Mysterious World of Fandom (Main Plot)

As Diego began walking back towards the group, he noticed that something had caught Penny's attention.  Knowing her it was probably just a bird or something, but Diego figured it would be worth a look.  Just as he was going to turn his head, he could hear Rohan muttering something with his superior raptor-like hearing.

"Heaven's Door.  Turn them into books."

Something about those words bothered Diego, he felt like he had heard them somewhere before.  The memories came rushing back all at once, when he really first met Rohan, when he used his Heaven's Door on him back them, crippling him to the point where he had nearly died.  Bubbling rage began to build up inside him, his teeth were gritted to the point where he felt like they were going to shatter into bits.  With his fists clenched at both sides, he felt like he was going to bust a vein out of pure anger.  "Rohan Kishibe.."  The horse jockey slowly turned around, recalling what he could about the powers of his stand.  As far as he could remember, Diego would have to be able to see his stand in order for it's affects to take place.  Diego had completely turned around, now facing Rohan.  His eyes were closed, but the pure hate that he felt was clear as day on his face and in his words.  "I, Diego Brando, will make you regret ever making a fool out of me!"

His cheeks began to horizontally split in half, revealing the razor sharp teeth behind them as he charged at the manga artist.  His feet had completely changed into that of an Utahraptor's and he was quickly growing it's tail.  His newly transformed legs were giving him the burst of speed he needed to quickly close the gap between them.  Stopping for just a split second, he bounded into the air with claws at the ready, his menacing shadow looming over Kishibe.  Without his sight, Diego would have to rely on his sight and smell to take care of this pathetic ingrate, which didn't bother him in the slightest.



"Hmph. So you've actually remembered? No matter." Rohan scoffed, crossing his arms as he stood there, knowing what he wrote in him. Heaven's door's commands last for a while. But it seems the forgetting part was somehow overtaken by Diego's stand ability. "However, you forgot one thing...You cannot attack me." he said with a cocky smile, for Heaven's Door's command, and I quote, 

...adding one final command before closing the page. "I cannot attack Rohan Kishibe"

Due to that command, Diego's attack should miss without Rohan even trying to move out of the way. 

"Sir...Diego...?" Penny's voice quivered, causing Rohan to look at the fallen girl, surprised at what he heard. "What is...Happening to you...?" She asked weakly, trying to raise her arm to Diego, but she can't. Her limbs went weak and cannot be moved.

"How are you still conscious...?"  Rohan asked no one in particular, giving off a confused look. "Heaven's Door should've knocked you out cold!"

"Heaven's...Door?" Penny repeated as Rohan merely sighed.

"Doesn't matter." He said, ignoring Diego's flail attempt to attack him. "One look at your memories and all shall be revealed." Rohan approached Penny, who was looking at him with a scared look and a curious one. Just what was he trying to do to her...? "Hm? Interesting start we got here." Rohan kneeled and began reading out loud the information written on her. "Polendina, PENNY...Age, Unknown. Birthdate, unknown. Atlas Military Machine Type...Huh?" he was surprised by the sudden mention of 'Military' and 'Machine'. Which piqued his interest. "Let's see here... 'The first Aura Generating Android on Remnant'. So in short..." He pointed at Penny, "You're a living machine...Interesting..."
(Still waiting for someone to pick up where I left off. Didn't want to interrupt anything important so I left it open... but I still want to continue RPing.)
"Hmph. So you've actually remembered? No matter." Rohan scoffed, crossing his arms as he stood there, knowing what he wrote in him. Heaven's door's commands last for a while. But it seems the forgetting part was somehow overtaken by Diego's stand ability. "However, you forgot one thing...You cannot attack me." he said with a cocky smile, for Heaven's Door's command, and I quote, 

Due to that command, Diego's attack should miss without Rohan even trying to move out of the way. 

"Sir...Diego...?" Penny's voice quivered, causing Rohan to look at the fallen girl, surprised at what he heard. "What is...Happening to you...?" She asked weakly, trying to raise her arm to Diego, but she can't. Her limbs went weak and cannot be moved.

"How are you still conscious...?"  Rohan asked no one in particular, giving off a confused look. "Heaven's Door should've knocked you out cold!"

"Heaven's...Door?" Penny repeated as Rohan merely sighed.

"Doesn't matter." He said, ignoring Diego's flail attempt to attack him. "One look at your memories and all shall be revealed." Rohan approached Penny, who was looking at him with a scared look and a curious one. Just what was he trying to do to her...? "Hm? Interesting start we got here." Rohan kneeled and began reading out loud the information written on her. "Polendina, PENNY...Age, Unknown. Birthdate, unknown. Atlas Military Machine Type...Huh?" he was surprised by the sudden mention of 'Military' and 'Machine'. Which piqued his interest. "Let's see here... 'The first Aura Generating Android on Remnant'. So in short..." He pointed at Penny, "You're a living machine...Interesting..."

He landed with a thud on the cold, hard ground, the attack was doomed to fail.  It was then that Diego realized what had happened.  Rohan was right, he wouldn't be able to attack him, his Heaven's Door had made sure of that.  But..

Getting up, Diego made another dash for Rohan who was doing something with Penny.  "You miserable cur!  I don't care what your stand's done to me, I'll kill you no matter what!"  A frenzy of swipes with Diego's claws proved useless, it's not that his attacks were missing, they just refused to connect.  With every failed attack, his frustration grew and grew, which lead to him attacking faster and faster.  "If you think you can embarrass me and just get away with it, you have another thing coming!  I'm going to rip you apart and lay your organs out on the ground!  Do you hear me, Rohan?!"

He tried using his tail, he tried kicking, he even tried biting, but nothing would even come close to hurting the manga artist.  His attacks began to slow down, until he simply stood there exhausted, breathing heavily through his mouth.  If he couldn't hurt him, then maybe he could use Scary Monsters on these three before Rohan put them in the same state of constant failure.  Maybe it would reverse the effects that Heaven's Door had on them, and they could kill him in their dinosaur form.  Yes, that was brilliant, there was nothing written on Diego saying he couldn't attack these three.  "Rohan!!  I've found the loophole in your stand!!  I, Diego, have put you into checkmate!  There is no hope left for you-"

In the middle of Diego's monologuing, he felt something small smack against the back of his neck.  It felt like it could have been a coin, but that didn't matter to Diego.  What he was thinking was where that object could've come from.  He plucked whatever it was from the back of his neck and confirmed that it was in fact a coin.  It looked to him like Japanese currency, but he had never been to Japan before, so he couldn't say for sure.  In an instant, the coin began to shine brightly, so bright that it felt like his eyeballs were going to melt out of his skull like ice cream on a hot Summer day.

The hand that was holding the coin began to bloat, and as it began to bloat, so did the rest of his arm.  This bloating spread to the rest of his body in less than a second, but even this wouldn't last long.  Just as quickly as parts of his body began to inflate, his arms and legs would begin to burn like paper thrown into a fireplace.  His arms and legs would be immolated into nonexistence, leaving only his torso and the head attached to it.  These blew up like a balloon, expanding until an explosion ripped him apart from the inside.  A bloody, painful scream escaped Diego, the last thing he would ever do before his being was replaced with smoke and fire.  These things were short-lived as well, as they flew into the center of where his body once was like a singularity, and vanished without a trace.

Diego Brando

-- has died--
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He landed with a thud on the cold, hard ground, the attack was doomed to fail.  It was then that Diego realized what had happened.  Rohan was right, he wouldn't be able to attack him, his Heaven's Door had made sure of that.  But..

Getting up, Diego made another dash for Rohan who was doing something with Penny.  "You miserable cur!  I don't care what your stand's done to me, I'll kill you no matter what!"  A frenzy of swipes with Diego's claws proved useless, it's not that his attacks were missing, they just refused to connect.  With every failed attack, his frustration grew and grew, which lead to him attacking faster and faster.  "If you think you can embarrass me and just get away with it, you have another thing coming!  I'm going to rip you apart and lay your organs out on the ground!  Do you hear me, Rohan?!"

He tried using his tail, he tried kicking, he even tried biting, but nothing would even come close to hurting the manga artist.  His attacks began to slow down, until he simply stood there exhausted, breathing heavily through his mouth.  If he couldn't hurt him, then maybe he could use Scary Monsters on these three before Rohan put them in the same state of constant failure.  Maybe it would reverse the effects that Heaven's Door had on them, and they could kill him in their dinosaur form.  Yes, that was brilliant, there was nothing written on Diego saying he couldn't attack these three.  "Rohan!!  I've found the loophole in your stand!!  I, Diego, have put you into checkmate!  There is no hope left for you-"

In the middle of Diego's monologuing, he felt something small smack against the back of his neck.  It felt like it could have been a coin, but that didn't matter to Diego.  What he was thinking was where that object could've come from.  He plucked whatever it was from the back of his neck and confirmed that it was in fact a coin.  It looked to him like Japanese currency, but he had never been to Japan before, so he couldn't say for sure.  In an instant, the coin began to shine brightly, so bright that it felt like his eyeballs were going to melt out of his skull like ice cream on a hot Summer day.

The hand that was holding the coin began to bloat, and as it began to bloat, so did the rest of his arm.  This bloating spread to the rest of his body in less than a second, but even this wouldn't last long.  Just as quickly as parts of his body began to inflate, his arms and legs would begin to burn like paper thrown into a fireplace.  His arms and legs would be immolated into nonexistence, leaving only his torso and the head attached to it.  These blew up like a balloon, expanding until an explosion ripped him apart from the inside.  A bloody, painful scream escaped Diego, the last thing he would ever do before his being was replaced with smoke and fire.  These things were short-lived as well, as they flew into the center of where his body once was like a singularity, and vanished without a trace.

Diego Brando

-- has died--

"D-Diego!" Penny bursted to tears, but was unable to move.  She couldn't comprehend what had happened.  First, Diego turned into some sort of monster, and then he...he...

"He just...No way..." Rohan was in shock, the familiar explosion was caused by none other than a stand user! And he knew that Stand User very well...But it shouldn't be possible...He should be dead! "If my suspicions are correct, then he must be nearby..." Rohan assesed, before closing Penny's pages, causing her to return to normal.

"What did you do to him?!" Penny asked, her voice quivering almost immediately, as Rohan just stood there...Fear engraved on his face. "Please...Tell me!"

"I didn't do this..." Rohan replied, as he turned to the other three. They never really got to know the cowboy's true identity, but he should at least apologize for the trouble he caused the young girl...No, she wasn't a girl. She was an android. A machine. A mass of metal and flesh, and yet...She cried. She cared about Diego as much as everyone else in the world. "We don't have time! He'll get here any minute now!" Rohan said, as he crouched near the big one, whom Penny recognized as Keeper, and wrote something on him.

'You will be flown 100 miles an hour to the north'


And so he wrote to the cowboy as well. Soon, he closed both of their faces, sending them away 100 miles an hour.

"Now it's your turn." Rohan stood up, turning to Penny as he readied his pen. "If I do this, you wouldn't be harmed." He understood that if he did this, it would place himself into more trouble than he asked for. That man..The man who blew up Diego Brando...Yoshikage Kira has somehow returned from the dead and is on their tail.

"No. . .I must subdue whoever hurts my friend!" Penny declared, facing the path where Diego once laid, "It was an honor to meet him. . ." She said in a more somber tone, leaving Rohan speechless for now. Was this girl for real? Is she really risking her life for a man she just met for 30 minutes?! How naive!

"Fine. But you should know what he's capable of." Rohan sighed, crossing his arms. "He had the ability to turn anything into bombs. As he did with Diego earlier, he used a coin. But from what I heard, he had another stand."


"Stands are...Complicated.  But they cannot be seen by anyone. Note a few exceptions. Heaven's Door...Scary Monsters...." He sighed as he looked at where Diego was. "Diego...His other stand is a heat seeking one...It is also a bomb." Soon afterwards, her back split open, revealing a hollow shell which six swords flew out of and hovered behind her. Which made Rohan back up a little. Knowing that the girl was serious.

"Don't worry, sir..." She said, finally wearing a smile.

"I am combat ready."

Veronica takes another look around, noticing no one. She seemed to have lost the unknown man. She starts to walks further, trying to find her way out of the forest. She needed to find people who could tell her where she was. But she had the feeling it won't be easy, she only saw one person and she already lost him. After some time noticing a few people at the fringes of the forest. She wasn't sure if they were hostile or not, but what really made her feel uncomfortable where 6 -flying- swords. As if things weren't crazy enough. Veronica holds her laser rifle ready, but tries to hide a bit before taking any action. Hoping they won't notice her.

His target hadn't been the horse jockey, but with all the meaningless running around he was doing it was bound to happen.  In the end, it wouldn't matter because soon they would all be dead, the order in which they die doesn't matter.  Triggering his primary bomb, the one known as Diego Brando would be wiped from existence without so much as a shred of hope left.  With the eyes of a predator, he examined the manga artist, Rohan Kishibe.  His late father had told him all he knew of Rohan and his stand, Heaven's Door.  It's ability to immobilize it's victims, to turn them into books for Rohan to write commands in was surely a threat to him.  If he was going to defeat him, he would have to be patient and stay out of his range.  The others however..

"You there, girl, was that man I killed a friend of yours?"  He called out from the darkness of the forest, "It really is a shame there's nothing left of him to bury.  Although I don't see how that will be relevant once I've killed you in the same way.."  There was no hint of remorse in his words, no sign of a conscience.  If he could help it, he would kill them all without blinking an eye just so long as things went according to plan.  He'd have to pick them off one by one, especially that mangaka, he would be his primary target throughout this ordeal.  Out of this group of four, Rohan Kishibe was the one that Yoshikage Kira wanted to kill the most.  Among them, he was the only one who knew of his identity and therefor posed the biggest threat to his peaceful life.


Leon D.S. Geeste


Once again Leon's ears twitched at the sound of the creaking, but he placed no focus on the incident. This building was literally falling apart so something like that wasn't a particularly strange thing to happen. Approaching the smashed remains of a desk he sat beside it, setting his tome down in front of him. This was hardly ideal but between all of the wreckage and openings within the building, he was willing to accept this as a place to rest.


"I've heard him before. That 'Gamemaster'," Leon stated, his voice now soft as he was embarrassed to admit this fact. If nothing else this would be his way of thanking Homura for helping him, finding himself unable to bring himself to bring about the words. "I just can't remember where. I want to say he might be an enemy of mine. I knew them as Wise Men, because apparently these clowns just can't come up with a name that doesn't stroke their own egos."


Shutting his eyes, he could feel a throbbing pain throughout his skull as he tried to remember exactly, the lingering effects of both Killer Queen's explosion and Bites the Dust as well as their captor distorting his ability to differentiate events in his past. Everything from the last several hours had blended together to a degree, causing him to have a great deal of doubt in his own involvement over his own actions. If what he believed were correct then he would have been at least partially responsible for dragging both his new ally and that sociopath here. With a defeated sigh, he opened his eyes once more and noticed a single book peeking out from the broken rubble of the desk and various other bits of the building. Grabbing onto the object, Leon grunted as he used what very little strength he had to pull it out, wiping off the dust from the cover with his sleeve.


"Two?" Leon mumbled, staring down at the object. A hardcover journal with a red and gold color scheme, thick from the sheer amount of pages contained within. It had the number "two" printed on the front in bold, black ink. Perhaps strangest of all was the logo of a golden hand in the center. While at a mere glance it seemed normal, upon closer examination it had six fingers. Excitedly flipping open the book, Leon's expression quickly dropped to that of disappointment when he discovered that the pages within were blank. "Of course it wouldn't be that easy." He said bitterly, shutting it with a thud. Still, something about this felt unique. Compelling, even. Determined to discover what this may have been he slipped the object into an inside pocket of his lab coat, looking back to Homura after.


"I'm just gonna rest for a bit. Maybe an hour or two." Leon stated, his voice becoming increasingly quiet as his energy finally began to dwindle down to its last reserves. "I know what I'll be doing after that, but what about you? Do you have a plan?"


(Ack. Made you wait a bit. Combination of the flu and my own forgetfulness got me. Sorry!)


The Magical Girl didn't say anything to her blue haired companion, satisfied just to watch him move deeper into their sanctuary. She remained silent as he spoke, eyeing Leon critically. Did he really have some idea of what was going on here? Who pulled them into this forest? It was too bad that he didn't remember more but... Maybe there was a reason why they were chosen. Maybe they all had a piece of the puzzle. Homura reached back into her memory to find a clue of her own but found nothing. She closed her eyes. It felt like... something was blocked or that she was forgetting something critically important. It mildly frustrated her. 

However at Leon's mutter, Homura abandoned it and came up behind him. She internally wondered what the significance of that book was but didn't bother to ask aloud. 

"I'll keep watch," she answered. "We aren't completely safe, even here." Despite her saying so, she was tired. But Leon was even more so. It seemed only right that Homura would take the first watch. 

(I thought I had posted. I was waiting on you and turns out I didn't. Please forgive me.)

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