.

Deciding that he should probably try a conversation, Ryan brings up the first thing that comes to mind, "So, your father's the dark one right?" He checks, even though he already knows he's right. "What's he like? Anyone else interesting in your family?" Ryan asks. It's not unusual for him to keep conversations veered away from himself. Most assume it's because of his bad past but it's mostly because he likes knowing things.
She nearly chokes at his question. She immideatly grabs for her drink and takes a few deep gulps before looking at him. "He's the Dark One. Use your imagination." She muttered and shook her head. She sighed and sat back, looking at the boy across her. He was eating like a ravaged animal.

"Only other one in my family is my mum.. Belle..." she murmured quietly and slowly started to eat again.

"I don't know much about you... except for what I have only guessed.." she mumbled.
"What have you guessed about me then?" Ryan asks in a teasing way between different pieces of food. He hadn't really expected any real answer on what Rumple was like, but he did have to make sure not to laugh at her obvious discomfort with the question. He's not even sure why it's such a problem, it's not like it's any secret that those are her parents, and it seemed like a friendly enough question. Maybe Ryan just isn't very good at conversations. That's could probably be it.
"Well.. I mean... you appear and disappear quickly... you're almost always with uh.. that one other person... and there have been a lot of boys wandering around who aren't in school.." She mumbled.

She chewed on the inside of her cheek. She'd been looking at her food as she talked, but now she glanced up to look him in the eyes.

Her voice dropped quieter, to barely a whisper, and she mumbled, "You're a Lost Boy."
"I think you're confused." Ryan states, sounding slightly as if he may in fact be the confused one. "I'm not actually quite sure what you mean by a Lost Boy. I know where I am." Ryan states, sounding even more confused than before. "And yeah I like Felix, he's a bit of fun, and he needs someone to help him a bit. Doesn't talk much so I'm not quite sure why, but I can tell somethings bothering him. Would you happen to know what?" Ryan asks, seeming sightly unimpressed by the idea that she might know what's wrong with 'Felix' better than him. "And I don't really know much about the boys who aren't in school. I figured they'd just been dragged here by the second curse like me and not sent to school yet. Is that not right then?" He asks, sounding genuinely concerned by the threat of young boys who don't go to school. "You've been here longer than me haven't you? Surely you know more about them?" He asks sounding calmer again. He's quite happy with how quickly he can sort his answers and poet much clear himself, although he's never really found it difficult.
She pressed her lips into a fine line and tried not to smirk. "Indeed, I have been her longer than you. With that knowledge.. I do know that infact... these boys would already be in school by now." She swallowed and tilted her head.

"They all seem to be.. a bit more antsy around you and Felix. More than normal." She added and glanced over at the other boy in the diner.
"I'm afraid I don't know much about that. I don't know what they're all like when I'm not around. Maybe I'm just intimidating. I've definitely not done anything to them." Ryan states. "I don't know about Felix though. Is there any reason they wouldn't like him? Maybe if they don't like him that's why they don't like me?" Ryan suggests. "And anyway, since you've been around longer, shouldn't you tell me why they aren't in school yet? You must know. You're the daughter of two of the people who practically co-run the town. You must know pretty much everything. Including why they aren't at school, why they don't like Felix, what's wrong with Felix and who these lost boys even are." Ryan says exasperatedly. "I've been told nothing about what happened before I got here so I'm fairly confused." He states, shrugging his shoulders.

(The ex lost boys have no clue about the new group being formed. They've been left alone in Storybrooke to believe Pan is dead and everything is fine. The only reason they would possibly fear Felix is because they know Felix would still hate then for betraying Pan. Not much reason to hate Ryan unless they've seen him with Felix, although the two are quite secretive, or if Ryan just reminds them of Pan.)
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Her eyebrows shot up. He seemed to have the answers. All the answers. It was to well put together. She couldn't help but feel suspicious. She swallowed and chewed on the inside of her lip.

'Danget.. I made it awkward now..' she thought. She was also trying to think of a way to just go back to normal awkward stranger status. She nearly gulped and tried to play it off with a shrug.

"Sorry. I just.. got a bit a head of myself I guess." She tried to say. Her cheeks flushed a shade redder.
"Not going to help me at all?" He says, jokingly disappointed. "I guess I'll just have to ask Felix then. Although there's no chance he'll tell me anything." He mumbles, just loud enough for Eeve to hear. "Well I have to get back to work now, I already barely do any hours." He says, standing up and beginning to put their finished plates on the tray. Devin has left by now, which is good, although Ryan would like to start and talk a bit more, but she's not being helpful, giving any idea of how much she knows, so there's no point in talking to her any more. He doesn't move away from the table yet, instead leaning over it and saying, "If you find anything out about these lost boys out anything, let me know okay? I'm worried about Felix." Ryan stands there a bit longer, resting his hands and seeing if she'll actually talk to him anymore.
She smirked and glanced up at him. "You'll owe me." She mumbled to him and got up. She slid past him with a flirtatious added smirk and slapped down some extra money on the table. Well enough to pay for their food and for a pretty big tip. She stifled a yawn as she walked out the door. She'd have to do some talking with her.... father... but first.. back to her spot she went!
Ryan doesn't care about owing Eeve. She won't want anything important anyway. He picks up the money with the large tip, grateful for how generous Eeve is. All the tips is how he pays for the motel room they don't even use, but pretend to stay in for at least a week without leaving. He doesn't expect the girl will come back with any useful information, he already knows pretty much everything there is to know about Pan and his lost boys, definitely more than anyone in this town does. But the information she gets will show hoe wary Rumple is. If she gets lots of information on what happened it will show that Rumple is, quite logically, not worried about any threat from Pan anymore. It could also give him some good information on what Rumple thinks of 'Felix' because that would be nice to know. Whilst taking the tray with plates on the the kitchen, Ryan laughs to himself slightly. Imagine Eeve's reaction if she finds out Pan is her granddad. She might not even tell him that though, he doesn't know if she trusts him enough for that. Hopefully she does, because her slight shock would be very amusing.

Pan is just wandering around outside. There isn't really anything fun to do here when everyone is scared of you even though you aren't being directly evil. Nothing to do, no games to play. And no matter how much he would like to, Pan can't attack yet. He needs to wait until he has a stronger group, or some horrible event happens to distract everyone. And he's not in a rush anymore. The timer had been made by the shadow, and had disappeared with it when it died. There was no time limit anymore, Pan was just here now because he was bored. Staying on an island with no purpose gets dull. Especially when your favourite pirate, always fun to annoy and boss around, is in a different realm with no clue you're alive, and your favourite lost boy is dead. Neverland is dull. He wants this world.
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Eeve yawned and stretched her hands far above her head. It was going to be a long rest of the day...
Ryan keeps serving at Granny's. A lot more people have arrived with the end of school and he's being kept busy which is good. He doesn't bother taking another break, there's nobody worth talking to. Even when Pan comes in he doesn't stop, most people still haven't noticed his friendship with Felix and it's best to keep it that way.

Pan stares at his food as he eats, looking at it angrily and almost as if it's offended him in someway. He occasionally glances up, looking around the room as if concerned about his safety. Copying Felix' behaviours is simple, especially since pretty much always being alert and on guard is something he needs to do anyway. He doesn't smile much when he's here, although what he does in Neverland is barely smiling anyway. Much more like smirking all the time. He eats his food slowly, noticing that everywhere else in Granny's is full. That's means the next unlucky person to walk in will have to sit next to him. He wouldn't be surprised if whoever it is turns around and walks straight back out honestly.
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Mulan walks into Granny's, originally to go up to her room, but instead decided to get some food before doing whatever it was she needed to do. The place is packed, full of people she's never seen before. There's one girl she recognises - she's unsure of her name - who has a space next to her, but is talking to a group of friends, which would probably end up in Mulan being completely ignored. Plus, there's the fact that she hasn't actually spoken to her yet.

There's a spare seat at the bar, next to some young guy. He looks bored; tired; alone. So Mulan decided to sit with him.

Well, it's not like she had a choice.
Pan looks up from his food, instantly noticing the girl next to him is new here. Or at least, new in the past week, since that's when he left for Neverland. Instead of questioning how she got here, which is definitely something that would be nice to know eventually, he decides to be a bit more friendly. "You're new right? How're you finding town? I'm Felix by the way." He says, smiling slightly. It's probably a good idea to make a good impression on her, he really is trying to make the town like him, but they all seem to hate Felix just because he was on the 'wrong' side.
Mulan looks to the younger boy, taking in his features. Overall, he seems young - but he seems like he's seen a lot for his age. Maybe he's from the Enchanted Forest too - but she's never seen him before.

"You're new right? How're you finding town? I'm Felix by the way." he says with a slight smile.

"Yes, I only came here last week. My name is Mulan." she replies, smiling back at him.

She stares into space for a while, thinking of what to say.

"Is there anyone called Robin Hood around here? I knew him in the Encha-- in the past. I've heard that he lives here now."
"He was around," Pan says, "if I remember correctly he left a while ago with his wife." He makes sure to sound polite, but is obviously not interested in the topic. Obviously Pan knows as a fact that Robin left, he could pretty much list everyone in the town at any point in time, keeping track of people isn't hard. "You're here searching for him then?" Pan asks, adding on at the end "And you've come from the enchanted forest. Unless you get caught in a curse that's a pretty impressive trip." He adds on, hoping she'll give some form of explanation of how she got here, although not really expecting it.
Mulan frowns slightly at the information given to her, before paying attention again.

"Well, I never said I was from the Enchanted Forest. But yes, I am. I found one of those magic beans to make a portal, and I remembered Robin mentioning something like 'Storybrooke'. And he told me some things about this world - based on what he told me, I gathered it would be strange for me to come in the full armour I usually wear."

Mulan laughs. Honestly, she doesn't even know if her laugh is real at that point. She misses the Enchanted Forest. She misses Aurora.
"Well you said encha-, and the only reasonable thing to decide that is, especially around here, is the enchanted forest." Pan says, going back to his normal 'I know everything' attitude for a second before catching himself and instantly trying to be a bit nicer. Looking down at his own clothes, jeans and a T-shirt, he comments, "The clothes here are definitely," he pauses, "a bit different. I don't like them. Way too tight. And getting a pair of these," He says, pointing at his jeans, "that don't already have a hole in them is a pain. Why do I want clothes with holes? Seems a bit stupid really. I guess like you said, different clothes is just something you have to deal with if you don't want to stand out."
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