Mysterious World of Fandom (Main Plot)

Hotaru waved back to the creature and watched him flip through a notebook and show her an entry that read

"My name is Eyes"

She read it and smiled offering him a snack

"Here want this?"

She saw a boy in the distance and waved over at him too

"Hey! Over here!"

She shouted at the boy



"Hm? Who are you two?" Said Izuru. Izuru was standing still like he is a statue.
A young dark haired teen girl wandered inside a forest. All that could be seen on her face was apathy, but inside was a wild mind, full of rapid thoughts. She was quickly conceiving ideas, theories as to why she appeared there as last she remembered she was in middle of a battle. Each one, the girl discarded.

Homura was her name. One could easily tell her young age from her youthful face and height of 5'5, though Homura's aura of complete seriousness and blank face offset her own age. She had the look of an experienced veteran set into offsetting place, a place where only innocence should exist. Not that Homura cared about such things. If anything, there would be a mixture of sadness and pride that she excluded such things. But she didn't know nor did she care to know such things. Such things were a waste of precious time that could be spent doing more productive things. Like getting out of this forest, for example.

First things, first. Homura needed to find out where she was. Next, why she was here and then how to get out and prevent something like this again. Maybe she could find Kyubey, her white feline looking companion, as he was near her during the battle she last remembered occurring.

However, the first person she met with was much more humanoid. She regarded the green haired man coolly, only showing how on guard she was in her slightly narrowed eyes. "Who are you?" Homura demanded softly. "Where are we, do you know?" She added the last as it seemed like he was only just waking up as Homura did half an hour ago.


Rohan Kishibe

"Hmm?" He turned to a girl with flowing black hair, asking him where they were. "I should be asking the same question." Rohan scoffed, crossing his arms as he tapped his pen against his arms. 'This girl...She has a strange feel flowing from her...' Rohan thought, fiddling with his Pen. 'I need to know if she's safe.'

"Heaven's Door!" He uncrossed his arms and drew a figure with a tophat out of thin hair, instantly bringing it to life and now charged towards the girl, making parts of her turn into pages.

'That should immobilize her for a while...' 


Ruby Rose

Ruby groaned, rubbing her head as she woke up under a tree's shade as if waking up from a horrible nightmare. She took note that her weapon is still with her, only contracted to it's smaller, more compact form.

"Was it a dream, then...?" She asked herself, as she recalled the events when Penny died, and the Grimm attacked their school. "Yang!" Ruby suddenly recalled, taking out her scroll only to find out that there was no signal to be found. "Oh, I really hope she's okay..." she sighed, rising from the grass and looking around if anyone was there. She saw a young man with flowing black hair and red eyes, looking languid and bored. 

"H-Hi there!" She stuttered, waving her hand as she approached the long haired boy. "Do you know where we are? I-I'm kinda finding a way back home..." She scratched the back of her head, looking tense.

"I'm Hotaru Shidare, daughter of the CEO of the Shidare snacks company, who might you be?"

She says in a cheerful tone and offered the boy a packet of baby star ramen

"Want some?"

She asks tapping her foot on the ground 

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Ruby Rose

Ruby groaned, rubbing her head as she woke up under a tree's shade as if waking up from a horrible nightmare. She took note that her weapon is still with her, only contracted to it's smaller, more compact form.

"Was it a dream, then...?" She asked herself, as she recalled the events when Penny died, and the Grimm attacked their school. "Yang!" Ruby suddenly recalled, taking out her scroll only to find out that there was no signal to be found. "Oh, I really hope she's okay..." she sighed, rising from the grass and looking around if anyone was there. She saw a young man with flowing black hair and red eyes, looking languid and bored. 

"H-Hi there!" She stuttered, waving her hand as she approached the long haired boy. "Do you know where we are? I-I'm kinda finding a way back home..." She scratched the back of her head, looking tense.


"Oh, hello, We're in a jungle somewhere." He turned to Ruby. "There is people here. Follow me." Izuru was thinking if she is/isn't a talented person.

"I'm Hotaru Shidare, daughter of the CEO of the Shidare snacks company, who might you be?"

She says in a cheerful tone and offered the boy a packet of baby star ramen

"Want some?"

She asks tapping her foot on the ground 


"Oh, I almost forgot. There is another person." He showed Ruby. "Nice to meet you both, Eyes and Hotaru." After Hotaru gave out the snack, He said, "No thanks, I'm not interested."
"Well more for me"

She says opening the pack and scoffing down the contents

"So, where are we?"

Hotaru asks with a mouth full of snacks

She pulls out another packet and begins to eat more

"I'm running out, I need a store"

Hotaru says crossing her arms and lowering her head

"How ya doing Ruby?"

She asks politely


Apollo opened his eyes, surprised to see the sky and the branches of trees above him instead of the roof of his study, in which he had fallen asleep after a particularly strenuous case. Alyssia had already gone home, and she wasn't the type to pull a prank like this. Where on earth was he? Looking around, he found that he was in a forest of some sort. Looking at the sun above him, and the types of trees and plants around the area... There was surely no way he was anywhere near his home city. He did not even recognise the combination of plants and trees that were mixed around in this place. Standing up, he looked around hoping to find something or someone notable.
Snake nods, he then stood there quietly, as he did not know what to do from there. He looked around, he was part snakes, but he was a bit to shy to say so. It was also kind of hurting his feeling that they were getting freaked out by him, but he was used to it. Actually people were usually more polite about it, and not straight out freak, but then againn, he wasn't where he was usued to, and this time his snakes were in the open.

@TrueBananaz @BeebeTheWarrior
The two spotted strangers near themselves.

Rogady Tingler

Rogady pointed at the two strangers with his chin.

"Wanna check them out?"

Shadow Stalker stared at them for a short period of time and shook his head.

"Well then."

Rogady said. Shadow Stalker grabbed War from the ground and stored it on his back and stood up. Rogady kicked some dust and stood up.

".... Why did we stand up?"

"I do not feel good near them. Especially..... That one."

Shadow Stalker pointed at the girl. Rogady shrugged and gestured him to move the opposite direction. Shadow Stalker followed silently.



-few minutes later.(minor time skip for self, due to afk-ness)

Shadow Stalker

This being, unlike he suspected at first, wasn't a Tenno. In fact this guy didn't seem to care about balance at all. As they walked, Shadow Stalker observed their surroundings. Rogady did the same.

"Huh. Some crazy place."


"Well, I haven't been looking around closely, and we're in a jungle now for some reason."

Shadow Stalker noticed it. It looked around. The vegetation seemed a lot less... Gigantic than Earth.

"The plants aeem smaller than Earth."

"Dude. How messed up is your world?"

Rogady commented at Shadow Stalker's statement. Then he raised his hand, gesturing him to stop. Rogady seemed to notice someone in front of them. He slightly moved the bush in front of him, glanced, and turned back.


"Teenagers. Act casual, no reckoning."

Shadow Stalker nodded. At Rogady's mark they moved forward, Shadow Stalker slicing bushes and branches in their way with War.

"What am I supposed to say....... Uh..... Hi kids?"

Rogady raised a hand. Then raised Shadow Stalker's too. Shadow Stalker was puzzled, but did as told.



Rohan Kishibe

"Hmm?" He turned to a girl with flowing black hair, asking him where they were. "I should be asking the same question." Rohan scoffed, crossing his arms as he tapped his pen against his arms. 'This girl...She has a strange feel flowing from her...' Rohan thought, fiddling with his Pen. 'I need to know if she's safe.'

"Heaven's Door!" He uncrossed his arms and drew a figure with a tophat out of thin hair, instantly bringing it to life and now charged towards the girl, making parts of her turn into pages.

'That should immobilize her for a while...' 

At the exclamation, Homura prepared to jump back but it seemed as though she were too slow. Damn it! How could he have done this? Homura had her guard up this entire time! Frustration at being completely defenseless overtook her. How completely useless was she, even in a time like this? It seems as though she was arrogant to think that she had gotten stronger over those hundreds of timelines.

No, she couldn't focus on that. The young Magical Girl needed to focus on what this man's power was and how to reverse it. And what he even was. He was too old (and the opposite gender) to be a candidate for Kyubey. Was this man a different sort of wielder of magic? As he definitely wasn't a Wraith, Witch, or any of that sort.

Homura went to speak and stopped immediately, feeling an odd sensation. Was... What was happening to her? It was almost... like her skin was being lifted off. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't something that she liked.
"I'm Hotaru Shidare, daughter of the CEO of the Shidare snacks company, who might you be?"

She says in a cheerful tone and offered the boy a packet of baby star ramen

"Want some?"

She asks tapping her foot on the ground 


Eyes shook his head and turned to his notepad and wrote down "I am unable to eat" Eyes pointed towards where his mouth would supposedly be, if he had one. Then Eyes added something to the page and showed them once again "Also it's nice to meet you three"  @Thepotatogod @TrippyVirus
At the exclamation, Homura prepared to jump back but it seemed as though she were too slow. Damn it! How could he have done this? Homura had her guard up this entire time! Frustration at being completely defenseless overtook her. How completely useless was she, even in a time like this? It seems as though she was arrogant to think that she had gotten stronger over those hundreds of timelines.

No, she couldn't focus on that. The young Magical Girl needed to focus on what this man's power was and how to reverse it. And what he even was. He was too old (and the opposite gender) to be a candidate for Kyubey. Was this man a different sort of wielder of magic? As he definitely wasn't a Wraith, Witch, or any of that sort.

Homura went to speak and stopped immediately, feeling an odd sensation. Was... What was happening to her? It was almost... like her skin was being lifted off. It wasn't painful, but it wasn't something that she liked.

Rohan walked towards the girl as she was succesfully turned into a living book, he lifted the chin pages and began examining her memories.

"Akemi Homura...14...xx-xx-xx..." he read to himself, "Nothing but normal school girl data are in...huh?" he stopped at a peculiar page with a picture of a feline creature with hoops around it's ears. "Kyubey? Magical Girls? Wraiths?" Rohan skimmed, "Like Sailor Moon?...Is this even-?" admitted Rohan was suprised, and thought it was false but "No, 'Heaven's Door' can't hide anything but only states the truth...How bizarre..." He then took his pen and wrote: 'I cannot attack Rohan Kishibe' he then closed the chin, letting her return to normal. Rohan stood up, crossing his arms. "What a strange little girl you are, Akemi." he sighed, "I am Rohan Kishibe. And to answer your questions relayed by your recent memory, no, I am neither any of those 'things'."
After she felt herself return to normal, Homura regarded the man, Rohan, with visible wariness. He had clearly done something to her. 

'Displayed in your recent memory',  the fact that Rohan knew her name, did not go unnoticed. Whatever he did, he had seen into her mind. From that, Homura had to assume that Rohan knew everything there was to know about her, including her power. Clearly, she should not engage him with the odds so stacked. Even so, such a thing shouldn't be forgiven. Just not at the time being. Homura knew when to choose her battles.

"Then what are you? And what was it that you did to me?"

After she felt herself return to normal, Homura regarded the man, Rohan, with visible wariness. He had clearly done something to her. 

'Displayed in your recent memory',  the fact that Rohan knew her name, did not go unnoticed. Whatever he did, he had seen into her mind. From that, Homura had to assume that Rohan knew everything there was to know about her, including her power. Clearly, she should not engage him with the odds so stacked. Even so, such a thing shouldn't be forgiven. Just not at the time being. Homura knew when to choose her battles.

"Then what are you? And what was it that you did to me?"


"I am nothing more than a Mangaka who gets inspiration from people's memories." Rohan twirled his pen, "My Stand, 'Heaven's Door' allows me to read memories, and write something in them. Since Stand Users attract one another, I have to make sure you aren't one...But your memories..." His tone shifted to a more pleased tone. "They could make a manga worthy that'll please the world! It makes me want to rip all of them! Then again, I showed restraint." Rohan shrugged, tapping his pen on his elbow. "I just wrote 'I cannot attack Rohan Kishibe' for safety measures...Satisfied?"
'Mangaka'... What a strange person. In any case, Homura was satisfied with the information, but not the situation. Is that why she didn't feel the urge to attack him in the first place? Or would she have come to that conclusion even if Rohan hadn't done so? Well, it didn't matter. "If you truly haven't done anything more, then I need nothing else from you," Homura replied in a cold tone. There wasn't any more use in remaining in this place with a person she couldn't even defend herself against, and knew just as much as she did about getting out of this place. 

With a flick of her long hair, Homura departed in search of someone or something that might hold some sort of clue.

Teddy Ruxpin

Teddy smiled appreciatively at the girl "thanks Miss, By the way may i know your name?" he asked. He was quiet happy that she was going to help him get home as although it was nice making new friends he missed grubby the octapide and gimic.

Count Duckula

Count duckula felt very unwanted as the "human" kept giving him looks along with the snake thing. he didn't know what a human was but they were very different from anything he had seen before. Decieding to act brave he said "so where are we anyway" he said blankly.

@TrueBananaz @randomizedrp @Kimona 
Artorias gains consciousness, but is buried underground, along with  his sword, he gives out a deep growl before unearthing himself and his sword, he looks around him, before hearing jangling sounds in the distance. Artorias quickly turns around, and walks too the source of the noise, dragging his blade behind him hopefully its something useful, like a human with information.

each step is a thud as Artorias walks, and due too his tall height, some branches would hie him in the face, and his shoulders, but does not flinch. hopefully whatever is making the noise does not run away, or fight him.


(sorry if this post it terrible.)
Rohan Kishibe

Rohan shrugged as Homura finally left, the girl's flowing suddenly made him think of a great idea...At last, a spark of inspiration! Rohan knew just what to do when he finally got back home; Write a new series, Blue Light Girl!(I doubt that, Rohan.) He chuckled at his Idea and headed somewhere which led him to a road of some kind. Might he be able to fetch a cab to go back to Morioh? Who knows, he just have to wait patiently.


"I almost forgot to mention my name. My name is Izuru, Izuru Kamukura." He said with no emotion. He turned around his back after hearing footsteps and found two others. "Who are you two?"@billthesomething @Thepotatogod @Epic:D @randomizedrp

Ruby Rose

"I'm Ruby Rose, nice to meet you, Izuru!" Ruby beamed, saluting as she followed Izuru despite his languid appearance.
Allie Johnson

"The woods... As far as I can see." Allie said, trying to hide her confusion of how a duck can talk. She honestly knew nothing. She also noticed that the man known as "Snake" was awfully silent "Confused, right?"

@BeebeTheWarrior @Kimona

The Enchantress

The Enchantress noticed the two men were gone. The fools. Must of noticed she was watching them? She ignores it to not alarm Teddy, "I am Enchantress." She though to herself for a moment to get herself the bear's trust. She couldn't do anything yet without a host, now she just needed some allies to trust her until then "Perhaps I could get you to your home?"

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Diego opened his tired eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar environment.  Where the hell was he, the last thing he remembered was passing Gyro in the Steel Ball Run.  As he slowly stood up from his prone position the first thing he noticed was that his horse, Silver Bullet, was nowhere to be seen.  This was nuts, how could he have disappeared if he was just riding him a second ago?  Diego was in a very bizarre situation, having woken up in this strange place with his horse having vanished out of thin air. 

"This must be the work of an enemy stand.."  There could be no other explanation for this, a stand user had most likely sabotaged his chances of winning the race by transporting him far from the finish line.  "Great, just great.  Maybe if I can find the user I can beat him hard enough for him to transport me back."  In the distance, he could see man standing all by himself.  That might be the user over there, he must have a lot of guts to stand out in the open like that.  Diego shouted at the man as he slowly closed the distance between them, "Oi, you over there!  Who do you think you are messing with me like that?"


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Three days. This was all the time that remained until he had to present his research to Miss Illia's superiors. Granted "superior" may have been a poor choice of words in that he was doing all the legwork while they reaped the benefit. Still, harnessing dimensional tears to further enhance intergalactic travel was an exciting prospect that he was more than willing to put up with a few unpleasant old jokes for. Lodgings were included thanks to the generosity of very good friend and they let him really get creative where the people back on his home planet would likely have labeled him a heretic. It was rather disappointing to think that they were okay with creating a weapon capable of blowing up entire islands only to be hesitant at a few abominations from the void making it to the physical realm. Progress was never claimed without hard work and risk. To that end, the scientist had been pulling several all night alteration sessions in an effort to be certain that everything was up to his standards.


So as Leon felt a gentle breeze of air push across his body he began to sense that something was amiss. Why was the ground so hard? Why was everything so bright? Even with the lighting the military base had it seemed more spread out. Less potent. Opening teal eyes toward the sky the small boy stared skyward, blinking for a moment before pushing himself to his feet with a groan. He was in a forest. It certainly wasn't one he remembered heading to, let alone recognized. Earth was largely dominated by technology, most of the remaining areas containing nature being intentionally preserved and locked off. They all seemed so oddly sterile, so picturesque. By comparison this couldn't be one of those sections though he still didn't have enough information to come to conclusions. Dusting off the his signature oversized lab coat he noticed a large tome lying next to his resting place, an intricate and ominous design of an angel and some unknown demon waging a bloody battle on the cover. Smirking at the sight he leaned forward and scooped the book up into both his hands, shifting the object under an arm as he glanced over his surroundings. What to do now?


"Heaven's Door!"


A pair of furred ears twitched atop his head as the voice rang out. A man was yelling, and he seemed to be nearby. Whenever Brother Claude and the others were in battle they had a tendency to yell out all of their attacks in a dramatic fashion. It was a weird quirk that he quickly picked up on, and he had to admit that it was a ton of fun. Still, perhaps this meant he was in trouble. Running as quickly as his legs would allow him he struggled to maintain the grip over his belongings. Just as the trees began to thin and break into a grassy plain the edge of his coat which had been dragging across the ground caught a loose stick, sending him stumbling forward and crashing into the nearest individual with a thud. Some poor, cute girl with long hair. Feeling his face warm as it turned a light pink, he quickly jumped back to his feet and looked toward the newcomer, opening his mouth to state the very first thing that came to mind.


"Watch where you're going!" Leon shouted, a look of clear contempt for her presence as he gathered his book once again. The thought to ask her for information had never crossed his mind, now viewing her as nothing more than a literal obstacle in his path.


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"I almost forgot to mention my name. My name is Izuru, Izuru Kamukura." He said with no emotion. He turned around his back after hearing footsteps and found two others. "Who are you two?"@billthesomething @Thepotatogod @Epic:D @randomizedrp


"Who, us? I'm Rogady Tingler, this is Shadow Stalker. And you?"
Rogady replied. Shadow Stalker nervously held War in his hands, glancing at the others.
Diego opened his tired eyes to find himself in an unfamiliar environment.  Where the hell was he, the last thing he remembered was passing Gyro in the Steel Ball Run.  As he slowly stood up from his prone position the first thing he noticed was that his horse, Silver Bullet, was nowhere to be seen.  This was nuts, how could he have disappeared if he was just riding him a second ago?  Diego was in a very bizarre situation, having woken up in this strange place with his horse having vanished out of thin air. 

"This must be the work of an enemy stand.."  There could be no other explanation for this, a stand user had most likely sabotaged his chances of winning the race by transporting him far from the finish line.  "Great, just great.  Maybe if I can find the user I can beat him hard enough for him to transport me back."  In the distance, he could see man standing all by himself.  That might be the user over there, he must have a lot of guts to stand out in the open like that.  Diego shouted at the man as he slowly closed the distance between them, "Oi, you over there!  Who do you think you are messing with me like that?"


"Hmm?" Rohan turned to the stern voice, who appears to be american wearing a cyan cap with the words DIO on it and cyan with white netted outfit with brown pants coupled with brown gloves and boots. A Horse rider, perhaps? Now that's rare. "What are you talking about? I am merely waiting for a cab to take me home." He sighed, crossing his arms. "Besides, why would I waste my time with a guy like you? I have places to be, comics to draw." He glared, his pen tapping impatiently on his elbow.


PENNY Polendina

-Systems Online-

Penny 'woke' up, as her systems booted her back to life. It was quite strange, one moment she was fighting with the champion, Pyrrha Nikos, and now she's here...In an unknown place. She began her system assessment while still lying down on the ground

Energy Levels:100%

Aura Level:100%

Weapons System:Online

Damage Report:None

Status:Fully Operational

So far so good. Penny thought as she saw her systems having no damage on screen, now all she needs to know is her current location.

Current Location:-Analyzing...




'Unknown...? That never happens.' Penny thought to herself, finally getting up. 'Is my mapping system broken? No...Better yet...' She looked around, seeing a forest behind her and a road a few meters ahead of her. 'Where am I?'

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