• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
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Wonton Denver
Wonton Denver
Rp'er Name: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
Post Frequency:
Daily, depending on Highschool activity.
Discord Name: Beetlebug#4530
Current RP: See a Fae about a Tree
Goals: To explore this new world, and find purpose with his learnings.
Equipped Titles:
[Waddle Dee] [Beast] Unequipped: [Orange Thing]
Weight: 80 pounds
Backstory: One could say that Wonton was an example of the following: A successful man who couldn’t find happiness from others. He was fit, he was flexible thanks to his yoga, he was wealthy, and was high in the ranks of a fun high paying job.

Yet despite this, he didn’t feel whole, he couldn’t feel his proudness at his growth like the same proudness his family felt… It would take another year until he discovered that, He was depressed.

He wanted to explain to others, but they would brush him aside, thinking he was fine.. His therapist wasn’t much help either..

One day, he felt bored, having nothing to do on the TV. Going out for a walk, he noticed a garage sale and went to check it out..

There he would purchase the Nintendo Wii, the original prior to the Wii U..

That same day, he discovered something to make him feel better: Kirby games.

More specifically: Return to Dreamland, and the 25th Anniversary collection. (Mostly the former.)

There was just something about these games about a pink ball that kills gods that got him hooked, more so when his family came over, he lets his nephews or cousins play with him as well, with him taking on the role of what he considered his favorite character: Bandanna Waddle Dee.

His depression would subside for the next few months... until one day..


Wait.. Why can't he remember what happened on that day..? Why is there blood everywhere..?




Why can't he feel his body anymore? And why does he feel...so..tired...?
Current Life: He didn't remember much afterwards, only some bright light explaining to him something about rebirth in a new world.. along with something along the lines of 'You may be reborn as whatever to your liking, as your mind may make the choice.'.. After a few hours, he felt warm wood pressing against his face, along with the sun's warmth on his back. Only that he felt lighter, and smaller..

He eventually woke up, and saw that he was on the doorstep of some kind of house.. And was taken in to be cared for by the owner. Meta, as he called himself. Meta had a wife, in which her name was Kaira.

Under their care, he learned a lot from Meta, as it turned out he was a retired teacher for weapon fighting.

As such, Wonton found himself taken under his wing, along with home education from Kaira for 2 years..

By that time, He had learned everything he could from Meta and Kaira, and after deciding that he was ready to see the outside world, they bid him good luck, along with the obligation to return home any time he wished..

Meta had also gifted him his very spear, as an upgrade to the one he used during training, while also expressing his gratitude to Wonton for being like a son to him and his wife...

And so, he set off, not after receiving two bags of goods and essentials from Kaira beforehand..

Acquired Titles: [Waddle Dee] [Beast] [Orange Thing
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 8
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 8

Strength - E (7)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
(56 Points stats)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - D (14)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fighting Style [Spears] E [Penetrating] E (14) (49 points on Skills)
  • Elasticity F (14)
  • Steady Hands F (7)
  • Jumping F (7)
  • Blacksmithing F (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • Thrust Barrage - Fighting Style [Spears]E [Penetrating - weapon can ignore grades of an item when it is used to defend.] F Steady Hands E - Performs a series of thrusts with his spear, finishing with a blow to the target's center. - E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spear Maintenance - Blacksmithing F, Steady Hands F, - Performs the usual check for wear and tear on his spear, and resharpens using his sharpening stone courtesy of Meta. - F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Moon Drop Slash - Jumping F, Fighting Style [Spears] E [Penetrating - weapon can ignore grades of an item when it is used to defend. ] E, Steady Hands F - Jumps forward and performs an overhead thrusting blow at the target. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Steel Head Spear F - Wooden shaft with sharp steel head. Small red ribbon tied around beneath spearhead for distinct appearance.
  • Sharpening Stone F - sturdy stone used for sharpening metal1650245645637.png
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Dark Blue Bandanna
  • Bag of Ripe Tomatoes (Bag in hand on 1st pic)
  • Blue Bag (Tied to shaft of his spear on 1st pic)
  • Contents in Blue Bag: Water Canteen, small pillow, blanket roll. Currency
Assets: Meta & Kaira Residence
Change Log:
  • Character creation: 14 Points for Precision F to D
  • 14 Points for Intelligence from F to D
  • 14 Points for Speed stat from F to D
  • 7 Points for Vitality from F to E
  • Fighting Style [Spears] from F to E for 14 points 1- 10 >(Character Creation)
  • Elasticity for 14 Points
  • Jump Skill - 7 Points
  • Steady Hands Skill - 7 points
  • Strength F to E - 7 points
  • Blacksmithing F - 7 points
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Frederika de Roberval
Frederika de Roberval

Physical Description:
*I intend to add this after the character's first appearance.
Bearfolk Female
75 Inches (191 Centimeters
Weight: 200 Pounds (91 Kilograms)
Eye Color: Blue-Green
Hair Color: See Image
Body Type (Build): Broad Junoesque
Voice: Resonant Contralto Profundo
Apparent Age: Twenty-Two
Laterality: Right
Sobriquet: Rika

Rp'er Name: TheSimianMind
Post Frequency: Typically 2-3 Times Per Week
Discord Name: TheSimianMind
Equipped Titles: [Beast]
Languages Known: Common (Trade Language); Gnomish
Occupation: Mercenary and Innkeeper in Training
Backstory/Past Life:
*I intend to add details as they are revealed onscreen and/or as part of character development.*
Current Life:
*I intend to add details as they are revealed onscreen and/or as part of character development.*
Acquired Titles: [Beast]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Strength - 14 Points - D
Precision - 0 Points - F
Intelligence - 14 Points - D
Vitality - 7 Points - E
Speed - 0 Points - F
Character Grade: (Strength (D: 14 Points) + Precision (F: 0 Points) + Intelligence (D: 14 Points) + Vitality (E: 7 Points) + Speed (F: 0 Points)) / 5 = 35 / 5 = 7 = E
  • Fighting Style: Sabers - 14 Points - E
    • Type: Martial Skill - Offensive
    • Range: Melee
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: Frederika possesses apprentice-level skills in wielding a saber.
    • Technique Core 1: Deflect - 0 Points - F
      • Type: Augmentation
      • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: While wielding a cutlass, Frederika can parry mundane blows.
    • Technique Core 2: Multidimensional - 0 Points - F
      • Type: Augmentation
      • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: While wielding a cutlass, Frederika's cuts and thrusts can damage intangible entities, fluids, gases, energy, etc.

  • Superstrength - 14 Points - F
    • Type: Martial Skill
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: Frederika can exert a contact force of 200 lbf on external bodies.

  • Feature: Darkvision - 7 Points - F
    • Type: Sense Skill - Auxiliary
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: In complete darkness, Frederika can see up to 60 feet.

  • Feature: Natural Armor - 7 Points - F
    • Type: Sense Skill - Auxiliary
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: Frederika's fur-clad skin provides protection equivalent to F-Grade Armor.

  • Feature: Neural Interface - 7 Points - F
    • Type: Sense Skill - Auxiliary
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: Frederika is equipped with cybernetic augmentations that allow her to directly interface with compatible computers, chiefly arcane, biological, and electromechanical.

  • Heightened Sense(s): Hearing and Smell - 14 Points - E
    • Type: Sense Skill - Auxiliary
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect/Description: Frederika's hearing is more than twice as sensitive as an average human's hearing. Frederika can hear sounds at frequencies outside of an average human's hearing range. Frederika can smell objects up to 8 miles away.
  • Redirect Energy
    • Formula: Fighting Style: Cutlasses (E: 14 Points) + Deflect (F: 0 Points) + Multidimensional (F: 0 Points) = E
    • Type: Martial
    • Target: One Spell, Enchantment, or Enchanted Entity
    • Range: Melee
    • Duration: One Reaction
    • Cooldown Per Casting: One Post
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect: Deflects Magic
    • Description: Frederika selects One Target in melee range and parries it with her cutlass(es). Frederika absorbs the Target's energy thereby disrupting the flow of magic and reducing associated magical effects accordingly.
  • Tau Ceti 3655 Pattern Cutlass - 7 Points - F
    • Type: Cutlass
    • Mechanical/Narrative Effect: When equipped, this item functions as a melee weapon.
    • Description: A standard-issue 2.5-pound cutlass with a 31-inch (79-centimeter) 1095 Carbon Steel curved blade, a 5-inch (13-centimeter) handle, and a cupped guard.
  • Bacon
  • Brass Keyring
  • Brass Keychain
  • Canteen
  • Coin Purse
  • Coin
  • Handkerchief
  • Keys
  • Utility Knife
  • Work Clothes - Appearance Varies
  • Room and Board
Change Log:
  • Character Generation
    • 14 Points Added to Strength (Total: 14 Points - Grade: D)
    • 14 Points Added to Intelligence (Total: 14 Points - Grade: D)
    • 7 Points Added to Vitality (Total: 7 Points - Grade: E)
    • 14 Points Added to Fighting Style: Sabers (Total: 14 Points - Grade: E)
      • 0 Points Added to Deflect (Total: 0 Points - Grade: F)
      • 0 Points Added to Multidimensional (Total: 0 Points - Grade: F)
    • 14 Points Added to Superstrength (Total: 14 Points - Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Feature: Darkvision (Total: 7 Points - Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Feature: Natural Armor (Total: 7 Points - Grade: F)
    • 7 Points Added to Feature: Neural Interface (Total: 7 Points - Grade: F)
    • 14 Points Added to Heightened Sense(s): Hearing and Smell (Total: 14 Points - Grade: E)
    • 7 Points Exchanged for Tau Ceti 3655 Pattern Cutlass (Total: 7 Points - Grade: F)
    • [Beast] Added to Titles
    • Gnomish Added to Languages
    • Redirect Energy Added to Abilities (Rank: E)
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Rp'er Name: 123

Post Frequency:
Almost Daily

Discord Name: Gangsta#5991

Current RP: None

Goals: Unknown

Equipped Titles: Monster

Height: Quadrupedal - 4'5" | Bipedal - 7'5"

Weight: 500 lbs.

Backstory: As the only apparent member of its species, where it comes from or how it came into being is unknown. Its appearance is a rare sight and its motives are nothing short of a mystery. This violent creature hasn't even been given a proper name, but perhaps a brave adventurer will change that and uncover the mysteries of its existence.

(This, and other portions of the character sheet, will be updated as people learn more about the creature. You can even give its species a name and if I like it enough I'll change "Unknown Monster" into something else.)
Current Life: Between the few people that've caught glimpses of this creature, a common report has been made of grotesque ingurgitation. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason on what it consumes or why it eats such a gluttonous amount. It's almost like this creature has an unquenchable appetite.

Acquired Titles: Monster

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - B

Precision - F

Intelligence - F

Vitality - F

Speed - C

Character Grade - F
Tail, Claws, Jaws, Wings (7 Pts.)
  • Natural Weapons | Orichalcum | F (28 Pts.)
  • Jumping | F (7 Pts.)
  • Fast | F (7 Pts.)
  • Fighting Style [Beast] | F (7 Pts.)
  • Glide - Fast (F), Jumping (F), Feature (Wings) - The creature jumps after it builds up enough momentum by running and uses its wings to glide. Doing so allows them to travel two times further than their regular jump as long as they aren't moving directly upwards. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Bludgeon - Jumping (F), Feature (Tail), Fighting Style [Beast] F - After jumping in the air, the creature uses the momentum to whip its tail violently against its target. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Pounce - Fast (F), Jumping (F), Fighting Style [Beast] (F) - Using its speed and jumping ability, the creature can violently pounce on and tackle someone to assault them with a volley of vicious bites and aggressive lacerations from its claws. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.
  • Double Strike - Fighting Style [Beast] (F) - Linked - The creature can quickly claw its target with enough ferocity to briefly stun/distract them. This gives it more than enough time for a guaranteed follow-up attack with its tail; swatting them with as much strength as it can muster.
  • Jaws, Claws, Tail, Wings
  • None.
  • None.
Change Log:
  • None yet.
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Astrid Naréssyr
Astrid Naréssyr


Rp'er Name: Indiv

Post Frequency: Varies according to mood but I usually have enough free time to post everyday.

Discord Name: I'm on discord, but please ask if you are looking for me on that platform.

Current RP: (N/A)

Equipped Titles: Fae

Height: 5'7

Weight: 127 lbs


Astrid was a scientist in her previous life, majoring in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence. Her real name was Chen Hui Yin before she changed it after being reincarnated.

Being born in Beijing, China, Hui Yin had always been the "quiet kid" in the class and rarely spoke. That didn't mean she was shy, however, as she would speak up whenever something catches her fancy or she deems that asserting herself verbally was needed. In her typical silence, Hui Yin's mind had a habit of constantly observing others and soon developed a knack at picking apart the true nature of those around her. Since young, she found joy in building and tinkering with things, finding comfort in objects of her own creation.

By the time Hu Yin was 18, she had picked up English as a second language and moved to America to attend University. Her interest in Philosophy and the creation of Artificial Intelligence seemed to have stemmed from her views towards God and Religion. She was not an atheist, for she did believe in the existence of a divine authority, but she did not consider Humanity to always be inferior to their supposed creator. According to Gnosticism, humanity all contained a shard of the divine spark which fell to the mortal plane into the bodies of humans. As such, it should be possible for anyone to harness a fragment of the divine's capabilities and can later temper the tiny piece into its completed state.

Hui Yin's obsession with the creation of Artificial Intelligence was in a sense a challenge to the divine powers of creation. That the ability to create life was something only exclusive for the divine. The creation of a fully sentient and sapient A.I would be the combination of the phenomena and the noumena. These two opposite concepts would be brought together and the impossibility of their union would thus reject the identities of both.

Hui Yin received many backers to her project, including access to the database of information to assist with deep learning. The ability of humans to form connections at an instant is often an overlooked feat of our brains, and something a mere computer would find difficult in doing. Simulations were run, setbacks were overcomed, and a prototype was created. The expression of a soul in nothing but ones and zeroes was accomplished, utilising her own brain scan as a template for the prototype model

However, not long after the prototype was set for a presentation, Hui Yin was killed in a hit and run accident. Of course, it was by no means an 'accident', as many secret societies either sought to claim the information for themselves or deemed the unchecked A.I as a danger to society. The fact of the matter was, Hui Yin would die on 2nd April. Her birthday.

Current Life:

Hui Yin would wake up near The Duchy, a region west of the continental Lake. It was a place where people surrounded themselves with artificial creations, much like herself in her previous life; only more sociable. Kneeling beside her was a 15 feet tall Mecha Golem, which startled her at first but realized it had been a starting gift.

The conversation with the entity claiming to be "God" had been a fruitful one, in which she extracted enough information to determine what sort of world she would be sent to. For that, she changed her name to Astrid Naréssyr to better fit in with the populace. She neither questioned the legitimacy of the one claiming to be god, nor did she launch any inquiries about its nature, for such questions would be pointless with her state of powerlessness. Besides, the one now known as Astrid vowed to leave her previous life behind and live in the new world as a different person.

As Astrid, she would spend a few days tinkering with the Golem to identify its innerworkings. The unfamiliarity with the technology of this world eventually caused her to reach a dead end, but Astrid did figure out two things. The first was the presence of magic, as it was the only reasonable explanation as to how the mech was powered. The second was its controls, learning the fundamentals through the rigorous trial and error she had been well known for in her previous life.

Despite her scientific prowess in the other world, the vast differences rendered her helpless in the face of the arcane; which did not fail to upset her. It wasn't that she hated magic, but the fact that she had to learn things from scratch and disregard knowledge she had worked tirelessly to obtain in her previous life. As she had vowed to leave her old existence, Astrid had to begrudgingly accept the change in environment and start to adapt.

She would spend a few days in the Duchy, learning the basics of helming and crafting these Mecha Golems but she would not stay for long. It was more enjoyable to be away from others and figure things out on her own. And so, Astrid began her wanderings.

Acquired Titles: Fae

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 76

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent:


Strength F

Precision E

Intelligence F

Vitality F

Speed F

F Rank Character

Character Grade: F

Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)


  • Helming F (7) - Basic knowledge about how to pilot a Golem.

  • Artisan (Golems) F (7) - Artisan's are skilled professionals that can take materials and turn them into products. Generally artists and craftsmen gain tools necessary to perform the trade/craft and can craft items of the same grade for free. In this case, Astrid specialises in Golems.



    • Skill Item:Asterism - D(84) - A 15 feet tall mechanical Golem bestowed onto Astrid when she was reincarnated, and piloted by its owner in the cockpit within its chest. It possesses a sleek design despite its size and loosely resembles a knight. Grants Large Title when equipped.

      For each grade of Item, the user receives 28pts to take an item and apply skills/abilities to it. The item is assumed to have the stats of the same grade (as appropriate to the item). Therefore when equipped, all of Astrid's stats will change to that of the item's grade.

      Items may not be sentient constructs. They are purely objects. EX: Mecha (Golems), Magic Weapons, Enhanced Gear.


    • Super strength E - 28

    • Jumping F - 7

    • Fast F -7

    • Big Hide (Golem) E -14

    • Natural weapon E -28


Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)

    • Tool Kit - Contains basic tools needed to perform light repairs.
    • Rations
    • Bedroll
    • Fire Starter Kit
    • Waterskin

Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)

    • None

Change Log:

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[W h e r e.. A..m... I..?]
[Why was I created..?]
[... Answer Me...]

[I know you're here.]

[File Name//:TMK.EXE.CHR| Simplicity Alias//: TMK]
[Processing File//:Body.STCR - Round/Circular, BDY.CLR/: Red.255, Green.192,Blue.203 - PINK| Foot CLR/: #EB3C62] Eyes - Black|Code Essence flow located- RGHT,EYE/ARM]

Rp'er Name: Beetlebuggo Beetlebuggo
Post Frequency:
[Post Frequency//: Daily|Dependant Factor//:School.ACTV]
Discord Name: Beetlebug#4530
Current RP: The Blind Desert: Part 1
Goals: [Study workings of new world Society| Study Organic Lifeform activity|Identify Reason of Existence]
Equipped Titles:
[Construct] [Codeforged]
[HGHT - 4.Feet|11.Inches]
Weight: [WGHT- 101 Pounds]


*Error. Error. TMELNE LOST. 80% PST LFE INFO LOST.| Gathering Memorial Remnants....|Remnants gathered]
[Name: Brent Cole - 9 Years Old - Male - March 21st 1989 - March 21st 1996 - Cause of Death - Suicide via hanging - Possible drive of Suicide - Abusive Parental Figure]

[Personal Note. Organic Lifeforms seem to die instantly from neck fractures, Brain penetration, or destruction of heart.]
Current Life: [Surrounding Area Examination//: Flourishing forestline bordering a village. Curiosity Peaked.| Course of Action//: Searching for entrance.]
Acquired Titles: [Construct] [Codeforged]
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 31
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 31
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D (14)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - C (21) 56 points on Stats
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - F
E Grade Character
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name and grade. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Natural Weapons E [Code Essence flow from Eye and Arm] (28)
  • Fighting Style [Natural Weapons E] Contact - similar to blight, it is extra damage source added to the attack but it is one that requires repeated or continuous exposure to do its effects. in this way it may overcome resistances that may stop blight techniques at the expense of repeated and/or prolonged use] E (14) (49 Points Skills)
  • Regeneration F (7)
Abilities: (Explained better further down, list the skills and their grades that are used to produce the ability as well as the ability's name and desired effect. Also list the ability's Grade and effective post cooldown.)
  • [Code//: Decay] - Fighting Style [Natural Weapons] E [Contact - similar to blight, it is extra damage source added to the attack but it is one that requires repeated or continuous exposure to do its effects. in this way it may overcome resistances that may stop blight techniques at the expense of repeated and/or prolonged use.] - [Code//: Target Contact with Code Essence - .Effect//: Decay of material lifeform is made of on area of contact, lasts for duration that Target keeps contact with Code Essence in specific area] Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)


Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Notebook full of notes
  • Pencil
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • None
Change Log:

Oct 14th, 2022 - 31 Points acquired from - Dungeon Crawl Ho

November 8th 2022 - 14 Points obtained from The Blind Desert
[... ]

[ . . . ]

[ . . . ]

[ . . . ]

[.. I.. S e e... You..]

[Personal Note//: Speech pattern only consists of subtitles. Upon attempted speech, these subtitles physically appear above self.]
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Niall Riordan
Demon's Souls - The Penetrator Screenshot.jpg
Rp'er Name: Nero Kunivas
Post Frequency: As frequently as possible, will aim for once a week.
Discord Name: NeroKunivas#9583
Current RP: N/A

  • Hone his swordsmanship to become one of the mightiest warriors of the realm.
  • Protect the innocent.
  • Slay the corrupt and unjust, no matter the cost, morals be damned.
  • Obtain more power, no matter how far it sends him down the dark path or what it costs him.
  • Become undying, or as close as he can get, as well as claim eternal life.
  • Understand his curse and if need be, feed it further.
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 6'4
Weight: 180 lbs

Memories of his past life are fractured and fuzzy, only growing more distant as he and his curse grow in strength. From what he does remember, in his previous life Niall was a bartender, who spent most of his time pouring drinks and listening to the woes of the drunkards who frequented his establishment. Some of their tales however resonated with him, typically the tales of the abused or the victimized, rather than the woes of the underachievers or the lonely, causing him to yearn to aid them in some manner. His last memory was attempting to stop a bar fight, only to be slammed in the head with a heavy glass bottle that did not shatter on impact, causing nigh-instant death as the echoes of the now regretful attacker rung in his ears.
Having suffered an unfortunate demise, Niall was confronted by [god], who spoke in rhetoric yet it was enough for him to be sold on the idea of a second life, which he was soon granted. Awakening in a new and distant land, Niall set out into the world of the Protectorate of Ryke. During his early travels, he came into possession of an old, accursed blade and a set of armour, buried in the undisturbed tomb of a nameless warrior, renowned in the past as an Impaler. The blade whispered to him, promising him great power and the means to enact the deepest desires of his soul, in particular, the power to protect the innocent by any means necessary. Niall was already embittered by the circumstances of his original death, shedding some of his morals for the sake of the greater good was an easy choice. Donning his new armour and taking up the accursed blade, Niall began his new life as a dark knight of no renown.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start:
116 (Plus 11 due to Scoop)
Points Earned: 49
Points Spent: 116
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - C
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - C
Speed - E
  • Fighting Style, Swords (Accursed Blade) - F - Drain (Speed) - An aggressive fighting style that utilizes wide sweeps and piercing thrusting attacks with a lengthy blade. The weapon in question is cursed by some kind of malevolent spirit, that cares not what its wielder does, so long as it involves killing. To make this easier, the blade's curse drains the Speed stat from targets, slowing them down for an easier kill.
  • Drain (Speed) - Weakens target by one letter grade in one of their stats, in this case, their Speed stat. The forms the technique take could be varied based on the stat impacted. Afflicted targets regain stats 1 grade per in rp hour. Cannot make a stat go lower than F. The stat it drains must be defined in advance and remain that way.
  • Appraisal F
  • Regeneration F - Character starts to heal itself automatically if not killed or if the body is not destroyed. Only effective against wounds caused by F grade abilities, attacks, creatures, etc...
  • Draining Thrust - Fighting Style Accursed Blade (Swords) F, Drain (Speed) F - Single target afflicted with an injury by this attack will also reduce the target's (Speed) by 1 grade. Niall readies his sword in a 'stand-off' stance before suddenly thrusting forth, injuring the target and afflicting them with Drain (Speed). - F grade - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Bastard Sword D - A longer blade than a regular arming sword, yet not as heavy as a Greatsword or a Zweihander. Typically wielded in two hands. Cursed with a malevolent spirit and is visually twisted as a result, with a sharp, angular hand guard that points upwards. It is a blade forged with aggression in mind above all else.
  • Heavy Armour D - Sturdy armour pilfered from a tomb, well maintained despite its age. Angular and vaguely demonic visage combined with a dark colour palette, accentuated with a faded dark red kama.
  • Whetstone - Used to keep his blade sharp, as even cursed blades can dull without care.
  • Bedroll - For sleeping in, of course.
  • Rations - For sustenance.
  • Waterskin - For hydration.
  • N/A
Change Log:
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Theme: N/A
Rp'er Name: Servant
Post Frequency: twice a week
Discord Name: Servant#8394
Current RP: Rooted in the Past
Goals: Sate his inner curiosity.
Equipped Titles: FelineFolk
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 183 lbs.
Backstory: For nearly 25 years, the soul that would eventually become Rylak drove a cab in NYC. It wasn't glamorous, but the immigrant was able to provide for his family and insure his children had the things they needed and good schools to learn from. Eventually, a tunnel collapsed and over a thousand people died. Our friendly cab driver was just one of those.
Current Life: As he worried about the children he left behind, he was reborn as a baby FelineFolk. Our cabbie was raised by his new body's parents and their clan also helped shape young Rylak as he grew. He knew he was different than his peers as he quickly understood things and was able to Appraise the world to learn things that he shouldn't know. Having already lived a life of duty, Rylak was pleased to just live a life of enjoyment: he trained and played with his peers. When it came time to utilize a weapon, his former-paternal instincts kicked in and he chose a shield. Despite enjoying his life, he was still curious about the world outside of the one he knew. Now that his skills have reached a suitable level, he's decided to give into his curiosity and join the Adventurer's Guild.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Felinefolk, Weapon Apprentice
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E (7 points)
Precision - E (7 points)
Intelligence - E (7 points)
Vitality - E (7 points)
Speed - E (7 points)
FelineFolk Inheritance:
  • (Cosmetic) Felinefolk Appearance: Rylak has the physical appearance of a cat-like humanoid, being covered in spotted fur and a semi-prehensile tail. Despite his look, none of these changes provide any sort of advantage over other races.
  • Heightened Sense F: As a result of his feline ears, Rylak's hearing is superior to the norm and allows him to pick up on details otherwise not available normally. Can be used to discern the reality of your situation if the skill rank is equal to or greater than the situation.
  • Acrobatics F: Rylak has amazing, cat-like grace, giving him the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury, including balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
  • Super Strength F: Creatures with this skill for one reason or another gained the ability to exert much greater strength/force than others which applies to a creature's ability to lift, carry, and push targets. The max amount increases per grade but at F, a character can exert 200 lbs (average equipped human) of force.
  • Fast F: Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal (up to 12 mph max at F grade) and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
  • Jumping F: Character is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap up to 3 yards vertically and up to 10 yards horizontally. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit.
  • Climbing F: The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without the use of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses).
  • Fighting Style Big Stick F: The character has trained with a Bo Staff and has received knowledge in their use. The Style essentially uses the staff to defend mostly, attacking when an opening is present.
    • Deflection - F - Deflect - By spinning the staff around quickly, Rylak is able to deflect incoming attacks.
  • Steady Hands F: Character is good at keeping hands still even while the character may be running or performing other outrageous maneuvers without taking penalties to action effectiveness.
  • Appraisal E: Gives character ability to get a read on most items and creatures in the setting and gain some meta knowledge on them so long as they are E grade or lower.
  • Parkour: - Acrobatics F, Jumping F, Fast F, Climbing F - Rylak is able to utilize all of the necessary skills to move freely in almost all kinds of situations, even vertically up walls. This makes it rather difficult to capture the young FelineFolk. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Protection: - Fighting Style - Big Stick F, Deflection, Super Strength F, Steady Hands F - Using his bo staff, Rylak can deflect attacks meant to harm him. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Bo-Staff (pictured above) - F
  • None yet
  • None yet
Change Log:
  • Character creation (5/21)
    • 7 points to move speed to E
    • 7 points to move intelligence to E
    • 7 points to move strength to E
    • 7 points to move precision to E
    • 7 points to move vitality to E
    • 7 points for Acrobatics F
    • 7 points for steady hands f
    • 7 points for fast f
    • 7 points for superstrength F (1/2)
    • 7 points for super strength F (2/2)
    • 7 points for Jumping F
    • 7 points Bo Staff as F grade weapon
    • 7 points fighting style F
    • 7 points on Climbing F
    • 7 points heightened sense F
  • Added Current RP (6/2)
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Sariella "Dulcifer" Von Albuleus
"Or Just Sariel Please."


Rp'er Name: Aya
Post Frequency: Adaptable
Discord Name: Look for it. It's on my first character somewhere. :>
Current RP: N/A
- (Atonement): Sariel must now atone for the actions of his first life, and become a better person.
- (Orphan): Find where he once lived and continue his peaceful existence as a maiden.
- (Become A Magical Girl!): Help others whenever necessary, and become the Angel of Sweetness! "Ugh, I'm gonna barf..."
- (Make a wish): Find the seven feathers, and wish to go back home. "But what are the seven feathers!?"
- (Transition): Somehow find a way to leave this cursed body and reclaim his masculinity
Equipped Titles:
Sariel is a normal human being. That's it.
[Order Initiate]: Sariel has been inducted into a lesser-known order of knights that pledges itself to serve people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.
[Defender of Sootspire]: Dulcifer has shown heroism in the Thorne Barony. Sariel's alternate form will receive favourable treatment from residents when in the Thorne Barony.
Height: 4'08" (142cm)
Weight: 88Ib (39.9kg)
The young boy Momousagi Ichigo was born to a loving family in Japan. He was born with everything he could ever want. Sweets, toys and warm clothes. He was truly happier than he could ever be. He even had a best friend who he could forever rely on, this friend also being the heir to a yakuza organization. At the time though, they were in kindergarten, so ly didn't matter. Not until Highschool at least.
Ichigo was constantly teased by his peers for his girlish face, and so being the spoilt brat he is, he wanted to learn how to be tough enough to beat anyone up, and cruel enough to be feared by everyone. So who better to ask than his best friend who also happens to be the heir to something infamous for causing trouble. He said no. Why, because who would let their friend get involved with something as bad as that, especially a yakuza organization.
But after Ichigo caused fights amongst fights in school, this friend could not help but have to help him. And So Ichigo had risen to become an infamous delinquent, known for underhanded techniques and always beating people into a pulp with blunt objects. Still, even other gangs wouldn't stop commenting on his girlish looks, and now the young boy 17 years of age had caused unnecessary trouble for himself, his parents, and his best friend.
So one day, while being a guest at his best friend's house, Ichigo's sweet tooth eventually would lead to his demise, as he choked on his favourite strawberry-flavoured dango, after not chewing it properly while left unsupervised by his best friend. This is why you don't leave children unsupervised.
Current Life:
The young boy now stood in front of "God" confused about why he was there. As he then recalled choking on his favourite sweet treat. "As punishment for causing trouble for your parents and those who you held dear, you will now be reborn anew with purpose you should soon understand...." And as such the boy awoke. A boy no longer he was, as was reborn as the young maiden with blonde hair and crystal-like blue eyes. This was horrible he thought!
But alas, he was born to a poor noble family who ran an unpopular cafe. Though they didn't make much, they had enough to live. But Ichigo wouldn't accept his new femininity as he was now born as the only daughter to this noble family. One day, when the young girl was ten years of age, the boy found a glowing red crystal. And upon touching it... It teleports him into an unknown place far far away from the family he had been born to. Now alone, a creature appears from the crystal, a tiny winged fox, which then explained the situation.
"Congratulations young mortal! You are the one who had been chosen as the angelic heroine who must help others in their times of need, purify evil and find the 7 "feathers!" After you complete all these tasks, for your hard work. I shall grant you a wish! Any wish that you desire!"... What was this crude joke? The boy thought. He had now unknowingly become an "Angelic Heroine" who must do what and collect what now?
Alas, this was the true punishment God had chosen for him. This girl was now orphaned, and alone with a mysterious fox and magical red crystal. Oh, what agony, it is to suffer the consequences of one's actions.
Acquired Titles: Human, [Order Initiate], [Defender of Sootspire]
Points at Start: 105 (14)
Points Earned: 90
Points Spent: 203
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - F (0)
Precision - G (-7)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - G (-7)
Companion [Mighty Mascot "Salboros"] F (35)
- Every magical girl needs their lovely magical companion!... "And mine is an ugly demon squirrel."

Magic D (21) - All Magical Girls need to know how to use magic to cast magic after all!
[Sugar] Affinity E(14) - Sariel can coalesce magical particles of crystallised sugar. These are as hard as sugar and as sweet as sugar.
[Homing] Affinity F(7) - "Try to dodge this loser!" Sariel's attacks can home onto a target and persists once after missing.
Magic Range E(14) - Angel of Sweetness, Miracle Girl Sariel coming at you from 30 feet away!
Magic Area of Effect F(7) - Angel of Sweetness, Miracle Girl Sariel now with an effect radius of 10 feet!
Spell Duration E (14) - "So you're telling me I can only be powerful for an hour? Lame."
Transformation F (28) - "Ohohoh! Fear the mighty power of a magical girl! Ah! What the hell is with this hella-cute outfit?!"
This transformation ages the character by 6 years, changes their hair and eye colour, while also changing their clothing into a white dress. During the transformation, the creature's strength is increased by 14 points (D Rank Strength during the transformation), and its speed is increased by 7 points(F Rank Speed during Transformation). During the transformation, the creature also becomes taller by one foot.
The creature also gains access to;
Fighting Style [Heart-Throbbing Strawberry Sweetness] F
A brutal and inelegant fighting style was developed by Sariel in his past life. It uses blunt-staff-like weapons to bash the skulls of those who dare to cross him. Though now it's been augmented with cutesy poses in between and heart-fluttering attacks...
- Pretty Power [Contact] F (7): The user strikes their foe with a blunt weapon, causing a sparkling heart-shaped ring of mist to fly out, causing a minor secondary impact after continuous exposure.
Transformed Appearance;SarielTheAngelOfSweetmess.png
Miracle ♥ Makeup! - Magic Affinity D, Spell Duration E, Transformation F:

The user holds up their chosen magical catalyst and shouts the spell's name, to transform into an older version of themself. While transformed the character's Strength is increased by two-letter grades. This transformation lasts for 1 hour. Rank D Spell, 2 Post cooldown.

Magical Candy Creation - Magic D, Sugar Affinity E, Spell Duration E:
Sariel using his magical power coalesces sugar particles into candy creations which last for an hour. Can cure world hunger for an hour.
Tastes like strawberries and bananas. D Rank Spell, 2 post cooldown.

Sugar Heart ♥ Machine Gun - Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Magic Range E, Homing Affinity F:
Sariel gathers the magical energy within him, launching up to 14 Heart-Shaped Hardened Sugar Candies at high velocity which home in on Sariel's target. These candies can reach up to 30ft away from Sariel before dispersing into nothing. If a candy comes in contact with something it'll cause a tiny sweet explosion which can cause magical bodily harm.
Can only be used on one target.
Tastes like sugar and love! E rank Spell, 1 post cooldown

Sugar Heart ♥ Cannon - Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Magic Range E, Homing Affinity F, Magic Area of Effect F:
Sariel gathers the magical energy within him, launching a 5x5 feet Heart-Shaped Hardened Sugar Candy at a high velocity which home in on Sariel's target. This candy can reach up to 30ft away from Sariel before dispersing into nothing. On contact. the candy will cause a 10x10 feet radial sweet explosion which can cause magical bodily harm.
Can only be used on one target.
Tastes like sugar and love! E rank Spell, 1 post cooldown

Wide Amore ♥ Sweetheart's Screen - Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Magic Range E, Magic Duration E, Magic Area of Effect F:
Sariel gathers the magical energy to put up a 10 by 10 feet flat heart-shaped hardened sugar candy screen anywhere within 30 feet. The sugar screen is effective against attacks weaker than E grade but is ineffective against attacks higher than E grade.
Tastes like chocolate! E rank Spell, Lasts for up to one hour, 1 post cooldown

Steps O' Sweetness - Magic E, Sugar Affinity E, Magic Range F, Magic Duration F, Magic Area of Effect F:
Sariel gathers the magical energy to create up to 5 sugary platforms which ascend upward up to 10 feet. This temporary staircase lasts for a minute and has a 10ft circumference
The platforms look like daisies. E rank Spell, 2 post cooldown

Steps O' Sweetness Deluxe - Magic D, Sugar Affinity E, Magic Range E, Magic Duration E, Magic Area of Effect F:
Sariel gathers the magical energy to create up to 5 sugary platforms which ascend upward up to 30 feet. This temporary staircase lasts for an hour and has a 10ft circumference.
The platforms look like daisies. D rank Spell, 2 post cooldown

Full-Heart ♥ Impact - Fighting Style Heart Throbbing Strawberry Sweetness F, Pretty Power F:
The fighter gathers their strength into the weapon of their choice, imbuing it with the energy inside their heart. They then let out one heavy swing, which on [contact] creates a sparkling heart-shaped ring of mist. Continuous exposure to this mist, causes the target to feel a secondary impact after being consecutively attacked.
F Rank Attack, 0 Post cooldown. Secondary impact only affects creatures of F grade or lower after being exposed to it multiple times.
Ophanim's Eye - D(21) Grade Magic Catalyst; A red tear-cut jewel that glows faintly. It's attached to a ribbon to create a choker. It's said to allegedly be a legendary artefact.
Pretty Power ♥ Candy Cutie Staff - F(7) Grade [Blunt] Weapon; A glittery decorated staff that smells super sweet. It almost looks like a kid's toy, but it's as hard as a rock. Appears once Sariel transforms.
Silken Clothing - Clothing made from a silky material. It has pockets!
Satin Ribbons - A number of ribbons in various colours.
Packet Of Candy - Sugary sweets in the shapes of smiley faces, hearts and stars.
Since when did children own things?
Change Log:
16th May? eh
- Spent all 105 points.
- Gained 14 points from G Grade stats because Sariel is a child with child stats.
-Added transformed image and did stuff.
17th may 22
Add fighting style to the transformation instead, leaving behind 21 points(Because I was an idiot, who can't read or do the math properly.) Used said points to transfer staff to equipment and increase magical catalyst level to E grade to better withstand using "Magical ♥ Makeup."
20th May 22
Added 7 points to speed during transformation.
1st June 22
Added Contact Attack during Sariel's transformation. (Fluttering Heart-Throbs Rank F)
Added Contact Attack during Sariel's Transformation. (Full-Heart Impact Rank F)
7th June 2022
Removed Fluttering heart throbs due to systematic conflictions. Took 7 points out of the candy cutie staff weapon and added it to the [Ophanim's Eye] magic catalyst. Added clarity to Full Heart Impact.
15th July 2022
Sariel has gained points from A Noble Hunt! A total of 54 points. Sariel also acquired the following titles;
[Order Initiate] and [Defender of Sootspire]
Sariel gained an additional 7 points from Linneus for services rendered.
Spent 35 points to create the Magical Mascot Salboros!
Spent 7 points to gain magical affinity in Sugar!
Spent 14 points learning how to throw sugar with Magic Range!
Added the ability Sugar Heart ♥ Machine Gun
Added the ability Candy Creation.
5 points were left over.
Sariel has gained 29 points from A Fated Meeting.
Spent 7 points to increase Sariel Vitality from E grade to D grade.
Spent 7 points to learn Magic Area of Effect F grade.
Spent 7 points to increase Sugar Affinity from F grade to E grade.
Spent 7 points to learn Homing Affinity F grade.
Increased Sugar Affinity of Sugar Heart Machine Gun and Magical Candy Creation from F grade to E grade.
Added Sugar Heart Cannon, an offensive spell.
Added Wide Amore Sweetheart's Screen, a defensive spell.
Added 2 versions of Steps O' Sweetness, both being utility spells.


Theme: (optional. you can post a link to character theme music)
(7 Feathers):
Regain the seven feathers which have been lost.
(Thousand-year hunger): After being sealed for so long, eat something delicious!
(Magical ♥ Mascot!): Turn Sariel into a powerful worthy hero!
Equipped Titles:
- Salboros is a monster, and it is an inherent fact that it is not human.
Small: - How delicate and cute! I don't pose a threat at all.
Height: 13 Inches (33 cm)
Weight: 0.88Ib ( 0.41 kg)
Backstory: "Once upon a time, there lived a little demon, a great demon! This demon fed on the virtues and happiness of humans. The demon would disguise itself as a guardian angel, appearing before his unfortunate victim. As an angel, the demon would help their victim follow the right path, a path to everlasting happiness. And after all the tedious work, the journeys and the memories, the demon would take it all. The person's memories, heart, dreams, and happiness. The demon would eat it all up.

But the demon would one day make a mistake. He would devour everything of someone who was longed for. The demon devoured a loyal knight who devotedly pursued chivalry. A maiden who had fallen in love with the knight became swept by grief and rage. All her life she waited for her knight, only for him to be stolen away from her by some demon. And so, with her undying love, she tore the demon apart, sealing its seven powers in seven feathers, as she scattered them across the realm. She then crystalised her heart and tore it in twine, sealing the demon within half of her heart.

Stricken with grief, the maiden then ran away to a world of her memories. Where she could forever dream of happy endings with the one she longed for. Her philia for the knight would forever keep the demon at bay. Until one day, a child with just as much potential as the maiden would resonate with her heart and unseal the demon from its tomb. How could a cute thing like me be an evil demon? Hah! That young lady was just out of her mind."
Acquired Titles: Monster, Small
Points at Start: 70 (+14 from Vitality)
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 84
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E(7)
Precision - C(21)
Intelligence - E(7)
Vitality - H(+14)
Speed - D(14)
Feature [Ears of a Fox] - They're cute? Aren't they? {Cosmetic.}
Feature [A Horse's Tail] - Majestic and beautiful! (Cosmetic.)
Feature [Tiger-like Paws] - Too soft to pose a threat(Cosmetic)
Feature [Tertiary Eye] - Fear me, mortals, for I have triple 20/20 vision! (Cosmetic)
Feature [Shimmering] - Aren't I just outrageous? (Cosmetic)
Feature [Angelic Bird Wings] - Fluttery Flutter. (Cosmetic)

Deception F(7) - How to pretend to be a doll 101

Flight F(21) -Flying at a leisurely pace of 12 miles per hour

Magic F(7) - The bases of all creation. Probably.

Change Log:
Fixed the mistake made with angelic bird wings regaining 7 points. Got rid of demon and natural weapons temporarily for 14 points.
Added 14 points to Speed to raise it to D rank to be eligibly tiny. Added Deception for 7 points18th of July 3:14 PM
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Tobias Morcott
Rp'er Name: Lulimew
Post Frequency:
Daily probably
Discord Name: DM me for it
Current RP: -
Equipped Titles: Human
Height: 5'9
Weight: 143 lbs
Backstory: He was a typical student who played a lot of games. One day, a ray of light shone down from the heavens, and he stepped into it out of curiosity, hoping to be blessed with good luck. A second later, he was deleted from existence. Later on, it would be discovered that that was the beginning of the alien invasion, and he was unfortunate enough to be the first victim of their deadly laser from space. However, there was no way for him to have known this.
Current Life: Upon awakening, Tobias met with a deity who gave him a quick introduction to the world he was about to enter. Before he could ask it anything, he was randomly transported into the middle of a forest with nothing but his own clothing. Since he wasn't much of a survival expert, all he could do was wander about for days, and cursing the deity who had just dropped him off at the most random location ever. He did try chasing the rabbits or other small animals, but of course he was unable to catch anything with his own bare hands. As such, all he could do was fill his stomach with river water, which he prayed to god was clean, and continue searching for any sign of civilization. The last thing he did before he collapsed from exhaustion was to curse the deity once again for his bad luck. All the guy ever wanted was to play games and stay at home, he never wanted any of this isekai business! The only thing he had was the skills and stats he had gained from the deity, but he had no idea how he was supposed to go and hunt monsters without any prior combat experience. Fortunately, he had wandered close enough to a village before blacking out, and there were people who were kind enough to rescue him. Upon waking up, he thanked them and wanted to repay them, only to realize he had no money. As such, the penniless lone wanderer once again departs in search of a job, perhaps at the adventurer's guild he had heard much about.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points At Start: 105
Points Earned: 58
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 58
Strength - C (21)
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - D (14)
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fighting style - Fists F - Vampiric (total 14)
  • Super strength F (14)
  • Appraisal E
  • Soul stealer - Vampiric Fighting Style F: The user's fists emit darkness, allowing the user to steal the life force of other's struck by his fists to heal himself. - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Strength booster - Super Strength F: the user temporarily increases strength output - Grade F - 0 post cooldown
  • Natural weapons D [Hardened Fists] (42)
Change Log:
  • spent 105 points
  • strength F -> C (21 pts), speed F -> D (14 pts)
  • fighting style fists F, vampiric tech core (total 14 pts, 7 for fighting style, another 7 for vampiric)
  • super strength F (14 pts)
  • natural weapons D (42 pts)
1 June
  • added new ability [Strength booster]
4 June
  • updated change log
6 June
  • updated [Strength booster]
15 July
Last edited:

Theme: Tyrmar Theme

Rp'er Name: Abensur
Post Frequency:
Every Few Days
Discord Name: Abensur#1692
Current RP: N/A

To live his life to the very fullest, To become a well renowned adventurer and see what the world has to offer, and along the way he dreams of becoming the Greatest Martial Artist this world has ever seen.

Equipped Titles: [Human], [Ryke Noble Associate F], [Defender of Sootspire]


Weight: 205 lbs

Backstory: Ever since he could remember he’d always loved seeing his dad fight in the ring, the way he endured above all and the way everyone would cheer for him with smiles after a victory, the way he used every part of his body was like a dance to him.

Never in his life did he expect a car accident.

He closed everyone and everything off after that, not breaking but focusing on nothing but carrying his fathers legacy to self damaging heights,the only solace he took was in the hobbies his father had introduced him to and even those were simply inspiration to be more, to do more. Eventually he was snapped out of it but he was never the same, it wasn’t just the fact that he’d died, it was the fact that in the end for all his strength and skill he still was as human as any other person. Was that his curse? To love and value strength so highly yet for it to be so far out of reach?

Eventually this truth became nothing more than a fact of reality as more time passed, he still trained and had friends and fun experiences, but he couldn't help but wonder if this was right. Was it really alright to live life without desiring more? Was he going to feel this emptiness everytime he looked out at the same mundane sights every day when he’d dream of fantasy and adventure and using his strength to carve his own path?

He was unable to give himself an answer to this question before the unseen truck beeped it’s horn in alarm.

Current Life: He didn’t wake up like he’d truly expected, not to the faces of happy parents or even the comforts of a ceiling to give him cover, the first thing his eyes laid witness to was the vast skies above him. Immediately he knew he wasn’t anywhere near home, the air was too clear, the skies too colorful and beautiful, as he took in the sight soon his hearing picked up the sounds of momentous cheering and yelling. He was on the ground, getting up and feeling his head returned only a cover of crimson red on his palm and his opponent was walking back towards him, looking around he was stunned to see people of different forms and races all around. Before he knew it he was standing and had his head in his hands, it was real he had power, he had potential, he had true freedom.

And so he laughed and laughed and laughed, and then he charged.

Acquired Titles:
[Human] - humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.

- A skill for a strength based weapon and Vitality E or greater - character is a martial combat practitioner likely to be at the front of battle.

[Martial Artist] - Strength derived Skill with fist/handwraps/gloves/claw weapon and Speed E or greater - Characters are nimble specialists in fighting with their bodies rather than magics or weapons.

[Order Initiate] - character has been inducted into a lesser known order of knights that pledges itself to serving people in need above any worldly reward or loyalty.

[Defender of Sootspire] - character has shown heroism in the Thorne Barony. Character will receive favorable treatment from residents when in the Thorne Barony.

[Ryke Noble Associate F] - character is recognized by a member of the Ryke nobility as a capable individual. May allow for better treatment or favors under the right circumstances and future work opportunities.

Points at Start:105
Points Earned: 154
Points Spent: 231
Points Not Spent: 28

Strength - C (21)
Precision - E (7)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - C (21)
Speed - D (14)
D Grade Character

Offensive Skills
Fighting Style: Exalted Heart Fist E

Complete and utter martial dedication given form, a martial art created to bring out Tyrmar’s full potential using eight point strikes, grapples, throws and counters taking advantage of his natural strength and durability. It showcases multiple forms capable of combating any foe be they armed or not.
For even if he cannot match them in skill, experience or pure power, he’d put all his spirit into battle and show that his love for it was the greatest among all.

[1] Aura - F - Rather than a shroud of flames that flickers and burns or a cloak of lightning which dazzles all; his Martial Spirit takes on the form of force overwhelming, an Aura of Impact which follows his form in a golden haze upon the battlefield reinforcing the strength of his own strikes rather than taking power from elements and the like.
[2] Range - F

Defensive Skills
[Resilient] - F (Fatigue: From Lack of Foods, Water, Sleep, etc.)

[Appraisal] - E

[Regeneration] - E
[Fast] - E
[Domestic Arts] - E
[Leadership] - E
[Empathy] - E
[Persuasion] - E
[Energize] - E

Offensive Abilities

Empty Fist - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] F,[Range] F - Gathering his strength upon his fist he strikes out as hard as possible at nothing, an empty strike that flies towards his enemy from 10ft - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Hollow Fist - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] E ,[Range] F - Another strike, not empty but hollow and all the stronger for it. 10ft - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Stunning Strike - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] F, [Aura] F - Focusing his battle spirit over his attacks, he sends out a hardy blow reinforced by his impactful glow - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Crushing Strike - Exalted Heart Fist [Body] E, [Aura] F - Hardening his hand with his Aura deeper than before he sends a descending chop meant to slam down upon his enemies and break their bones - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

Movement Skills:

Burst Step - [Fast] F - Grasp the ground with the soles of your feet and blast off like nothing can weigh you down. 60ft Movement - F Grade - 0 Turn Cooldown.

Burst Step, Second - [Fast] E - Grasp the ground with the soles of your feet and blast off even greater than before, not bound by the Earth. 120ft Movement - E Grade - 1 Turn Cooldown.

Utility Abilities

Compassionate Charisma - [Leadership] E, [Peruasion] E, [Empathy] E - Though his appearance and positive demeanor may display otherwise, Tyrmar is one who has known suffering and sorrow. Through that sadness he identifies with the troubles of others and therefore becomes able to better relate to, comfort and lead them - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.

Familiar Feast - [Domestic Arts] E, [Empathy] E - By sensing the emotions and feelings of those around him at any given time Tyrmar can prepare meals that will trigger or help accompany their mood - E Grade - 1 Post Cooldown.

Equipment : Natural Weapons - E

Natural Armor - Heavy - F

[Feature - Slave Scars] Though he now tastes freedom, the scars dotting his body and the rings around his wrists will always be a reminder of the times where he was bound, brands he wears without shame.
Items: N/A

Assets: N/A


Spent 63 points raising Strength to C, Precision to E, Intelligence to E, Vitality to C, and Speed to E

  • Spent 28 points buying Fighting Style: Exalted Heart Fist E, Regeneration F, and Appraisal E
  • Spent 14 points to buy Equipment Natural Weapons F
  • Added Abilities [Empty Fist], [Hollow Fist], [Stunning Strike], [Crushing Strike]

  • Gained 22 Points from A Fated Meeting and 7 from The Summer Writing Contest.

  • Spent 70 points buying and raising [Fast], [Domestic Arts], [Leadership], [Empathy] and [Persuasion] to E
  • 14 points raising Speed and Intelligence to D

  • Added Feature [Slave Scars]

  • Added Abilities [Familiar Feast] and [Compassionate Charisma]

Gained Title [Redcliffe Contributor] and 32 points from The First Step.


  • Spent 7 points raising Regeneration
  • Spent 7 points buying Natural Armor Heavy F

Adjusted points to fully pay for Natural Weapons E


Added Abilities Burst Step and Burst Step, Second to Abilities under Movement Skills.


Gained 7 points and Turkey Asset from Turkey Mayhem Phase 1 Event


Gained 31 points from
Runaway Slaves Pt.1


Spent 14 points to buy [Energize] and raise it to E rank
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Davina Solon


Theme: None.

Rp'er Name: Scholar Ya

Post Frequency: Depends on partners but I'm quite flexible.

Discord Name: Ya#2159

Current RP: The Grandmaster of Goldcrest.

  • Become the most powerful witch on the Eastern continent.
  • Apprentice and train under the current most powerful witch or wizard.
  • Gain a familiar.

Equipped Titles: Human

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 138 lbs.

Backstory: A boringly lazy yet quirky girl, Davina Solon spent her days in a monotonous cycle that involved attending classes and helping out at her mother's clinic. Perhaps from the outside, she was a person to be envied. After all, who didn't want an ordinary life without much trouble and a loving parental figure? It was basically a package deal. But was this normal life what she wanted?

It was a question she constantly found herself thinking about as the dreaded cycle continued.

But who would have expected the answer to her perpetual boredom would come in the form of a bus accident? The day was normal as ever and Davina had hopped on the bus after a simple outing with a couple of classmates. With a satisfied stomach, the girl had started to dose off in her seat when through the window she noticed it.

An out-of-control car racing straight towards the bus.

The situation wasn't even properly processed by her yet but by the time it had, it was already too late. The bus was slammed into and sent crashing through the guardrails on the side of the bridge, plunging into the freezing water below.

Current Life: After a brief and confusing meeting with [god], Davina awakened soaking wet on the bank of a river. It was night and she would have most likely frozen to death had she not been found by a passing adventurer. Playing the amnesiac card she milked as much information as she could out of her savior and stayed with him for a few weeks until she was ready enough to stand on her own two feet in this new world.

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F

  • Magic E
  • [Light] Affinity E
  • Magic Range F [10ft]
  • Magic Area of Effect F [10ft]
  • Spell Duration F [1 minute]
  • Arcana F
  • Healing F
  • Medicine F

  • The Mother's Blessing - Magic E, [Light] Affinity E, Magic Range F [10ft], Magic Area of Effect F [10ft], Spell Duration F [1 minute], Healing F - Davina can use her magic to heal minor pains, aches, sicknesses, and injuries - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.

  • Crudely Crafted Wand E [Magic Catalyst]
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Bag
  • Witchy Robes
  • Spellbook (Blank currently)
  • None as of now.

Change Log:
  • CC - Intelligence D(14) - Magic F(7) - Magic Affinity(7) - Crudely Crafted Wand E(14; Magic Catalyst) - Magic E(7) - Magic Range F(7) - Magic Area of Effect F(7) - Spell Duration F(7) - Precision E(7) - Arcana F(7) - Healing F(7) - Medicine F(7) - [Light] Affinity E(7)
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Hope Mitchell
Hope Mitchell

Rp'er Name: The Last Curse
Post Frequency:
1-2 Days after the narrator
Discord Name:
Current RP:
  • Discover and harness the depths of her magic.
  • Promote beneficial change.
  • Learn the culture and workings of this new world to fit in easier.
  • Find and meet fellow Isekaiers.

  • Fae
  • Shadow Fae
  • Ryken Military Associate - F

Height: 6'0'' (72 inches)
Weight: 144 Lb (Around 63 kg)
Before isekaiing to the new world, Hope was the daughter of two prominent political figures. Both avid political campaigners often came home discussing current events and social injustice, exposing Hope to these subjects at an early age. As a result, Hope gained an interest in social justice, and as she aged, she sought activities to help grow her passion. While her parents preferred more lax approaches, Hope desired a more hands-on experience and, as such, turned her attention to community service.

Hope would become a familiar face around her neighborhood, often volunteering at local community centers and assisting in government-sponsored projects. Yet, as time passed, Hope would notice a significant increase in communal crises. In truth, funding was steadily pulled from communal resources and funneled into more profitable activities, leaving many services impoverished and weak. Consequently, many of the issues plaguing her neighborhood reared their ugly head once more, destroying what little progress Hope had made beforehand. Desperate and anxious, Hope frantically searched for a way to combat the growing schism in her community.

One day, Hope learned of a massive rally to oppose the changes made to her neighborhood, and in her desperation, she hastily joined. Unbeknownst to Hope, the rally had no intentions of being peaceful, and shortly after, chaos ensued. Although she attempted to escape, Hope was caught smack-dab in the madness and, unfortunately, was struck by a stray bullet, leading to her unceremonious death.
Current Life:
After an unspecified amount of time, Hope would find herself confronting a being that called itself [God]. The being admired Hope’s persistence and sought to place her in another world, hoping that she, along with many other involuntary participants, would bring change. Immediately, Hope wanted to question the figure, but before she could get a word out, her world plummeted into darkness again.

Once again, Hope would awake, but this time, she wasn’t lying on the street, nor facing [God], but amid a forest grove. Disoriented and confused, Hope stumbled about, but not before noticing the sudden changes to her body. Her once caramel-colored skin was now pitch-black, and the modern clothes she wore were now long, ornate black and gold robes. Even her cherished necklace had changed into something completely new, now resembling a large amulet with a peculiar, blue gemstone embedded within it.

Confused and directionless, Hope wandered about the forest, and after an encounter with a hungry wolf, discovered her arcane powers. Though she might have survived the run in with the beast, Hope was left with more questions than answers.

Hope now seeks to find others blessed with this new life, not only to shine a light on this new world but to help her discover the intricacies of both herself and her magic. Perhaps, after she’s settled in, she’ll pursue the change she’d never accomplished in her previous life.
  • Fae
  • Shadow Fae
  • Ryken Military Associate - F

Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 32
Points Spent: 126
Points Not Spent: 11
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Affinity F (Chaos) - Wielders of Chaos manipulate and shape the chaos present in both the minds of sentient beings and the environment to wreak havoc on their opponents.
  • Affinity F (Shadow)
  • Sixth Sense (Chaos) - Those attuned to chaos can detect the chaotic energy released by sentient beings as they express their emotions. Said emotions are color-coded: Anger is coded as red, Sadness as blue, Joy as yellow, etc. Users can detect more emotions with increased potency as they level up this skill.
  • Empathy F
  • Magic E
  • Magical Range F
  • Magical Targets F
  • Appraisal F
  • Insight F
  • Fighting Style F [Organized Chaos] - Flare F - "Give a Little" - Attacks imbued with chaos rend at the target's mind, befuddling their ability to think by forcing a temporary state of delirium.
  • Chaotic Reckoning - Sixth Sense F + Empathy F + Affinity F (Chaos) + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Magic E + Insight F - By scanning around her, Hope can sense the feelings of a living being, allowing her to detect their location roughly. Works up to 10ft and up to 2 targets. - 1 post Cooldown - Grade E
  • Unfettered Chaos - Affinity (Chaos) F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Magic E + Fighting Style [Organized Chaos] - Hope concentrates her magic in her palms and creates two globs of unstable, chaotic energy, which are then launched at a target, befuddling them for one post. Works up to 10ft and up to 2 targets. - 1 post Cooldown - Grade E
  • A Touch of Bedlam - Affinity (Chaos) F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Empathy F + Affinity F (Shadow) + Magic E + Fighting Style [Organized Chaos] - Hope sends a dark wave of perplexing chaos towards a target, leaving them confused for one post upon impact. Can hit up to two targets at a maximum of 10ft. - 1 post Cooldown - Grade E
  • Enchanted Appraisal - Appraisal F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Magic E + Empathy F + Sixth Sense (Chaos) F + Affinity (Chaos) - Hope magically extends the effectiveness of her appraisal skill, allowing her to use the skill on multiple targets at an increased range. - 1 post Cooldown - Grade E
  • Umbral Grasp - Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Affinity F (Chaos) + Affinity F (Shadow) + Magic E - Hope extends a veil of shadows along the floor and imbues it with chaos once it reaches a target, striking them with a dark, tentacle-like appendage. Works up to 10ft and up to two targets. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Umbral Reach - Magic Range F + Affinity F (Shadow) + Magic Targets F + Magic E + Affinity F (Chaos) - Hope conjures a floating, solid shadowy hand that can be used to grab objects from a distance, manipulate items, and all other actions a hand can do. Can be controlled for up to 10ft, and up to two hands can be created. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Scrying Eyes - Appraisal F + Magic Range F + Magic Targets F + Empathy F + Sixth Sense (Chaos) F + Affinity F (Chaos) + Insight F + Magic E - Hope utilizes all of her awareness skills to determine a target's true intentions. Does not reveal thoughts. Works up to 10ft and up to two targets. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown


  • Catalyst "Jewel of Pandemonium" E
  • Ornate Black Robes
  • Black Oversized Sun Hat
  • Small Adventurer's Pouch
  • Small cloth
  • Bedroll
  • Canteen
  • Tinderbox
  • Small Flower
Change Log:
Updated: 7/16/2022
  • Received 25 points from Ruins Right Route (See here)​
  • Received title [Ryke Military Associate - F] from Ruins Right Route​
  • Point Expenditure: Upgraded Intelligence D to Intelligence C​
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Insight F​
  • Point Expenditure: Purchased Fighting Style F [Organized Chaos]​
  • Created Abilities: [Umbral Reach] & [Scrying Eyes]​
  • Added Fighting Style [Organized Chaos] to abilities: [A Touch of Bedlam] & [Unfettered Chaos] Also changed descriptions to better fit the change.​
  • Added Items: Bedroll, Tinderbox, Canteen, and Small Flower​
Updated: 11/10/2022
  • Received 7 points from Community Event (See here)
  • Corrected the number of unspent points (From 0 to 11)
Updated 11/12/2022
  • Corrected the number of spent points (From 130 to 126)
  • Corrected the number of earned points (From 25 to 32)
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Orrius Nunglard
Rp'er Name: Lulidew
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: DM me
Equipped Titles: mage
Height: 5’3
Weight: 104 lbs
Backstory: N/A
Current Life:
When Orrius was born, his mom had passed away giving birth to him. His poor family consisted of 4 other siblings, with his dad as the sole breadwinner, working as a blacksmith. As such, it was normal for him to skip meals altogether and eat whatever scraps his dad could afford. It was also normal for him to go out on the streets begging for more. Moreover, his dad didn’t have good business because he was well known for his rude personality, as well as forcing his children to learn to work in the smith with him. None of his children dared to go against him, for that they feared his wrath. None, except for Orrius.

From young, Orrius never took an interest in blacksmithing himself, and his body was too malnourished and small for him to even help with much. He always ran from home to visit the village hermit, who taught him to read books about magic. It was like a whole new world had opened up for him. With magic, they wouldn’t need to starve anymore and he didn’t need to fear his father anymore. As such, he started practicing what he read from the books, but alas he didn’t make much progress, for that he had no talent whatsoever.

His poor efforts were mocked at by all of his siblings and neighbors, while his dad simply ignored whatever efforts he had put in, telling himself that one day his kid would learn about reality. For years and years, Orrius continued to try his hardest, but never got anywhere. What they laughed at, his dreams, that were the only hope he had left in this very world. The only things keeping him from taking his own life.

One day, the village hermit decided to give him a book for free, as his 14th birthday gift. There was also a ring that came along with it, something that the hermit wanted Orrius to remember him by. Orrius put on the ring and brought the book home immediately, excited to learn about its contents. However, upon opening the door, he came face to face with his seething dad who snatched the book from his hands, before ripping it to shreds in front of his very eyes. Orrius, filled with countless years worth of anger, felt like something finally clicked in his brain. Pouring all his anger into his greatest spell, he finally awakened magic and blew up the house along with his dad. His brothers chased after him with knives, trying to kill him as he was "cursed". Fortunately, he managed to hide and slip away, running off to the village hermit for help. When he arrived at the hermit’s home, all he found was a bag full of traveling necessities, a change of clothes, and a card that wished him happy birthday.
Acquired Titles: human, bag boy, mage
Points at Start: 105 + 28
Points Earned: 40
Points Spent: 171
Points Not Spent: 2
Strength - G (-7)
Precision - G (-7)
Intelligence - A (35)
Vitality - G (-7)
Speed - G (-7)
  • Magic B (35)
  • Mana affinity D (21)
  • Magic area of effect 100ft D (21)
  • Selective magic D (21)
  • Attentive student F (7)
  • Annihilate - Magic B, Mana affinity D, Magic area of effect D, Selective magic D - Sends out magic missiles, targeting all enemies within a 100ft radius - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Disintegrate - Magic B, Mana affinity D, Magic area of effect D, Selective magic D - Release a burst of supercharged mana in a 100ft radius, engulfing all enemies and threatening to tear away at them - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Mana storm - Magic B, Mana affinity D, Magic area of effect D, Selective magic D - Shards of mana rain down upon enemies within a 100ft radius - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Slammer - Magic B, Mana affinity D, Magic area of effect D, Selective magic D - Summon giant tentacles all around the user, slamming down upon enemies within a 100ft radius - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Wall - Magic B, Mana affinity D, Magic area of effect D, Selective magic D - Throw up a wall of mana in a singular direction within a 100ft radius - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Shield - Magic B, Mana affinity D - Throw up a wall of mana in a singular direction directly in front of the user - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Mana fry - Magic B, Mana affinity D - Injects condensed mana into person via touch, to hurt them - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • Orichalcum ring [catalyst] F (14)
  • Ring [catalyst] B (17 from marketplace)
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Birthday card
Change Log:
  • gained 28 from G grade str, vit, spd and precision
  • spent 14 points on oric ring F, 28 on int B, 28 on magic C, 21 on mana affinity D, 21 on magic AOE D, 21 on selective magic D
28 July
  • earned 40 points from grandmaster
  • magic C to B for 7, attentive student F for 7, int B to A for 7
  • bought ring [catalyst] B from Sophia for 17 points and 3x Orrius asset
  • added new abilities
Gained 62 points from forbidden city
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Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: saxon
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: N/A
Goals: To explore this new world
Equipped Titles: Kitsune, Order Initiate, Defender of Sootspire, Ryke Noble Associate F
Height: 5'3
Weight: 115 lbs
Aya before she died was on her way to her graduation ceremony. She was a fairly typical student not really the best but not the worst either. She was fairly popular person never really wanting for friends or someone to talk to. But on the day that she died she took a detour from her normal route because she was going to be late to school. Well upon turning a corner she tripped on over a curb while eating some bread and died because she choked on the bread, and no one was around. Due to this fact she acts like she knows nothing of her previous life because of how embarrassed she is about her death.
Current Life:
Aya was born to immigrants that moved to Ryken two decades before the rise of the current king. Taking odd jobs, her parents eventually saved up enough money to open up an Inn. Which they named the Ancient Fox Inn, five years before the rise of the current King Aya was born and is an only child. From a young age, she saw how things worked around the Inn. Her mother often brought out the food and dealt with the guests while her father kept the finances and people in the Inn orderly. When her parents were too busy Aya was often watched by some members of the staff that worked at the Inn. Often other immigrants moved to the area and there were a few locals as well.

When she was younger, her father would tell her stories of his time as an adventurer before he moved to Bruma. Which inspired a longing to explore new places and see what they had to offer. At the age of 8 she started to help around the Inn learning that if you wanted something you were going to have to work for it. Plus she met a lot of people from different walks of life as she grew up working at the tavern. Ranging from the poorer people to the guards that would come to the Inn to drink or eat.

The Inn itself has become a fairly popular place for the common person to come to, many travelers would that had stopped at the inn before would always come back. Generally around the same time of year. Often telling Aya stories of their travels and of the adventures that they had come across. Now that she is old enough she intends to join the adventure's guild.
Acquired Titles: Beast, Kitsune, Order Initiate, Defender of Sootspire, Ryke Noble Associate F
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 65
Points Spent: 169
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - C (22)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - C (21)
Vitality - D (14)
Speed - D (14)
  • Heightened Sense E (Smell, Hearing) (14)
  • Feature 3 tails (o)
  • Feature Fox ears (0)
  • Fighting Style: Kitsune Style D, Blind Fighter, Deflect E, Flare (21)
  • Fast E (14)
  • Leadership F (7)
Aya's father passed on a style he created during his younger days. The style focus on technique such as footwork and fluid movement. The form focuses mainly on countering an opponent. Using their momentum against them, used only by swords.
  • Blind Strike- Kitsune Style E, Heightened Sense E (Hearing & smell), Blind Fighter - Aya strike at targets within sword length by listening to sound if her sight is taken away. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Quick Slash - Kitsune Style E, Fast F, Sword F - Aya uses her speed to quickly rush a target with in 10 feet and deliver a quick slash attack with her sword. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Deflection- Kitsune Style E, Deflection E - Aya uses her word to deflect incoming non magical attacks. - Grade E - 1 post cool down
  • Shinten- Kitsune Style D, Flare, Sword F, Fast E- Aya strike at targets within sword length overloading the target's sense of sight. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • D Grade iron Katana (17, blacksmith assistance refer to change log)
  • E grade light armor (14)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
Change Log:

14 July, 2022
32 points from
The Grand Hunt RP grade
7 points from services rendered

15 July, 2022
7 points to strength now D Rank
7 points to upgrade Katana from F to E
7 points to upgrade precision to D
7 points to upgrade Fast from F to E
7 points to upgrade light armor from F to E

16 August, 2022
26 points from A Fated Meeting
7 Points to upgrade E Vitality -> D grade
Consolidated heightened sense due to verbiage: "Each grade of the skill permits another sense to be acquired in addition to increasing the strength of the skill overall. Ex: seeing, hearing, or sniffing out a hidden adversary."
Added Fox Ears Feature (thought I had that already)
7 points spent to acquire Leadership F
7 points spent to add: Flare - Creates a sense overload of one sense during an attack. More senses or stronger disability as the technique grows. When duration selected, increase by 1 target post per grade. When not in combat, narrator discretion for duration. To fighting style.
Added Shinten.
8 points spent on strength D grade to C grade

22 August 2022
Regula upgraded E grade Katana to D grade for 3 points.


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Rp'er Name: EMIYAman
Post Frequency:
twice a week at most
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP:

  • Make money and acquire assets
  • Find a way back to Casper
Equipped Titles:
  • [Beast]
  • [Lush]
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 160lbs
Backstory: Born in the 1960s Kristina was growing up in one of the most prolific decades for a particular trade. Arms dealing. Growing up she had a strong sense of justice as her father was a member of the police force. She followed in his footsteps, graduating from a police academy by the age of 21. Though at the time female police officers were rather few in number and she faced no shortage of harassment and discrimination. After serving 7 years on the force she became rather experienced and despite some issues was one of the best.

Her life of upholding the law came to a sudden an abrupt end however. To put it simply she made a mistake and that mistake cost the lives of many including her parents. She was discharged from the force for her failure. From then on she was lost, the pain of losing her parents and the work which gave her life meaning ate away at her. She couldn't bring herself to work and barely ate. Before too long she was homeless. She had no family, and no purpose she possessed nothing which could give her life substance. When she resolved herself to her fate, she was saved. By a stroke of luck and the whim of a stranger Kristina had been approached by a young man. He was charismatic, confident and always seemed to sport a disarming smile. His name Casper, and he was an arms dealer.

Casper had a habit of collecting broken people. As he wandered the world selling weapons to anyone who'd buy them he made a lot of enemies. This led him to forming an elite team around himself, those he had picked up from the worst moments of their life and gave them meaning. His team of bodyguards numbered a mere 9 but their skillsets ranged greatly. From former members of special forces, artillery men, Terrorists, SWAT Snipers and even a former CIA agent. Differing greatly in both lifestyles and culture the one thing they all shared was loyalty to Casper. While the money was certainly nice the thing that truly tied them to him was his ideals and ambitions, because of those they would willing follow him to hell. And soon Kristina found herself among their ranks, and over the course of 6 years she eventually became his right hand. This dangerous way of life existing outside the purview of any one country would catch up with them eventually. Yet, they always persisted no matter the odds or complications that came their way. They had fended off assassins, mercenaries, and special forces but this success lead to overconfidence and for that a sacrifice had to be paid. Kristina's death came when a competitor to Casper sought to take out his rival violently, they were unprepared for the attack despite their best efforts. So in an effort to allow her employer and team to live to see another day she took them on alone managing to severely cripple the enemy before being gunned down.
Current Life: Upon her death Kristina met with [God] but their conversation has been lost to her. As far as she's aware she awoke in the wilderness with nothing but the clothes on her back, and solace in the form of a pack of cigarettes. All of her weapons were gone as were her wounds, and oddly enough she felt the sensation of new appendages that twitched idly. She was confused for sure but she knew she had died, and then come back to life somewhere else. She could have more answers later what mattered now was survival and if the opportunity arises, a way back to Casper. If nothing else, she wanted to find a place she could get more cigarettes.
[Race] Titles
  • [Beast] - All creatures that are or were related to animals. Second most numerous population in the world. They all generally excel in physical prowess and are sensory knowing.
[Society] Titles
  • [Lush] - Regardless of the character's drinking preferences and tolerances, character is perceived as someone that likes to regularly drink more than they should. Will have an easier time leaning into the part to meet expectations. More difficult to be taken seriously and can occasionally be denied drinks for the character's 'own good'.
Points at Start: 105(+23)
Points Earned: 88
Points Spent: 216
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - D
Precision - D
Intelligence - E
Vitality - F
Speed - D
  • Feature Darkvision
  • Feature Wolf Ears
  • Feature Wolf Tail
  • Super Sense F(Violent Intent)
  • Fighting Style [K's Systema] E:A collection of martial arts personally created by Kristina under her alias as "K" when she worked with Casper. Following the naming scheme of the Russian Systema martial arts the style is named after its creator. It features the most similarities with Krav Maga but has bits an pieces from all sort of styles she picked up from her time traveling the world. The style is standout however in that it also incorporates knife combat into it with some techniques of martial arts being adapted entirely for use with a knife.
    • Paranza Corta Srike- Accurate F - A technique of knife fighting originating in Sicily. The attack is a precise movement which impairs the movement of the enemy to better facilitate an unerring hit which won't miss.
    • Escrima Redirection- Deflect F - A technique for knife fighting originating in the Philippines. A counter strike meant to intercept an attack and if not deflect its force then block it opening up the opponent to a counter attack.
  • Stealth E
  • Acrobatics F
  • Climbing F
  • Business F
  • Wealth F
  • Fast E
  • Educated [Bodyguard] F:
    • Intimidation F
    • Warfare F
    • Insight F
  • Concealment E
  • Heightened Sense [Hearing] F
  • Mentor F
  • Tactical Retreat - Stealth E, Acrobatics F, Climbing F- One of the most important part of the arms dealing business is knowing when a deal goes sour and getting the hell out of dodge. Kristina is more than used to this, she uses her vast experience at running away to vanish from a situation entirely. Whether that means hiding in a crowd, scaling a building or crashing through a window. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Dragon - Business F, Intimidation F- Casper had a saying that those who kill too much become Dragons, beasts that rule the land atop piles of money flying on wings of authority. Kristina didn't quite get his many metaphors but if nothing else she picked up on the way he conducted his deals. Through a combination of pressuring and business acumen she can bring someone to make a deal they wouldn't normally. Such as slight discounts and selling of items they wouldn't normally. Essentially scary haggling. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Hunting Operation - Fighting Style [K's Systema] E, Climbing F, Stealth E, Acrobatics F - Kristina as "K" spent a large amount of time avoiding fights rather than starting them. As a bodyguard to Casper her role was mostly defensive in nature. She would respond to dangerous elements and react accordingly. But once in a while there were moments where Caspar declared a "Hunt". Kristina launches an attack from a hidden position on ground or from an elevated position similar in function to Tactical Retreat but used aggressively. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Lupas Instinct - Heightened Sense [Hearing] F, Insight F - Using a combination of her developed "sense" for a person through her life as a Bodyguard always on the hunt for trouble. And her enhanced sense of hearing she gets a read on a person through their body language and the rhythm of their heartbeat. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Ontario Mark 3 Knife E
  • Natural Weapons F
  • Throwing Knives F


Change Log:
Character Creation-

  • 7 points spent for Strength E
  • 14 points spent for Perception D
  • 7 points spent for Intelligence E
  • 7 points spent for Speed E
  • 7 points for Feature Darkvision
  • 7 points for Super Sense F(Violent Intent)
  • 14 points for Fighting Style [K's Systema] E
  • 14 points for Stealth E
  • 7 points for Acrobatics F
  • 7 points for Climbing F
  • 7 points for Business F
  • 7 points for Intimidation F
  • 7 points for Dull Ontario Mark 3 Knife
  • 14 points for Natural Weapons F
  • Created Ability Tactical Retreat
  • Created Ability Dragon
  • Created Ability Hunting Operation
  • 23 points taken from Francois Rychin scoop
Post RP #1: Intrigue Down Below
  • Gained 88 points
  • Title [Lush] Acquired
  • 21 points for Wealth F
  • 7 points for Speed D
  • 14 points for Fast E
  • Refunded 7 points from Intimidation for Educated [Bodyguard]
  • 7 points for Educated [Bodyguard] F
  • Used Wealth F for Gear [Throwing Knives] F
  • 14 points for Concealment E
  • 7 points for Heightened Sense [Hearing]
  • 7 points for Strength D
  • 7 points for Ontario Mark 3 Knife E
  • 7 points for Mentor F
  • Created Ability Lupas Instinct
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Kasumi Kagu
New Kasumi.png
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: saxon
Post Frequency:
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP:
She wants to enjoy the new life to the fullest and become known worldwide.
Equipped Titles: Human, Rogue, Kunoichi
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125 lbs
Backstory: Kasumi prior to being thrown into this world, Kasumi played volleyball and was on her high school clubs team and was the same for middle school. One day the team was on their way to a summer training camp when the bus they were on had brake issues. Which then led them to be sent off the side of the mountain resulting in the death of everyone on the bus.
Current Life: Kasumi's earliest memories in this new world were one of the streets, as a young child she wandered the streets hungry for how long even she doesn't know. Time became endless during that time until a man in a cloak happened to one day run by the trash heap she was sitting next to. Stopping there he took pity on the girl and took her in. Kasumi would later call the man Ignis, who would go on to teach her everything there was to be a rouge. But more importantly, she was taught how to survive, she learned basic tasks in this world and soon developed a dream of becoming the most famous or infamous thief in the world.
Acquired Titles: Human, Rogue, Kunoichi
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 92
Points Spent: 196
Points Not Spent: 1
Strength - D (14)
Precision - D (14)
Intelligence - D (14)
Vitality - E (7)
Speed - D (14)
  • Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style E, Flexable F , Flare (Sight) (14)
  • Undetected E (Sight, Smell) (28)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Heightened Sense E (Hearing, Sight) (14)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Sleight of Hand F (7)
  • Stealth E (14)
  • Investigation F (7)
  • Stealth - Undetected E (Sight, Smell), Stealth E,- The nature of her trade had taught her to hide in plain sight from those around her and to move. She becomes harder to notice by sight and blends into the shadows. The skill is effective 1 post variable depending on combat and exploration. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Pickpocket - Acrobatics F, Appraisal F, Undetected E (Sight, Smell), Sleight of Hand F, Stealth E, - Once Kasumi sets her eyes on something she wants she has developed the skill to take items from people through various means whether it be a distraction or outright taking it in daylight. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Backstab - Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style E, Flexible F, Acrobatics F, Stealth E, - Kasumi positions herself so she is behind her target so she can stab them in the back. Must be within striking distance. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Dirty fighting - Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style E, Flexible F, Acrobatics F, - Kasumi attacks the enemy by striking at a target's legs. Up to 5 feet. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown.
  • Thieves Flash - Fighting Style Daggers E, Adrasian Style E, Flexible F, Flare F (Sight) - Kasumi strikes a target blinding them with her attack for 1 post and must be within melee range. - Grade E - 1 post
  • twin Iron daggers E (28)
  • Light Thieves armor E (14)
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Journal and writing utensil
  • Thieves tools
Change Log:
Character Creation

  • Strength - E (7)
  • Precision - E (7)
  • Intelligence - E (7)
  • Vitality - E (7)
  • Speed - E (7)
  • Fighting Style Daggers, Adrasian Style F, Flexable F (7)
  • Undetected F (sight) (14)
  • Acrobatics F (7)
  • Heightened Sense F (Hearing) (7)
  • Appraisal E (0)
  • Sleight of Hand F (7)
  • Stealth F (7)
  • twin Iron daggers F (14)
  • Light Thieves armor F (7)
  • Spent 7 Points on Investigation F
  • Spent 7 points Strength from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points Precision from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points Intelligence from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points Speed from E -> D
  • Spent 7 points on Fighting Style F to E grade Added Flare tech core
  • Spent 14 points on Undetected (Smell) from F -> E
  • Spent 7 points Stealth from F -> E
  • Combined Heightened Sense Hearing and Smell
  • Upgraded Twin Daggers F -> E
  • Upgraded Thieves armor from F -> E
  • Updated Skill grades in abilities
  • Added Thieves Flash ability


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Arkh Jager


Rp'er Name: Valkan
Post Frequency:
From twice a day to once a week, I’ll try to inform in advance.
Discord Name: Valkan#4125
Current RP: Intrigue Down Below
- Learn about the origins of this body, if those even exist.
- Hone his martial arts skills.
- Find a way to indulge in his passion from his old world, driving.
Height: 5’ 10”/ 179 cm
Weight: 196 lbs/ 88.9 kg
Backstory: Hans Dietrich lived a rather normal life up until his days after graduating highschool. Not a perfect childhood, but not a problematic one by any means. Since then, Hans had a fascination for racing. He started working towards making a living off his passion ever since he was able to ride a vehicle. His skill was apparent, as he managed to get a job as a pilot in no time. Life was going good, until one day in Nurburgring. The super speed car he was asked to test had a catastrophic failure, making it flip, crash, and explode with Hans still inside.
Current Life: After having the strangest conversation of his now gone life, with [god] of all people, he was set on his way to a new world. One that apparently was basically a living fantasy world of his original realm of existence. With a new name imprinted on his mind for himself, Arkh,woke up in a grassy plain. How he got there, what was his actual relationship with the world around him, or if people knew this new body of his as an acquaintance, were questions that eluded him. That said, sitting around would amount to nothing. So he headed for the nearby city, and tried to learn more about the world. Luckily this [god] didn’t throw the young pilot empty handed to this world. Knowledge of martial arts he had seen here and there was now muscle memory, and his senses and body felt sharp and light.
Equipped Titles: Human
- Human - Humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - C
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fast F - This skill is related solely to character ability to cover ground and is not related to dodging. Creatures with this skill can move over land faster than normal and move at a quick walk or jogging pace without exhausting self easily.
  • Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F - Character has the ability to move in a way other than normal 2 legged stride that is safer than if they attempted them without skill.
  • Appraisal E - Created with the ability for being a Player Character (isekai character), this ability allows the character to know information about a creature or object that might otherwise be unknown (ex: Grade of Threat of a monster). For things higher than F grade, it may get just a name or ??? until the character's Appraisal becomes more powerful.
  • Undetected [Sight] F - Character can cloak themselves through some means to become undetectable by a sense. Each rank of skill allows an additional sense to hide from as well as overall effectiveness of the presence suppression.
  • Acrobatics F - The character has the ability to perform feats of agility with minimal chance for injury. Includes balancing, jumping, flipping, contorting, and reacting quickly.
  • Climbing F - The ability to traverse vertical surfaces with or without the use of dedicated climbing equipment, both natural (such as trees and cliffs) and artificial (such as buildings and defenses)
  • Fighting Style [Phantom Blade] E - Arkh’s style of swordsmanship centers around unseen hits, catching the opponent off guard. Dancing around them until an opening presents itself for him to strike.
    - Phantom Presence [F, Aura] - Arkh will envelop himself in an inescrutable shroud of foggy shadows, not particularly harmful other than for the fact that it makes rather difficult to tell what is going on inside the cloud of shadows.
    - Phantom Slash [F, Penetrating] - Arkh’s sword will take on ethereal properties, going past weak enough defenses as if they weren’t there.
  • Freerunner - Fast F, Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F, Appraisal F, Acrobatics F, Climbing F - Character can move around in difficult terrain quickly and efficiently. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Fake Out - Fast F, Fighting Style [Phantom Blade] F, Phantom Presence [Aura] F - Using the shroud of shadows as cover (Shadow Aura), Arkh performs a quick dodge difficult to notice amidst the darkness enveloping him - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Blitz Counter - Fast F, Acrobatics F - A close quarters maneuver. Arkh will dodge an incoming attack narrowly, only to then take advantage of the opening and release an immediate counter attack. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Freerunning Shadow- Fast F, Special Movement [Wall Bouncing] F, Appraisal E, Acrobatics F, Climbing F, Undetected [Sight] F, Fighting Style [Phantom Blade] F, Phantom Presence [Aura] F - Character can move around in difficult terrain quickly and efficiently whilst remaining undetected from sight. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Speed Slicer - Fast F, Fighting Style [Phantom Blade] E, Phantom Slash F [Penetrating] - Ark makes a quick slash with ethereal properties (Penetrating ignores one grade of armor). - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Shadow Speed Slicer - Fast F, Fighting Style [Phantom Blade] E, Phantom Slash [Penetrating] F, Phantom Presence [Aura] F- Arkh makes a quick slash from the shadows (Aura shrouds his movements) with ethereal properties (Penetrating ignores one grade of armor). - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Iron Sword E (Seen in picture)

  • Travel Sack
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Waterskin
  • Compass
  • None as of yet
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • 6/6/22 Character Approved, corrected Ability phrasing
  • 6/25/22 Removed quotes from spoilers, added current RP
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Ntaj “Orchid” Yaj



Rp'er Name: Lucius Cypher

Post Frequency: At least once a week. Could even go as far as once a day, if the mood strikes me.

Discord Name: BabyBlanketRabbit#0441

Current RP: N/A

Goals: Make some new friends, grow stronger, and help those in need become stronger.

Equipped Titles: Human "Ork" (Requirements: Strength C, Vitality C, Darkvision F, Fighting Style F)

Height: 6’10

Weight: 284lbs

Backstory: Ntaj was born from unfortunate circumstances. His home country was embroiled in a violent war, his mother taken prisoner by soldiers who also killed his father. His mother went through horrible and humiliating treatment by the soldiers, and by the time the war ended, Ntaj himself had lived under the terrible conditions of a prisoner camp. Even after his freedom, Ntaj’s mother was distant, barely treating Ntaj as a child, let alone her son. Ntaj had no support from his remaining family, and it wasn’t long before rumors spread to neighbors about his illegitimate parentage. From there, Ntaj wasn’t even able to get help from the community, with most looking at him as if he was some sort of curse.

Growing up Ntaj had few friends. Most kids weren’t allowed to play with him, and so Ntaj found kinship with other children who, like him, were affected by the war. Most of them were orphans and those with living parents were under a similar circumstance as Ntaj. It was here that Ntaj made his closest friends, and worst enemies. Among his best friends was another young boy named Yexus. He lost both his parents to the war, and was living in an orphanage at the time. And while a morose and cynical boy, he had a knack for storytelling and weaving fantasies out of nothing. His tales enraptured Ntaj, and together they would work on stories together, combining ideas and inspiration from the media around them. They had many adventures, played many games, and among their friend groups the duo was actually popular. Things seemed good for Ntaj.

But then someone came into their life. A girl named Kloe. A foreign girl, who came on a mission trip to help the orphans and those displaced by the war. She befriended the two boys, Yexus in particular, and joined them in their imaginary games. However despite their shared interest, Kloe was not one to share. She began to get closer to Yexus, while Ntaj and the others were pushed away. Their friends were concerned about how much Yexus was busy with Kloe, to the point that he stopped hanging out with them, and hung out with Kloe and her friends instead. Ntaj tried to join their circle of friends, making a decent impression for a while, but he and Kloe often clashed on many different fronts.

Over the years, the children would grow into young adults. They still wrote their stories, but now they were busy trying to make their lives as well. Ntaj was effectively abandoned by his mother, and so he was forced to take up multiple part-time jobs to sustain himself. Yexus was able to attend higher education by virtue of Kloe, who took him out from the ghettos to join her at her school. Over time, it became abundantly clear that Ntaj’s best friend, from childhood, was being taken from him. Kloe, someone who he thought was a friend and equal, was in fact someone who had much more than him, and yet still wanted to take what little he had. Desperately Ntaj tried to cling onto the vestigates of his childhood, but one by one they slipped away. Stress began to build up. A lack of a fortuitous future began to weigh on his mind. Bills began to show up at his home, and utilities started to cut off.

But perhaps what was one of the biggest tragedies was the death of his mother. She left home one day, doing whatever it was she did since Ntaj hardly ever sees her. But when he came back, the police were waiting for him at his home. His mother had died of cancer, which she had been fighting alone this entire time, never once telling Ntaj at all. This put Ntaj into a spiral of madness and depression, culminating in Ntaj never leaving his home for over a month. It was only after he was forced out by retailers that Ntaj returned to the outside world, but he was so lost in his own fantasies, trying to escape to a better place. He doesn’t remember how he died. He doesn’t want to anymore.

Current Life: Ever since Ntaj escaped his reality, somehow, he’s been living the life of an ork mercenary. It’s a simple life but with easy pleasures. She calls herself Orchid now, having somehow become a tall, busty, muscular orc woman. Practically his dream waifu wrapped into one character. She’s constructed some sort of backstory of her origins, even making up a history of her people, but in truth Orchid hasn’t been here for that long. While she’s been here long enough to gather some equipment and get a grasp on her abilities, she wasn’t born here and came into this world as she is now.

She’s done a few minor jobs as a merc, mostly dealing with wild beasts and guarding caravans. She’s already become a bit accustomed to violence and finds a certain pleasure out of it. Like it’s just a game to her. She knows this can put off some people so she makes an effort to play up the grizzled merc who’s only doing this as part of a job, but secretly enjoying the thrills of combat. Currently, she’s actively seeking out others like her. She has a feeling she’s not the only one who has come to this world, and while she’s trying to forget her past, she still wants to connect with others who share that similarity to her. Just like old times.

Acquired Titles: Human, Ork, Warrior, Polearm Adept, Underbelly Survivor, 3rd Captain's Executioner

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 212

Points Spent: 317

Points Not Spent: 0


Strength - A (35 pts)

Precision - G (-7 pts)

Intelligence - E (7 pts)

Vitality - C (21 pts)

Speed - F (0 pts)


  • Fighting Style B (35pts) (Polearm Master) - Utilizing the reach and versatility of polearm weapons Orchid can control the movement of the battlefield.
    Cleave F (Area) - Orchid is able to lash out at foes within the furthest reach of her weapons, cutting through vast swaths of enemies within 10 ft.
    Knockdown F (Tangle) - Let's you slow or temporarily stop a target from doing much of anything.
    Battle Intuition (Blind Fighter) - Orchid has the ability to fight within a melee against opponents she can't even see.
    Earth-Splitter F (Quake) - Creates shock wave that erupts towards a target across the ground. Causes a 10ft deep fissure wide enough for a regular human to fall into.
    Blood-Flame Blade F (Blight) - Orchid's blood burns hot, lighting her blade with an eldritch fire. Enemies struck by these flames burn and bleed.

  • Fighting Style D (21pts) (Throwing) - From complex and technical weapons such as grenades, simple but conventional like javelins, or improvised and basic like a handful of rock, Orchid has a decent ability of chucking objects as a means of attack.
    Leading D (14 pts) (Accurate) - A simple but vital skill of making sure Orchid's weapons go to where the enemy will be, instead of where they were. The technique makes it so the target's speed is treated as though it were reduced by 1 letter grade. Amount reduces increases by 1 grade each time technique is upgraded.
    Life-Ending F (Homing) - A bizarre technique that Orchid has learned to make her projectiles chase her targets, sometimes even turning corners to chase foes more akin to a beast than a weapon.
    Yeet F (Range) - The art of throwing with great force and subsequently, greater distance.

  • Mind Shield E (14pts) - Orchid steeled their mind. Skills like mind control and other mental tampering abilities will have no effect unless they are greater in grade than this skill

  • Healing F (7pts) - You have learned or simply know the ways of healing. You may apply may use magical or mundane means to aid others through their suffering. Healing and what can be healed becomes more powerful with higher ranks and when combined with other skills like magic.
  • Regeneration E (14pts) - Character automatically starts to heal itself if the character is not killed or body is destroyed. Does not apply to Mental 'damage'. This includes regrowing severed appendages. Amount of vitality recovered is equal to grade of skill per combat round.

  • Appraisal E (0pts) - Lets Orchid analyze creatures or objects she is looking at.
  • Feature “Darkvision” (7pts) - As an ork, Orchid has a natural dark vision and is capable of seeing things in darkness in greyscale.

  • Domestic Arts F (7pts) - The ability to efficiently and effectively organize and run a domestic household, including cooking and cleaning.
  • Intimidation F (7pts) - Orchid uses her strength and combat skills to cow the enemy, or even direct threats towards her and away from her allies.

  • Jumping B (35 pts) - Orchid is particularly skilled at jumping and can leap vertically and horizontally large distances. They do not get hurt when landing on their feet so long as they fall from a height equal to or less than their vertical jump limit. (Vertically 300yrds/horizontally 1000yrds)

  • Gear "Harpoons" E (14 pts) - Thin spears designed to be thrown. Stronger than an arrow, capable of piercing light armor and even shields, but lacks range of a bow. Not designed to be used as a melee weapon, and in fact they're quire fragile in order for them to break and prevent them from being used by the enemy. Now attached to ropes to enable Orchid to pull in weak targets, or use it to hang onto larger, heavier foes. Alternatively it can work as a sort of make-shift grappling hook.
  • Attentive Student E (14 pts) - When a character with this skill is in the presence of a stronger, more skilled or experienced character, they learn and grow more quickly.

    Characters with this skill gain double points at the end of rp's if there is a character with a greater total of earned points actively participating in the rp as well. Earned points prior to rewards of that rp specifically. Student skill must be same grade as student character grade in order to benefit from this skill. Student skill may not be greater than grade of character. Ability doesn't stack with any other mechanic or feature that buffs point gains. Not honored if rp'er ghosts rp.


  • Blood Flame Strike - Fighting Style Polearm Master B, Blood-Flame Blade (Blight) F, Cleave (Area)F - An ability that emits a flame in a wide frontward arc, followed with a strong lunging, sweeping strike that also coats the armament in fire. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown

  • Meteor Falls - Fighting Style Polearm Master C, Earth-Splitter (Quake) F, Knockdown (Tangle) F, Jumping D - Taking a mighty leap towards the skies, falling with a mighty slam and burying her weapon into both the enemy and into the nearest surface. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
  • Roar of War - Fighting Style Polearm Master C, Earth-Splitter (Quake) F, Cleave (Area) F - Orchid let loose a mighty war cry, sending out a shockwave by stomping the ground. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown

  • Aerial Denial - Fighting Style Polearm Master D, Knockdown (Tangle) F, Jumping D - Orchid leaps into the air to strike the enemy from above, or alternatively knock a flying enemy out of the air with her polearm. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Off-Hand Backhand - Fighting Style Polearm Master D, Battle Intuition (Blind Fighting) F - Orchid's keen senses and martial aptitude has allowed her to easily deal with foes she cannot see in an almost passive matter. This is a quick and easy attack technique she utilizes to deal with opponents who try to flank her, allowing her to focus on the main threat while still able to fend off lesser ones. It's also useful to strike down those who are attempting to sneak up on Orchid, whether for ambush or thievery. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Snipe - Fighting Style Throwing D, Leading (Accurate) E, Life Hunt (Homing) F, Yeet (Range) F - A columniation of Orchid's skills, she throws her weapon long and hard, to pursue targets that think they're safe just because they're out of her reach.

  • Wind Wheel - Fighting Style Polearm Master E, Cleave (Area) F, Knockdown (Tangle) F - Orchid spins her weapon vigoriously above her head and sweep foes around her, transitioning into a mighty blow that can knock down enemies around her. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Trip Attack - Fighting Style Polearm Master E, Knockdown (Tangle) F - When Orchid successfully strikes an enemy with an attack, she can knock them to the ground and leave them vulnerable. Orchid can use this ability with any suitable polearm, such as javelins, lances, halberds, etc. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Spamraam - Fighting Style Throwing E, Leading (Accurate) E, Life Hunt (Homing) F - Once Orchid has her target, she won't let them go easily. She throws her weapon at her target, following her foe around corners and pursing them for as long as it can.
  • Metagaming - Appraisal E - Orchid knows she's in some strange sort of Isekai with quasi RPG mechanics, so she is going to take advantage of the fact she can examine objects and creatures in a gamified manner to try and figure out information that would otherwise be unavailable to her. Typically she'd use this ability to gauge someone's strength and abilities, though she may also just use it to read up on equipment and other objects. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Whirlwind Attack - Fighting Style Polearm Master F, Cleave (Area) F - Taking full advantage of her greater reach, Orchid lashes out at all the enemies around her, her weapon ripping through foes to strike at each enemy with a single mighty blow. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Menacing Strike - Intimidation F - When Orchid successfully strikes an enemy with an attack, she can momentarily strike fear into their minds. Usually she uses this ability to keep enemies away from her and her allies, though she may also try to use it to catch the attention of a particular foe and draw their aggression towards her. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Quick Toss - Fighting Style Throwing F, Leading (Accurate) F - A simple technique where Orchid quickly calculates where her enemy is going and what they're doing, then throws something at them. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

  • Healthy Snack - Domestic Arts F, Healing F - Orchid makes a snack that can miraculously heal one's wounds. While it might not save someone's life, it could help them get through a rough day. Could heal minor aches and injuries, as well as some weak diseases. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown


  • Orichalcum Poleaxe B (40 pts) - A humble but deceptively versatile polearm. With a cleaving blade, a bludgeoning hammer, and a sharp spike, it can do different sorts of damag to deal with different sort of enemies. Reforged to be made of Orichalcum.
  • Orichalcum Plate Armor C (33 pts) - Heavy plate armor that protects Orchid’s vitals. Comes with a helmet and gauntlets. Underneath the plate is a thick gambeson that she can wear as much lighter armor. Reforged to be made of Orichalcum.

  • Backpack - A big and sturdy backpack big enough to contain a lot of things, with straps and pockets on the outside to hold more things.
  • Sack of Sacks - A bag containing different bags inside of them. Useful if Orchid has to gather things like herbs, bones, body parts, groceries, or other things that would want to be separated from others.
  • Traveling Clothes - Sturdy clothes designed to be able to handle long travel and mild-to-cold weather. Comes with comfortable underwear and socks.
  • Lantern - A hip-mounted lantern fueled by oil. Can be used even while upside down. While not waterproof, it can work just fine even in the rain.
  • Coin Purse - A pouch designed to hold currency. The straps are made of a metal wire braid designed to resist being cut by small blades.
  • Whetstone - To keep Orchid’s weapons sharp.
  • Tent - A small tent designed to be carried on journeys. Big enough to comfortably fit two.
  • Tinder Box - A small packet designed to hold materials needed to start fires quickly.
  • Rations - Contains various dried meats, hardtack, pickled fruits or vegetables, and other food stuff that can last a long time while on journeys. Also contains material for basic cooking, such as eggs, flour, etc.
  • Tankard - A solid and hearty barrel mug that Orchid keeps her drink in.
  • Rope - Two 50ft lengths of rope to tie things up. Strong enough to support heavy weights.
  • Soap - To keep Orchid clean whenever she has a chance to wash. She has one to wash her body and another to wash her clothes.
  • Towel - Doubles as a blanket as well. It’s actually quite large, large enough that Orchid can fold part of it to cushion her head and still have enough to cover her body. Using rope, she can also use this towel to make a hammock.
  • Cooking Tools - Assorted pots, pans, plates, bowls, and other cutlery to eat and cook food. It also comes with its own cooking split to suspend pots over fires, and two grill meshes.

  • [Memento] - This item of age and history will forever and always ensure the owner never forgets one specific thing. Can transcend scoops, lives, and mental tampering to ensure owner will never forget something incredibly important to them.

5th May, 2022. 10:24 AM (GMT-5) - Orchid's CS was posted into the Isekai Hell Character Tab

5th May, 2022. 1:48 PM (GMT-5) - Change Log was added.

5th May, 2022. 8:10 PM (GMT-5) - Added Titles.

5th May, 2022. 9:51 PM (GMT-5) - Edited Equipment.

7th July, 2022. 3:41 AM (GMT-5) - Orchid gained additional points. Strength C upgrades into Strength A. Fighting Style (Polearm) E upgrades into Fighting Style (Polearm) D, Quake is added as a core skill. Fighting Style (Unarmed) F gained as a new skill, Blind Fighter added as a core skill. Jumping E gained as a new skill. Abilities are updated: Interception replaced with Sweep Shot Interception, Attack-of-Opportunity removed, Aerial Denial added, Meteor Falls added, Off-Hand Backhand added.

7th July, 2022. 9:21 AM (GMT-5) - Edited Meteor Falls to now have Fighting Style Polearm (Area) as component.

7th July, 2022. 9:20 PM (GMT-5) - Removed Fighting Style (Polearm) and Fighting Style (Unarmed) and fused them into a singular Fighting Style (Polearm Master).

22nd, August. 1:55 AM (GMT-5) - Fighting Style (Polearm Master) changed to Fighting Style (Polearm Master). Fighting Style (Polearm Master) C upgrades into Fighting Style (Polearm Master) B, Blight added as a core skill. Jumping E upgrades into Jumping F. Gear E gained as a new skill. Mind Shield F upgrades into Mind Shield E. Abilities are updated: Sweep-shot Interception changed into Wind Wheel, Blood Flame Strike added, Roar of War added, Right tool for the Job added, Metagaming added.

26th, August, 6:59 (GMT-5) - Adding links to previous RP's where points are obtained.
An Unexpected Demise - 42 Points.
A Plotted Demise - 45

30th, August, 1:48 AM (GMT-5) - Edited Abilities to correct their cooldowns to be more reflective of their actual ranks. Corrected the Gear skill. Redistributed points from the Area and Gear skill to gain the Fighting Style (Throwing) F and Regeneration F skills.

3rd, October, 10:42 AM (GMT-6) - Adding points and reward from the September event RP.
Legacy of the Erased - 20
Asset [Memento] - This item of age and history will forever and always ensure the owner never forgets one specific thing. Can transcend scoops, lives, and mental tampering to ensure owner will never forget something incredibly important to them.
Attentive Student E added for 14 pts, Regeneration F upgraded into Regeneration E for 7 pts.

7th, November, 4:28 PM (GMT-6) - Adding points and rewards from recent RP.
Demise Verdict - 69
Attentive Student E - Double points due to having been in an RP with someone with more points than Orchid
Total points gained: 138
Optional Title Obtained [Underbelly Survivor] - You've seen the worst of the worst, endured horrors others couldn't imagine, experienced things those wouldn't want to. You have knowledge of the biggest city in Ryke, bigger than Ryken. A despot of criminality. Those that use this title will have respect from others that are used to battle and business.

Optional Title Obtained [3rd Captain's Executioner] - For killing the known 3rd Captain of the Eagle Company, Griffin Warden, Orchid has become more revered and notorious, people may recognize her for the feat of killing Griffin Warden and possibly seek her out for a work request or to try and kill her. This title can be used in interactions with other mercenaries.

Asset Acquired [Divees Crew Assistance - C] - With Arthur's Gang, The Divees Crew, disbanded they chose to become a fighting group that travels around doing mercenary work. They have an obligation to those that were friends with Arthur that needs help.
- C Grade - Leader of the Divees Crew until Arthur returns, has two greatswords he wields like double swords, fast and strong for a half-orc, he is rather smart and has a knack for tactical attacks.

Lunes - C Grade - The Divees Crew Assassin/Thief, Lunes is a petite elf who is great in the art of deception and sneaking. She is said to be able to get through any lock and climb any surface, she is a great climber with deadly accuracy with her bow.

Dirv - C Grade - A older crazy Ratkin alchemist whose profession is creating potions, poisons and explosions. It was said that he's died multiple times in very terrible ways, but each time, Dirv has randomly appeared back not long afterwards. He has small blades seeping with poisons on it, for his age he is rather agile.

There are about five regular gang members with the crew that are D grade.

Upgrade Poleaxe F to Orichalcum Poleaxe B and upgrade Plate Armor F to Orichalcum Plate Armor C for 72 points total with Regula ( Elvario Elvario Character).
Upgrade Fighting Style F (Throwing) into Fighting Style D (Throwing) for 14 pts
Upgrade Tech Core Leading F into Leading D for 14 points
Upgraded Vitality C to Vitality A for 14 pts.
Upgraded Gear "Javelins" F into Gear "Harpoon" E for 7 points.

Obtained Fighting Style F (Fellhammer) for 7 pts.

Added new abilities:
Sunder Strike

9th, November, 9:22 PM (GMT-5)
Decreased the amount of points gained previously from 138 to 105.
Removed Fighting Style F (Fellhammer) and associated abilities. -7 pts
Decreased Vitality A to Vitality C -14 pts
Added link to the Marketplace where Orchid purchased her armor and weapons.

11th, November, 11:35 pm (GMT-5)
Changed Points earned from 317 to 212.
Added optional Titles to Orchid's titles.

12th, November, 9:09 pm (GMT-5)
Decreased the Orichalcum Plate Armor B to Orichalcum Plate Armor C
Increased Jumping D to Jumping B
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Nikita Hunag


Theme: None.

Rp'er Name: Scholar Ya

Post Frequency: Depends on partners but I'm quite flexible.

Discord Name: Ya#2159

Current RP: N/A.

  • Become a world-renowned explorer.
  • Find amazing artifacts.
  • Explore and research this new world.

Equipped Titles: Human

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 133 lbs.

Backstory: Nikita Hunag was born in Hong Kong on June 17th 20XX to an ancient and proud line that survived through various Chinese imperial dynasties. Her mother says, unlike most babies she never cried much and always had a look of wonder in her odd-colored eyes. Life was relaxed and slow for her. Until those she loved eventually begin to pass away from natural causes or old age. As the last Hunag family member left, her once vibrant, colorful life became muted and boring. Time passed and the seasons changed but the dull ache in her heart never left. In fact, it only grew more.

One day, she simply resolved to leave Earth altogether.

Nikita doesn't remember exactly how she got the instruction manual but on the floor of her living room, she began to write down transportation runes she memorized from it.

And with a drop of blood and a great rumbling occurring, Nikita Hunag disappeared in a beam of light that broke through the rooftop of her apartment building and pierced towards the heavens.

Current Life: Nikita awakened in the middle of a flaming crater, a crater which was made because of her descent into this world. Upon stumbling out of the crater she found that she was in a wide forest, the nearest trees aflame or uprooted due to the impact. Accidental arson wasn't an ideal situation but it certainly could have been worst. Before anyone could potentially come and arrest her for property damage or something, she quickly escaped deeper into the forest and eventually made her way to civilization.

This world better prepare for Nikita Hunag!

Acquired Titles: Human

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned: 0

Points Spent: 105

Points Not Spent: 0

Strength - E
Precision - E
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - E

  • Feature [Heterochromia Eyes = Cosmetic]
  • Alchemy F
  • Climbing F
  • Pocket Dimension E [10ft radius]
  • Acrobatics F
  • Nature F
  • Survival F

  • Hit The Ground Running - Climbing F, Acrobatics F, Survival F - As an explorer and adventurer, traversing difficult and often dangerous terrain or places comes easy to Nikita. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown.

  • None.
  • Sturdy Gloves
  • Belt Hook
  • Two Glass Beakers
  • Glass Stirring Rod
  • Mortar
  • Pestle
  • Pouch
  • Common Alchemical Ingredients
  • Journal
  • Pencil
  • None as of now.

Change Log:
  • CC - Intelligence C(21) - Speed E(7) - Strength E(7) - Feature [Heterochromia Eyes](0) - Alchemy F(7) - Climbing F(7) - Pocket Dimension F(14) - Precision E(7) - Acrobatics F(7) - Survival F(7) - Nature F(7) - Pocket Dimension E(7).
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Dark Witch
Dark Witch (Alexandria Kingston)

Rp'er Name: lXlGamemaster
Post Frequency:
as fast as the DM can post
Discord Name: lXlGamemaster#3004
Current RP: None
Goals: harness the power of metal to invigorate my allies and crush my foes
Equipped Titles: Human | Mage | Order Initiate
Height: 4'3''
Weight: 111 lbs
Backstory: The story of the Dark Witch starts in another world: one where the entire planet is divided by music. Everything about the land changes depending on which genre of music is accepted there: from the plants and animals to the people and weather. At the center of this world is a great tree with branches that reach to the heavens and pull music from across the cosmos, influencing the very fabric of reality. This story starts in the land of Metal: where beer flows like water, beasts of flesh and steel are common, and a longstanding war with the demons rages. A human who forged a pact with the demons to gain power prophesied that the child of the King of Metal would end the reign of demons. With this knowedge the witch switched bodies with the King's most trusted advisor in an attempt to kill him. The advisor, a clever and spirited woman, escaped her confines and saved the king, loosing her former body in the process. Now inheriting a new body with new powers, the advisor worked to strengthen the Land of Metal, winning the affection of the King. The prophesy came true and a child was born, much to the displeasure of the King of Demons. A wave of demons flooded the land in an attempt to murder the child. In desperation the advisor sent her child to another world, one without demons or magic, to remain safe until she was ready.

The child was sent to present day Earth and adopted into a rich family. While they had a son his health was poor and the family needed an inheritor to the family name. The child was named Alexandria and she was brought up like your average rich person, but something inside of her told her that this world was wrong. For one she hated classical music with a passion, much to the dismay of her music teacher and dissapointment to her parents. Second, she would sneak out of her estate to forge frendships with anyone from any background, eager to see as much of the world as possible, almost as though she was looking for something. While her parents dissaproved of her antics, her brother looked up to his little sister, being able to go anywhere and do anything she wanted. All of this came to a head when Alex found what she was looking for: metal music, as well as a competition to enlist new artists. Her parents forbid her from going, especially with her brother in such poor health. However her brother, listening to her dreams for so long, spent his inheritance to give Alex the start she needed to compete in the competition. With one last hug Alex snuck out of the estate, knowing that this would be the last time she would see her family again.

Alex was a big hit in the competition, having a natural knack for the guitar and the fans loved her witchy astetic. She made it to the finals where she was put to the test in a battle of the bands. Her opponent was unlike any she had faced, but her fingers moved so fast that lightning sparked from them and the tip of the guitar. A sudden storm swirled around the stage and a bolt of lighting struck Alex, throwing her back to the Land of Metal. After adjusting to the new world she met with the Metal Witch, her mother, and was taught the ways of magic through music.

Taking on the new name Dark Witch, she loved every minute in her new world. Learning both combat and magic, she soon became a force to be reckoned with. News about the child's return spread like wildfire, however, and soon a second wave of demons was on the horizon. While Dark Witch was ready to fight, the Metal Witch knew her daughter wouldn't be up to the task. With one last embrace Dark Witch was sent to yet another world, where she would hone her abilities and gain enough power to take on the demon horde once and for all.
Current Life: Dark Witch has taken the role of adventurer like a fish to water. Using her powers to slay foes and aid friends, a modest lifestyle was easily attainable
Acquired Titles: Human | Mage | Order Initiate
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - F
Precision - E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - E
Speed - E
  • Magic E - you have the knack and talent for magic
  • Music Affinity F - you're able to manipulate magic through music, bolstering allies and undermine enemies
  • Barrier Affinity F - you're able to create magical barriers to shield yourself and allies from attacks
  • Control environment F - you're able to use magic to manipulate the area around you
  • Spell Duration F - your magic effects can last for 1 minute
  • Spell Range F - you can effect targets up to 10 ft. away
  • Magic AOE F - you can have magic affect targets in a 10 ft. radius
  • Strength Bolster F - able to increase target's Strength STAT by 1 increment for 1 post
  • Energized E - reduce post cooldown of abilities equal or lower than Energized grade by 1 post
  • Disguise F - you are able to change your appearance through the power of magic
  • Performance F - you are adept at performing in front of an audience
  • Teleport F - you can teleport to a maximum distance of 10 ft. away
  • Magic Targets F - you can select 1 extra target to hit or spare for your spell
  • Create Stage - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Control Environment, Spell Duration F, Spell AOE F, Energized E - you turn the 10 ft. of area around you into a stage, complete with stage lights and speakers. This lasts for 1 minute or until dismissed - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Arcane Bolt - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Spell Range F, Energized E, Magic Target F - A bolt of violet energy is fired from the tip of the guitar towards up to two foes 10 ft. away - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Arcane Storm - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Spell Range F, Spell AOE F, Energized E - bolts of violet energy strike in a 10 ft. area up to 10 ft. away - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Power Boost - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Spell Range F, Spell Duration F, Bolster F, Energized E, Magic Target F - increase up to two target's Strength by 1 increment for 1 minute from up to 10 ft. away - Grade E - 0
  • Song of Power - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Spell Range F, Spell AOE F Spell Duration F, Bolster F, Energized E - target within 10 ft. of you increase their Strength by 1 increment for 1 minute from up to 10 ft. away - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Arcane Wall - Magic E, Barrier Affinity F, Spell Range F, Spell Duration F, Energized E- a thin block of violet energy appears, preventing passage in a 5 ft. area and can be used as a potential platform for 1 minute - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Arcane Dome - Magic E, Barrier Affinity F, Spell AOE F, Spell Duration F, Energized E- a force of violet energy encases everyone within 10 ft., preventing anyone from entering or leaving for the next minute - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
  • Costume Change - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Disguise F, Spell Duration F, Energized E - you perform the taboo of playing a different music genre and suffer the penalties, changing your appearance for up to 1 minute
  • Bolt Travel - Magic E, Music Affinity F, Teleport F, Magic Target F, Energized E - you and up to one other creature can disappear and then reappear in a bolt of lightning 10 ft. away
  • ijhj4qt1edpzrkixcrop.png
  • f7f0949863b5b594ddad9bdda078ae41.jpg
  • Camping Gear
  • Guitar Tuning Kit
  • Room of local tavern
  • Human - humans are normal humans and the most dominant and numerous race in the world.
  • Mage - Character is a specialist in combat magic.
  • Order Initiate - You're a new recruit to Linneus’ Order. Members who still have to prove themselves
Change Log:
  • Character Creation: Intelligence D, Speed E, Magic E, Music Affinity F, Control Environment F, Spell duration F, Spell Range F, Magic AOE F, Energized F, Magic Catalyst E, Light Armor F - 105 points total
  • Gained 40 points for completing The Queen, the Tank, The Sword, and their Weapon Transport.
    Purchased Energized F, Disguise F, and Performance F.​
    Increased Energized from F to E​
    Added Energized E to all abilities​
    Added Power Boost ability​
    Added Spell AOE to Song of Power​
    Added Costume Change ability​
    Increased Precision and Vitality from F to E​
  • Gained 27 points for completing A Fated Meeting and gained the [Order Initiate] title.
    Purchased Teleport F, Magic Targets F​
    Added the Bolt Travel ability​
    Added Magic Target F to "Arcane Bolt", "Power Boost", and "Bolt Travel"​
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Eris Granstone
Theme: Theme
Rp'er Name: Saxon
Post Frequency:
As the post rate allows.
Discord Name: Saxon#1232
Current RP: [Isekai Hell] The Nightfeeder
Goals: She wishes to repay the goddess that gave her a second chance at life.
Equipped Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Hero of The Fae See
Height: 5'3
Weight: 125 lbs
Backstory: Eris was a fairly average person or well that is what she thought about herself anyway. So on one unfateful day, she was standing in line at the grocery store when a man with a knife suddenly started to attack people in the store. Well unlucky for her she was stabbed in the back as the attack continued to try and stab other people. By the time the medical personnel arrived, she was already dead.
Current Life: There was a bright light and Eris now stood in front of a woman who looked to be about her age with Black hair and amber-colored eyes. She would later introduce herself as Holfeel the goddess of rebirth and guidance. She was given a choice to pass on or start a new life, after a few moments she decided to start a new life. The next thing she knew she was in a city being held by a strange woman. She was reborn in the capital of Ryke and would spend her youth here until she reached adulthood when she decided to go out and see the world and repay the goddess that gave her a second life by spreading her faith.
Acquired Titles: Human, Priest, Holy Smiter, Judgemental, Hero of The Fae See, Fae
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 103
Points Spent: 168
Points Not Spent: 6
Strength - F
Precision - F
Intelligence - B (28)
Vitality - D (21)
Speed - F
  • Religion E (14)
  • Appraisal F (0)
  • Divine Affinity F (7)
  • Magic E (14)
  • Healing D (21)
  • Magic Range F (7)
  • Bolster Speed F (7)
  • Magic Area of Effect F (7)
  • Spell Duration F (7)
  • Asset C Grade Religion - High Priestess, Church of Holfeel (28)
  • Beacon - Magic E, Divine Affinity F, Spell Duration F, Magic Range F - The caster can touch an object which then casts a light that creates bright light at 5 feet and dim light at 10 feet lasting for 1 hour - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Prayer of Soul's Rebirth - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Bolster speed F, Spell Duration F - The caster prays to Holfeel for intervention and causes a target of the caster to become filled with hope in the face of danger. Increasing their Speed by 1 grade for 1 hour or one post depending on Narrator's discretion. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Grace - Religion E, Magic E, Healing F, Divine Affinity F - Thanks to Holfeel's benevolence minor wounds can be healed and illness symptoms can be relieved for a short time. By reciting a prayer and touching the target. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Holfeel's Union - Religion E, Divine Affinity E, Magic E - Holfeel always listens to the prayers of her followers, upon starting to pray the caster may receive communion with Holfeel, or offer up a gift to her in the hope of gaining some favor. Limited to once a day to receiving anything by narrator's discretion. - Grade E - 1 post cooldown
  • Retribution - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Divine Affinity F, Magic Range F - The caster can call down a beam from the heavens causing radiant damage to the target. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Holy Flames - Religion E, Magic E, Magic Area of Effect F, Divine Affinity F, Magic Range F, Spell Duration F - The caster can call down a beam from the heavens causing radiant damage to the target. Upon impact, the target burns with divine flames for 1 post. The target must be within 30 feet of the caster. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Iron Quarterstaff E (14, Catalyst)
  • Priest Robes F (7, Heavy)
  • Fae robes of light [heavy armor] E
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Religious texts
  • Church of Holfeel
  • Fae Religion - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. Despite not being directly affiliated with a Fae Church, the character's Hero status grants them special permission to interact with the Fae religion at a high level and in so doing more easily propagate her own faith's ideals and tenants within the Fae nation.
Change Log:

Character Creation

  • Upgraded Intelligence with 14 points to upgrade it to D grade.
  • Upgraded Vitality with 7 points to upgrade it to E grade.
  • Added skill Religion F for 7 points.
  • Added skill Appraisal for 0 points (Isekaied).
  • Added skill Divine F for 7 points.
  • Added skill Magic E for 14 points.
  • Added skill Healing F for 7 points. Basic aches and pains, symptoms of minor sicknesses (cold), small cuts and superficial wounds.
  • Added skill Magic Range F for 7 points. Character has found a way to make their magic affect targets up to 10ft away.
  • Added skill Bolster Speed F for 7 points. Character can boost the [stat] of a target by 1 Grade for 1 target post. Upgrading skill can boost effective upgrade. Uses spell duration skill to boost duration.
  • Added skill Magic Area of Effect F for 7 points. Character can impact an area of 10ft radius with their magic.
  • Added skill Spell Duration F for 7 points. Character has found a way to make the effects they cause with their magic use to last longer. Increase duration of effect on target to 1 minute in roleplay time. Narrator decides how many posts that will equate to. This holds true for Upgraded versions of the skill.
  • Added Iron Quarterstaff E for 14 points.
  • Added Priest Robes F for 7 points.
28 July, 2022
09 August, 2022
22 September, 2022
  • 18 points earned from [Isekai Hell] See a Fae about a Tree and Judgemental title
  • 7 points on Asset upgrade Religious Asset D -> C
  • 7 points on Healing F -> E - cure one common disease at a time, non-lethal poisons
30 Oct 2022
  • Added Rewards from [Isekai Hell][World] - Lay Low Longing
  • Fae Religion - For anything and everything that relates to race, character is now part of the Fae tree. They will be treated well by fae allies and shown contempt by Fae enemies. Despite not being directly affiliated with a Fae Church, the character's Hero status grants them special permission to interact with the Fae religion at a high level and in so doing more easily propagate her own faith's ideals and tenants within the Fae nation.
  • [Hero] - (of the fae see) - Character has been raised to the status of Hero for the Fae people. Their purpose is to fight for and defend the fae against all enemies. Hero's are rare existences in the world. They will naturally be drawn to their charge's enemies and likewise the enemies of the Fae will be drawn to the Heroes. The collective might of the heroes will always be sufficient in eventually quelling any opposition even if only one remains. heroes are naturally acknowledged and adored by the people in their charge. They have freedom to come and go in the nation of their people. Their nation takes care of them and in turn, the heroes are expected to protect their nation. Heroes can never be made to go against the thing they are hero over. they have the uncanny ability to create a way to the perfect ending that would have been impossible for anyone else. As much as fate twists in the favor of Heroes, should they fall, those they protect will be without recourse and be made to face all manner of hardship including the possibility of annihilation.
  • Fae robes of light [heavy armor] E - An armor of light stitched into a dress made for a Hero of the Fae. Out of combat, the robes will repair itself if ever damaged. Character will no longer fight in darkness so long as they are wearing these robes.
  • Fae Hero Boon - Upgrade Intelligence to B, Vitality to D, and Religion to E (when upgrading, also increase earned points by 28) - A Fae Hero that knows their allies are among the divine shows no fear in the face of adversity. They stride with confidence knowing no greater power could stand before them.
31 Oct 2022
  • 7 points from the October Contest.
  • Spent 7 points Healing E => D (D - Emergency aid to prolong life of dying, restore senses so long as organs are still present)
  • Added Holy Flame ability
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Ingenium of Innovation

_male focus, android, faceless, robe, faceless male, hood up, mechanical hands, s-493283808.png

Rp'er Name:
Post Frequency: 1 to 2 times a week
Discord Name: MEMERShiro#8637
Current RP:
  • Establish a religion
  • Become a full fledged god
  • Create a city of industry
Equipped Titles: [Construct], [Expert Tinkerer], [Fledgling Blacksmith], [Tinker Fanatic], [Red Orb Freak], [Red Iron God]


Weight: 240lbs

Backstory: N/A
Current Life: Ingenium came into being from Ether stemming from the core of the World. As mortal civilization advanced and developed the concepts of industry and complex machinery independent of magic, the ideas and hopes mortals had for the future collected and began to form a being who would embody these things. However a "god" could not be created by this process until someone was to worship and give a name to them. So for a time the being that would become Ingenium hibernated unable to be born. With the advent of the arrival of various beings whose origins lied in another world this began to change. A portion of these beings came from a world and time of great innovation and had such faith and belief in these modern systems and creations that the World recognized it as faith allowing for Ingenium to be born. His creation was an exception rather than a rule leading to various complications. His domain which he would be a crystallization of was weak and underdeveloped. Leading to him manifesting in heavily reduced state. Ingenium is ignorant, bereft of worshippers or divine power, and wholly unprepared for the world which so brought him life. A fragile existence centuries early in its inception, but possessing a foundation of hope and ambition.

[Race] Titles
  • [Construct] - Nondescript creature of variable ability. Recognized as construct-like but not accepted as part of any specifically named race.
[Society] Titles
  • [Tinker Fanatic] - Character's fanatic nature towards their craft allows them to pay more attention to details and find more opportunities, but also makes it easier for others to take advantage of them.
  • [Expert Tinkerer] - Maker of mundane, mechanical items and materials with a more scientific requirements
  • [Fledgling Blacksmith] - Forger of metal based items and likely metal based weapons and armors in particular
  • [Red Orb Freak] - Character has 2 big red orbs for eyes rather than actual eyes. Character is even more recognizable as a construct and harder to hide or pass off as something else in public. Automaton hunters are more likely to subdue on sight due to history of red eyed constructs often being associated with mass murder machines prone to turning on humans. The Races are more likely to turn on, give up, or avoid character where possible due to the disconcerting eyes. Other constructs more likely to give high-5s for 'cool orbs bro'.
  • [Red Iron God] - Character has become the living martyr, prophecy fulfiller, resurrected, constructed god of the East Empire constructs foretold to come and deliver them from their subjugation to the humans. Character will be seen and treated as a god by any resident construct in the East Empire nation. Escaped constructs of the east empire nation in other countries as well as subjugated constructs in the western empire will also regard character as such. Constructs loyal to character can never be corrupted to an opposing side. Most will do anything for the Red Iron God. Only a few will die for the cause however. To the owners of constructs and bladerunners, the Red Iron God is a myth but would give reason to flee or fight if ever such an existence were proved to be real.
[Job] Titles
  • Expert Tinkerer - B Grade Artisan [Tinkerer]
  • Fledgling Blacksmith – F Grade Artisan [Blacksmith]

Points at Start: 105(+35)
Points Earned: 186
Points Spent: 238
Points Not Spent: 4
Strength - G
Precision - A
Intelligence - C
Vitality - F
Speed - H
Character Grade: F
  • Feature
    • Lightning Calculator
  • Artisan (Blacksmith) F
  • Artisan (Tinkerer) B
  • Engineering C
  • Religion F
  • Item (Ingeniums Shotgun) E
  • Attentive Student F
  • [Sermon of Machina]- Religion F, Artisan (Tinkerer B) - While his divinity is weak Ingenium does possess the aptitude for godhood. Ingenium attempts to spread his faith and gain worshipers through expounding his Mechanist doctrine. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown
  • [Innovate and Create]- Artisan(Tinkerer C), Engineering C - Using the full scope of his technical knowledge Ingenium creates a relatively mundane item useful to his situation. - Grade C - 3 Post Cooldown
A shotgun which materialized with Ingenium. Representing the concepts of ingenuity, ambition, and the violence associated with advancement. While Ingenium could have technically had any type of item bound to him this weapon appeared due to the presence of another shotgun much like this one within the world. As such a weapon lies within his domain his existence happened to latch onto it.

  • Lucky F
  • Magic E
  • [Explosive] Affinity E
  • Magic Targets F
  • Magic Area of Effect F
  • Magic Range F

  • [Winchester Premium]- Magic E, [Explosive] Affinity E, Magic Targets F, Magic Range F - Ingenium loads a magical shell and fires an explosive spread shot hitting up to 2 enemies and travels 10ft. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [Machina Lo Vult]- Lucky F, Magic E, [Explosive] Affinity E, Magic Area of Effect F, Magic Range F - Ingenium loads a magic shell charged with a portion of his divine power and shoots an explosive blast which seems to never miss. Travels 10ft and the explosion spreads in a 10ft radius. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

  • Red Iron Blaster (Orichalcum) F


  • Tinkerers Tools

  • Red Iron God Base

_android, long hair, kos-mos, red eyes, straight hair, nun, clothed, blank face,       s-37913...pngEquipped Titles: [Construct], [Red Iron Worshipper]
Weight: 92kg
Current Life: MA-RIA was a Construct created by the Eastern Empire. Her original form was much cruder and plain, as she was a mere Waste Management Construct meant to gather trash. Igenium upon his revival and subsequent apotheosis by the downtrodden Constructs who had rebuilt him. Sought to breathe new life into one of them in return, and honor the responsibility which they had set upon him. As they called out to their "Red Iron God" something within Ingenium reacted, a divine will buried deep within his code. His crimson eyes shone even brighter and he immediately singled out the most damaged and debased of them all. He gave her a name for she had none, he then granted her intellect, knowledge and understanding so that she may comprehend the world. Ingenium recreated her in his own image, as a great force which may defend him and his followers. A veritable Angel of destruction. He may have granted her a new life, but her existence was a symbol of the future Ingenium promised them all.

Having been remade her mental faculties and capabilities have been enhanced far beyond her previous self. While Ingenium remembers his duty and promise he made to his worshippers he has no memory of how he made MA-RIA, or even complete knowledge of what she is. She is intensely loyal to Ingenium, and her personality reflects this. Though she comes off as even more cold and robotic than even him she does have the capacity to feel emotions, however the emotion module of her programming will only emit an expression when it is deemed necessary to better facilitate communication. If the module has not deemed it currently necessary then she will not emit an expression. MA-RIA is protective of her God willing to kill in service to him at any moment. Despite her advanced abilities she can have trouble controlling her strength; though she has a propensity for violence at her core MA-RIA is surprisingly gentle and even vulnerable. Compared to any other worshipper she understands Ingeniums true nature in a way none of them, even him, can.
[Race] Titles
  • [Construct] - Nondescript creature of variable ability. Recognized as construct-like but not accepted as part of any specifically named race.
[Society] Titles
  • [Red Iron Worshipper] - A Construct loyal to the Red Iron God, seeking the deliverance of all Constructs from oppression and subservience.
Points at Start: 140
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 140
Points Not Spent: 0
Strength - D
Precision - F
Intelligence - F
Vitality - F
Speed - C
  • Superstrength E
  • Fast D
  • Feature: Arm Blade
  • Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E - A secondary network connected to her Core, which is derived from Ingeniums. It governs all combat related functions of her Artifice body, allowing MA-RIA to operate as an effective weapon.
    • Knock Back F
    • Aura F
  • [Animus Discharge] - Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Knock Back F, Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Aura F - MA-RIA releases energy from her core as a wave field of crimson light around her body. The light, upon making contact with someone repels and damages them. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • [RI-Blade] - Fast F, Feature: Arm Blade, Superstrength F - Dashing forward MA-RIA shifts her arm into a blade and slashes through the enemy. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
  • [Eminent Impact] - Fast D, Superstrength E, Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Knock Back F - Rearing her arm back MA-RIA rushes forward planting her fist into her opponent. The force of her strike hurling them back. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Natural Weapons E
  • Natural Armor E
  • Spent 14 points for Strength D
  • Spent 21 points for Speed C
  • Spent 28 points for Superstrength E
  • Spent 21 points for Fast D
  • Acquired Feature: Arm Blade
  • Spent 14 points for Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E
    • Acquired Knock Back F
    • Acquired Aura F
  • Spent 28 points for Natural Weapons E
  • Spent 14 points for Natural Armor E
  • Created Ability [Animus Discharge]
  • Created Ability [RI-Blade]
  • Created Ability [Eminent Impact]

Character Creation:

  • Lowered Strength to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Speed to H gained 14 points
  • Lowered Vitality to G gained 7 points
  • Spent 21 points for Precision C
  • Spent 21 points for Intelligence C
  • Spent 7 points for Feature [Lightning Calculator]
  • Spent 7 points for Artisan (Blacksmith) F
  • Spent 21 points for Artisan (Tinkerer) D
  • Spent 7 points for Religion F
  • Spent 56 points for Item(Ingeniums Shotgun) E
    • Gained 56 points for Item(Ingeniums Shotgun)
    • Spent 7 points for Lucky F
    • Spent 14 points for Magic E
    • Spent 14 points for [Explosive] Affinity E
    • Spent 7 points for Magic Targets F
    • Spent 7 points for Magic Area of Effect F
    • Spent 7 points for Magic Range F
  • Created Ability [Sermon of Machina] D
  • Created Item Ability [Winchester Premium] E
  • Created Item Ability [Machina Lo Vult] E
Post RP#1 The Crafting Guilds Foundation

  • Gained 28 Points
  • Gained Title [Tinker Fanatic]
  • Spent 7 Points for Precision B
  • Spent 7 Points for Artisan(Tinkerer) C
  • Spent 14 Points for Engineering E
  • Ability [Sermon of Machina] upgraded to C
  • Created Ability [Innovate and Create] C
Post RP#2 A Ship and it's Captain

  • Gained 15 Points
  • Gained Title [Red Orb Freak]
  • Spent 7 Points for Precision A
  • Spent 7 Points for Artisan (Tinkerer) B
  • Ability [Sermon of Machina] upgraded to B

Post RP#3 The Forbidden City

  • Gained 33 Points
  • Spent 7 Points for Attentive Student F
  • Spent 7 Points for Vitality F
  • Spent 7 Points for Strength G
  • Spent 7 Points for Engineering D
Post RP#4 [World] - Keep Talking and No One Suffocates

  • Gained Title [Red Iron God]
  • Gained [Red Iron Worshipper Boon - Companion F]
  • Gained Asset [Red Iron God Base]
  • Gained [Red Iron Blaster (Orichalcum) F]
  • Allocated 75 points from Dungeon Crawl Ho! - Remnant of Ancient Ambition
  • Spent 70 points for [Companion D]
  • Spent 7 points for [Engineering C]
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Mad Maw
M̶̧͚̪͉̯̜̰͎̘̀͋̇̀͗̍́͆̑̏͂̿̊̚ǎ̴̯̀͠d̶̡̲̗̼̮̤̤̳̲͖͓͍̓̎̽́̽̏̐͂̆͆͘͘͘ M̶̧͚̪͉̯̜̰͎̘̀͋̇̀͗̍́͆̑̏͂̿̊̚ǎ̴̯̀͠ẃ̸̝̝̰͋͒

Rp'er Name: Garbage Pail Kid Garbage Pail Kid
Post Frequency: 1-3 days
Current RP: None
Discord Name: Garbage Pail Kid#6419
Equipped Titles: [Beast] [Gnoll] [Ryken Military Associate F]
Age: 23
Height: 5"8
Weight: 132lbs
Madeline Mawson grew up as an eccentric bard who desired to play music across the world, and go on adventures along the way. She started at a young age, and left her home without looking back. Her exploits and musings reaching far and wide and making her quite popular among the townsfolk. She eventually came across an abandoned cave system, full of music without a source. Madeline couldn't resist the possibility of what laid inside and so she ventured in. It was there, within the heart of a long dead mountain, that she found an unnerving piece of music called The Lament Configuration. Her curiosity couldn't be sated as she wanted to see what music these notes would produce, but they moved and shifted constantly. She made it 4 notes, which is much farther than any previous musician had made it into this eldritch song. Her mind shattered and it's pieces swallowed into a void...replaced only with madness, only with Mad Maw.
Current Life:
Mad Maw has managed to make a nomadic life out of traveling to cities and playing her 'unique' brand of music. Kids find her entertaining, but most others simply find her unnerving. She had a cart she pulled that housed a mess of junk she called home. She hardly had any memory of the world before and whether it was directly correlated with The Lament Configuration was unknown as none in this world even knew what that was. She chose to live her life free, bedazzling and befuddling the masses with her strange music and even stranger personality. Her only drive in this new, untold world was to see as much of it as she could and leave a lasting impression on everyone she came across, good or bad.
Acquired Titles: [Beast] [Gnoll] [Monster] [Ryken Military Associate F]
Points at Start: 105(+7 G STR)
Points Earned: 117
Points Unspent: 12
Points Spent: 210

Strength | G Grade | +7 Points
Precision | C Grade | 21 Points
Intelligence | B Grade | 28 Points
Vitality | E Grade | 7 Points
Speed | C Grade | 21 Points



  • [Magic] | D Grade | 21 Points
  • [Madness Affinity] | F Grade | 7 Points
  • [Magic Range] | E Grade | 14 Points| can launch magic up to 100ft away from herself
  • [Spell Duration] | F Grade | 7 Points | 1 hour in roleplay time
  • [Flare Affinity(Sight/Hearing)]| E Grade| 14 Points|
  • [Energized D| D Grade| 21 Points

  • [Appraisal] | F Grade | Auxiliary | 0 Points
    Allows Isekaiers to know information about an object or character if the said thing is not above the characters appraisal. Characters will need other skills to further it on. If grade of appraisal is equal to or greater than the character grade of the target, then the user can learn about target's titles.
  • Feature[Gnoll]
    Gnolls(Or Hyena-Folk) are humanoid variants that possess the physical features of Hyenas; They are crazed, wild, and free. A primarily short lived race as they live as bandits, thieves, and raiders. They have a wanderlust for chaos, and it was hard for them to live and cooperate with the general population, but there are those who want to use that desire in a more productive way. Circuses, thespians, theatres, and concert halls are where these creative wildlings often thrive.


  • [Deception] | F Grade | 7 Points
  • Lucky | F Grade | 7 Points
  • Performance[Music]| D Grade|21 Points

  • Cackle Clone | [Madness Affinity F], [Magic Affinity D], [Magic Range E], [Deception F], [Spell Duration E], [Performance D], [Energized D] | D Grade | 2 Post Cooldown
    • Creates a clone of Mad Maw that is somewhat flawed, but helps her deceive friends and enemies alike. She can interact with the clone and talk to it for a short duration, even having jovial conversations with herself.
  • Choir Lance | 100ft [Madness Affinity F], [Magic Affinity D], [Magic Range E], [Magic Duration E] [Performance D], [Flare Affinity E] (Sight/Hearing), [Energized D] | D Grade | 2 Post Cooldown| 1 Hour Cooldown|2 Action Cost
    • She whispers a discordant melody that only one creature of her choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain, causing a psychic shock within as her laughter fills their mind with thousands of echoes, raking their ears and eyes with terrible visions and sounds.
  • Jaunt of The Jester | [Madness Affinity F], [Magic Affinity D], [Magic Range E] [Performance D], [Energized D]| D Grade | 2 Post Cooldown
    • A defensive magic she casts with egregious quips against attackers. She clicks her tongue and enters a trance that allows her weave and distort her body to protect herself from harm.
  • Amygdala No. 5 | 100ft [Madness Affinity F], [Magic Affinity D], [Magic Range E, Magic Duration E] [Performance D], [Energized D], [Flare Affinity E] (Sight/Hearing)| D Grade | 2 Post Cooldown | 1-hour Duration|2 Action Cost
    • She replicates a fraction of the eldritch music that transformed her, blinding and deafening them with psychosomatic effects from her sepulchral dirge , it is a loathsome melody that attacks a single mind in range, but it also drains her of her power as it puts her through that terror all over again. Her vocal chords often left raw from her laughter.
  • Kanicula (D Grade Hurdy Gurdy Catalyst)|21 Points
  • Lyre
  • (Self Made) Riddle Book
  • Hurdy Gurdy
  • Entertainer Kit (Makeup, Costumes, Props) [Dec
  • Ring of 33 Keys
  • N/A
Change Log:
  • [Archived Threads]- Fantasy - [Isekai Hell] - Ruins Right Route

  • 18th June - Character creation.
  • 105 Points--
  • 19th June - Addendums made to unused points, added skills, and altered abilities to suit grade
  • 22nd June- Changed Magic duration to F grade and corrected the wrong point usage
  • 13th July-
    22 points earned in (Ruins Right Route)
  • 18th Sept-
    53 points earned in (An Obscure Tutor Session)
  • 8th November, 2022-
    35 Points from Narration(Blind Desert Pt. 1)+7 from thanksgiving event
    14 points spend on Flare Affinity E
    21 Points spent on Energize D
    7 points spent on G Strength
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Viktorie Elkan
Rp'er Name: Vic
Post Frequency:
Decently fast!
Discord Name: VictoryAtLast#0522
Current RP: Ruins Right Route! Isekai Hell.​

  • Core of Valor...? : The idea of a magic rock managing to allow her to do the things she does is rather interesting, no? The young girl had always called the strange gem the 'Core of Valor', after an offhanded comment her father made... where could it have come from? Viktorie has made it a major goal of hers to divulge the gem’s true power and to make it stronger.
  • Magic Construction; Engage! : Vik has already discovered some of the things her core can do- power her legs, the rather obvious aspect of... well, keeping her alive... and the rather curious extra energy that can be transformed into physical, magical items. What else could she create? Armor? Ranged weapons? Magical prosthetics!? Oh the possibilities are endless… well- at least Vik’s imagination is.
  • Magical Engineer Extraordinaire! : Vik's main interests revolve around the application of magic to simple mechanics- such as a clock, perhaps an aqueduct...and the set of prosthetics she fitted to herself. She had always dreamed of progressing Ryke’s current society into something better with her and her father’s engineering feats. Mechanical catalysts, flying machines like the ones from her previous life, perhaps the first high fantasy lightbulb-- imagine the possibilities!

Equipped Titles: Human.
Height: 5'7
Weight: 125 lbs.
Backstory: A lonely, ill, and rather unfortunate young child. She spent her days going from hospital to hospital without any hope of treating her illness and began to realize she would never spend her childhood normally, as others would having been blessed with vitality. Luckily for her, one day, an opportunity opened up. A once in a lifetime chance for an experimental treatment that might finally rid her of her ailment. The ten-year-old girl was ecstatic, ready to finally live as other children do. The day finally came, and she began her journey by car, filled with hope and childlike wonder.

... That's when the sound of screeching tires and car horns abruptly cut her fantasy and life short.


The girl wasn't sure how much time had passed. She awoke, in the pouring rain, somewhere outside. A tattered and burned flag waved in the wind somewhere where she had appeared... landed... crashed?

Her body throbbed with pain, she was alone, cold- and oh so soaked...

What else, oh what else could the poor girl do... but cry. The poor thing cried until her throat was bone dry, encrusted with a metallic substance the girl didn't realize was blood.

The child, who could not even remember her own name, was dying. Not of her illness, which... perhaps might've not even affected her anymore in this new existence, but instead of a horrible circumstance that she could not control. She would die here.

...Er- rather she would have if fate hadn't intervened on her behalf. By some unforeseen luck, the girl would hear the sound of boots against the mud and dirt as her world would turn dark, once and for all.

In that deep state of unconsciousness, she became aware of something... or someone... watching her. It knew of her sufferings... knew of her short existence, and offered her a different path.

A real life. One of vitality. One of strength- the kind needed to steer your own fate, and the kind that could change the ill fates of others, too.

A life, filled with valor.

A life sworn to victory.
Current Life:

The girl woke up at last.

Her being alive was currently a miracle to the troop of knights that had saved her in the first place, along with a particular now-retired sergeant named Blanc Elkan- a widower who had devoted his life to Ryke and its wellbeing after witnessing the horrors of the battlefield. The troop questioned the girl- who was rightly rather shocked and confused at her multitude of injuries, along with her lack of recognition of having ever been on a battlefield in the first place.

When asked what name they should call her, she simply shook her head. One didn't come to mind.

Thus, she had to pick one for herself... what to pick? The girl whose life was saved by chance- or rather, by the core that she wasn't sure anyone of them realized she had. Valor...hm. Nothing came to mind.

Until she realized it. The perfect name! Why hadn't she thought of it before?

The battered and exhausted ten-year-old girl grinned and squeaked, "Victory!"
Blinking at her, the knights held back their laughter- such an innocent little thing had broken the apparent tension and suddenly left them all cackling. 'Viktorie' it was, they decided.

Viktorie would grow up under their care, having been adopted by the corp's dear friend Blanc as his own daughter. She would learn the tools of his trade- more specifically his alchemical and engineering skills. Using them, along with his help, he and Vik would work together to create her first usable digits for her left hand, powered by her core- although it wasn't realized by Blanc that this was what happened... in fact, it was the now fourteen year old Vik who began testing her core at last to find its magical potential. Only a few months after her fingers had been made, she successfully created her prosthetic legs, based off of those a typical marionette might have. At last the young woman could run around as she pleased (with a few obvious limits), thriving with her new found magical powers.

It was about then that she heard that voice, yet again, with a very similar message compared to the first…

Seems like her call to valor had finally arrived. Using a package delivery as an excuse, the young artificer began her journey to attempt to fulfill the Core of Valor’s wish, and her own purpose- by whatever means she can acquire.
Acquired Titles: Human
Points at Start: 105
Points Earned: 0
Points Spent: 105
Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - D
Precision -E
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - F
  • FEATURE: Prosthetic Parts: [7 points] Vik has prosthetic legs due to a childhood injury, along with a few prosthetic digits on her left hand. Thankfully... she's right-handed.
  • Artisan Artificer E [Can make E Grade Catalysts]
  • Magic E
  • Melee Weapon Affinity E
  • Spell Duration F
  • Attentive Student E
Abilities: [NOTE: Each Conjure Construct produces E Grade Weaponry.]
  • [ Conjure Construct: Shortsword! ]- Magic E, Melee Weapon Affinity E, Spell Duration F, [Melee Range, 1 minute, 1 Turn Cooldown]. Viktorie uses her Core of Valor to create a spectral blue shortsword out of her innate magical energy.
  • [ Conjure Construct: Axe! ]- Magic E, Melee Weapon Affinity E, Spell Duration F, [Melee Range, 1 minute, 1 Turn Cooldown]. Viktorie uses her Core of Valor to create a spectral golden axe with a cartoonishly large ax-head out of her innate magical energy.
  • [ Conjure Construct: Shield! ]- Magic E, Melee Weapon Affinity E, Spell Duration F, [Melee Range, 1 minute, 1 Turn Cooldown]. Viktorie creates a magically conjured shield that allows her to engage in defensive melee combat.
Equipment: (Amore, Weapons, and Magical Catalysts you are presently wearing and its letter grade. Also list anything special about them. Word or picture description accepted.)
  • Core of Valor: E Rank Catalyst. The shining core was fixed into her body at a young age on accident. [ARTIFICER PRODUCED CORE.]
Items: (These are items you likely carry as a part of your equipped titles. Commonly items necessary or relevant to your trade like tools)
  • Artificer's Tools: For all your Artificing needs!
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • N/A
Change Log: (list here links to thread posts where the character received awards/points from moderator. Also list point expenditures whenever the points are used to buy or upgrade something and what the points were used for.)
  • Created Vik, used the 105 starting points.
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David Listman
David Listman

Rp'er Name: Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318

Post Frequency: Minimum: At least once per week. Frequency above that sporadically increases and decreases.

Discord Name: N/A

Current RP: Fantasy - Best believe in the apocolypse. Your in it. (Closed)

Goals: Survive. Help others.

Equipped Titles: Human. Storm Mage.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 205

Backstory: David was a CIA operative who was killed by his teammates after he was found out that he was going to blow the whistle on an illegal operation.
Current Life: He awoke in the forest, in the middle of nowhere. A rune of some type was laying next to him, glowing bright blue but dimming quickly. He stood up and vaulted into the air, screaming as he fell back down and faceplanted in the grass. Over time, he realized through almost dying multiple times and running across a kind old sorceress who educated him on his powers, that he now possesses storm affinity. A human with access to all aspects of the storm. Now, he lives in a small town and takes odd jobs as a hired sword to protect caravans, lords and ladies, royalty, even bar owners. He's just trying to get by and figure out why the hell he was put here in the first place.

Acquired Titles: Human. Storm Mage.

Points at Start: 105

Points Earned:

Points Spent:

Points Not Spent: 0
Stats: (These are better explained further down on the page. Upgrade them as you see fit with the points you have. At start, no stat may be higher than grade B)
Strength - E
Precision - F
Intelligence - D
Vitality - F
Speed - E
Skills: (list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Fast F - 12MPH
  • Magic E
  • Storm Affinity F
  • Magic Range F - 10 ft
  • Fighting Style Swords F
  • Sword Technique - F - Dancing Blade of Darkness - Blind Fighter - The wielder's blade becomes a blur, especially at night as his speed and strength are applied. He "dances" around his enemy as he fights.
  • Air Wall - Magic E, Storm Affinity F - Character declares the ability name and clasps hands together, then on the object or person they want to protect. A protective wall of pressurized air surrounds the target - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Air Sword Strike - Magic E, Storm Affinity F - Character declares the ability name and gathers pressurized air around the sword blade. Upon striking their opponent or object, the air pressure explodes outward, causing damage - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Storm Dance of Darkness - Magic E, Magic Range F, Storm Affinity F, Fighting Style Swords E, Dancing Blades of Darkness F - While performing his technique, he sends slashes with his sword and sends out a burst of air toward his opponent, up to 10 feet away - Grade E - 1 post cooldown.
  • Dancing Blade of Darkness - Fighting Style Swords F - Sword Technique - F - Blind FIghter - The wielder's blade stays accurate in low or no light situations - Grade F.
  • Sword - (Catalyst) Stormbringer of Dulmere - E
  • Chain Mail (light) - F
  • Whetstone
  • Bedroll
  • Fire Starter Kit
  • Rations
  • Waterskin
  • Travel Sack
Assets: (land, buildings, ships, etc...anything you do not carry around with you but you have acquired)
  • None. Rents a room above a tavern.
Change Log:
  • Empty
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