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Fandom Once Upon A Time (Accepting/OPEN)

Belle, Sleeping Beauty or Anna, who's your favorite?

  • Sleeping Beauty

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  • Anna (Elsa's sister)

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    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ........None of them........

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  • Dude... my favorite character is a guy.....

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  • Other

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  • Total voters
"Pan pipes?" Ryan says, sounding completely confused by what she's saying. His expression stays confused, despite his slight amusement at how annoyed she's getting. Pan considers going to find the two, but decides It's best to leave them. He prefers only dealing with people who listen to him, or people he wants to fight, and right now, she is neither.

"Yes... pan-pipes..." she muttered bitterly and threw a glare at Felix-Pan's back. The hairs on the back of her neck stood and she moved a hand around back to try and clamp them down. It was annoying. He was annoying. Why did Ryan feel the need to... to follow....

"Pan pipes where? Were you not sleeping in the woods last night? I didn't hear any pan pipes near me and I thought I was pretty near you." He sounds slightly concerned as well as worried now, trying to seem as worried and caring as possible. Not his forte. She seems convinced he already knows, although if he acts confused enough, maybe she'll believe he couldn't hear them. Maybe she'll believe he doesn't know what's going on. Maybe he could even convince her that Felix isn't Pan, and that any Pan that exists must be hiding. Or he could give up the game, but that wouldn't be any fun.

She furiously rubs at her face and lets out a defeated sigh. "Okay! Fine! What ever.... say what you will but.... I know you know... and I know I heard those pipes..." She grumbled and moved to start walking back to the Pawn Shop.

Ryan has no idea what to say to that, so after a quick response of "I really don't know!" He walks back to find Pan again. The boy is stood where Grannies used to be, leant against the wall of one of the neighbouring buildings. He looks like the sort of person you should avoid, hands in his pockets, hood up, but Ryan doesn't care, he knows Pan is perfectly harmless. To him at least.
Bestia Chesire, otherwise known as Malorie Bondcat when the curse was enacted, was ery well on her merry way and just about minding her own business when she heard not too far away the voices of Eeve and Ryan. They were diefinetly arguing about something. A wicked smile made it's way to her lips and she gave her thoughts a once over before nodding to herself. "A little eavesdropping never hurt anybody, at least not too badly...."

Bestia walked with very careful steps as she neared the conversation and she stopped when she could peek around the side of th building opposite them. She scanned them over and her ears caught on a bit but she really hurt nothing but complaining so she stepped back into hiding and gotready for some magic time. She hadn't done it often in Storybrooke, used her abilities, it was because it needed affort wheras in any of the originaly magic lands it came like a cool breeze, quick and natural. She always ended up turning up in her own non existent wisp anyways, her steps always light and carefree but controlled.

Bestia closed her eyes and felt the magic in her start to weave it's way around her body, and slowly but surely her body became nothing but blue wispy smoke and she began dissapearing. Her mouth and eyes were last to go. Bestia blinked and her eyes became the slitted kind she was always used to, her mouth went up into an extra wide grin and then she was gone.

Unseen and unheard Bestia floated through the air like a willow the wisp completely invisible and she went over to Ryan and Eeve. Upon arriving by them she touched the ground and stood with her arms crossed as she looked side to side from one to the other. The pipes. Bestia grinned and she chuckled, but the two wouldn't hear it. She knew that she had heard them, they played in her sleep, like they used to in Neverland. If she were awake she would have run straight for them, enjoyed a night on the town, but nobody disturbs a cat's slumber, even if they aren't all cat. She looked back and forth from Ryan to Eeve and tilted her head a bit. Eeve was convinced they were real, and she was there the night prior, but Ryan was denying having seen anything or heard anything, trying to confuse her. "Yeah right." Bestia watched Eeve leave momentarily after she finally gave up and she shrugged. Ryan then walked away and she thought she might as well. She lifted off the ground and followed right after Ryan. It didn't take long till she noticed just where he was heading. The spot where 'Grannies' used to be. She missed that place, very much. Bestia smirked suddenly, as the almost familiar face and body of Felix, from Neverland, was right in her vision. But where was Pan? He would never dare to send Felix out on his own business would he? She had some time to study his ways, and plenty to tease him, perhaps Pan was here after all. She stopped right behind Ryan and deciding she might aswell her extra large eyes appeared the air. They were the uncanny slitted kind of her cat form and just as big. They winked elegantly at Felix, before dissapearing with a light and faint chuckle sounding from behind Ryan. Even now The Cheshire Cat never knew the levels she was on with the townsfolk, even with Pan and Felix.

@Sneaux @snakeyem12
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Elsa waited at home for Serenity to return. She was so worried about her daughter that it was making her panic. The snow queen's emotions were becoming apparent as a small snow blizzard started to billow around her as she paced back and forth. "Serenity, please be okay. Where are you? Where did you go?" she soon realized it was time to open the ice cream shop and she did so with a practiced fake smile as she served her patrons the yummy frozen treats.

Serenity found herself In the woods last night after hearing the pan flute music. She wanted to know who was playing and why they seemed so sad and lost. She herself felt lost but that was for a different reason. She headed back into town and found herself near where grannies used to be. Hearing voices she got a bit closer. When hearing that she wasn't alone in hearing the pipes she jumped in, "You heard the pan pipes too?" she asked the girl about her age. The young woman's red hair and blue eyes were instantly recognizable just like her own long white hair and fancy way of dressing. "Eve, you're not the only one who heard them. I did too. I believe you." she said smiling then turning to the residential important delinquent. Felix always gave her the creeps when she's around him. Like something about him was off but she just played that up to him just being a boy. She was always nervous around them but the feeling she got around Felix was different. She then looked to both of them and had to appologise, "I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to eavse drop, I was just walking by when I heard your voices." she said, hoping they wouldn't be too mad at her.
Pan manages to spot Bestia when she approaches, and, deciding that it's best to act polite, simply says "Bestia." She had powerful magic, and he hadn't liked when she was in Neverland. Here in Storybrooke though? That's completely fine. Ryan looks at him with slight confusion, before turning and failing to spot the girl. He may know most things about Neverland, but he doesn't know all of its previous inhabitants, and doesn't recognise the name Bestia.

Pan isn't sure if he expects a reaction, she was always difficult to talk to, but he looks where she was anyway, waiting for her head to reappear. He would have preferred limiting her magic, but that's not an option here. He's pretending to be Felix, and literally everyone knows that Felix has no magic at all. It's one of the few things that makes him think he should have chosen a different body, but no. This is convenient, and he knows how to pretend to be Felix, so the lack of magic is acceptable. Ryan can do most things he can do anyway.
Bestia smirked a little more and she chyckled once again. She touched the ground and walked swiftly over to Felix. She stopped in front of him and inspected him, she wished he would have seen her, it was hilariously funny even for her. But Felix didn't have that kind of magic...

She went right around him before standing in front of him again and putting her weight on one leg, her face in a thinking state. She then rolled her eyes at herself and lifted off the ground again in front of him. Now about a meter away from him her face and longish hair appeared before him only in a darker blue wisp. She had her slitted eyes and her hair was curled to frame her face, it floated in the air around her head and made it just that much weirder. Bestia smirked lightly and fluttered her eyes a little. "Felix. We meet again." She wasn't too bothered by the fact that Ryan could see her now too, well, at least the back of her head and that only. Her and Ryan were not so fully introduced like most, if anything he just wouldn't be able to recognuse her by her real name, instead, by Malorie Bondcat.
"Haven't seen you here." Pan says, focusing directly on Bestia. "How long have you been in Storybrooke?" He asks. It's a reasonable question, although he already partially knows the answer, he always knows who's in the town. He doesn't remember if she got here before him though, or if she appeared after he did. It wasn't really worth remembering, which means it's a good enough question to interest him, and it's a polite enough question anyway. He really hates acting nice, but Felix always had a slight skill for being at least vaguely polite to people he didn't hate. Especially people with magic. So he has to try and act like that too.

Ryan stands quietly, doing nothing and not bothering speaking. He considers reaching out and grabbing the girl, trying to magically force her to be visible, but decides against it. Both him and Pan are currently (mainly) hiding their magic, so neither of them can stop her. They just have to deal with the random floating head. Great.
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Bestia nodded her head lightly. "Aye, and I have not seen you, at least not on purpose...." She answered his question now. "I was sent here with the curse, I had been in the enchanted forest when it enacted, I couldn't escape it," she explained. She felt very amused that Felix was talking to her while she was like this, and Ryan was doing nothing, all so polite. It just had to be polite. "So, where is Pan?," her Australian accent rolled right off her tongue. "Still in Neverland? Though I doubt it."
Pan looks slightly saddened for a moment, a face he's perfected doing on demand whenever his own name is mentioned around him. Felix would be upset if he died. He knows Felix would be. Distraught in fact. But after a year or so, Felix would just look slightly sad. He was one of his strongest lost boys. That's why Pan liked him. After looking sad for a moment, Pan quite blinks a couple of times, puts an obviously fake smile on his face and simply says "He's not around at the moment. Which curse did you come with? First or second?" Felix isn't known for talking a lot, although he is quite curious. Pan captures his personality quite well, and it's not like anyone ever paid enough attention to Felix to notice anything different either.
Bestia watched Felix's face with curiosity and she saw him visibly falter. 'My my....,' she thought to herself. 'Now this is really hard..' She bit her lip a little, a habit, as he answered her and the head nodded a little to aknowledge it before she answered him. "With the first. I became a Malorie." She smirked lightly.
Pan thinks that he probably should have remembered that. He should have known she was here when he arrived. But anyway, it doesn't matter, he knows now. He decides to try and figure out why she doesn't seem to realise he's 'dead'. "So have you been paying much attention to what's going on? The cause of the second curse?" That should be enough to figure out if she remembers. And it should confuse her, because he knows she heard the pipes last night, even if she didn't come.
Bestia thought for a moment. "As a matter of fact not all too well, I sleep alot you see.," she traile for a moment before speaing again. "Bu-." A sudden thought came to her. The second curse, Pan, Felix. What did they all have in common. 'Stupid young woman.' Bestia's expression changed and with a wisp of blue the rest of her body revealed itself bit by bit. She sill sood with weight on one leg and she now crossed her arms as her smile died down but her eyes still held a mystifying sort of gaze. "Who are you really, Felix?," she questioned him, moving a step closer and looking into his eyes as her own narrowed, as if searching there will give her the answers.
"Who am I really?" Pan says mockingly. "Felix. Who else would I be?" He then considers what to say, deciding on explaining the second curse to her. "He caused the curse you know. And then Rumple stabbed him." The saddened expression flashes over his face again. Talking in third person about an unspecified person, in Felix's books, meant he was talking about Pan. She must know that, he used to do it all the time after all.
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Bestia grimace lightly and she looked down as her magic wore out, her eyes and the rest of her returning back to normal. She rolled her shoulders a bit, shrugging it off naturally with a grimace and looked back up at Felix. She nodded lightly. "So I'm sure I saw, at least I can't remember it too well...." Once again she questioned the sadened look on his face. She knew just who he was talking about, Pan. She wanted to say something like "I'm sorry for your "loss"." But how could she be so sure? Huh, she couldn't. Bestia became only more confused, maybe even close to the truth as she kept asking questions. It was odd, as normally people were the ones demanding and begging her for answers. "So you've learnt to play the Pan have you? The pipes are quite beautiful but I never knew you had that in you...." She gave a look that simply asked how he was gonna answer that. Of course, it would give away that she could hear them, but at least she would get an answer she liked.
Before Pan can answer, Ryan offers an explanation, "Felix gave them to me and I've been practising." He smirks as if he's proud of himself. She'll likely think it's because he can play so well, but Pan will know it's actually because he's managed to come up with a decent explanation quite quickly. Of course, it completely disagrees with what he's told Eeve, but so does anything they could sensibly say about the pipes. And its not entirely a lie. Ryan has been learning to play, just not here. Pan remains quiet, the explanation Ryan gave is good enough for him to not feel the need to add anything.
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Bestia raised an eyebrow and she turned her head to look at Ryan. It was more or less expected from Cheshire for him to interject. She bit her lip a little and smirked. "In the middle of the night? In the woods? Surrounded by lost boy's and girls and Eeve hot on your tail? Or is that below the tree you were hiding in, I can never really make out the picture." She turned her head back to Felix. "I don't know alot for nothing, it's my duty." More like a Red spell, but meh. She hoped perhaps this might have them caught, but with minds like theirs it was hard to tell. No, she had not seen who was playing the pipes, but she had seen Rose and she had seen Ryan, without the pipes, and the earlier eavesdropping had long before confirmed her suspicions that 'It' did happen last night. The young woman had practically been hinting at her 'knowing' the whole conversation, and about her mysterious dreams.... But what do Lost boy's know? "Can't remember it too well"?, "I sleep alot you see"?, "At least not on purpose."?
Pan stays exactly where he is, speaking in Felix's drawling, better than you voice, "I might know how to play the pipes. But that's not important. If you heard, then why didn't you come." He admits he was playing, as she seems to have concluded it was him anyway. He directs the conversation away from himself though, instead asking something he's genuinely interested in. Why wouldn't she have come?
Bestia growled a little under her breath. "Just known? Or have you been playing them all your life?," she muttered. She directed a light scowl at Felix for a second. "I was sleeping, simple. Those pipes won't wake me up, I can hear them in my dreams anyway. Like I said, quite beautiful." She thought he was getting a little off topic here,
"They don't wake you. How strange. Defeats the purpose really. Maybe I'm playing them wrong." Pan continues in his drawling tone of voice. He's actually quite bothered by her statement, his pipes should wake up anyone who hears them, that's why him playing at night isn't a problem. "I've just been practising recently. He wouldn't let anyone else even touch them, so I've only been able to try in the past year-ish." Pan really is quite protective of his pipes. He only left them on Hooks ship because he needed somewhere safe to put them. And he only let's Ryan play them because it's important that he knows how.

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She nodded at the girl who spoke to them and flashed an apologetic smile before continuing on to check on her comatose father..


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